Portal Gun DIY

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Portal Gun Shopping List ITEM Plumbing Epoxy machine screws machine screws 3 PVC couplings 4 PVC couplings

gs Clear plastic tube 4 ABS tube 3 ABS tube Plunger w/ clear handle LED flashlights (sharpied blue,orange) Foam mat Tupperware container Black cable Spray paints (White, Black) Dremel Hot Glue Gun w/ Glue Duct Tape Total New Total Comparison: COST $5 $1 $1 $.30 $2 $2.5 $6 $4 $1.50 $2 $18 (4-pack) $2 $2 $3 ? $0 $0 $57.60 $49.60 25 items 20 items 2 2 4 2 2 QTY (if blank, 1) PLACE Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Safeway, Home Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot? Home Home $2.31 per item $2.48 per item


IndyMogul version.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Get blueprints from IndyMogul Glue 2 4 PVC couplings together, add duct tape for inside reinforcement Cut 4 ABS pipe to 10 length, sand smooth Eyeball blueprints, draw where to cut (barrel) Take 3 PVC pipe, draw onto foam, make foam rings Place rings into 4 pipe Cut 3 ABS pipe to about 13

8) Cut 3 pipe (while still in barrel to same cut as 4 (draw where to cut again, 1 away from front of 4 cut)

9) Cut one 3 coupling in half, sand down 1 edge, put all 3 pieces on front pipe 10) Line inside of barrel w/ plumbing epoxy, sand to match barrel of device 11) Coat whole thing w/ glossy black paint
12) Take top layer of barrel ( half PVC coupling in front), cover w/ plumbing epoxy to match shape and repaint black

13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29)

Sand plunger handle to make it bounce light better Cut off end of handle Cut plastic tube to size of barrel, put C-shaped foam rings around to hold it Put rings around plunger handle, put into plastic tube Make more foam rings, attach 4 couplings on back end Make flashlight holder/switcher out of PVC, foam Using indymogul reference pictures, draw stencil for white parts, cut out of foam Form with heat gun, glue together Paint w/ 3 coats of white, 1 coat of gloss Repeat 19-21 for front shell Make foam bits for cable on back shell, glue onto gun Cut claws out of Tupperware, make ends out of foam Use machine screws to put claws together Spray claws with black glossy paint Add black cables to gun Test lighting effects Present as official version if working

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