How It Works, Book 3 - Amazing Biology - 1 - Repaired

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“Red blood cells lack a nucleus, enabling them to pack in more of the oxygen-carrying haemoglabin” “The nucleus stores all y Ki ‘ytopl Cell membrane Teed kerr Nucleus ent oman ssredacate Fee ries oiterere Big cwesarsnay PPS Wrest ccceran onisupe bosoms rod NA messages rom the “hare ae thousht tobe ove 200, Atfornt types of callin tho fuman body each specs to perform a partelor function Despite tese Speciaisms, ther baseunderyng Biology ithe same {246 chvomeosomes containing te ‘complete st of msinuctions to synthesise al ft the proteins found the human od Depending on the type of ec aferent genes areswitehedon and, termining whch Proteins the cel il pode. Proteins for use ise te al ar rete on nbosomasinthecjtoplasm, The rovomes rend the ‘netic message aed osomble the ina Using amino acts as bung Blok. Proteins to becxportod from the cal -fr example antibod or dgestive enzymes ore ‘concructd within a sang of membranes Hare thoy gana number ‘tmeakestions wach enala ham fo sre the hare environment lan they leave the eal to travel round the boy. Key cells of the body Blood and Contractile cells Stem cells Endocrine cells immune cells Typer Musee ‘Npe'Unaerencared Type: Hormones ‘hecaleofteblond, system, uhh onbls ham to contact owe notyetommttd_‘lsae fem sly ort the incu red lsd cess Actin and myosin fer ng send, {Gapartciespecaism. Boodsteom. Thee homens desing Srdthewttebioodcas whchaide pst one mother pling Theyre foundinmany sty conated by neurlanemitrs ‘ofthe mune system areal prosocedin Yheedger ofthe col tage loratens nd provides repeating Sen rom leaner ry the Fuels ertling he to pack moro Nerve cells ‘ana ans repre boy recep tat ron te cl ce {he onpencoringproten ‘ype: Brain and nerves eral, to er toes, Nereceishave Extracellular matrix cells, Germ cell Epithelial cells Sich wemalcooar Theale ofthe body are supprtedby Sperm andegg cts have Thecalethatcovorow bodes ndine alsctochamical gad; tha lows them — sar. The ae serrated ‘hromosome and. curbody coves fom junctonswithone toward snak Neres exact mat cle ibrblss, radby a peel ype Sothr Using protersanhorecbetween funedon moesfficienty theyre Wwchprofuceangscerete precursor ofl en called mess When ther membranes, thecallsjn foeesto” insted andra nerve ces re emporertstat then assemble othe sperm and eg combine the esting cl (006 | How It Works www HowrrwarKsaArLy.coMm 10) tateevenlngerto conte A the while, theragingbattlecan 7. Non- make letter matching Bel Fortunate. imne system ieee aed Samgneeetoatonte yg a past Whleyour bodys ‘rer Frotiringoew -cleacdT-ol8 5 presented al tei tie oo frodiceromaycls-copiesat hatte aten theBaland cols whichstay hemacope pees inthesjstemafertheyatingen’ Saxe SSdtetedThenentimetar Saige mite pomctalte falcgentiontelnyertni: ene thesememory esp launeh a coumteratackmichmere 6-Matching B-cell ‘uleky Yourbodycanwipe out Faspecic Rests ‘9. Memory cell theinadersbetreanyintecton Speman seman i takeshold.Inotherwords, you receiesthemesage, epiatsta produce deveiopimmny sere wh Voctnesocomplishthesame es thingby ving youjustencugh pathogen exposure for youto develop memory cells but not feough tomake yousick How B-cells ata = ‘bacteria destroy specific - ‘and other invaders 1 10. Antibodies uteweocs ‘heplamacelvesne tastes sb 8, Plasma cell ‘eure dstetetaceraby Thematic sy Sraungononar ‘bors ‘an egal ‘tne ceungnany tence, ‘ettatimabomack lances aac thebecra alten on Sam, ‘spent How it Works | 013 L Tonsils ‘pointe Dmplones hich acter etinotebdy ‘rowphyrnese trot 2.Left subclavian vein Oneattwaargevenstntseeas ‘erent puto yoph ‘etuntothe onde 3. Right lymphatic duct 6.Lymph Pisagenay lange ype node cluster ‘ohergitabdavanven tocatedaoaympiese isorders of “ister oe BD of SS the immune = =e" Tete lymphatic duct, system 5.Spleen ie t