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Que1:Write detail test plan for online registration & examination application.

Candidate will register

through valid email ID & will book date & time slot from available dates & time slots. Candidate will
select subject from list of subjects given. Application will send user ID & password to the candidates
email ID. On the date & time, candidate will login with given user ID & Password Application will
display multiple choice questions & will accept choice from candidate. At the end of given time,
application will display the marks.

Que2:Design suitable test cases for above application.


Que3: Write a detailed test plan for Online Food Ordering Mobile App. The application functionalities
are: User Registration, login, check restaurants, dishes, price, delivery time, availability etc.

Que4: Design suitable test cases for above application.


Que5: Write a detailed test plan for University result declaration system, which provides the facility to
view students result (sem / year) wise, system should have facility to apply for rechecking / revaluation
with payment.

Que6: Design suitable test cases for above application.

Que7: Define software quality assurance. Also explain SQA activities.
SQA: Software quality assurance (SQA) is a set of activities for ensuring quality in software engineering
processes that ultimately results, or at least gives confidence, in the quality of software products.
SQA Activities:

Que8: Explain various techniques of software reviews. Also compare them

1. Software Peer Review:
a. Peer review is the process of assessing the technical content and quality of the product and it is
usually conducted by the author of the work product along with some other developers.
b. Peer review is performed in order to examine or resolve the defects in the software, whose
quality is also checked by other members of the team.
c. Peer Review has following types:
i. Code Review: Computer source code is examined in a systematic way.
ii. Pair Programming: It is a code review where two developers develop code together at
the same platform.
iii. Walkthrough: Members of the development team are guided by the author and other
interested parties and the participants ask questions and make comments about
iv. Technical Review: A team of highly qualified individuals examines the software product
for its client’s use and identifies technical defects from specifications and standards.
v. Inspection: In inspection the reviewers follow a well-defined process to find defects.
2. Software Management Review:
a. Software Management Review evaluates the work status.
b. In this section decisions regarding downstream activities are taken.
3. Software Audit Review:
a. Software Audit Review is a type of external review in which one or more critics, who are not a
part of the development team, organize an independent inspection of the software product and
its processes to assess their compliance with stated specifications and standards.
b. This is done by managerial level people.

Que9: Explain various black box testing techniques with reference to entry of MCA sem III marks data
Black-Box testing techniques:
● Equivalence Partitioning: It is a software test design technique that involves dividing input values into
valid and invalid partitions and selecting representative value from each partition as test data.
● Boundary Value Analysis(BVA): It is a software test design technique that involves determination of
boundaries for input values and selecting values that are at the boundaries and just inside/outside of
the boundaries as test data.
● Cause Effect Graphing: It is a software test design technique that involves identifying the cases (input
conditions) and effects (output conditions), producing a Cause Effect Graph and generating test cases
MCA sem III marks data entry:
● Equivalence Partitioning: suppose the specification for insurance module says that an input, MCA Sem
III mark lies in the range 175 to 500; then select one valid equivalence class that includes all values
from 175 to 500. Select a second equivalence class that consists of all values less than 175, and a
third equivalence class that consists of all value greater than 500.
● Boundary Value Analysis:For the insurance module mentioned previously specified that MCA Sem III
mark must lie in the range 175-500; then boundary value for MCA Sem III mark are:

○ BLB: Value just below the lower bound i.e. 174

○ LB: Value on the lower bound i.e. 175
○ ALB: Value just above the lower bound i.e. 176
○ BUB: Value just below the upper bound i.e. 499
○ UB: Value on the upper bound i.e. 500
○ AUB: Value just above the upper bound i.e. 501.

