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Cultura Bilíngue – Lesson Plan

Teacher: Brenda Beatriz Group: Kids 2 Date: 23/02

Resources: Glue, Paper, Flashcard,

Lesson Aim:

Hello song:

Weather time:

Revision Time: Revisar big and smal, chair,bowl and bed,hot and cold, partes da casa
kitchen and bedroom. (FAZER DINÂ MICA).

Stage Procedure Time

Game- brother, grandma, grandpa, sister; big, small 10 min

Circle Time

Activity 1 – (speaking – controlled practice):

Practice Stages
Activity 2 – (work on book pages):
Student book- pá g 11
Activity book- pá g 5

Activity 3 – (drilling/chunks): Touch and

say- Ss irã o escolher um flashcard e dirã o se
é BIG or SMALL and what is CHAIR, BED or

Game Time Hands-on: Craft- Serã o distribuídos papéis

com o rosto da goldilocks e alunos farã o
colagem com macarrã o.

Goodbye song:

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