CFD Analysis of Turbulence Non-Homogeneity in Mixing Vessels, A Two-Compartment Model

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Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735 – 1752

CFD analysis of turbulence non-homogeneity in mixing vessels

A two-compartment model
A. H. Alexopoulosa , D. Maggiorisa , C. Kiparissidesa; b; ∗
a Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 472, 540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece
b Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 472, 540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece
Received 3 May 2001; accepted 5 November 2001


A two-compartment model has been developed for calculating the droplet=particle size distribution in suspension polymerization reactors
by taking into account the large spatial variations of the turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate in the vessel. The two-compartment
model comprised two mixing zones, namely an impeller zone of high local energy dissipation rates and a circulation zone of low kinetic
energy. Computational 3uid dynamics (CFD) was employed for generating the spatial distribution of energy dissipation rates within an
unba4ed mixing vessel agitated by a 3at two-blade impeller. A general methodology was developed for extracting, from the results
of the CFD simulations, the volume ratio of the impeller over the circulation zone, the ratio of the average turbulent dissipation rates
in the two zones, and the exchange 3ow rate between the two compartments. The e5ect of agitation rate, continuous phase viscosity,
impeller diameter, and mixing vessel scale on the two-compartment model parameters was elucidated. The two-compartment model was
then applied to a non-homogeneous liquid–liquid dispersion process to calculate the time evolution of the droplet size distribution in the
mixing vessel. An excellent agreement was obtained between theoretical and experimental results on droplet size distributions obtained
from a laboratory-scale reactor operated over a wide range of experimental conditions. ? 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: CFD; Mixing; Compartment; Population

1. Introduction emphasis has been placed on the determination of integrated

dimensionless quantities such as the power number, NP , and
Mixing of single- and multi-phase 3uids is frequently per- the 3ow number, NQ . However, these methods provide no
formed in stirred tanks which is one of the most basic unit information about 3ow patterns, mixing mechanisms, or ho-
operations in the chemical and bio-technology industries in mogeneity of the stirred vessel, all of which may be crucial
applications such as: liquid–liquid contactors, particle and to the success of the mixing process.
droplet suspensions, polymer reactors, etc. An understand- Experimental approaches to understand the 3ow behavior
ing of the 3ow behavior within the stirred vessel is essential in mixing vessels are useful but the unsteady nature of tur-
for equipment design, process scale-up, energy conserva- bulent 3ow, the complex impeller blade geometry, and the
tion, and product quality control and can only be achieved relative motion among 3uid elements combine to make
by simulation and analysis of the multi-scale complex 3uid quantitative measurements and 3ow visualization both ex-
dynamics involved in the mixing process. pensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, experimental
Traditional methods employed in the design of stirred methods can neither cover all relevant parameters involved
tanks have been based on empirical techniques which are in the mixing process nor achieve the desired degree of spa-
useful mostly for obtaining approximations to general bulk tial resolution within the stirred vessel. For these reasons,
behavior such as impeller power consumption, impeller theoretical techniques, especially computational 3uid dy-
discharge 3ow, circulation time, etc. Consequently, most namics (CFD) have rapidly developed into a useful tool for
gaining insights into the details of complex mixing 3ows.

CFD simulations of turbulent 3ows provide a wealth of
Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 472, Thessaloniki 540 06, Greece.
information (e.g. velocity vectors, turbulent kinetic energy,
Tel.: +30-31-99-6211; fax: +30-31-99-6198. energy dissipation rate, etc.) at di5erent positions. Detailed
E-mail address: (C. Kiparissides). analysis of the large amount of data generated by CFD