Femageyieng natant sesvte ta tripe Whowatches the Repiomaetsia’: >), ‘heletsubcavanven watchmen: Soatean ‘Theimmunesystem sa powerflset of delences owen malfunctions it ‘andoasmuch harmasadisease Allergesarethe result ofan overzealous ‘imminesystem Inresponseto somethingrelatvey benign ike \y 9. Thoracie duct ea ed " 5 Cee esreadecae we 4 aa pollen the mmuneeyetem riger= ‘helene excessive measurestaexpelthe ‘athe pathogen. Ontheextreme end, alergies ‘mayeeuse anaphy/actcshock a potentially deadly drop in blood pressure, ometimes accompanied by a canoe sents ebay ite Bond a haba pages (sordere uch asthsimatod arthritis, nthe tc the immunesyster falls to recognise thebody’sowneellsandatacksthem. 10, Lymph vessels - 12. Bone marrow lympho ty ea eset : J The | hod thogens moving athogens ean ronEh yOu lymph vessels ‘urinminesystem cepence Anihese ogvinchwaingsto fednalimanneropaogens. Aslymoniakes say throagharetwnne resin thenode whitetond caller i destiny patonens they Thelymphaticastemizanetvorkat gas andvesslsthat cles yap ) ca Crier Renn) Nec tape ee hit git: —————— peas ES ‘omeecaoreen |e re Fa a cho ee Mo eel Howmany dreamsdowehave, Wemmamicerm, ies thea forte ‘arvcangthear onaverage, per night? bie do we sleep at night? eee crn Pires te eoetonernated eee ered Seer er eet eee ear Be n erent on a Corn ca Er erreeeus see ea eee tot pode Why do we dream? Dreamingoceursehiefly during REM sleep, when the cerebral cortexisbussingwith ‘activity apparently consolidating ‘memories, ne theory sthat éreamsare simply the cortex'sattempt to maliesenseof ‘tall Barraged withastreamofrandam activity youdo your bes to pleeit into somesembance fastor. ‘Others don't thinkit'ssorandom.One ‘popular theory saysdreamsare practic for ealingwith danger. Theamygdalae-the seatofthefightorfightresponse-aswell asbrainareasassocitedwithrunningand ‘Aghtingare unusuallyaciveuring REM sleep, We reheareeoutrunningalion owe hhavesome experienceifit were to happen. ‘Another possibilty sthat reaming sa ‘way owork hough problems, leas and ‘emotions without the constraints of Interestingly theactvity of REM sleep ie centred inthemidlineofthebrain, associated with emotions Ineontast, theres te aetvtyin areas associated ‘with igial thinking orrecallof etal How It Works 1 019 “When you deprive people oj dali nt their dail Feytles - to drift, like a clock that’s too slow” Dk eaed Fy 4 ce ere Nobody can quantify the relative value of sleep periods, but it’s true that you're more likely to have non-REM sleep earlier in the night and REM later. So if you want NREM sleep, go to bed early. If youre an REM fan, then stay up late and sleep in. How does the body clock dictate our behaviour? Your cjeeofsleepingandwakingis one ol many ltcadian shythme'in the body, controlled by amasterboloical lock Creadian rythm are biological proceses that uctuate ona daily schedule inordertoensureyour body des thethingsit needs tod, Whilecreadian rhythnsareself-sustaining your bloga lock regulany reset the cyeles based on cus fom your environment Daylight, monitored byyourmaster Biological lock isthemostimportant cue. When you deprive people of daylight their dally eycles tend to ari Ikeacloce ‘at's to slow. Routine events, hike alarm cocks and imingof ‘meals canalso help toreset circadian ths. Can you reallly lear me=r How does jet lag restr 2. Aftemoon ‘-intonreaion lien ee 1, Morning Wenyeusetepyurbuncck seecndinin pois Sniesetrone secon Byam Prices ene ny pcre Denso Peat 3. Evening Intheenty evening younavetie hipestbeaytemprtureand ‘ood pesureat ted: Arn ina malangyouseey 4. Night ‘taboetagepm, bal ‘ieemsrieed ‘tou peal ese (020 | How it Werks How do sleeping pills work? ‘Most milder sleeping pllsareantihistamines, which ‘make you drowsy by blocking the neurotransmitter histamine. Mos prescription sleeping ills, meanwhile, vworby bindinguith gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA) eceptrsin the bran, replcatinga natural process that promotes sleep; ths processis explained below. 