Types of Government Homework

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NAME___________________________________________________ Date______________ Period_______________

Government Types

Government is the organization that keeps order, sets rules, and provides services for society.
Basically, it’s who or what is in charge of a country. There are several forms of government. Each
different type gives different powers to leaders and their citizens. Four major forms of government
1. Monarchy: Monarchy is when a king or 3. Dictatorship: A dictatorship is rule by one
queen rules a country. They are BORN person that has total power. A dictator
into power and their children will be the has TAKEN power by force (usually a very
NEXT person in power. Monarchs have all violent, deadly, bloody force). In a
of the power in the government and dictatorship, the dictator controls
citizens have to do whatever the monarch everything and citizens are not usually
declares. allowed to disagree with the leader --
2. Democracy: Democracy is when all of the doing so often results in jail or death.
adult citizens have control over the 4. Oligarchy: An oligarchy is when a small
government. They have this power group of people are in control of the
because each adult gets to vote for what government. Usually this is a group of rich
they do or do not want to happen. There people (called an aristocracy) or military
are two types of democracy: a direct people (called a junta).
democracy is when everyone votes on 5. Theocracy: a theocracy is when religious
ALL the laws. A representative texts are the basis for the government.
democracy (also called a republic) is when Most theocracies throughout history are
people elect representatives that vote on mixed with a monarchy, with the monarchy
laws for them. being at the center of the church.

DIRECTIONS: Using the reading above, answer the questions below. Remember your question answering
1. What is a government?
2. What is a republic?
3. What are two forms of government that is ruled by one person?
4. To the best of your ability, briefly describe each type of government in the boxes below:
Monarchy Democracy Dictatorship Oligarchy Theocracy

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