0009-2509/02/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 3 - 2
1736 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

simulations can reveal 3ow behavior, circulation patterns, Armenante and Chou (1996) and Harris et al. (1996) re-
vortex structures and, at a smaller scale, turbulence intensity, ported comparisons between di5erent turbulence models and
dissipation rates, Reynolds stresses, etc. Most CFD simula- experiments. The k– models produced the best predictions
tions are based on transport turbulence models of the aver- of axial mean velocities while signiKcantly better tangen-
aged Navier–Stokes equations which have been extensively tial velocities were obtained by the RMS model. The k–
reviewed in the past (Rodi, 1980; Markatos, 1986). The k– model overpredicted the value of the turbulent kinetic en-
 turbulence model is frequently preferred in engineering ergy, k, in mixing vessels equipped with 3at blade impellers
practice and represents the basis of most commercial CFD (also noted in Dong et al., 1994b). On the other hand, when
software available today. It has been extensively tested in a pitched blade impellers were used, the k– model under-
variety of di5erent 3ows, is numerically robust, and compu- predicted k by an order of magnitude producing unrealis-
tationally less expensive than more advanced models such tic swirl patterns (also noted by Fokema, Kresta, & Wood,
as the Reynolds mean stress (RMS) model. The k– model 1994). Commercial codes for the inner–outer method and
su5ers from certain inherent shortcomings, notably in de- the sliding-mesh technique were also compared to the im-
scribing curvilinear and highly swirling 3ows, but, when peller boundary condition methods (Harris et al., 1996) but
properly used, can reveal important information of mixing produced only marginally better results.
3ows. Based on the published simulations, one can conclude
Single-phase turbulent 3ow in agitated vessels has been that commercial CFD codes employing the k– turbulence
the subject of numerous theoretical and numerical inves- model can give fairly accurate results for mean axial and
tigations. The application of CFD simulations to stirred radial velocities but are not as successful in resolving the
tanks has been reviewed by Placek, Tavlarides, Aminth, and swirl patterns and the tangential velocity components. De-
Font (1986), Kresta and Wood (1991), Harris et al. (1996), pending on impeller type, the turbulence characteristics k
and Vivaldo-Lima, Wood, and Penlidis (1997), and is only and  can be signiKcantly underpredicted or overpredicted.
brie3y summarized here. More advanced turbulence models such as the RMS method
Three-dimensional CFD simulations of turbulent 3ow in produce only marginally better results. Therefore, the ac-
ba4ed mixing tanks have been reported by many authors curate quantitative prediction of local values of  by CFD
using smoothed boundary conditions on the impeller swept simulations is not at present possible. However, as it will
surface. These boundary conditions can be determined either be demonstrated in this paper, the two-compartment model
from experimental data (Middleton, Pierce, & Lynch, 1986; depends on the ratio of compartment-averaged energy dissi-
Ranade, Joshi, & Marante, 1989) or by vortex models of pation rates. This ratio is signiKcantly less sensitive to local
the impeller discharge 3ow (Placek et al., 1986; Kresta & errors in the energy dissipation rate, and is thus susceptible
Wood, 1991). CFD simulations have also been performed in only to qualitative di5erences in the determined values of .
a rotating frame of reference where the impeller is assumed A key issue in many industrial processes involving stirred
to be stationary (Hutchings, Weetman, & Patel, 1989). This tanks is the quality and homogeneity of mixing. In a wide
method is especially suitable for unba4ed vessels (Dong, range of mixing applications reported in the literature, the
Johansen, & Engh, 1994a, b) where the outer-wall boundary entire stirred vessel is treated as a Keld of homogeneous
conditions are easily deKned. isotropic turbulence, implying perfect macromixing and sta-
Full three-dimensional CFD simulations of stirred tanks tistical homogeneity of the vessel content. However, it is
resolving both the impeller motion and the stationary ba4es well known from both experimental measurements and CFD
have been conducted using either the time-dependent slid- simulations that the turbulent 3ow Keld is far from homoge-
ing mesh technique (Perng & Murthy, 1992; Luo, Gosman, neous. SigniKcant variations exist in the state of turbulence
Issa, Middleton, & Fitzgerald, 1993; Harris et al., 1996) or at di5erent positions within the vessel, especially when com-
the time-averaged inner–outer grid method (Brucato, Cio- paring the impeller region to the remaining mixing vessel
falo, GrisaK, & Micale, 1994; Harris et al., 1996). Recently, (see Section 4). These variations give rise to substantial dif-
large-eddy simulations were used to describe the 3ow in a ferences in the local energy dissipation rate and thus, in the
ba4ed stirred tank (Derksen & Van der Akker, 1999). Fi- macroscopic and microscopic 3ow characteristics. Although
nally, Tanguy, Thibault, De La Fuente, Espinosa-Solares, for some problems the assumption of homogeneity may be
and Tecante (1997) has presented an alternative approach, adequate, for most applications the non-homogeneous na-
which utilized imbedded Knite elements to represent im- ture of the turbulent 3ow must be considered to achieve re-
pellers with a complex geometry. alistic models of the mixing 3ow.
CFD simulations of non-Newtonian 3uids are also of ma- In the present work, a two-compartment model is for-
jor interest. Viscosity and rheological behavior may evolve mulated which accounts for the non-homogeneities of the
with time due to chemical or physical changes in the agi- turbulent 3ow Keld in the simplest possible manner. The
tated system. The magnitude and localization of the energy two-compartment model parameters are identiKed and the
dissipation rates have been found to be dependent on the vis- application of the two-compartment model to a general
cosity and the rheological type of 3uid (Xuereb & Bertrand, non-homogeneous process, which depends on the local
1996). energy dissipation rate, is outlined in Section 2.
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1737