1. Synapse patton ges actnn another neuen) ‘ecg chemical nerevanent, f 2. Neuron releases gamma- aminobutyric acid Stepan Stdugmineaian (°° hleethesametie. a 3.GABA molecules: ' Travel toreceptors TN eutnandialetejamp osteoma 4, Chloride channels open 5.Chloride tons Shereaptreir calm the cell egies CBA ‘roereneln receptor earn. Cabgmary pero inchis “ayienathebentontaesley SERUM icles co oy eres Cee Withinseconds 1g | Asyourbrainwa Sere coer perenne Saas erect rte eon) sient meres cir ence erent a What happens if we don’t get any shut-eye? Ck Noted? 0-16 hours 24 hours 2days 3 days 4+ days pect ei ee ae See See eee | Rae {Gateonensetonand — tendurngmornentso How does alcohol affect sleep? How do animals sleep? AAsadeprescantalcoholdampens arousal levels making notoriously good at Mostanimalsfoliow aay rhythm lrestandactivity helping peopefal Ikeus,butwhleall asleep quickly ‘mammalsand brdshave REMand NREMsieepcyces, However the work retabolising alcohol ‘wedon'tall doitthe same iaerclrapeyour ‘ay Fr erampl opine vein tty Sdwinlescanneve nk : ‘ou compete as they have dikingseaia : ‘togotothe surface regularly Slows production of se bancmaees flutamine afterward, the body workstorecover the een defy tumingupthe {hein slept atime futaminedial Thechemietry Giatfesareso vulnerable {nbelancecanwae ‘wleslamberingtnal they $eeporiyveminutesata you upmoreoftenand eae time adding uptotessthan fvehoursaday.Attheotber extreme oalesspenaive How much sleep Styectagtnsleaves, doweneedaday? — rsuttinginasiow ‘metabolism that ores them {osteep forthe others hour been ae of Coo NAV iN N / NAN NYA | AAA AA WWW So oa Sarre er meen en eee peireere ir WAM NANA anna AAA OTR Vea kNY Riri papeeisieern ao si Fores Sd Peer peeerereerity Larson Saeeeareetereesny How It Works | 021 “Typically, animals hibernate in order to survive long periods when food is scarce” Oe Pee Why do animals hibemmate? ‘Mibernation isan adaptation that helps many animals ‘conserve energy by remaining Inactive, realy slowing thelr ‘metabolism andzeducingtheirbody temperalurefor day, ‘weeks oreven monthsatatime. “Typically animals hibernate in ordertosurvive long petiods when foodis scarce, Hibernating creatures will {eneraly eat lat of food before hibernation and then Survie of he energy stored n their fat. The physical ‘hangesinvlvedin hibernation arefar moreextremethan wihathappens during slep,Forsome criters, hibernation doesn’t even appear tobe restful: indeed, some can emerge Whati asi anikpolyutiae seed? Inmonophasicslee,youdoall your nooringinone session. In polyphasisleep,you breakup into multiple Sessions. Two-session, of biphaseslep, was common belore electricity extended aur dayight hours, Youwentto bed eal, got upfora while in the middle ofthe night, and then enjoyeda second slumber. Someswear by more extreme polyphasie steep with many napsscattered ‘throughout the day instead of any extended sessions, exhausted and haveto catch up on sleep torecovert What amount of our lives do we spend snoozing? Around a third Peed Pease Peers What is sleep apnoea? ‘Whenyousleep the muscles alongyourair passageway relax. Thiscan ead the airway to narow, casing snoring cee relate question on page 25) or Completely, causing obstructive sleep apnoea OSA). the airway stotally blocked, yourbloodoxygen eves Aroptrigering the brain osrupt your sleepin order togtsp clearing healrway.Thiscan occuras many as Roa ae prin dana geting good nights sleep. sufferers usually dont know ‘shappening until ther partner reportsthe gasping or theresulting daytime drowsiness brings them asleep specialist. Treamentsinclude weightloss, mouthpieces, breathing devicesand even surgery. What are some of the most common sleep disorders? ‘The leading sleep disorder, hypersomnia,1ss0 common that