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Relay Setting Module

Supporting engineering insight
• Promotes “better” settings. In order
for RS to carry out the protection
group’s procedures, those procedures
must be stated in words. The very act
of articulating them often leads to a
At a glance engineers. RS enables these procedures review of previously vague aspects of
to be recorded and applied. Typically, the procedure. The review, in turn,
Relay Setting is a practical tool, with
the first step is a comprehensive fault leads to a more precise statement
realistic objectives and capabilities,
analysis from which key fault currents of policy and better settings.
for developing relay settings.
and apparent impedances are derived.
Custom setting procedures
The challenge The next step is usually to develop what
An objective of Relay Setting is to
we call “raw settings,” the currents or
Relaying is an imprecise “science” at enable the user to model any and
impedances that must be translated into
best, one that demands a lot of human all of his company’s setting procedures.
actual settings. Then the taps to achieve
judgment despite the routine, repetitive This is not possible with “hardwired”
the desired settings are computed. In
tasks that it also entails. It is virtually source code or with expert system
some cases, additional tests may be
impossible to create the ideal settings technologies. For this purpose, we
performed to verify the correctness of
without human intervention, yet it is developed the PSS®CAPE User’s
the recommended taps. If your setting
possible to reduce the initial calculations Programming Language. With CUPL,
philosophy for a particular type of relay
and allow for appropriate adjustments one can “program” any number of
can be described in words, an engineer
from a basic settings point. setting procedures. In practice, it is
can embody that philosophy in a
more common to either use directly or
Our solution PSS®CAPE Relay Setting algorithm.
modify slightly one of the ready-to-run
Our approach was not to program PSS®CAPE Relay Setting: setting algorithms we supply with RS.
the human judgment facet of relay
• Helps to ensure the consistent Quick relay search and computation
setting, but rather the repetitive, time-
application of company standards. Using a mouse and the PSS®CAPE Data
consuming calculations of initial tap
Tree, you can quickly select a relay from
settings. We let the computer perform • Provides (perhaps for the first time)
a database with tens of thousands of
number crunching and routine logical a written record of the initial steps an
relays. Drag it to the text area and
decisions and the engineer resolve engineer is to follow when setting a
choose the setting procedure. Supply
conflicts and “impossible” situations. relay of a given type and function. It
the run-time parameters requested and
may therefore be a valuable reference
Briefly, the method is this. Relay Setting then watch a few seconds as PSS®CAPE
for the new engineer.
provides an environment in which any computes the settings. Choose between
number of a utility’s standard setting • Provides, at the user’s option, a standard and detailed report options.
procedures can be described in a high- written record of intermediate And if you want a printed copy of the
level language tailored to power and “final” results of the setting report for your records, you can have
calculations. it in two mouse clicks.
Quickly select one relay from tens of thousands, supply run-time parameters, and then see CAPE compute the settings in seconds.

User interaction and control pickup taps less than some value, in common studies in CUPL and you are
Even “standard” setting procedures need accordance with company policy. This free to “borrow” these. If you prefer,
to be flexible. Generally, a well-written number can be prompted for as well. you may write your own. With CUPL
setting algorithm prompts the user for The PSS®CAPE User Programming commands such as DO LINES and
key numbers and directives or obtains Language offers the algorithm DO MUTUALS tailored to the power
them from a small text file. That way developer a number of custom forms engineer, it is easy to conduct
the standard setting method is to give the setting procedure a clean, sophisticated fault studies.
versatile enough to apply under many professional appearance.
Ready-to-use setting algorithms
conditions. Consider a setting procedure
Automated fault analysis and building-block functions
for traditional directional-ground-
The heart of a reliable setting algorithm RS comes with many setting algorithms
overcurrent relays. Your algorithm
is a thorough fault analysis. The that may actually be suitable as is
might prompt for a factor to multiply
full computational capabilities of or with minor adaptation. There are
the maximum expected fault current
PSS®CAPE’s Short Circuit program are algorithms for directional-ground-
at the relay so that the reach of the
directly available within Relay Setting. It overcurrent relays and for ground-
instantaneous overcurrent element can
is not a difficult task to prepare this part and phase-distance relays with one or
be pulled back from the remote bus.
of a setting algorithm. Keep in mind several distance elements. You’ll also
Perhaps you would like to prohibit
that we have already written many find an example for computing settings
the selection of time-overcurrent
for a negative sequence directional functions you can use as building blocks nearest available tap, or for computing
element. Computing the actual reach to write your own setting algorithms. a zero-sequence compensated apparent
of a distance element along a line any There are predefined functions for impedance.
number of buses away is done too. computing the time dial given a test
PSS®CAPE provides many smaller point, for rounding a raw setting to the

• Custom setting procedures.
• Quick relay search.
• User interaction and control.
• Automated fault analysis.
• Free library of ready-to-use setting algorithms and building-block functions.

Published by For the U.S. published by

Siemens AG Siemens Industry, Inc.
Smart Infrastructure
Digital Grid
Humboldtstrasse 59 100 Technology Drive
90459 Nuremberg Alpharetta, GA 30005
Germany United States
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Article No. SIDG-T10010-00-7600--pss-cape-relay-setting-module
© Siemens 2019
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