CFD simulations were conducted using the commercial fer, crucial in reactive systems. Large localized energy dis-
package FLUENT (version 4.32) with the k– turbulence sipation rates can cause cellular damage and reduced yield
model to simulate the turbulent 3ow in a pilot plant reac- in bio-reactors. Furthermore, two-phase process character-
tor for di5erent vessel scales, impeller diameters, and di5er- istics such as drop size distributions, interfacial area, and
ent operating conditions (agitation rate and viscosity) (Sec- gas-holdup are strongly dependent on the distribution of the
tion 3). A general methodology for the determination of the energy dissipation rate.
two-compartment parameters depending on the concept of Numerous measurements over the past decades have
the volume density distribution of the energy dissipation rate shown that the turbulence intensity is extremely high near
is described in Section 4. Previous attempts reported in the the impeller, whereas the rest of the vessel is relatively calm.
literature to deKne the impeller compartment and to deter- The energy dissipation rate may vary by a few orders of
mine the compartment parameters are also reviewed. magnitude within the mixing vessel. Baldyga, Podogorska,
In Section 5 the volume density distribution of the energy and Pohorecki (1995) have used a zonal approach to sim-
dissipation rate, the cumulative dissipated energy, and the ulate the non-homogeneous mixing in a stirred reactor and
relationship between the two-compartment parameters are its e5ect on the population balance of crystal size distri-
determined. A characteristic point is identiKed in the cumu- butions. Alopaeus, Koskinen, and Keskinen (1999) used a
lative dissipated energy curve that is shown to correspond multi-zone approach with compartment energy dissipation
to the impeller compartment that extends up to the vessel rates and exchange 3ows determined from the compart-
wall. Based on this deKnition of the impeller compartment, ment model of Bourne and Yu (1994). The compartment
the two-compartment parameters are determined at di5erent volumes were arbitrarily deKned and the compartment pa-
agitation rates, viscosities, impeller diameters, and vessel rameters were assumed to remain constant with changes in
scale. the agitation rate and the mixing vessel=impeller design.
An example of the application of the two-compartment Considering the discrepancies in the existing experi-
model to a non-homogeneous mixing problem is presented mental data concerning the amount of energy dissipated
in Section 6. A non-homogeneous stirred tank agitated by in each zone, the simplest possible representation of a
a two-blade impeller containing a liquid=liquid dispersion non-homogeneous turbulent stirred vessel is to consider just
is simulated using the two-compartment method and the two homogeneous compartments: a small region around
drop size distributions are determined in both impeller and the impeller characterized by large energy dissipation rates
circulation compartments. The two-compartment model pre- and turbulence intensities and a larger circulation region far
dictions are demonstrated to compare well against the ex- from the impeller, where the turbulent 3ow Keld is nearly
perimental data at di5erent agitation rates. homogeneous and the dissipation rate is small. Fig. 1 de-
picts the impeller and circulation compartments of volumes
Vimp and Vcir possessing di5erent values of average energy
2. Two-compartment representation dissipation per unit mass, Nimp and Ncir , respectively. Fluid is
exchanged between impeller and circulation compartments
Compartment models have proven to be a very useful tool by an exchange 3ow rate Q which depends on the agitation
in chemical engineering in simulating various manufactur- rate, the vessel geometry, and especially the impeller type
ing processes. The compartmentalization of a non-ideal unit and diameter.
operation typically transforms a continuously varying quan- The overall average dissipation rate, , N and the total ves-
tity to a quantity which is constant within a series of ideal sel volume, Vtot , can be expressed as functions of the cor-
compartments or zones thus simplifying the problem signif- responding compartment parameters through the following
icantly. Compartment models have been used to simulate conservation equations:
non-ideal reactor vessels with a combination of elementary
ideal reactors: for example Cui, Van der Lans, Noorman, V
N tot = Nimp Vimp + Ncir Vcir (1)
and Luyben (1996) simulated a multi-impeller bio-reactor and
with a series of single-impeller compartments connected by
axial exchange 3ows between the compartments. For stirred Vtot = Vimp + Vcir (2)
reactors, this approach has led to segregation mixing models
which can describe micro- and macro-mixing non-idealities assuming constant density within the vessel. The compart-
within the vessel (Baldyga & Bourne, 1992). ment volume and dissipation rates can be combined into the
Compartment models of non-ideal mixing 3ows in agi- following two ratios:
tated tanks are based on a characteristic non-homogeneous = Nimp = Ncir and
= Vimp =Vcir (3)
property of the turbulent 3ow. Although di5erent properties
can be used, the most characteristic property of turbulent which represent the level of non-homogeneity and the extent
3ow that determines many mixing processes is the turbulent of segregation of the mixing 3ow within the vessel. Thus,
kinetic energy dissipation rate, . The energy dissipation rate both the compartment volumes and energy dissipation rates
a5ects micromixing and the rates of heat and mass trans- can be expressed in terms of the mixing vessel values, Vtot
1738 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752


