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Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading

Indian national history course.. anyone interested in putting i kept one day proper fi8
4/15/2012 10:41:22 movement suresh babu peace can opt for this and came out with A
The class was a good break from engineering. Got an A without much
Have a right mind and you can enjoy the classes. fight. Learn to prepare for
Might have had a bit more feminist stories than the possible questions
necessary but I don't regret taking the course. asked in the exams, they
The professor is nice and approachable as well. are a bit trickier than what
Needed to put some effort for the presentation on you were used to in 12th
12/18/2015 22:44:57 Advanced English Prof. Swarnalatha any book of choice. (as expected ofc) .
Very peaceful. S/A/B
war and peace in very interesting course. learn a lot about the course. if u make a good
4/15/2012 10:43:43 west asia tabraz history of Palestine, rise of Islam etc term paper, u get A or S
normal level grades.. this
crse is not for grades.. u
can learn only punctuality in
this course.. nothing more..
put this crse after all the
peace putting crses are
over.. NEVER PUT
very very strict prof.. u can't get into his class if u r SONIKA GUPTA'S CHINA
late by 1min even if u have proper reason.. very AND ITS
strict with attendance.. boring english stories CONTEMPORARY
4/15/2012 10:46:35 science fiction s mohan course.. no fiction at all.. exam will be pack level WORLD... NEVER...
Course is mainly related to development of
human rights right from the beginning and the
view of rights according to different philosophers.
Its a 4 credit course and our prof tabraz is
peaceful. We don't have quiz 1 but had quiz 2, Grading is peaceful . Being
4/15/2012 10:50:10 HS5080 Thabraz presentation, End sem. Attendance is peaceful. on avg fetches B grade.
Depends on the taste of person or me it was a
Outlines of indian pathetic course wid lot of mugging coz i felt
society and culture asleep in classes but for some of my friends it
from historical was a peaceful course since they were conscious
4/15/2012 10:53:10 perspective sheerin mirza in class. peaceful
If you already know french, you can take this, put
peace and easily get an S grade. Otherwise also
it is an interesting course to learn. Just that you
need to revise every once in a while, to keep up. The prof is peaceful, gives
The quiz/endsem papers are quite easy, she just decent grades. Only that
asks whats taught in class and the textbook. It shes kinda strict for
4/15/2012 10:57:27 HS1110-French Krishnaveni would be mostly fill in the blanks type questions. attendance.
Feminst prof u can put S A B if u hve
pure english literature course. you'll get to read good English and good
extracts of some of the most depressing novels. presentation skills and you
she is strict abt attendance. have to write a lot in the
4/15/2012 11:01:12 Lit n Value Swarnlata exams.
Course is really good. You will actually learn very peaceful. Most of the
French. Only thing is she doesn't make you talk learning will be done in
enough to get fluency. Very peaceful prof. class. Can easily put A and
4/15/2012 11:08:32 French - I and II Krishnaveni Attendance is required. with a bit more fight even S.
A good Course I should say. If one is interested in
literature they should definitely take this. You will Grading was peace. If you
have a good idea of the literature philosophies. put decent effort you can
4/15/2012 11:10:08 Shakespeare J. Tripathy And the professor is just awsome. easily score an A.
Open book exam. Characters and tones are a Everything from S to E. If
pain. Class is lively. Attendance is light, but very you work a little, very easy
4/15/2012 11:17:58 Chinese I Mugur Zlotea difficult to put grades without attending classes. to get S/A
prof doesnt care about attendance. That said, u
wont be able to score well if u do not attend
classes. quizes are 20 marks each, with just 1
question to answer.
endsem may have 3-4 questions. so you need to
write pages and pages. on a whole, easy course
with most of the syllabus relating to the sci and
modern science in jhon bosco technology development in british era.(eg. trains, gives lots of Ss and fews
4/15/2012 11:18:15 india lourdusamy telegraph, medicine, surveying etc.) Es too.
Course is very interesting. On the daybefore the
quiz she discusses some important topics and the
exam questions will be directly from those topics. Since I haven't been
Consumer Only you should study them. Some amount of graded yet, I can't comment
4/15/2012 11:18:34 Psychology Maya mugging required. about it.
The course is simply amazing. It's a relief from the
regular core courses. The prof makes the course
fun, interactive and a pleasure to be in. You can
look forward to going to the class. Basically, you
do about 10 SF stories the whole sem and
critically analyse them.
The only thing you need to be careful is about Very peaceful grading.
your attendance and punctuality. Even if you are More of an S,A,B course. If
a minute late, he marks you absent. And 85% you're decent at writing,
attendance, IS a compulsion in his course. without any effort you can
4/15/2012 11:20:15 Svience Fiction S.Mohan No assignments are given, so peace :) put an A.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
The course is very interesting and professor is
very good. If you go to class and listen everything,
you can get S easily by spending only 3-4 hours Grading is very easy and U
Principal of before the exam. It will give U basic knowledge of can easily get A and with a
4/15/2012 11:21:08 Economics Subash the Economics. little fight, S also.
It was good course, though it will be very vague
till the end. The project given in course is the you need to be good at
most important and teaches a lot. Rest, u will both the presentation and
have a lot of submissions and deadlines. Make end sem for good grades,
Contemporary sure your class rep is in good terms with her, and because grades can get
Issues In let class remain in unity, then deadlines can get random otherwise if u rely
4/15/2012 11:21:27 Development Binitha Thampi extended! on either.
He teaches very slowly and steadily which is
necessary for learning a foreign language.
Grading will be ok provided you attend his each
and every class and practise.This course cannot
be mugged at last moment.Take it only if you are
genuinely interested.
P.S. junta going for DAAD in future can find this
4/15/2012 11:22:03 German 1 and 2 Stephen(foreign prof) useful A and B
Very well structured course. Prof is very
encouraging and the classes are interactive.
Course is very interesting too, even if you don't Normal. Smo is not
like Science Fiction. Attendance is VERY benevolent with his grades,
STRICT. Being in class on time before it starts is but if he really thinks you
a must. Even if you are a minute late, he won't let deserve it managing an S
you in. However, all this is worth taking a class or A is not hard. Interaction
4/15/2012 11:22:34 Science Fiction S Mohan with Smo. in class counts for a lot.
A VERY painful course. You need to keep taking
notes through all the courses. Moreover too much
course work for an elective. She expects you to
Contemporary do 3 article reviews, 1 book review, 1 blog of 3000 Painful. Loves giving c's
Issues in words and give a presentation on a contemporary and D's. Painful to get an
4/15/2012 11:23:55 Development Binitha Thampi issue topic. 'A', forget 'S'
Peaceful, just mug up important topics before the
Consumer exams, useful if you are interested in marketing or peaceful, can easily score
4/15/2012 11:24:47 psychology Maya consumer behavior B
Very interesting course. Swarna is an awesome
prof and loves student interaction. Wide range of
topics also covered. If you want to enjoy the
course, take it only if you like literature, reading, Quite peaceful. Very
and class interaction. Even if you don't the course normal with her grades,
is relatively peaceful but it might not be what you doesn't shower them on
are looking for. Attendance-wise peaceful but she you but doesn't hold them
gets pained towards the end of the sem when back either. Once again,
people start slacking off. Presentation will be class interaction counts,
there, but you have a lot of freedom with it. It and if she is impressed by
Literature and counts as quiz 2 so no slacking off allowed there. you she won't hesitate to
4/15/2012 11:26:10 Values R Swarnalatha Regardless, it is also interesting. give you a good grade.
basically deals with historical development of
automata, its social effects and how computers
effect life in present times. The content is quite
But the teacher gives several assignments, write
ups, blogs to write. Quizzes are peaceful, from
what she teaches and emphasizes in class, not Hardly gives S grades.
Computers and very high funda. Rest all grades are given in
4/15/2012 11:26:35 society Aarti Kawlra Strict about attendance. appropriate amounts.
No quizzes. Endsem is
easy. Questions for
endsem (50 % weightage)
Relatively straight forward course. Includes are given in advance and
lectures mainly by Binitha Thampi along with a exactly the same are
few guest lectures. No quizzes are taken, but the asked. But marking is a bit
HS4350 - course involves intensive project work - (Article strict. Absolute marking is
Contemporary reviews, Blogging, commenting on other blogs, done. Getting grades is
issues in modern presentation). very easy if proper class
4/15/2012 11:27:10 India Binitha Thampi This comprises of 50% of the grade. notes are available.
U need to read a lot, about various Sociological
viewpoints.... Not much interesting... Anyways,
HS2370 Intro to not bad course..... We were taught for around 2 Very much relative. May
4/15/2012 11:28:26 Sociology Santosh months, was introduced later....... differ if Prof changes.
Very difficult course. take this course only if you
have been a literature enthusiast and have read
Shakespeare a lot. The professor expects too painful grading. Virtually no
much, is very strict about attendance. Quizzes are S grades and very few A
very difficult. grades. all from B to E in
4/15/2012 11:31:46 Literature and life Jyotirmaya Tripathy take this course at your own risk. sufficient amounts.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
S/A course the prof has a
story writing assignment
Peacemax course.... The TA was painful and provided you dont copy the
attendance was slightly important but overall one story (shes strict about that)
of the most peaceful courses I have ever done but you get a S if you are really
obviously except story writing you won't learn a give up, you get A but if you
Short Story lot. Would recommend if you want to just put copy the story she pains
4/15/2012 11:32:21 Classics Evangeline Manickam peace. and gives a bad grade.
max grade c. most of the
4/15/2012 11:34:00 french 1 dr. krishna veni peaceful & at the same time only useful hs people will get a or b
peace maxxx....

