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Test 1, Question 2 – Report

There are plenty of cycling facilities in the vicinity of our college. However, some of them may
not be as popular or well-known as the others and so this report will acquaint you with some
of the facilities.
One of the most popular cyclist’s destination in the nearby park, which has a very well
planned and quite beautiful cycling route. What many people are not aware of is that if one
would travel a little more to the south, one could find himself right next to a breath-taking
lake around which goes a newly built path.
On the other hand many cyclists prefer a much more competetive way of spending their
leisure time and so they visit the Olympic track. The track was built almost forty years ago
and even though it is still used by many the infrastructure needs to be rebuilt as it would
meet present safety standards. It also may encourage more people to visit the track more
often. Safety of the cyclists might also be improved by building cycling lanes along the roads
so there would be no need for people to ride on the road.
If these solutions will be implemented the situation is bound to improve.

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All content is relevant to the task.
The target reader is fully informed as all three points in the task
have been covered. The first point, explain what facilities are
available, is addressed within the other two points, for example,
when describing the park as a popular place for cyclists, there
is mention of a beautiful cycling route and a newly built path.
Similarly, when talking about how cycling can be made safer, the
Olympic track is mentioned, all of which are facilities for cyclists.
Communicative 4 The conventions of a report, such as an objective tone and a
Achievement factual account, are used effectively to hold the target reader’s
attention. The information and ideas are presented in a way which
would inform the general readers of a college magazine: this report
will acquaint you with; one could find himself, and any advice is
presented in a passive form, which increases the level of formality
of the report: Safety of the cyclists might also be improved by
building cycling lanes …
Organisation  4 The text is well organised and coherent, with a clear overall
structure. The introduction details the focus of the report and
following paragraphs contain information relevant to the main points
in the task. Cohesive devices, such as relative clauses and linking
words, are used throughout the text to connect the ideas: However;
some of them; the others; One of the most; which has a; around
which goes; On the other hand; cyclists … so they; these solutions.

Language  4 The writer uses a range of vocabulary, including some less common
lexis, appropriately: vicinity of; acquaint you with; cycling route;
breath-taking; newly built; leisure time; infrastructure; safety standards;
encourage; cycling lanes; implemented; bound to improve.
There is a range of simple and some more complex grammatical
structures, particularly when trying to express ideas in more
formal language: What many people are not aware of is that if
one would travel a little more to the south, one could find himself
right next to; The track was built … present safety standards; If
these solutions … bound to improve.
There are a few errors, but these do not impede communication.

B2 First 4, Sample Writing answers 2

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