ε imp, Vimp
Impeller Zone
ε cir , Vcir
ε = ε(r,z,θ), Vtot=Vimp+Vcir

Fig. 1. Two-compartment model representation of a non-homogeneous mixing tank.

and ,
N and the aforementioned ratios: to the two-compartment model, the spatial non-homogeneity
in  is represented by the two average values: imp and cir
Vimp =
Vtot =(1 +
); (4) in the impeller and circulation compartments, respectively.
The time variation of these compartment values must be
Vcir = Vtot =(1 +
); (5) based on the compartment volumes and energy dissipation
rates and take into account the exchange 3ow rate between
Nimp =  (1
N +
)=(1 +
); (6) compartments:
= f(Nimp ; imp ) + (Qcir − Qimp )=Vimp ; (10)
Ncir = (1
N +
)=(1 +
): (7) dt
For a given mixing vessel, the total volume Vtot is = f(Ncir ; cir ) + (Qimp − Qcir )=Vcir ; (11)
known and the average energy dissipation rate of the dt
two-compartment model N can be estimated by the following with the compartment dissipation rates and volumes deter-
empirical relationship for the average dissipation rate ave : mined from Eqs. (4) – (7). The average value of the prop-
3 erty  in the mixing vessel is obtained by combining the
N ≈ ave = NP Ṅ DI5 =Vtot ; (8) compartment values:
where NP , Ṅ , and DI are the power number, the impeller N = (Vcir cir + Vtot imp )=Vtot : (12)
rotation rate, and the impeller diameter, respectively. There-
fore, the two-compartment ratios and
together with the A special case is often considered where the mixing vessel
compartment exchange 3ow rate Q, comprise the parame- is non-homogeneous in  but homogeneous in  (Tsouris &
ters of the two-compartment model. Tavlarides, 1994) resulting in the following expression:
= f(Nimp ; ) + f(Ncir ; ): (13)
2.1. Application of the compartment model to a dt 1+