most don'teven egardkasa disorders excessive daytime sleepiness, generally brought onby voluntary sleep ‘deprivation, insomnia, sleep apnoea and snoringare alo igh on the list. Restless eg tyndrome ia commen genetiecondition characterised by crawling, aching or searing feelings inthe lees that only fade when the sufferer moves. When episodes occur a night ‘thoy can greatly decrease the qualty of sleep and theres no known cure. Bruxism isthe lini name or teth lenchingor grinding. Lifestyle changes are the most common, cureforbruxism, and mouth suardsareoften used ta prevent tooth damage Night terrors are a rare sleep disruption that mainly occur in children. During an episode, the sleeper might scream, bolt up, lash out and even run around the house. In contrast to nightmares, a night terror sufferer won't wake up or remember anything on waking. (022 | How It Works. www HowrrwarKsaArLy.coMm ‘leine-Levin or Sleeping Beauty, Syndrome sa rare sleep dsorder where an ‘otherwise heathy individual can periodical fal slop for days and even, ‘weeks on end, tenly fects around 000 people worldwide ‘Monophasic Boas fveryman Polyphasic Dymarion Teeter Pecoraro Cerleed ‘to genitals or What is the optimum temperature for sleeping? What ways are there to help get to sleep? First reinfrcethe circadian hythmsot your internat clock by mainaininga Consistent bedtime andwake-iprostine Sindexposingyourclft pent ofsunight inthe morning, Next keep your body lear of stimulants and excitement for atleast three hours before betime. Tisincides Chemical stimulanta likecatfeine aswel ashigh-enersy processes ike digestion and txercise-Exerlsingearlerintheday isa freatsleep ai, bttoclaseto bedtime and the resulting flood ofthe stesshormone cortisol probably eepyous, ‘Cerainactites, ike wordngor dizeusingtreshl tpi, an alo teigser Cortisol secretin. stick toreadingand otherselaxingactvties eter yet takes hotbath. Warming upand then cooling own wit naturallyinducedrowsiness Final be sire to make yor bedroom true sephaven tvestina comfortable matress minimiselight block out sounds ‘th theitenoisefromafan, and keep {he temperatreon the col side France vere hourly Usa. Stake 289 outs een th Australia ‘canada’ orcad reer rete ad dead ee a ed How It Works | 023 7A Subearesrtes, folN]met= =) a undergo two different types of cell division” of work? Like parent, like daughter - every multi-celled SU tardies epee coe Sertich EArt ber (res diploid cell containing 46 chromosomes. Sec Peter ere eee er cere teeter ceo ny ey ae ry etme nie eater Tier Poneerearens ee ence Cee ee ees rer eee at iy See eer na Pee eet eee Peer en aorta ey sexcelscalled gametes(in animals wecallthesesperm poner ee Renee ee Cee ee eee rtd See es nny ere ener Poneman terete eT ror ere eee Tere ed Prentice Eee ey Sennen mete pauperis ch oe sy p Cao nn 1665 1835 7 1839 1855 1869 wciesae eer a Seecce ereeton Wscinsartesame 3,Metaphase ep. anin Pasineupanetter Siclaninagnary piseopacewit eee a ao, ) Tumours Process, ri x {imate orningfor j ~ ‘hue / ‘scram . Why can dogs hear better than humans? (eer - < smn are Ata en, a a ‘sounds fourtimesas far away as humans. Inside a dog’s ear “One of the major differences The anatomy of man’s best Tends een eainerten in biology is the size and Taeesodcons shape of the outer ear” Inside a human ear nome How do we hear and ‘Sara locgimoteercant decipher sounds? (026 | How It Works j www Hows rwoRKSDAILY CoM Feeling it ye) a Meee soo Ss SS Se Ee Yellow mucus Who suffers 48hous EYEE x is there no cure for common cold? Ageneral term for over 200 different viruses, why is What is a virus? Ala bac yc eves Ce as ‘Mtnetoasoathenae ‘Thecommon coldisa viral fection thataltacksthe upperrespiratory trac, the common coldso ‘incurable’? tnclucing the ast avy the payne id) {backofthe mouthjanathe larynx (volcebox Every child can getup to12cldsayear, lndinadulthood we continue