Que10: Explain type of testing tools. Also explain their benefits & risks.
1. Test Management tool: Test management most commonly refers to the activity of managing a testing
process. A test management tool is software used to manage tests (automated or manual) that have
been previously specified by a test procedure. It is often associated with automation software.
a. Benefits of Test management:
i. Reduction of duplicated efforts due to the use of a centralized test case repository.
ii. Real-time insights and improved access to information for all key stakeholders.
b. Risks of Test management:
i. Unrealistic expectations from the tool: Unrealistic expectations may be one of the
greatest risks to success with tools.
ii. People often make mistakes by underestimating the time, cost and effort for the initial
introduction of a tool: Introducing something new into an organization is hardly
2. Configuration Management tool: Configuration Management (CM) is a systems engineering process for
establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's performance, functional, and physical attributes
with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life.
a. Benefits of Configuration Management:
i. Configuration management helps engineering teams build robust and stable systems
through the use of tools that automatically manage and monitor updates to configuration
ii. Complex software systems are composed of components that differ in granularity of size
and complexity.
b. Risks of Configuration Management:
i. The areas of configuration management, data management and control are fraught with
risks, from the possibility of disruptions to application availability, as well as data loss or
3. Performance Testing tool: Performance testing is a non-functional software testing technique that
determines how the stability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness of an application holds up under a
given workload.
a. Benefits of Performance Testing:
i. Validate the fundamental features of the software.
ii. Measure the speed, accuracy and stability of software.
iii. Performance testing allows you to keep your users happy.
b. Risks of Performance Testing:
i. Most common performance problems include response time, load time, and poor
ii. Long Load Time: Load time is the initial time required for an application or software to

Que11: Explain non functional testing. Also Compare Localization and Internationalization.
Non-Functional Testing:
● Non-Functional refers to aspects of the software that may not be related to a specific function or user
action such as scalability or security.
● In non-functional testing the quality characteristics of the component or system is tested.
● Non-functional testing include:
○ Compatibility testing
○ Documentation testing
○ Performance testing
○ Internationalization testing
○ Usability testing
○ Installation testing
○ Security testing.
Localization And Internationalization:
No. Localization Innternationalization
1 Localization is defined as making a product, Internationalization is the process of designing and
application or document content adaptable to developing a product, application or document
meet the cultural, lingual and other content such that it enables localization.
requirements of a specific region or a locale.
2 Localization is referred as l10n Internationalization is referred as i18n
3 Localization focuses on online help, GUI Internationalization focuses on compatibility testing,
context, dialog boxes, error messages, read functionality testing, interoperability testing, usability
me/ tutorials, user manuals, release notes, testing, installation testing, user interface validation
installation guide etc. testing.
4 Localization itself means a specific local Application code is independent of language
language for any given region
5 Localization is not at user interface level Internationalization is at design level

Que12: Explain different types of Computer Aided software testing tools (CAST). What are the benefits
of using the testing tool?
Types of CAST:
1. Requirements testing tools: They identify the requirements of testing software applications, including
the functional and technical requirements. Such tools also analyze requirements, define scope and
traceability, etc.
2. Regression testing tools: They are used to test the software components that have been modified, to
ensure that they work as expected.
3. Test design tools: help in the creation of test cases and test scripts.
4. Static analysis (also called static code analysis or SAST) tools: automatically analyze the source code
against a defined rule set. These tools are often used as part of a CI/CD process, to prevent code
containing known security vulnerabilities from being deployed in production.
5. Character-based testing tools: check whether character-related functionalities like sorting, aligning,
printing, etc., are working as expected.
6. UI testing tools: checks whether the UI (User Interface) of an application is working fine or not. These
tools can be used for checking buttons and links on web pages, verifying whether an API call is
returning the correct response or not, etc.
7. Test data preparation tools: These tools help in creating test data for automation testing by populating
databases with required records or files with the required content.
8. Performance testing tools: They measure the performance of an application under load against various
parameters like: response time of an application, and stability of an application on different operating
system platforms.
9. Dynamic analysis tools: These tools analyze the software during execution or a program’s run-time
behaviour. The results of testing through dynamic analysis tools are generally presented in the form of
tables, graphs, and charts that help testers and developers visualize the behaviour of an application.
10. Comparison tool: These tools compare files, folders, databases, source code, and other data to find
differences between them.
11. Debugging tool: Debugging is a process that involves the detection and removal of errors from a
program’s source code. Debugging tools help with these processes by enabling programmers to find
errors in their code and then fix them.
12. Functional testing tool: Functional testing is an important part of software verification and validation
processes and aims to ensure that the program functions as expected by comparing its actual output
with the expected output.
Benefits of CAST using the Testing tool:
● The ability to write tests at the same time as coding
● The ability to write tests that are easy to understand and maintain
● More efficient test runs through automation
● A reduction in errors due to manual data entry, more efficient testing and more accurate results
● An increase in productivity thanks to easier testing and a faster pace of development.

