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Peer Evaluation- YOUR OWN Group Only Instructor will see this evaluation

1. Insert names of all group members, including yourself, in the chart below. Complete all boxes in the chart for each group member.
2. Rank Attributes on a scale of 1-5. 5= Led group in this. 4= Well done. 3= Acceptable. 2= Some issues. 1= Limited/No contribution.
Myself Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5
Group Attributes Harmanpreet Singh Olivia Christine Lopez Nikolai Xuanchen

Helped with planning and 4 5 5 5 2

keeping group on track.
Cooperated with other group 5 5 5 5 3
Listened. 5 5 5 5 5
Respected opinions of others.
Contributed research and 4 5 5 5 2
Participated with enthusiasm 4 5 5 5 3

What % of the project to date (Part

1 and 2) was done by each group 20 % 30 % 20 % 20% 10 %
(Ensure row adds up to 100%.)
Name 1 or 2 contributions this Marketing Financial Institution Operation Organization structure Marketing
group member has made to Management and staffing
Parts 1 /2

How could group member Improve Writing skill Lead Group Time Management Time Management Communicate with
improve their contribution next other group members

General Comments about this Friendly Nature Have Good leadership Always available for Friendly Nature Need to communicate
group work. skill help with others

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