there will be 4 presentations of 10, 20, 30, 40

each presentation will be of 1-2 min....
HS4040 Better
4/15/2012 11:34:58 Spoken English Shreesh Chaudhary no quizzes no end sem.... SAB
S/A/B course if u interact
with him in class (Read:
Open your mouth to talk a
lot of non sense and some
sense). If he doesn't know
Gen HS course he will talk about how religion and you he will give you a
religious institutions (read Christianism and random grade. Some
Church) have influenced Science and Scientists. people get pained with his
Religion and John Bosco Some junta gets pained coz the prof keeps grading... I found him
4/15/2012 11:38:05 Modern Science Lourduswamy classes at night sometimes. peaceful
Tabaraz is a peaceful prof and Its a nice course. I
Modern liked it since it taught about how governments are
Governments and organised and it was something I had little prior Very peaceful grades are
Comparative knowledge on. Doesn't even care a lot about given. S/A/B and If you put
4/15/2012 11:40:52 Constitutions Tabaraz attendance sli fight you will get S.
Remember that it deals with international rights
not Indian rights. Half of the couse is on History of
human rights(too boring). I personally felt it
useless course except the small part which tells
about UN. You will have a quiz, term paper and
end sem. I would prefer this course only because
you can complete 4 credits. Try choosing
economics(it really helps although u may not go
to economics stream) or languages or Indian
National Moment(if you are interested in Civil Remember many HS
services) students would be taking
PROS: 4 credits, peaceful Professor, even 70% this course along with you.
attendance would be fine, Although its a 4 credit So, S grade is very difficult.
course there will be 3 courses per week and Mostly the grades would be
many classes gets cancelled from them(finally 2 A,B,C for's. I along
Human Rights and 1/2 credit course), only 1 quiz with many of my friends got
4/15/2012 11:41:06 Justice Tabraz CONS: Boring course, no use a B grade.
Contemporary Very Peaceful. Can study the day before exam
India: A and ace it. No quiz I, an essay instead. If you like Other people who took his
sociological to read a bit about current affairs in India, then course last semester said
4/15/2012 11:42:18 Perspective R. Santhosh you'll find this interesting. that he grades peacefully.
Its a very nice course and the faculty too is very
helpful. Moreover one gets to learn a new
language which in itself a very good thing. I would
strongly suggest people to opt for this who so Its peaceful. The worst you
4/15/2012 11:44:41 FRENCH 1 KRISHNA VENI ever has interest in learning new languages. can get is C.
attendance compulsory .... prof. will not allow you
to class if you late more than 5min.
he was like school teacher....
Course is good....
instead of quiz 2 he gave us project....
End Sem paper was ok.... A B C.....

Indian National any way not pain maxx course ..... very few people will get S
4/15/2012 11:44:54 Movement visiting prof. ....
It is a very interesting course, gives you an in-
depth idea about international politics and
diplomacy. Prof is also very good and classes are
more of discussion style. But downside is that she
gives a lot of readings and expects you to read
and come for the next class, discussions are Grading is not peace, but
generally based on the readings given. So it's sli she grades leniently for B.
pain from that aspect. But I and a lot of my fellow Techs so if you put sli
classmates didnt read regularly, and its not very before exams and is
difficult to catch with what she's teaching. Be regular to class you can put
China in active and ask questions in class. If its your off A; S if you put more
contemporary placement sem and you already have 4-5 other fight. I got raped in quizzes
4/15/2012 11:44:56 geopolitics Sonika Gupta slightly painful courses then dont take it. but still ended up putting B.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
If you have a thorough
fundaes of high school
English grammar, then it is
a peaceful course. But
attendance is very strict.
It is basically more of Grammar than any thing The prof. won't allow u in, if
HS-4050, else. This course equips you with a thorough you r late by at least 1
Technical understanding of how to write technical papers minute. Regarding grading,
Communication and reports. You can learn lots of stuff in this u should put fight, for good
4/15/2012 11:48:37 and Report Writing S.Mohan course. grades.
Very peaceful course and prof. He cuts a lot of
classes and isn't strict on attendance at all. The
course material is interesting too, you'll get some
idea about international politics, diplomacy etc.
There is just 1 book he mentions as reference Grading is also peaced out.
War and Peace in and if you're regular to class, class notes will be S,A,B unless you cup it
4/15/2012 11:49:41 West Asia Tabraz SS sufficient for exams. Prof is also interesting. badly.
prof. is peace,attendance is lite,
course seems difficult initially, gets easy as you
go along,
you will have fun in the class, take this if you want
Introduction to to learn a new language,
4/15/2012 11:50:05 Chinese Mugur Zlotea needs a lot of mugging. S,A,B,'C'
The course was extremely interesting. he's such a
fun guy who loves Germany and so tells us a lot
about the history of Germany, the folk music, he
brings his guitar and teaches us german songs, Grading is purely based on
tells us about the german food and lifestyle. 2 quizzes and endsem. It's
German I is quite easy, but german II is relatively not difficult to put an A if
much difficult. You dont have to take German II you listen in class and
necessarily but both the courses as such are study before exams. You
4/15/2012 12:01:49 German I and II Prof.Stefan Balzter damn interesting. can get a C if u suck
Wonderful course! It was a like learning and
playing at the same time.
Mostly dealt with phonetics, origin of words,
synthesis, derivation, blending, etc. in some
languages. One would appreciate the course if
4/15/2012 12:16:36 Modern Linguistics Prof. Devaki Reddy one likes vocabulary. Not painful.
att is very strict he doesn't allow u into class after in d xam u have 2 xplain
even 1 second .course is about science fiction about stories.if u know gud
4/15/2012 12:23:52 science fiction s mohan stories english then it is peaceful.
Very enthusiastic and energetic prof. I personally
loved the course. Looked at the evolution of
English poetry in various eras.
Prof. Jyothirmaye Got to know many great poets. Enjoyable if one
4/15/2012 12:24:49 Literature and Life Tripathy takes an interest in literature. Good.
4/15/2012 12:27:12 psychology some lady guest prof very nice interesting course and very peaceful peaceful grading S,A,B only
literature and
4/15/2012 12:42:12 values prof . swarnalatha learnt alot, gained confidence fair
Awesome Professor. No attendance Problems :)
Human Rights and No quiz1 Peace max!! Very easy to
4/15/2012 12:58:39 Justice SS Tabraz Slightly boring at times. get B
The grading is also peace,
you'll get A easily.He'll give
questions that are going to
come in the exam before
He is the peacest prof i ever met.Attendance is the exam.If you are looking
peace, he'll give it to a student to mark the for a good grade without
attendance and he will allow a student even if he not much fight opt this
is 20 minutes late to the class.The course is also course.But you have to
peace, but a little boring.Even if you sleep in the mug the answers as it is
aspects of westren class he doesnt mind.It is a 4credit course and which are minimum 2
4/15/2012 13:00:45 philosophy Dr.Anthony Savariraj he'll take max 3classes per week. pages.
Very good course if ur interested in learning new Peace grading....Xams ll be
4/15/2012 13:02:14 German -I Stefan baltzer language. peace...
4/15/2012 13:02:30 Logic Satya setty useless fart, bad grading. but peaceful :) rape max
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
PAINFUL as i said in feed