Que13: What are the levels of testing? Explain in detail.

Que14: An OTP number which contains only six digits, less or more than 6 digits will not be accepted
and the application will redirect the user to the error page. Using Equivalence Partitioning write valid
and invalid Text cases.

● We can see that there is a partition of

two equally valid and invalid partitions, on
applying valid value such as OTP of six digits
in the valid partitions behave the same, i.e.
redirected to the next page.
● Another two partitions contain invalid
values such as 5 or less than 5 and 7 or more
than 7 digits on applying these invalid values,
both invalid partitions behave the same, i.e.
redirected to the error page.
● We can see there are only three test
cases for each example and that is also the
principle of equivalence partitioning which
states that this method intended to reduce the
number of test cases.

Que15: Explain Black Box Testing and White Box Testing software testing techniques with suitable
Black-Box testing techniques:

● Equivalence Partitioning: It is a software test design technique that

involves dividing input values into valid and invalid partitions and selecting
representative values from each partition as test data.
● Boundary Value Analysis(BVA): It is a software test design technique
that involves determination of boundaries for input values and selecting
values that are at the boundaries and just inside/outside of the boundaries
as test data.
● Cause Effect Graphing: It is a software test design technique that involves identifying the cases (input
conditions) and effects (output conditions), producing a Cause Effect Graph and generating test cases
● For example, A Black Box Test takes into account only the input and output of the software without
regard to the internal code of the program.
White-Box testing techniques:

● Basis Path Testing: It enables to generate test

cases such that every path of the program has been
exercise at least once. This technique is used to specify
the basic set of execution paths that are required to
execute all the statements present in the program.
● Path Testing: A path through the program, which
specifies a new condition or a minimum of one new set
of processing statements.
● Data Flow Testing(DFT): Tester tracks the specific variables through each possible calculation, thus
defining the set of intermediate paths through the code.
● Control Structure Testing: It is used to enhance the coverage area by testing various control
structures(which include logical structures and loops) present in the program.
● For example, A tester, usually a developer as well, studies the implementation code of a certain field on
a webpage, determines all legal (valid and invalid) and illegal inputs and verifies the outputs against the
expected outcomes, which is also determined by studying the implementation code.
Que16: Explain V & V model in detail.
● V-model is also known as Validation &
Verification model. V-model was developed to
address some of the problems experienced in the
traditional software development life cycle.
Defects were found too late as the testing was not
involved until the end of the project.
● Like SDLC, V-model is also sequential
model. Each phase must be completed before the
next phase begins.
● Testing of the product is planned in parallel
with a corresponding phase of development in
● The various phase of V-model are:
○ Requirements: In V-model when
the requirements are gathered in the form of BRS
or SRS from Customer/Client for development of
the project, the same requirements are provided to the testing team to crate an acceptance and
system test plan.
○ High-Level Design: In this phase, based on the high level design, software architecture is
created. The modules, their relationships and dependencies, architectural diagrams, database
tables, technology details are all finalized in this phase.
○ Low-Level Design: In this phase each and every module or the software components are
designed individually. Methods, classes, interfaces, data types etc are all fiinalized in this
○ Coding: In this phase actual coding is done. Unit tests are created in this phase. The actual
code is tested using the tests written during different phases of this model.

