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petrified: extremely frightened

startle: to do something unexpected which surprises and sometimes worries a person

or animal
���� �� �� �� ����� �������

vice: ( also vice- ) used as part of the title of particular positions. The
person who holds one of these positions
is next below in authority to the person who holds the full position and can act
for them

frugal: �����
careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount

chatty: liking to talk a lot in a friendly, informal way

arrogant: unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or
know more than, other people

he is dressed up : �� ���� ���� ���� �� ���� ��� ������� ��� ����

bankrupt: ���
legal unable to pay what you owe, and having control of your financial matters
given, by a court of law, to a
person who sells your property to pay your debts

burden: ��� ����, ��� ����� ��

a heavy load that you carry
something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about

hasn't that crossed your mind: ��� ��� ��� �� ���� �� ��� ����� ��� ������

noodle: ���������

yell: ���� ��� �� �������

to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain or

how do you do this without consulting with me first: ��� ���� ��� �� ��� ���������
�� ������� ��� ����

chore: a job or piece of work which is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be
done regularly

devastating: causing a lot of damage or destruction

making someone very shocked and upset Ex: devastating news

promising: �����
Something which is promising shows signs that it is going to be successful or

fraud: someone or something that deceives people by saying that they are someone or
something that they are not

lottery: ����
a game, often organized by the state or a charity in order to make money, in
which tickets with numbers are sold
to people who then have a chance of winning a prize if their number is chosen
mean: adj: not kind

Preservation: �������� ���

when you keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged

monotony: when something stays the same and does not change and is therefore boring

allowance: money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular

nuisance: something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you

chew: ����
to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be

extremely angry EX: I was late and he was furious with me.
using a lot of effort or strength EX: There is a furious struggle going on
between the two presidential candidates.

fast and furious: describes something that is full of speed and excitement

stingy: �����
unwilling to spend money

a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly
in a small amount of liquid

chestnuts: ��������: ����

harvest: ����
to pick and collect crops, or to collect plants, animals or fish to eat

crop: �����
a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large amounts

a person working with another worker, especially as a partner or helper

lobby: the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel or
other large building

pitch in:
to start to do something as part of a group, especially something helpful
EX: If we all pitch in together, it shouldn't take too long.

pouch: a bag or soft container for a small object or a small amount of something

humor: the ability to find things funny, the way in which people see that some
things are funny or the quality of being funny
EX: you have no sense of humor ��� ���� �� ����� ������

hypocrite: �����, ����

someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way which
shows these are not sincere
conscience: ����
the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel
guilty about bad things that you have done or
things you feel responsible for

sophisticated: having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good
knowledge of culture and fashion

suffocate: to (cause someone to) die because they do not have enough oxygen

intimidate: to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to

do something that you want them to do

thick; close together; difficult to go or see through EX: dense fog, a dense
informal: stupid

motto: ����
a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief or purpose

ditto: used to agree with something that has just been said, or to avoid repeating
something that has been said

(a set of) formal acts, often fixed and traditional, performed on important
social or religious occasions EX: a wedding/graduation ceremony

indigestion: pain caused in the region of the stomach by the stomach not correctly
breaking down food so that it can be used by the body

flaw: a fault, mistake or weakness, especially one that happens while something is
being planned or made, or which causes something not to be perfect

snore: ����
to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping

tangerine: ������
a fruit like a small orange with a loose skin

constipated: ������� (�� �����)�

devastated: very upset

devastate: to make someone feel very shocked and upset

drain: If you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it
away or allowing it to flow away, and if something drains, liquid flows away or out
of it

you don't deserve the title

curt: If someone's manner or speech is curt, it is rude as a result of being very


ache: n: a continuous pain which is unpleasant but not strong

v: to have a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not strong

agitated: anxious : woried and nervous

chill: v: to (cause to) become cold but not freeze
n: a feeling of cold
a slight fever EX: Don't go out with wet hair, you might catch a

marital: connected with marriage

ammunition: facts that can be used to support an argument

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