she is really tough mam

Course is interesting in beginning but then it will
become boring after quiz 1 and surely gives cup to last
5 to 10 % of class
and she is really tough mam
And she will give some sort
and surely gives cup to last 5 to 10 % of class of GROUP STUDY
And she will give some sort of GROUP STUDY is really painful and she
PREMA RAJA REPORT PROJECT which is really painful and takes it very serious in
4/15/2012 13:04:24 SOCIOLOGY GOPALAM she takes it very serious in grading grading
PAINFUL as i said in feed

she is really tough mam

Course is interesting in beginning but then it will
become boring after quiz 1 and surely gives cup to last
5 to 10 % of class
and she is really tough mam
And she will give some sort
and surely gives cup to last 5 to 10 % of class of GROUP STUDY
And she will give some sort of GROUP STUDY is really painful and she
PREMA RAJA REPORT PROJECT which is really painful and takes it very serious in
4/15/2012 13:04:37 SOCIOLOGY GOPALAM she takes it very serious in grading grading
good course
probably a little too much content
4/15/2012 13:07:37 indian art ramaa narayanan but course is good dont know
The course is very useful. You get to learn new
something at the end of day. But take it if and only
if you are interested and ready to put a little fight (
atleast attending all classes, unlike other HS Good. You can put A's
4/15/2012 13:09:24 German-2 Sashireka courses and proper mug before quizzes). reasonably easily
It's mostly about the different art movements,
famous architects, examples of great architecture
etc. But the syllabus is huge and there will be a If you work hard, you will
4/15/2012 13:11:00 design history ramaa narayanan lot to mug. Take it only if you are interested. get an A.
Human rights: Pain maxx. Always give last
preference to this course. Effort required is not
Human Rights & worth the credit
Social Justice, Prof Sonika Gupta,
Indian Art, Modern Ramaa Narayanan, Indian Art, Modern Govt: Decent content. Decent
4/15/2012 13:12:39 Govt Tabrazz grading Refer above
I felt that course was very much painful as it
wasn't in my preferred choices and didn't like it at
all. Speaking about the course also its content is
not useful to us in anyway. We as IIT students are
going to be in technological/financial or some
other fields.This is not useful in any of the fields.
And Learning process for course is nothing logical
Introduction to its just mugging whole syllabus blindly which is so
4/15/2012 13:12:57 indian philosophy Mr. satya sundar sethy painful. 4/10/2012
4/15/2012 13:14:26 applied economics Umakanth peace max, no attendance -
It covers excerpts from a lot of books. The
lectures are interesting. The course might be a bit
too philosophical for some people. It is a very Grading is not very
Literature And good course if one is interested in literature.She is peaceful. You will have to
4/15/2012 13:16:46 Values Swarnalatha serious about attendance. put in some effort.
4/15/2012 13:22:56 ALL ANYONE :X :X :X :XX:XXXXX :XXXXX
better spoken lite maxx... no exams just have to speak "better
4/15/2012 13:25:56 english sireeesh chowdary english" mallus don't take this!! :P decent grading...
At the start seems a very boring course.
Gradually picks up and is quite interesting.
Preferable if one has good vocabulary. Also good
if one has knowledge of Indian caste, class, Peaceful. Not much load.
village systems. Quite a few readings to One Quiz, one Presentation
remember for end semester. Not an open book. which does not take much
Also, one needn't be too objective. Less of facts time. Exam is half objective
4/15/2012 13:28:12 HS2110 Shireen Mirza and more of one's views. (MCQ) and half subjective.
S requires covering all the
Highly engaging.Lots of class room interaction. topics taught in class.You
Didnt feel bored at any point.wrt exams use show can skip a few topics and
consumer maya that you have mugged from the reference book still get away with an A.
4/15/2012 13:30:58 psychology rathanasabhapathi through your answers. Grading is peaceful.
If you are attentive in class,
The classes are fun. Attendance ii not compulsory good at remembering
but you would not want to miss classes. strokes, and study the day
Remembering characters can get painful, but the before the exam, you can
exam is open book. the grammar is almost non- put S/A. The end sem is the
4/15/2012 13:31:30 Chinese I Mugur existent and the etymology interesting. most imp one.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
Professor is very student oriented and with his As usual is dependent on
teachings, aims to build a self-thinking capability the marks in the exam and
Introduction to among the same. He doesn't want his student to a sole assignment which
European Sudarshan by-heart any stuff. He just asks them to write what are pretty simple and look
4/15/2012 13:44:10 Philosophy Padmanabhan they actually think of the given question. like mind games!
She will use US economy based slides for Indian
economy ie, a capitalist economy versus socialist usually exams are pretty
economy. she will just say $1 to INR1 which suck. easy, so u will end up with
But overall course is good for anyone who have decent grades only mainly
4/15/2012 13:48:57 POE Dr. Sabita never read economics before in life.. :) SAB
best professor in institute
Technical whatever course he teaches, just take it.
Communication even if it is not interesting, he can make it
4/15/2012 13:51:13 and Report writing S MOHAN interesting. peace
Grades are decent.There
were about 10 S's in our
A peace course with a very good prof.You learn a year.If you have done
decent bit of French and can converse in the french previously,there's a
present tense by the end of the course. very high chance of ending
Attendance is taken but the prof can be up with an S.Otherwise,2
manipulated in not giving a W grade if you can hrs of mugging before each
come up with a good reason.You can thulp the quiz should serve you
4/15/2012 13:53:17 French Krishnaveni course if you have done french previously. good.
Grades are decent.There
were about 10 S's in our
A peace course with a very good prof.You learn a year.If you have done
decent bit of French and can converse in the french previously,there's a
present tense by the end of the course. very high chance of ending
Attendance is taken but the prof can be up with an S.Otherwise,2
manipulated in not giving a W grade if you can hrs of mugging before each
come up with a good reason.You can thulp the quiz should serve you
4/15/2012 13:53:18 French Krishnaveni course if you have done french previously. good.
Course was decent. Content is good, for
The prof could have been better - he didn't seem
to bother much with making everyone learn and
all that. He read off the book. Suggested books Tough. You do well, and
4/15/2012 13:55:47 PoE V. R. Muralidharan are brilliant. will end up with an A or B.
Its not an easy going
course if grades are
concerned. You should
have good writing skills as
you have to write 150
Course is interesting for those who love to read. words, 200words answers
The course will cover texts by great philosophers, in quiz.
lot of philosophical theories like existentialism, There will be a presentation
Absurdism etc etc. There will be a textbook instead of Quiz 2 in which
(xeroxed) given by the professor and she will you will form a team (of 2
follow it throughout. She will also teach using mostly) and choose a text
PPTs which she will distribute through the class of your own and present it
rep. to class. She will guide you
You should have presentation skills, good writing for this too.
