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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering

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Thermal analysis of Williamson fluid flow with Lorentz force on

the stretching plate
Bahram Jalili a, Alireza Domiri Ganji b, Payam Jalili a, **, S. Salman Nourazar b,
D.D. Ganji c, *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, 158754413, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, P.O. Box 484, Babol, Iran


Keywords: This study is dedicated to the semi-analytical solution of the problem by managing the inclined
AGM Lorentz force and variable viscosity impacts on Williamson nanofluid as visco-inelastic fluids on a
Nanofluid stretching plate. Varying viscosity is supposed to change with temperature as a linear function.
Lorentz force The fundamental mathematical modeled problem, i.e., the system of PDEs, is transformed
Varying viscosity nonlinear into odes using appropriate transformations. Computational solutions to the issue are
also performed through the efficient semi-analytical method. AGM (Akbari-Ganji method) has
been used in solving nonlinear coupling equations. Characteristics of some control parameters
such as Hartmann number, inclined angle, and stretching index have been considered. Also, the
Sherwood number and Nusselt number are described in tables. The results show that the heat
transfer rate decreases by increasing the Pr number. Also, increasing the thermophoresis
parameter reduces the temperature. Comparing the results obtained from the AGM and previous
research shows that the technique used has high accuracy and efficiency.

1. Introduction
Researchers in many industrial applications consider the heat transfer process. Heat transfer rates in various issues are studied by
engineers and scientists in different branches of science. Engineering processes such as arterial blood flow and lubricants use non-
Newtonian fluids. Inelastic liquids and Williamson fluids are samples of Non-Newtonian fluids. Due to the rheological properties of
such liquids, extensive research has been conducted in this field, including modeling of nanofluid transfer phenomena. Heat transfer
analysis is of great interest to engineers, manufacturers, designers, developers, and engineers because many processes like heat ex­
changers, combustion chambers, and microchannels utilize heat transfer. In addition, the viscosity of liquids in shear dilution reduces
with a rising shear rate. However, in most cases, the viscosity changes have a linear relation with the shear rate as a Newtonian fluid.
Due to viscosity variability, rheological models should also be used in addition to Stokes equations. Many models describe the trend of
quasi-plastic fluids, such as the Ellis model, the Carreaus model, the Cross model, and the power-law model, but Williamson’s flow has
been less studied. Khan et al. [1] analyzed the mass flow and heat transfer of Williamson nanofluids with a Lorentz inclination force on
a nonlinear tensile sheet. In this research, Williamson’s important nanofluid works with dual layering, variable viscosity, and

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Jalili), (D.D. Ganji).
Received 18 June 2022; Received in revised form 24 July 2022; Accepted 17 August 2022
Available online 29 August 2022
2214-157X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Fig. 1. Schematic of the problem.

inclination are investigated, and nonlinear ODE equations are solved using the photographic method. Qayyum et al. [2] conducted an
entropy production study in the Williamson fluid’s turbulent flow between two rotating disks. They used Von Karman’s transform to
transform flow equations into a dimensionless form. The investigated temperature, velocity, and Nusselt number. Rashid et al. [3]
investigated a curved channel by a Williamson fluid. The used analytical method to obtain the velocity and pressure field. Salahuddin
[4] examines Williamson’s unstable fluid wave model near a radioactive permeable surface. Unstable mass transfer heat waves in a
Williamson-guided electric fluid behind a permeable tensile surface have been studied. Waqas et al. [5] analyzed two-dimensional
Williamson flow over a stretching surface. They modeled the governing equation by Fourier Law. They showed that by increasing
the Schmidt number, the concentration fields decreased. Subbarayudu et al. [6] examined the Williamson flow model in an unsteady
Newtonian fluid. They proved that the Williamson number was inversely related to temperature and velocity. Noreen et al. [7] studied
Williamson fluid electroosmotic field thermal performance in microchannels for the Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. They
display that in Newtonian flow, electroosmotic parameters affect temperature parameters more than Non-Newtonian flow. Nawaz
et al. [8] analyzed the entropy production in Williamson fluid peristalsis in a curved channel. This study considers the curves and the
effects of the radial magnetic field. Modeling has been done for Williamson fluid. They illustrate that Soret and Duffot’s effects directly
affect temperature rises. Kumaran and Sandeep [9] discussed the nature of heat transfer and the mass of fluids of Casson fluid. They
calculated the skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number. They used the shooting method to solve the governing equations.
Haq et al. [10] modeled and theoretically analyzed gyroscopic microorganisms in the Williamson liquid nanomaterial with activation
energy, which examines the nanofluid flow behavior of Williamson layers on the porous surface of a tensile cylinder. Lund et al. [11]
solved the MHD flow of Williamson slip fluid. They analyzed the stability and investigated the heat transfer and heat transfer of fluid
flow. Also, some valuable recent studies accomplished on the nanofluid flow [12–18]. Akbari et al. [19] used the AGM to solve
nonlinear equations. They obtained the heat transfer and displacement of a sheet. Also, semi-analytical methods are used in various
fields of science [20–32].
This study considers a mathematical model for a Williamson nanofluid flow on a stretching sheet under variable viscosity. An
efficient analytical method has been utilized to solve the governing equations. Also, the results compare to the previous research,
showing the utilized method is accurate and efficient.