togetthemona ‘egularbasis.Thesymptoms ofaceldaresneezing, Aarunny ose sore threat and nasal congestion, Youngchilren canaisorunaightemperatre In thetrstthree days the enidshighly contagious and sspread anyone who inhalesortouches anythingcontaminatedby th virus Acoldlasts abouta meek, althougha cough can persist for Several daysafterwards Rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, coxsackievirus andadenovirsesarejustsomectthemany thecellstospreadtoceleintherestoftheupper respiratory tat ‘While we can reatthesymptomsofacld we ‘annotfindasinglecureasthereareso many ‘ypesofvirusand they mutaterapily. Therefore, Inthetimeittakestodevelopavaccinetisno Tanger useful diferenttypes feo viruses. These virusesstck ee eee tothe celsoftheadenodsatthetack your ‘Srtimebebotest swfnceethehestah ‘hat They quickly reproduceand uct from Lacrimal gland (tear gland) ‘Tegan here eorsare sere nt aks work? Discover why we eel Lacrimal ducts what our tears made of Ccyeccuterteteucart es ES produced, Basal tears keep thecornealubrcated, keep dustout ofthe eyeand ightany infections ‘withinthe eye. Basal tear fd contansnumerous ‘Chemicals, incuding potassium sdiumandglucose. ‘Around one ram of dis ecretedbythe ea cts in.2g hours although thisamountreduceswithage.terying ‘ccurs because of external stimu suchas onion apoursor foreign objects enteringthe eye refestearsrerelessedto ‘leartheeyeofiritants The inal type tswhat weet traditionally consideras trying: Thisis the emction stimblatedrelease of tears normallyeueto ‘extreme sadness, Feces stressorpain. Unlike Nasolacrimal secreted thebetn basalorrefextears, canal san amnatton theemetioalvarity Tle rasge os fr eeion. convainmore ‘enkephalinto combat Physialand mental stresses. © How It Works | 027 “Both animals and humans wie their teeth when faced witl aggressive situation” Toothdecay alsootten knownas dental caries, alfectstheenameland dentin ofa tooth breaking down issveand crating Assuresinthe enamel. Two typesofbacteria-namely Sueptococcus mutansand Lactobaclus-are responsblefor tooth deray. Tooth decay occursatter repeatedcontactwithacd- producingbacera Environmental fatrsalso hhaveastrongeffecton dental health Suceoe, frocaseand lucose create large problems withinthemouthand dict canbeanimportanfactorin ‘matntaining good oral health. ‘Themoutheontainsan enormousvariety of bacteria, wie colleetsarounthe teothandgums-Thistevisbie inthe ormafastickyhite substance called plague Plagueis nownasa biofilm. ‘Altereating the bactriain ‘hemouth metabolises sugar, which subsequentlyatacks theareasaroundtheteeth Medication canalsoatect oval health reducingthe produccon ofsaliva, whieh offers natural protection and works gainstacidiemater. Various treatments can be applied totetnthat are damaged or decayed these Include extraction, ingor thereplacementofteth in theformofeitherdenturet andimplants (028 | How t Works T The biological | structures that are so versatile they enable us to eat a varied diet All about \ teeth ° ‘The primary funtion ofteth {stoerunch and ee fon. Forthiseason,teethare made ofstrongsubstances- namely calcium, phosphorus and variousmineral als. Themain structure ofthetooth dentine, this feofisencoeedinashiny subeance ‘alled enamel. Thisstrong white coating Isthehardest materia fundin the hhuman bod Humanshavedifferentypeofteth that function in various ways Inclore ‘he teeth stappearatstxmonths ol land arereplaced by secondary teeth after sixorseven years. Someanimalsdevelop only onesetofteth while sharks fo Instance, grow anew seoFeeth every ‘woweeks. With humans, tooth losscan occur ‘through accident, gum diseaseor old age. Enamel ‘earstenvbenlooking tcaratiood sicher theresdveloind inert tontenes wile tsps ive long Sharpatractresthatorealso use or oping Bap tear anders te Ilarwhichaeetatersurace — Cementum —

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