habit and a open mind to read literature. The She corrects paper based
stories covered are mostly tragic and have many on your grammar, spellings
layers of meaning. However the professor will and points you have
guide you through all of them. She is quite friendly covered. So make sure you
but quite strict about attendance (especially don't put lot of garbage but
during presentation days) and punctuality. only good concise points.
There will be lots of discussion in class and she is (She gave me 3/5 marks for
very open to opinions which makes classes 4 lines as it covered all vital
interesting. points)
Literature and If you really like reading novels etc , you will love
4/15/2012 14:00:14 Values Swarnlata this course. You may have an advantage too!
Peace max course. Very few topics to learn.
Studying 3 to 4 hrs before the exam will fetch u
nice grades. The only considerable work we did S,A,B course.. The only
Intro to modern was a term paper about 1000 words which hardly course where u can get S
4/15/2012 14:01:57 linguistics sreesh chowdary takes 2 days. with minimal effort.
Introduction to Decent course, but a little boring. Its more about
European the history of western philosophy than the
4/15/2012 14:04:20 Philosphy External Prof philosophy iself :-| Grading was pain.
Follows insti guidelines in
grading. So only one S with
a few As and several Bs.
She is French. Hence you can learn a lot. Cool
prof! Organized a french movie screening, with If you give up, there is a
4/15/2012 14:06:12 French Josefa Laguerre french food items etc. chance of an E.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
quiz1,2-syllabus from
spoken french quiz (in
teams of 3)
Very peaceful - course and
Absolute grading.She gives
Good prof.Course is peaceful. (some emphasis good grades. ( i and some
on spoken french) 7 other ppl got s in a class
4/15/2012 14:14:18 French - 1 Dr.P.Krishnaveni of ~50 ppl.)
In this course you get to improve your skills in
writing as well as speaking. It is a very interactive I can say that it is not arbit.
course as the professor is excellent.The problem You get what you deserve .
is he is very strict with attendance, punctuality Mostly you get an A or B ,
and dressing style.It definitely serves the purpose but we cannot rule out the
4/15/2012 14:15:37 Science Fiction S MOHAN of a HS course and I feel it can be tried out. possibility of other grades.
neither peace nor pain course. good content to
learnif u r interested in design movements of the An S is pretty difficult.
19th century in the west. prof is highly However, she gives lotsa
knowledgeable and flexible. put the course only if As and Bs. U need to put in
4/15/2012 14:16:53 design history ramaa narayanan u r interested. attendance is strict. effort.
Peaceful course but too much for mugging
attendance - peace
Prof has so much enthu about the course
course is mostly about some temples, paintings
4/15/2012 14:20:39 Indian Art Ramaa Narayanan etc.. Peaceful grading
Very painful course and not at all related to
practical psychology.
Very theoretical and each situation has only a
particular answer backed by a particular
theory/finding/experiment. If you think that from
Shubha Rangnathan- this course you will get to learn anything then take Full of maggu MA janta
4/15/2012 14:21:27 Social Psychology GF my word it will be tending towards ZERO hence very difficult!!
The course is a good one if you are interested in
studying people.It is easy to observe the theories
studied in class among the society(IITM too).
Some theories are quite boring. Most of the
theories are based on common sense.The Easy Grading ,as far as I
HS4370(social content taught is quite large,so beware. We had am concerned.You have to
4/15/2012 14:27:43 psychology) Subha Renganathan to give a presentation for 20 marks. mug a lot for end sem.
I expected that we would be studying about latest
general issues of development,while the course
stresses more socially,and less democratic and
economical.The issues that were discussed were
not directly related to India,thus I felt not of much
use.I would suggest this course to one who reads
newspaper in details.
The course is basically for MA students.You
would be given to write article reviews,book
reviews,blogs,comments on blogs.There wont be
any quiz for you,but apart from above all you
would need to give presentations etc.
The teacher is friendly but strict in terms of giving
Contemporary grades (U,W,I).
Issues in As an engineering student I found this course
4/15/2012 14:31:47 Development Binitha Thampi painful and boring. 2 out of 10
There will be a PROJECT
that will have to done
seriously, she checks each
Course is good ONLY from the content point of and every word written on
view ...(if you like History) the project. Same holds
From exam perspective the course is PAINFUL...( good for the exam answers.
1500+ slides in total !!!)
Strictly follows the insti
In brief the course deals with the evolution of the grading system.
design of buildings and famous houses designed Its a class of 40-50
by some of the greatest architects of history. students
Only 4-5 guys will get S.
4/15/2012 14:33:47 Design History Rama Narayana It has no scope for intellectual development.
course is peace max. Instead of quiz-2 a report Grading is A,B,C. If u really
aspects of western should be submitted which is pretty easy. put effort into it, u can get
4/15/2012 14:48:36 phiolosophy athony savari raj attendance is also not rigid. S.
we had one quiz, one term
paper and an end sem.
grading was peaceful. got
Though title seems boring, course is very good an s.. had to work on the
and also peaceful... The proff was very interesting term paper to get good
and was motivating for learning in the class, no marks, and the end sem is
much works. though I don't know where the very very very easy.
course will come in handy, (!!), I suggest taking it
introduction to for both good grades as well as an interesting OVERALL, A VERY GOOD
4/15/2012 15:11:05 modern linguistics Shreesh Chaudhary subject. OPTION TO CONSIDER.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
exam paper will be
lengthy..and she expects
only keyword like name,his
city,year,etc.. in the
Tooooooo much of content to the start it answer,not like normal
was interesting...u will be learning about history where you get
designers,their designs,their countries,cities ,the marks proportionally to the
movements associated with them,which year that number of pages written..u
design came all these numbers,gk and stuffs... cant just mug the enitre
after this course u will be knowing some thing just a day before quiz
hundreds of foreign names,and cities..u can put or end sem..grading was
infi peace in the class she wont bother at all.. average...not many s and
4/15/2012 15:11:28 Design History Neeta Agarwal finally a ppt and a report..painnn... a..
Some ma guys might be
there. Plus some maggu
You will get insight into the field of psychology. junta might be there.
Course is lengthy. Needs mugging a bit. A Grading is peaceful but u
Social Psychology Dr.Shubha presentation in place of quiz-2. You can learn a have to mug. If u don't mug
4/15/2012 15:14:43 HS4370 Ranganathan- GF lot if u r interested otherwise a very boring course. you are screwed.
The course is peaceful but the thing is you need
to remember a lot. Given there are more than 20k
characters in chinese you are expected to
remember atleast some 300 by the end of the
semester. If u want a peaceful course, with jolly he gives good grades. If u
classhours where in you need to put a little fight u put some fight u can