2. Mathematical formulation

Considering a plate stretched with the velocity Uw = U0 (x + b)m− 1 , where U0 is the stretch rate of the source, m is index of the
stretch, and b is the constant. The sheet area is obtained y = A(x + b)(1− m2) , where A is a tiny constant and m ∕
= 1.

Strength of the magnetic field B0 (x) is used along the vertical flow direction at an angle γ from a plate (Fig. 1). Under these
hypothesises and approximations of the boundary layer, the governing equations, i.e., momentum equation, energy equation, and
concentration equation, evolves [9]:
∂u ∂v
+ =0 (1)
∂x ∂y
( ) [ ( ) ]
∂u ∂u 1 ∂ ∂u Γ√2 ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂B2
u +v = μ(T) + μ(T) + gβT (T − T∞ ) + gβC (C − C∞ ) − sin2 (γ)u 0 (2)
∂x ∂y ρ ∂y ∂y ρ ∂y ∂y ∂y ρ
{ ( ) ( )( )2 } ( )
∂T ∂T ∂C ∂T DT ∂T ∂2 T
u + v = τ DB + +α (3)
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y2

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

[ ( ) ( ) ]
∂C ∂C ∂2 C DT ∂2 T
u + v = − KC (C − C∞ ) DB + (4)
∂x ∂y ∂y2 TB ∂y2
the determined boundary conditions are considered at varying thickness extension plate [9]:
( 1− m
u x + A(x + b) 2 = UW (x) = U0 (x + b)m .
( )
1− m 1− m
v x + A(x + b) 2 = 0.T = TW .C = CW at y = A(x + b) 2 . (5)

u → 0.T → T∞ .C → C∞ as y → ∞

Here u is the x-direction velocity, and v is the y-direction. The variable viscosity is defined as μT , the density is shown as ρ, βT andβc are
respectively thermal diffusion, and the coefficient of mass, the angle of inclination is introduced by γ, the electrical conductivity is
presented by σ, the strength of a field magnetic is B0 , g shows the magnitude of gravity, T and C nominate the temperature of the fluid
and concentration respectively, Tw and T∞ recommend the surface and ambient temperature, respectively, C∞ and Cw are the con­
centration of the fluid far and close to the surface respectively and the chemical reaction is Kc . The viscosity of the temperature-
dependent variable is expressed as:
1 1
= 1 + r[T − T∞] (6)
μ(T) μ∞
( ]
= δ T − Tr (7)
Here the constant parameters are presented as Tr = T∞ − 1
and δ = μ∞ .
These quantities depend on the location condition. μ∞
introduces the dynamic viscosity of the free flow and the thermal property of the fluid is defined by r. In general for a liquid δ ≻ 0 and
for gases δ ≺ 0 are used. The governing equations of PDE are transformed to ODE using the subsequent conversions as below:
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ [√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
(m + 1)U0 m− 1 2(v)U0 m− 1
ζ=y (x + b) 2 .Ψ = F(ζ) (x + b) 2 .
2(v) m+1
( )12 [ ]
′ (m + 1)vU0 m− 1 ′ m− 1 (8)
u = U0 (x + b)m F (ζ). v = − × F(ζ) + η F (ζ) (x + b) 2 .
2 m+1
T − T∞ C − C∞
Θ(ζ) = . Φ(ζ) =
TW − T∞ CW − C∞
By replacing Eq. (6) into Eqs. (2)–(4):
( ) ( )
Θr 2(m) ′ 2 Θr
′′′ ′ ′
(1 + 2(WeF ))F − ′′ ′′
(F ) + FF + (1 + F We) × Θ F ′′ + λ(Θ + Nr Φ) − sin2 (γ)M 2 F = 0.
Θr − Θ m+1 (Θr − Θ)2
( )
′ ′ ′ ′
Θ′′ + Pr Nb φ Θ + Θ F + Nt (Θ )2 = 0.