Que17: Write short note

1. Software Quality Metrics:This are classified into three categories,
a. Product Metrics: defines the product characteristics such as size in terms of lines of code and
Function points, cyclomatic complexity, Design features, performance, and quality level.
b. Process Metrics: are used to improve software development and maintenance. For example,
defect removal effectiveness, testing defect arrival,etc.
c. Project Metrics: describe the project characteristics and execution. For example, number of
software developers, cost, schedule and productivity.
2. ‘V’ model of testing:
a. The V-model is an SDLC model where execution of processes happens in a sequential manner
in a V-shape.
b. It is also known as the Verification and Validation model.
c. The V-Model is an extension of the waterfall model and is based on the association of a testing
phase for each corresponding development stage.
3. Experience based testing:
a. The experience based testing technique is based on the skill and experience of the testers,
experts, users etc.
b. It is conducted in an Ad-hoc manner because proper specifications are not available to test the
applications. Here the tester depends on the past experiences with same technologies.
4. Defect life cycle:

5. Appinum:
a. Appinum is an open source automation mobile testing tool, which is used to test the application.
b. It is developed and supported by Sauce Labs to automate native and hybrid mobile apps.
c. It is a cross-platform mobile automation tool, which means that is allow the same test to be run
on multiple platforms.
d. Multiple devices can be easily tested by Appinum in parallel.
6. Product Risk and Project Risk:
a. Product Risk:
i. Product risks result from problems with the delivered product. Product Risks associate
with specific quality characteristics of the product.
ii. Therefore these risks are also known as Quality Risks.
b. Project Risk:
i. Project risks are uncertain situations that can impact the project’s ability to achieve its
ii. It could be building a new eCommerce website with a defined set of acceptance criteria.
iii. It includes functional and non functional characteristics of the software.
7. Six Sigma:
a. It is the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance in industry today.
b. Originally popularized by Motorola in the 1980s, the Six Sigma strategy ”is a hard and
well-organized methodology that uses data and statistical analysis to measure and improve a
company’s operational performance by identifying and eliminating defects in manufacturing and
service-related processes”.
c. The term Six Sigma is derived from six standard deviation - 3.4 instance (defects) per million
occurrences - implying an extremely high quality standard.
8. Cyclomatic Complexity:
a. It is a software metric that provides a quantitative measure of the logical complexity of a
b. When used in the context of the basic path testing method, the value computed for Cyclomatic
complexity defines the number of independent paths in the basic set of a program and provides
us with an upper bound for the number of tests that must be conducted to ensure that all
statements have been executed at least once.
9. Quality Assurance vs Quality Control:
a. Quality Assurance:
i. Quality Assurance (QA) aims to prevent defects with a focus on the process used to
make the product.
ii. The goal is to provide confidence that a product is of the quality expected by the
iii. QA consists of auditing and reporting procedures, which are used to provide necessary
data to management in order to make productive decisions.
b. Quality Control:
i. Quality Control (QC) aims to identify defects in the final product.
ii. Quality Control focuses on operational techniques and the activities used to fulfil and
verify quality requirements.
iii. Inspection, review, and tests are done throughout the software process to ensure that
each product meets its specifications/requirements.
10. Static vs Dynamic Testing:
a. Static Testing:
i. It is performed in the early stage of the software development.
ii. Code is not executed.
iii. Prevents the defects
iv. Less costly
v. Involves checklist for testing process
vi. Example, Verification
b. Dynamic Testing:
i. It is performed at the latest stage of software development.
ii. Code is executed.
iii. Finds and fixed the defects.
iv. Highly costly.
v. Involves text cases for testing process.
vi. Example, validation.
11. Decision Table Testing:
a. A decision table is a good way to deal with different combination inputs with their associated
outputs and also called cause-effect tables.
b. The reason to call a cause-effect table is an associated logical diagramming technique called
cause-effect graphing that is basically used to derive the decision table.
c. We can apply Equivalence Partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis techniques to only
specific conditions or inputs.

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