4/15/2012 15:20:08 Chinse Mugruel Zlotea can choose this. peacefully get a S
The grading was very fair
and easy going, probably
because of the vastness of
the portion.
Quiz - 1 : 20%
Presentations : 20%
The course was made very boring by the End-Sem : 60%
concerned faculty. It could have been such an
interesting course had it been taken in a better End-Sem was lengthy and
way. You will have to "mug"! Mind it, if you cant by-far had the largest
do that, do not take any Psychology course, as syllabus compared to all
you are not expected to write what you "feel" but other HS courses.
you are supposed to write a generalized opinion The grading was very good.
and that which might be found in "books", in other S and A were common
Dr. Shubha words you need to have a good vocabulary, to put grades. Very few got B.
Ranganathan (Guest things in the right perspective and personally I Attendance was strict,
faculty - No longer would not suggest this course to you. although you could come in
4/15/2012 15:21:28 Social Psychology working at IITM) late at times.
Communication Very useful course, deals with reports,writing
4/15/2012 15:23:59 and Report Writing S Mohan memos , papers. Fair
Nice course. The prof. teaches very well. He
sticks to the time and expects you too to do the
same.Need to be in time coz if you are late by
even a minute your attendance is at stake and He follows the Gaussian
Technical you will have to "disappear". curve and gives grade
Communication The course deals with writing, grammar and according that, strictly
4/15/2012 15:27:51 and report writing S Mohan speaking. It's a useful course. abiding by rules
Exams are mostly essay
type, the one in which I am
not good at all(case of most
of the B.Techs)... Even
though I knew all the
concepts well, I couldn't
score well because of the
Useless course for a student like most of way I am writing and my
the HS courses. Neither help to improve technical weaker literary skills..
skills nor any quality as a person. (considering my previous
But lectures were well prepared and presented HS course too,
well. 'contemporary issues in
I prefer development' )
--a course which help me to improve any of my
quality as a social animal, language,or useful --exams with short answer
4/15/2012 15:28:56 HS2110 sheena mirza general knowledge.. questions would be better
Nice course. The prof. teaches very well. He
sticks to the time and expects you too to do the
same.Need to be in time coz if you are late by
even a minute your attendance is at stake and
you will have to "disappear".
he is among the very few professors who take this
course he started this course in India and has
been taking for ages. At the end of the course a
appreciate the different styles of writing and He follows the Gaussian
themes in science fiction curve and gives grade
according that, strictly
4/15/2012 15:31:04 Science Fiction S Mohan Awesome course abiding by rules
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
Nice course. The prof. teaches very well. He
sticks to the time and expects you too to do the
same.Need to be in time coz if you are late by
even a minute your attendance is at stake and
you will have to "disappear".
he is among the very few professors who take this
course he started this course in India and has
been taking for ages. At the end of the course a
appreciate the different styles of writing and He follows the Gaussian
themes in science fiction curve and gives grade
according that, strictly
4/15/2012 15:31:15 Science Fiction S Mohan Awesome course abiding by rules
peace max course
no attendance problem,though he takes it.
HS5080-HUMAN starting few classes little boring.
RIGHTS AND not much to read also.
4/15/2012 15:49:16 JUSTICE TABRAZ S S s,a ,b course
If any one is seriously interested in history and If you decently listen to
War and peace in want to put peace... This would be the best can put B
4/15/2012 16:55:12 west asia TabraZ course...... It will be like a small story overall... peacefully
Not a full peace course like some of the other HS I got A in german I but S in
electives. Hard to follow up if you bunk classes german II where there was
although the prof is very light on attendance. much more personal
Stefan is a very peaceful prof and puts a lot of attention. Stefan was
enthu for class which includes having fun with forced to follow the
some german music (prof plays the guitar in absolute grading stuff so
class), videos, some maps and german stories. 90+: S 80-90 : A and so on.
Overall very fun course to have as your HS Hard to get S unless you
4/15/2012 17:47:16 German I & II Stefan Balzter elective really know the subject
The course was very interesting till Micro the first
half but just tapered off when they started Macro. Got S. Peace max grading.
Highly useful for people going to management Presentation helped us a
line and non-core placements but equally useful lot but generally also
Principles of for people in core line to have a light hearted view corrections were peaceful
4/15/2012 17:49:43 Economics Shubha (Visiting prof) of economics to learn the terms and jargon. coz of external faculty
4/15/2012 18:05:11 hs5920 ramaa narayan pain max course and prof grades starts from B to E
Good grades, Tabraz is
Human Rights and Excellent course, taught me a lot about the world. liberal, provided you've paid
4/15/2012 18:08:19 Justice Tabraz Very very interesting. attention in class! :)
The course is good. But you will be RGed by the The grading is peaceful,
junta who already know. Neverthless, the prof is provided you put decent
very sweet and peaceful in putting grades. If u fight, may be atleast a night
4/15/2012 18:17:19 french 1 Krishnaveni want want to learn something out of it, take it. before quizzes
Generally S, A, B course ..
Indian National Bernard Sami (Guest just a bit of struggle and a
4/15/2012 18:18:46 Movement Faculty) Very Good bit of mugging
Take it only if you are very
good in essay writing.If you
Even if you are one second late to class you can't write good essays you will
come in.My friend had a quiz and came 5 minutes get good grades.He puts 1,
late, he did not accept it.Also you MUST wear max 2 S and 3-4 A. A good
pants in class, no shorts.Classes themselves are number got B.
4/15/2012 18:24:24 HS2050 MOHAN S fart.
Prof. is a bit pain when it comes to sleeping in the I used to listen in the class
class. properly, and also, read
Attendance is peaceful. 40% of the readings that
Course Content is a bit boring, but if you listen she gave. Not all questions
properly in the class, you can peacefully put A. came from what I'd read,
Basically, she'll give some material, and you have but listening in the class
to mug them. If you read them once and are able helped me put fart about
to put appropriate fart in the paper, she gives the unread topics. I got S
4/15/2012 18:45:52 Indian Art Ramaa Narayanan ample marks. \m/
Course is good if you want to learn a new It's a language. So last
language, and if you're really up to it. DO NOT minute mug will only get
take if you think being able to talk German is sexy you around C, or B if you're
and that german chics will dig you. Stefan is a lucky. Attend classes
very good prof, but you need to do your daily bit regularly, solve exercises
for the course; else you'll have a tough time in and all, you can score an A.
4/15/2012 18:46:46 German I Stefan Balztar class. If you're lucky you'll get S.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
The course deals the basics of economics - like
inflation, value of money, costs of production,
various models of competition - monopoly,
oligopoly etc. and finally federal reserve banking