Nt ′′

φ′′ + Θ + PrLeφ F − LePrKφ = 0.
utilizing Eq. (5), the boundary conditions evolves:
dF (1 − m)
= 1. F(α) = α. Θ(α) = 1. φ(α) = 1. at α = 0.
dα (1 + m)
= 0. Θ(α) = 0. φ(α) = 0. as α → ∞

U0 (x+b)(m+1)
In this relation ∝ = A 2(v)
is the parameter of wall thickness. In order to change the needed equations and Neumann
boundary states, a new set of variables is defined, such as F(η) = f(ζ − α) = f(ζ).Θ(ζ − α) = θ(ζ). φ(η) = φ(ζ − α) = φ(ζ) which offers:
( ) ( )
θr 2(m) ′ 2 θr
′′′ ′ ′
(1 + 2(Wef ′′ ))f − (f ) + ff ′′ + (1 + f ′′ We) θ f ′′ + λ(θ + Nr φ) − sin2 (γ)M 2 f = 0.
θr − θ m+1 θr − θ
[ ′ ]
′ ′ ′
θ′′ + Pr θ f + Nb φ θ + Nt (θ )2 = 0.

Nt ′′

φ′′ + θ + PrLe[f φ − Kφ] = 0.

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Table 1
Dimensionless numbers with descriptions.

Dimensionless Numbers Expression Description

θr Tr − T∞ − 1 variable viscosity parameter

TW − T∞ r(TW − T∞ )
M2 2(σB20 ) Hartmann number
(m + 1)ρU0 (x + b)m− 1
Weissenberg number
(m + 1)U30 (x + b)3(m)− 1
( )
Grx 2 (T − T0 ) local Grashof number
m+1 U2 (x + b) 2(m)− 1
λ Grx Mixed convection parameter
R 2 ex
(2(g)β ) C − C0 local Grashof number due to concentration
G* rx T
m + 1 U2 (x + b)2(m)− 1
Nr G* rx the Ratio of Thermal to the concentration buoyance force
K 2(Kc ) Chemical reactive species
(m + 1)U0 (x + b)m− 1

Pr μCp Prandtl number

Nt Dt (TW − T∞ )τ Thermophoresis parameter
Le α Lewis number
Nb DB (CW − C∞ )τ Brownian motion parameter

α(1 − m) df
f (η) = . = 1.θ(η) = 1.φ(η) = 1. at η = 0.
(1 + m) dη
→ 0.Θ(η) → 0.φ(η) → 0. ​ as ​ η = ∞.

Dimensional numbers and another parameters are considered according to Table 1.

3. Basic idea of AGM

Consider the following function [19]:
( )

Rk : ​ f v, v , v′′ , ..., v(m) = 0; ​ v = v(y)

Which R is a function of v, and v is a function of y. the boundary condition is considering as below:

{v(y) = y0 , ​ v (y) = y1 , ​ ..., ​ vm− 1 (y) = ym− 1 at ​ y = 0

{v(y) = yL0 , ​ v (y) = yL1 , ​ ..., ​ vm− 1 (y) = yLm− 1 at ​ y = L ​

According to the equation and boundary conditions, in the AGM to solve these equations, we consider the solution of the problem as

v(y) = ai yi = a0 + a1 y1 + a2 y2 + ... + an yn (19)

The selection of series sentences from Eq. (19) yields a better straightforward solution for Eq. (17). In the nth degree of Eq. (17),
there are (n + 1) unknown coefficients that are needed for (n + 1) equations. Eq. (18) is applied to obtaining (n+1) equations.

3.1. Application of AGM

Consider the mentioned coupling nonlinear differential equations system as follows:
( ) ( )
Θr 2(m) ′ 2 Θr
′′′ ′ ′
R1 (η) = ′′
(1 + 2(WeF ))F − ′′ ′′
(F ) + FF + (1 + F We) × Θ F ′′ + λ(Θ + Nr Φ) − sin2 (γ)M 2 F = 0.
Θr − Θ m+1 (Θr − Θ)2
( )
′ ′ ′ ′
R2 (η) = Θ′′ + Pr Nb φ Θ + Θ F + Nt (Θ )2 = 0.

