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Name- priyanka behera

Roll no – 22Imba057

Line and staff organization

There are two types of staff:
A. Staff supervisor – operation control manager , quality
controller, PRO
B. Staff assistant – P. A to Managing Director, secretary
to Marketing manager.

Line and staff organization is a compromise of line

organization. It is more complex then line concern.

Division of work and specialization takes place in line

and staff organization.

The whole organization is divided into different

functional areas to which staff specialist are attached.
Efficiency can be achieved through the features of
There are two lines of authority which flow at one
time in a concern:
A. Line authority
B. Staff authority

Power of command remains with the line executive

and staff serves only as counselors.

There are two major types of features in a

line staff organization. They include:

Line positions :
The employees that fulfill line line position make direct
contribution to the mission of the company. They handle
the responsibility to help the business run smooth.

Line position can either include manager or entry level

Staff position: staff employees assist the
line professional in
Archiveing organization goles.
There are also managerial and lower level
employees who hold staff position.
The staff managers are experts in the
industry providing recommendation to
lone manager on how to lead their
department to success.

1. Planning and execution – there are

two aspects of administration in this
organization ‘VIN'. Planning and
2. Combining line and staff – planning
function is entrusted to staff
specialist who are ‘thinker' while
execution function is given to line
executive who are ‘doers, . The staff
is supportive to line.
3. Role of authority- the line manager
have authority to take decision as
they are concerned with actual
production. The staff officers lack
4. Exercising control – the staff
manager has authority over
subordinates working in the
5. Possibility of conflicts – conflicts
between line And staff organization
executive are quite common in this
organization but can minimized
through special measures.
6. Suitability – line and staff
organization is suitability to large
scale business activities.

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