It was supposedly a four credit course, but we

ended up taking only three class a week (:P)

IIRC, there was one mid term and one final exam
as well as a term project - no analysis required,
just a review of various economic models or
current issues.

The course strictly follows a book (which should Grading is fairly good, and
be easily available in LAN) called Prinicples of the course is also easy to
Economics by Gregory Mankiw. Check this book if follow, if you stick to basics,
Principle of Shuba Sethuraman you want to know the course in detail. The course you can score exceedingly
4/15/2012 18:48:38 Economics (Guest Faculty) overall is EASY to follow and score. well.
This course deals with past (and ongoing)
conflicts in the Middle East (aka West Asia), and
mainly concentrates on Israel Palestine conflict.
The professor has a sound knowledge about this Grading is peaceful, and
topic, and presents it wonderfully right from the some questions are more
WWI to WWII (and holocaust) to right till the last like write your opinion
War and Peace in Israel Gaza war (something which you may/may about something rather
4/15/2012 18:55:11 West Asia SS Tabraz not have never come across before). than direct questions.
If u like reading then this is the course for you.
Many science fiction stories are read and
discussed. Essay writing is essential during
quizzes and end sems. If you are not into reading, Sli pain. Attendence is also
4/15/2012 19:03:54 Science Fiction Mohan then this course is pain. strict.
well . properly structured rather tan being all if you listen carefully and
about poetry it is a comparison between the take down notes you get a
lifestyle of 1600-1900 and is really B/A.......if u are psuede in
4/15/2012 19:06:45 HS 4030 J tripathi interesting if u listen to the prof English then u might get S.
good and peaceful course, but attendance
4/15/2012 19:07:04 hs4050 mohan s matters!!! 3 out of 5
Introduction to
European Learnt enough names of philosophers to use in
Philosophy (or debates on existentialist thought for the rest of
something of that Antony Savuriraj college life, but not much else. You might if you
4/15/2012 19:38:14 sort) (visiting) are interested in philosophy and stuff. Quite lenient on grading.
Aspects Of Peace maaxx.. he will give you attendance even if
Western you go in the last 5 min. just some 2 hrs before U can put A easily. not less
4/15/2012 19:52:48 Philosophy Anthony Savari Raj the quiz is more than enough. than C I guess..
Only draw back is RG.
Awesome course but can be a bit boring by mid many stud seniors take so
semmish time. listening in class or not does not its a bit painful. average
matter. One night fight is enough. was 17 in Q1 and 18 in Q2
Principles of
4/15/2012 19:55:34 Economics Prof. Subash S SAB course no W also
grading is peace. some say
the prof. doesnt correct
end-sem paper and grades
on the basis of quiz paper.
there wil be one quiz and
one group term paper and
end sem in the end. to
score good, read the class
notes only. topic can be
found in the internet, but
don't really go for them, i
know must of friends did
that. and in the quiz be
careful about the time
management as you have
never written such lengthy
HS paper. question will be
it basically deals with international politics. sit in the same as previous year
HUMAN RIGHT the first bench, you will know a lot about the papers. attendance is
4/15/2012 19:55:37 AND JUSTICE TABRAZ course. it was interesting in my case. peace.
The professor is a guest professor and the course
was very good. I think languages are the only
useful courses in HS apart from film studies and
philosophy. And if you ever go to France for
student exchange programme, knowing french
would certainly help you. But one thing is, take
both French I & II or neither. Only taking French I
4/15/2012 20:00:03 French I & II Prof. Krishnaveni , wouldn't help you much in the language. 7/10/2012
i forgot but its the
computers and same prof taking every Grading is also strict.. most
4/15/2012 20:04:11 society sem Course was boring as well as painful for me... of us got C
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
I would strongly recommend you to take this
course. It is the only useful course in HS apart
from film studies & languages. Prof doesn't teach
that good but the contents of the course are very
interesting. The more fart you put in the exams
the more marks you will get. So essentially all
pseud-putters & peace-putters should take this
course. But on a serious note, if you are
Introduction to interested in Plato, Aristotle and all that shit..
European Prof. Sudarshan (ethics ) , you will get at least some amount of
4/15/2012 20:05:41 Philosphy Padmanabhan idea about their works. 7/10/2012
course is ok.. not so boring.. u can go at any time
to class.. but strict attendance.. but can sleep
peacefully.. u ll get pained the day before the grading is avg.. not so good
4/15/2012 20:08:16 Indian art ramaa narayanan quiz.. there is decent amt of mugging involved.. ..not so bad
The course was interesting with quite a few
4/15/2012 20:45:41 social psychology shuba ranganathan practical implications As expected
If you don't mug, its a rod.
Really interested in Indian philosophical schools? love mugging, you get an
This is for you. Highly informative course, S. You have mug all the
apparently its philosophy, but just have to mug slides. Litterally Literally by
4/15/2012 21:04:49 Indian Philosophy Satya Sundar Sethy slides. Attendance is peace. heart.
Indian National
4/15/2012 21:14:37 Movement Bernard Sami Good to do. Interesting. Peaceful
Fabulous course. A must do course for all future
Modern Science in John Bosco Engineers. The prof is awesome. Thoroughly Liberal in quizzes. Yet to
4/15/2012 21:15:22 India Lourdusamy enjoyed the course have end sems.
Typical argumentative kind of stuff. Not many new
4/15/2012 21:17:59 Logic Satya Sundar Sethy concepts to learn. Not yet given.
Even though the prof was
friendly, she made us do a
project, a classroom
presentation and in the
Pain course. It's all about mugging. Redundant end, gave a C for most
4/15/2012 21:18:17 Design History Neeta Agarwal course. students !
Most interesting course the HS department has to
offer. If you are not already an SF fan you are Decent grading but S
bound to become one after taking this course. grades reserved for people
Stories are well chosen and the prof goes out of who actively participated in
his way to make the class lively and fun. He is a class interactions and have
HS 2050 Science little wired up about attendance and punctuality a great hold over the
4/15/2012 21:29:36 Fiction S Mohan though. English language.
Awsum course n awwwwsum prof.. lots of
interaction and work engaging. the clases are
never boring. She takes ur suggestions on what
type of questions v want for exams. She also
discusses few important topics the day before
exam and they will easily put u through.

She gives such a homely feel that u would never

want to miss her classes. S,A,B course.
u vl luv it if u take it...
consumer and the best part is that she doesnt know how but mugging before exam is
4/15/2012 21:34:17 psychology Dr.Maya attendence is calculated. so attendence is peace very important
A good course if you are a card carrying
bibliophile. Provides a birds eye view of different
schools of English literature and forces you to
think about the nuances of your being and Nothing to say here. More
Literature and existence. A welcome break from all the PMT or less follows the standard
4/15/2012 21:34:45 Values Swarnalatha grilling. Gaussian.
Among the better HS courses. You will be taught
about interesting theories about society
propounded by Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max
Weber to name a few. Some of he questions
discussed are very fascinating especially (but not
necessarily) if you enjoyed reading novels by
authors like Ayn Rand and George Orwell. Prof.
Santhosh is also a good guy. Very Sincere and
enthusiastic to say the least. As an application, he
made us write an essay on the merits of reserving
seats for backward castes in higher education.
Some of Durkheim's work on "Suicide as a social
phenomenon", and "Criminals and crime in grading is quite rational and
society" is very interesting. In one line, Sociology certainly not eccentric. You
broadens your view and makes you less bigoted, will get the grade you
more willing to view events from a dispassionate deserve. Lot of A's in our
Introduction to and rational perspective. It will certainly help you class and one or two S
4/15/2012 21:42:33 sociology Santhosh to broaden your thought. grades
principlies of good course but the prof doesn't teach well you worst
4/15/2012 22:10:55 economics murali daran have study all by yourself gave many E's and U's
grading is peaceful .putting
fight only on the night
before exam could get u an
4/15/2012 22:14:28 indian philosophy satya sundar shetty course is pretty dry a or b easily.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
Learning poems was boring. Interesting parts 25% book review
Humanities in were the presentation making and book review, 25% presentation
4/15/2012 22:51:40 Technological Age Professor Evangeline which made us read books after a long time! 50% end sem
Will definitely help. The cuppers like me too follow
the course. Peace max course. Exam is
completely only for about 5 min for whole
Better Spoken semester. Can improve in the presentation skills
4/15/2012 22:56:47 English Shireesh Choudry and the accent in English. S, A course....
Will definitely help. The cuppers like me too follow
the course. Peace max course. Exam is
completely only for about 5 min for whole
Better Spoken semester. Can improve in the presentation skills S, A course.... B at extreme
4/15/2012 22:57:19 English Shireesh Choudry and the accent in English. stages.... :)
Excellent course. You will do a selection of short
stories by famous science fiction writers. You will
need to be sufficiently good at essay writing. More
than the English aspect, the classes tend to veer Grading would be centered
towards a philosophical aspect, and relies heavily around the A-B boderline.
on class participation. The classes were really Very few S grades. But you
entertaining and left me deeply thinking about will enjoy the course. And
HS2050:Sci-Fi: An several issues with relavance to today's world.The you are guaranteed to get it
4/15/2012 23:30:29 appreciation S Mohan prof is very strict about attendance though. if you fill it as a first option.
Principles of Useful course as it gives basic introduction of
4/15/2012 23:41:25 Economics Dr Sabita Acharya Economics, which I feel, is necessary Decent
One would absolutely love it if interested in
Science Fiction. And the prof is just superb who
will make the course interesting even to those
4/15/2012 23:43:43 Science Fiction Dr S Mohan who usually dont like this particular genre Not painful
Gets one acquainted about the ways to write
technical papers, reports, presentations etc.
Technical Would help in overcoming certain basic mistakes
Communication in the usage of technical terminology. A little
4/15/2012 23:47:25 and Report Writing Dr S Mohan boring but might be useful in the long run Not Painful
dont even think about taking this course.. u
expect something but u wont get it... the worst
prof in insti... but if u attend all the classe and
4/15/2012 23:57:03 logic satya sunndar setty smile at the prof u will get S... U
fart maxxx.. !! she says classes are compulsory
but they r not..