Nt ′′

R3 (η) = φ′′ + Θ + PrLeφ F − LePrKφ = 0.

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Fig. 2a. Variation of velocity against γ.

According to the main idea of the AGM, by applying the appropriate functions for the solutions of differential equations, which are
in the form of finite polynomial series with constant coefficients, we will have:

f (η) = ai ηi = a0 + a1 η1 + a2 η2 + a3 η3 (23)

Θ(η) = bi ηi = b0 + b1 η1 + b2 η2 + b3 η3 + b4 η4 (24)

Φ(η) = ci ηi = c0 + c1 η1 + c2 η2 + c3 η3 + c4 η4 + c5 η5 + c6 η6 (25)

3.2. Apply boundary conditions

According to the Eqs. (23–25), boundary conditions (B.C) are used to achieve the constant coefficients, as below:
A) Using the B.C on Eqs.(23–25) is stated as follows:
v = v(B.C) (26)
Indeed the following equations is obtained.
α(1 − m)
f (0) = → a0 = 0.08181818182 (27)
(1 + m)


f (0) = 1 → a1 = 1


f (∞) = 0 → a1 + 40a2 + 1200a3 = 0

Θ(0) = 1 → b0 = 1 (30)

Θ(∞) = 0 → b0 + 20b1 + 400b2 + 8000b3 + 160000b4 = 0 (31)

Φ(0) = 1 → c0 = 1 (32)

Φ(∞) = 0 → c0 + 20c1 + 400c2 + 8000c3 + 160000c4 + 3200000c5 + 64000000c6 = 0 (33)

B) Using the B.C on the main differential equations as below [19].

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Fig. 2b. Variation of velocity against α.

Fig. 2c. Variation of velocity against M.

Fig. 3a. Variation of velocity against θr.


R1 (f (η)) → R1 (f (B.C)) = 0, R1 (f (B.C)) = 0, …


R2 (Θ(η)) → R2 (Θ(B.C)) = 0, R2 (Θ(B.C)) = 0, …


R3 (Φ(η)) → R3 (Φ(B.C)) = 0, R3 (Φ(B.C)) = 0, …

According to the series considered in Eqs. (23–25), there are 16 unknown coefficients in the equations of the AGM, which requires
16 equations to find the unknowns. Seven equations are created by applying the given boundary conditions in the problem, and the
other nine equations are obtained by applying the Eqs. (34–36).

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Fig. 3b. Variation of velocity against We.

Fig. 3c. Variation of velocity against λ.

Fig. 4a. Variation of velocity against Nr.

According to the above explanations, the complementary equations from Equations (34)–(36) are constructed as follows:
R1 (0) = 0, R1 (∞) = 0, R2 (0) = 0, R2 (∞) = 0, R3 (0) = 0, R3 (∞) = 0
′ ′ ′ (37)
R1 (0) = 0, R1 (∞) = 0, R2 (0) = 0,

4. Results
This paper studies Williamson nanofluid flow by Lorentz inclination force and variable viscosity from a nonlinear tensile sheet. The
governing equations are solved together with the Newman boundary conditions using the semi-analytical method. Fig. 2a shows the
trend of an inclined angle (γ) on the velocity. It has been shown that the inclined angle (γ) reduces the velocity because the magnetic

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Fig. 4b. Variation of temperature against Pr.

Fig. 4c. Variation of temperature against Nb.

Fig. 5a. Variation of temperature against Nt.

field is amplified by raising the angle of inclination (γ). Fig. 2b shows the wall thickness parameter (α) changes in the velocity. Based on
the results, it can be seen that increasing the α decreases the velocity. Because of higher values of (α), the viscoelasticity increases too
much (The thickness of the layer is repelled), and then the velocity dispensation reduces. Fig. 2c examines the velocity variation by the
Hartmann number (M). The speed decreases with increasing Hartmann number because the crossover magnetic field makes power
equal to traction (Lorentz force), which is opposite to the movement of the fluid and the slope of velocity. Fig. 3a indicates the variation
of velocity distribution by the viscosity (θr). This figure shows that the velocity profile reduces with increasing the (θr). It is also seen
that increasing the viscosity parameter reduces the boundary layer’s thickness. Fig. 3b presents the effects of the Weisenberg number
(We) on the velocity distribution. It is shown that the velocity reduces with the change of (We) values. Fig. 3c investigates the velocity
variation with the mixed convection parameter (λ). This figure shows that the velocity and thickness propagation of the boundary layer

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Fig. 5b. Variation of concentration distribution against Le.