quizes are arbit.. she gives marks to those who

write more..
industrial how can i say.. end sem
4/16/2012 0:46:00 psychology i dont remember peace course take it.. but fart maxx are not over yet.!!
if u put peace den u ll end
boring maxxx course it is.. u wont b able t luk @ d up wid C.. putting fyt MAY
board unles u r vry much interested in history.. he giv u A or B .. gradin
Indian National pains alott regardin attendance n discipline.. a lil depends on ur behavior in
4/16/2012 10:44:07 Movement Bernard Sami bit painful.. i wd nt suggest u take dis course d clas
Since most of the people
will be in the 2nd grade of
college, the grading will be
n+1 grades that is 3
grades. Grades are A/C/E.
All the cgpa greedy people
there are no S grades given
Awesome course. You learn a lot about chemicals in the course. But if you are
like their naming, formulae. Proper HS. the highest in the course,
Easy for those who learnt formula making in all your other course
Chemical school.Not tough. Little weird. Lot of applications grades are incremented by
4/16/2012 11:03:39 Engineering Somnath Roy for Shaastra and Saarang(double meaning)! one!!! Worth the risk?? :p
4/16/2012 14:38:06 HS4320 Umakant Dash Good Good
Discusses about 12-13 carefully selected short
stories by a wide range of authors. Stories reflect
how science fiction is used as a platform to Ability to write essays
address issues from other domains, from religion bringing in your own
to feminism to urbanisation. Witty prof, lectures perspective and showing
filled with innuendos. Very interactive class. enthusiasm in class
Need to be very punctual to class, and no shorts definitely pushes up your
4/16/2012 14:42:58 Science Fiction Mohan S allowed. grade.
when i took, it was the first time she was doing
the course. there was lot of arbit content in the
course. some topics were interesting like gaming,
hackers n videos etc. were shown in class, but arbitrary..none got S for
Computers and others related to comp history was boring.. some reason...A is possible
4/16/2012 14:43:29 society aarti kawlra expects lot of work ...lot to mug and write. if u do sufficient work
different forms of literature..most of them highly for those who r good in
philosophical n feminist...most of it boring if u r not english writing, A is very
into literature..very strict in attendance and peaceful...need to be extra
4/16/2012 14:46:30 lit and values swarnlatha attentiveness in class..lot of muggin and writing.. creative for S...
Very easy course. Prof is very friendly. If you're Very peaceful. Mug for a
4/16/2012 15:04:35 French Krishnaveni actually interested, you can learn quite a bit. day - S.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
This course is very interesting if u are a guy/girl
who is too much into novels and books, else don't
even think about it.

For those who like novels, well where else can u Good.
get credits for doing your hobby.
If u do the least min work
*Good English is pre-requisite to enjoy this stuff required to do u may end
Literature and (U know all that Shakespeare and other foreign up with a B or C, If u show
4/16/2012 15:39:59 Values Swarnalatha writers ) interest, well S, A for sure.
The course has a few nice points, but it is not
worth it. Quizzes are 40 marks each and end sem
is 120 marks. Extremely long. Portions comprise Grading is relatively
mugging some chapters from this book called peaceful. If you can mug
"Consumer Behavior" by Leon G. Schiffman. well, you will definitely get
Might want to go read the book to see if you are A/S. However, beware -
interested. All in all, not a very good option unless there is a LOT to mug.
Consumer you just want the grade are some God at WHOLE book will be there
4/16/2012 16:17:28 Psychology Maya Ratnasapapathy mugging. for endsem :P
Load was heavy, but if you mug you can get good
grades. Don't ever ask the prof. to remove quiz II
and instead have a project. You will get pained
with projects.

At the end, you will be able to appreciate the pain

taken to design an object. There is nothing you
learn to design, You only learn the history of
design evolved with changing face of the world.

The prof. is strict with the rules. But she loves Grading was done
4/16/2012 19:06:50 Design History Ramaa Narayan teaching. She is strict about attendance. according to the rules.
Prof is peaceful, friendly. Attendance.. she'll pain
a bit. but ok.. she'll allow at last.
You are not going to learn any spoken french, she Peaceful.Last minute
loves grammar and teaches it even in French II preparation gives you B.
(but she wont accept). Half of the class would
4/16/2012 19:16:13 French Dr. K. Krishnaveni already know french :-) .
It's a wonderful course. The prof is very much
enthu about the course material, very
knowledgeable, friendly and flexible. I never
thought art and history could be this interesting.
This course was a relief from my core courses.
But, for the exams, u need to mug a decent
amount. Attendance is somewhat strict. Also, we If you listen to classes and
deal mostly with temples and stuff, in this course. put fight before the exam,
4/16/2012 19:27:43 Indian Art Ramaa Narayanan If you are not interested, don't put. you'll not get less than B.
Professor is n flexible. Very peaceful guy. Course Not sure yet, but
Modern Sceince In John Bosco is slightly gen, not too much in it. At the same reasonably peaceful, I'm
4/16/2012 19:47:11 India Lourdusamy time, it's sort of peaceful to deal with. hoping.
Professor is n flexible. Very peaceful guy. Course Not sure yet, but
Modern Science In John Bosco is slightly gen, not too much in it. At the same reasonably peaceful, I'm
4/16/2012 19:47:33 India Lourdusamy time, it's sort of peaceful to deal with. hoping.
4/16/2012 19:49:24 German 1 Stefan Balster Stud. Peaceful
4/16/2012 19:49:47 German 2 Stefan Balster Stud. Peaceful
There is a lot to mug before
exam. If u listen classes
and put fart she will give
peace marks.Grading is
little bit pain. i got 19 .5/25
in quiz 1 and 23.5/25 in
quiz2 but ended up with B.
If you are good at mugging
More about Temples and paintings. she is very u can put decent marks but
4/16/2012 19:50:17 Indian Art Ramaa Narayanan enthu and friendly. Strict at attndnce. not grade.
LOL prof. Quizzes are N peace, grading is
decent. He'll expect you to do a term paper which
requires some shag. If he knows your name you'll
Modern Science In Introduction to modern mostly get an S. Unfortunately, he doesn't
4/16/2012 19:53:28 India linguistics remember too many people's names. Peaceful, to an extent.
Please dont put even though u have enthu in
Group Study Report is painful,Which she
considers seriously for grading. Attndnce is peace Expected to be Pain
4/16/2012 19:53:31 Sociology Prema Rajagopalan but course is pain. Never be late to class. maxxx....
This course is very interesting though requires
little bit mugging. Class notes are sufficient. The The grading is peaceful(S-
HS2040 (Indian lectures were too good. There was no Quiz II, A-B). Studying a day before
National Bernad D'Sami instead there was a project which required 3-4 exam could easily fetch you
4/16/2012 20:14:29 Movement) (External Faculty) days work. A/B.
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
The first thing you must know is that this course is
*wrongly named*. Most of the course we did
poems - yes a total of 10 poems! We did not
study any novel/long story at all. However, we did
study two short prose pieces, by two obscure
authors. We also had the short play 'Doctor
Faustus', by Christopher Marlowe as a reading
assignment, but was not discussed in detail in

We studied the following poems, all famous

1. On His Blindness, by John Milton
2. Sonnet 65, by William Shakespeare
3. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, by T. S.
4. An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
5. an Ode on a Grecian Urn, by John Keats
6. Kubla Khan, by Coleridge
7. Sailing to Byzantium, by W. B. Yeats
8. My Last Duchess, by Robert Browning
9. The Unknown citizen, by W. H. Auden
10. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning, by John

Though the course had an overload of poetry, the

poems are actually well chosen. Prof. Tripathy is
also kinda fun and is an interesting speaker. He is Professor is pretty strict in
very knowledgeable. He is strict and does not checking answer sheets
tolerate coming late or sleeping in the class. He isand is very demanding in
also strict with the attendance. content and form. He gives
less marks to all, so don't
Its not a very heavy course, and you can get be disheartened if you get
decent grades if you just listen attentively in the 16 out of 25 in a quiz, its
class. There were absolutely no homeworks, actually a pretty decent
written assignments or presentations. Peace ! score. Can't say anything
Beware of by HS junta, they score good in exams about the grades, haven't
:p taken my end-sems yet :)
HS4030 - Literature
4/16/2012 20:16:40 and Life Jyotirmaya Tripathy - Siddhant Saraf -Siddhant Saraf
principles of u will get to learn a lot.
4/16/2012 20:42:46 economics prof. Subhash grading is peaceful.
Grading is very good, with
The course is interesting to learn the phonetics many people ending up
especially. The course is not heavy either. The with A and S. People with
student also gets a chance to write a term paper average marks can end up
Introduction to at the end, which gives a good exposure to writing with S if they have a very
4/16/2012 20:43:58 modern linguistics Dr. Sreesh Chaudhary articles good term paper.
Consumer A with little fight, interact
4/16/2012 20:48:57 Psychology Maya Peaceful course,direct answers from the book more in the class for S
If you put write effort you end up learning descent you will get Rged by people
amount of French. Professor is very peaceful and who knows french well.
explains everything well, she will not put any W's. Grading is absolute as far
But you will get Rged by people who knows as i know.
french well. And there will be lot of people who But you will hardly find a D
knows french.Take up the course if you want to and very few Cs and most
4/16/2012 21:31:18 French Mrs. Krishnaveni learn it sincerely. Bs
Peace in life....most famous course of insti for
putting peace and getting an S or an can
enjoy the course as well! (No learning! wastage of
4/16/2012 21:44:27 Short Stories Avangelina 3 credits) S or A mostly
Decently peace course, and very interesting if you SAB.
like global politics and west asia history including If you have a good memory
Jerusalem, Israel palestine etc. Not much fight, and english u can easily
War and Peace in decent fight one day before exam is enough to secure A with very little
4/16/2012 21:46:48 WA Tabraz get a good grade. preparation. Else B.
A very standard course and peaceful and logical
too. Given standard chapters and slides. Mug
them few hours before exam and you are done for
an A.
Very helpful course from placement point of view. SAB
You will get to learn a lot of new and crucial if u don't put too much
4/16/2012 21:49:23 POE Shobha things. peace, A is there for u!
strict about attendance... tolerance for late-
comers is 5min if he's in a good mood that day.
otherwise, a very interesting course.. highly
interactive lectures
there's practically nothing to mug... just listen to peace... B minimum if u
classes (he'll make sure u do that) and u can know the stories (must be
4/16/2012 22:10:34 Science fiction S. Mohan peacefully rape quizzes good in english though)
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
Course is very boring. Peaceful grading, but lot of
mugging required.
The prof tries making it interesting, but to no avail
! He gives marks leniently
Introduction to provided we cover all the
4/16/2012 22:39:59 Indian Philosophy Satya Sundar Sethy points.
It is not difficult to get an
S/A, but you can't do it
without any studying.
Classes are fun and the prof has a lively sense of Characters are a bit of a
humour. You can't sail through this course with pain. But on the whole, it
zero studying, though: you will need to put some was a good experience,
fight to learn characters and tones. But exams are and I was enthu enough to
4/16/2012 22:49:51 Chinese I Mugur Zlotea not very painful, and neither is attendance. take Chinese 2.
Modern science In
4/16/2012 22:51:49 india JB Lourduswamy Peace max but highly boring. Not advised Fair..not strict not lenient
Western Very Peaceful course. Just sit through lectures. its
4/16/2012 22:53:20 Philosophy Not Sure like a story. No worries about exams Decent
India a sociological
4/16/2012 23:06:59 Perspective R Santosh Peaceful. Interesting. Peaceful.
This course is enjoyable, and prof is permissive
4/17/2012 15:04:22 french krishnaveni.k and flexible. Absolute, which is tough.
Do not think that course will help you really
understand the psychology of person or
something like that. It the course in which many
Psychological experiments will be explained and
all will have the common result ( you can tell it by
common sense).
Listen to class , and mug
HS4370 Social I am not sure whether they will be offering this before exam. Getting S is
4/17/2012 18:14:06 Psychology Shubha Ranganathan course next Sem. tough. Easy to get A.
An amazing course. Extremely fun, if you like
reading Asimov or Clarke. Otherwise also, it's a
good place to start. Note that S Mohan covers
4/17/2012 18:48:39 Science Fiction S Mohan only short stories for the entire course. A++
Peace full course and a lenient Prof.
No strict 85% attendance rule.

French words are pretty much similar to English.

Easy to learn

In exam there will be question askd abt grammar,

Vocabulary and 5-6 sentences about some arbit
topic like what did you do last week? etc.. sly level

French 1 and Easy to score.

4/17/2012 20:05:34 French 2 Krishnaveni K Only 1 assignment in 1 semester. \m/ Lot of junta put S and A.
Reading and analysis of Science Fiction stories. Grading is peaceful. Being
Very peaceful course if you love reading and active in class will be
Science Fiction writing. Professor is a stud! One of the best in HS helpful in putting a nice
4/17/2012 20:17:30 Writing S Mohan Dept. grade.
4/17/2012 21:04:42 eureopean eunion stefan baltzer awesome course, just go for it peaceful
it was a good course. but
no quizzes..:) just one endsem, one
screenplay/short film, one presentation on any
lot of peace and your perspective about movies she doesn't give good
4/17/2012 21:09:23 Intro to film studies aysha iqbal will change.. grades.
4/17/2012 21:42:43 German Stefan Baltzer Good for those who are interested in languages Peaceful
1st point that every student who took this course
will tell that Prof is psycho.
He wont allow you to class even you are late by 1
minute and very strict about attendance,I lost 6
such classes.
Friday 8 am class is really painful as you got to be Peace max grades...You
punctual. need not worry about
This is really an interesting course for those who grades but for W grade as
like debating,and interested in watching SF you got to be cautious
4/17/2012 21:47:07 Science fiction S Mohan movies,novel reading,proficient in English etc.. about attendance.
The course was pretty decent in terms of content.
Workload was not much. It basically is a
discussion of short famous science fiction stories .
The only issue that may come up is the strictness Grading is not very bad. All
of the professor. He is very good at teaching but you need is basic english to
strict with discipline and time. get a decent grade in this
He will not let you in if you more than 4-5 mins course. By decent i mean
4/17/2012 22:20:56 Science Fiction S Mohan late and <85% attendance is not tolerated. 'B'.
sorry i dont know his
indian national name...some guest it was not that hard...i don't think freshies have
4/17/2012 23:33:22 movement prof this in their electives this time. ......
Timestamp HS Course Name of Professor Course Feedback Grading
Not very harsh. We had a
A good first course in economics. You will get to presentation, midsem and
Environmental learn the basics which is very essential. Examples endsem. Participating in the
Resource are given in the environmental context. The prof class will definitely boost
4/19/2012 21:44:22 Economics Muralidharan isn't that great, he is ok. your grade
Honestly, I am not a big fan of classic literature.
You will be studying all the classics, P&P, Jane
Eyre, books by Dickens, a few short stories. We
had a presentation on a novel of our choice. Good
course if you like reading the classics. Otherwise Decent. Participation in
4/19/2012 23:09:07 Fiction Srilata the class will seem boring. class helps.
very peaceful....those interested in languages find
this v.interesting. very less work to do in this
11/7/2012 21:45:11 german1 frenzeska lindhout is friendly.... "S,A" course .

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