Fig. 5c. Variation of concentration distribution against K.

Fig. 5d. Effect of We and M on wall friction coefficient.

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Table 2
1 )
( x
− NuRe 2

Comparison of between the present study and Khan et al. [1].

Nt Pr 1 1
x x
− NuRe 2 [1]

− NuRe 2 (AGM)

0.1 1.1 0.8343 0.83022119708

0.1 1.2 0.7767 0.7832141067
0.2 1.2 0.7905 0.7956358476
0.2 1.3 0.7292 0.7351745934
0.3 1.2 0.7767 0.7877739823
0.3 1.3 0.7227 0.7285651972

Table 3
1 )
( − x
Comparison of − ShRe 2 between the present study and Khan et al. [1].

K Le 1 1
x x
− ShRe 2 [1] − ShRe 2 (AGM)
− −

0.1 1.1 1.3442 1.315046288

0.2 1.1 1.3800 1.375046288
0.3 1.1 1.4153 1.420157690
0.1 1.2 1.3585 1.362652690
0.2 1.2 1.3949 1.4025652690
0.3 1.2 1.4310 1.44.4599047
0.1 1.3 1.3750 1.3856824309
0.2 1.3 1.4122 1.4256824309
0.3 1.3 1.2290 1.2234266284

increases with increasing λ because large amounts of (λ) have a more powerful buoyance force that yields an increase in speed. Fig. 4a
displays that the speed profile increases against (Nr). Because the thermal buoyance ratio is the leading cause of this increase. Fig. 4b
Explores the thermal boundary layer decreases in temperature propagation with increasing Prandtl number (Pr) values. Fig. 4c shows
that temperature decreases continuously with increasing quantities of the Brownian motion parameter (Nb). Fig. 5a presents the
thermophoretic parameter (Nt) changes over the temperature distribution. Because Nt transmitted nanoparticles for the hot texture to
clod area due to this temperature of the fluid improves. Fig. 5b illustrates changes in the concentration distribution of several Lewis
numbers (Le). It can be seen that the Lewis number (Le) significantly decreases the concentration characteristics. Because by increasing
the Le, the concentration and diffusion rate of the concentration profile decrease. Fig. 5c shows that increasing the chemically reactive
species (K) parameter decreases the concentration profile. Fig. 5d shows that the values of the wall friction coefficient are a factor in
decreasing the values of the Weisenberg number (We). In contrast, as the Wisenberg number increases, the Hartmann number grows.
For the validity of the present study, Tables (2–3) show the coefficient of heat transfer rate, local friction, and mass in various
quantities of Prandtl number, Lewis number, calorimetric parameter, and parameter of chemically reactive species. These tables show
the present and previous study results for the same parameters [1].

5. Conclusion
In this study, a semi-analytical method is used to analyze the effects of variable viscosity on the Williamson nanofluid variable
tensile plate with the presence of Lorentz force. A summary of the important results obtained from the present study can be expressed
as follows:
• By increasing the Hartmann number, variable viscosity, variable viscosity wall thickness parameter, and inclined angle, velocity
• The velocity profile is increased by raising the λ and We.
• The error of the obtained results compared to the published results according to Tables 2 and 3 is less than 0.01.
• The temperature reduces across the boundary layer against the Pr and Nb.
• The temperature behavior is decreasing for extensive values of the Nt thermophoresis parameter.
• By Increasing the wall friction coefficient increases the Hartmann number values.
• For large amounts of Pr, the heat transfer rate decreases.
It is also recommended to consider the other semi-analytical methods to solve this problem. Also, investigate the effect of the
number of trial functions on the precision of the answers.

Authorship statement
Conception and design of study: Bahram Jalili, Alireza Domiri Ganji, Payam Jalili.
Acquisition of data: Payam Jalili, D. D. Ganji.

B. Jalili et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 39 (2022) 102374

Analysis and/or interpretation of data: D. D. Ganji, S. Salman Nourazar, Alireza Domiri Ganji.
Drafting the manuscript: Bahram Jalili, S. Salman Nourazar, Payam Jalili.
Revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content: Bahram Jalili, Payam Jalili, D. D. Ganji.
Approval of the version of the manuscript to be published:
Bahram Jalili, Alireza Domiri Ganji, Payam Jalili, S. Salman Nourazar, D. D. Ganji.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

Data availability

No data was used for the research described in the article.

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