non-homogeneous problem
However, this intermediate case can only be applied when
The application of the two-compartment model to a gen- homogeneity in  is assured.
eral non-homogeneous problem is straightforward. For an Eqs. (10) and (11) assume that the rate of change, f(; ),
ideal (homogeneous) mixing vessel, the time-evolution of is deKned over all values of  and  encountered in the mix-
any extensive property, , dependent on the energy dissipa- ing vessel. However, the physical mechanisms that domi-
tion rate, , can be simply written as: nate in di5erent regions within the mixing vessel may be
di5erent because of the large spatial variation of . In such
d cases, alternate expressions for f(; ) must be considered
= f(;N ); (9)
dt separately for each compartment.
where the function f(; ) describes the rate of change of 
within a mixing vessel of energy dissipation rate . 2.2. Determination of the two-compartment parameters
For a non-ideal mixing vessel, the energy dissipation
rate is non-homogeneous and can result in a transient The speciKc values of the parameters ,
and Q
non-homogeneity in  within the mixing vessel. According completely specify the two-compartment model used to
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1739

represent the non-homogeneity of the turbulent 3ow-Keld DT =15.4cm

in a mixing tank. The two-compartment mixing model can
be used in conjunction with other models (reaction kinetics, 1.43 cm
population balances, etc.) which contain their own set of pa-
rameters. To avoid an increase in the number of parameters, 2.8 cm
the two-compartment parameters need to be determined by
an independent method.
The determination of the two-compartment parameters
from experiments can be achieved only with great e5ort. The
experimental determination involves diQcult measurements
of local energy dissipation rates (requiring the simultane- H=28 cm
ous determination of nine independent velocity gradients at
each measuring point) over the entire volume of the mix-
ing vessel (including the region swept by the impeller) and
the estimation of the exchange 3ow rate over the boundary
that separates the impeller and circulation compartments. In W=2.2 cm
recent compartment models (Tsouris & Tavlarides, 1994),
experimental estimates for and
were used which were
3.5 cm
limited in both accuracy and applicability as the compart-
ment parameters vary signiKcantly for di5erent mixing ves-
sels, impellers, and di5erent agitation rates. In addition to DI =12.7 cm
the above limitations, we also have the problem of properly
de8ning the impeller compartment experimentally because Fig. 2. Geometry of mixing vessel used for the suspension reactor at the
di5erent deKnitions of the impeller compartment will result Laboratory of Polymer Reaction Engineering (LPRE).
in di5erent values of the two-compartment parameters ,
and Q.
The impeller discharge 3ow rate QI can be approximated
from empirical expressions such as (Holmes, Voncken, & been limited to cases where the dispersed entities (bubbles,
Dekker, 1964; Nienow & Miles, 1971): droplets, particles) retain their identity and have limited
interaction with the turbulent eddies (Gosman, Lekakou,
QI = NQ Ṅ DI3 ; (14)
Politis, Issa, & Looney, 1992; Torvik & Swendsen, 1990).
where NQ is the dimensionless impeller pumping capacity. Recently, Eulerian–Eulerian (van Wachem, Schouten,
In general, the impeller discharge 3ow rate is expected to Krishna, & van den Bleek, 1998) and Eulerian–Lagrangian
be larger than the compartment exchange 3ow rate Q due (Pan, Dudokovic, & Chang, 1998) two-phase CFD simu-
to internal circulation within each compartment. Indeed, the lations have been employed for the simulation of bubble
exchange 3ow rate Q obtained from the CFD simulations motion and gas-holdup in bubble columns. The need
conducted in this work was consistently smaller than the for complete dimensional description has become clear
impeller discharge 3ow rate. (Borchers, Busch, Sokolichin, & Eigenberger, 1998) but the
Because of the limitations of both experimental and em- e5ect of the interaction between the dispersed phase and the
pirical approaches stated above, CFD simulations were used turbulent 3ow Keld remains unresolved. Vanni and Som-
to determine the values of the two-compartment parameters merfeld (1996) employed Eulerian–Eulerian CFD simula-
and to elucidate their dependence on agitation rate, viscos- tions of homogeneous particle dispersions in a Couette cell
ity, vessel scale and impeller diameter. The CFD simula- to determine the spatial distribution of energy dissipation
tions are described in the following section and the method- rates. For breakage-dominated processes, they found that 5
ology for obtaining the two-compartment parameters from –10 zones were necessary to obtain accurate results for the
the CFD results is presented in detail in Section 4. solids distribution whereas in the aggregation-dominated
case, a single zone was adequate.
Due to these diQculties in performing rigorous CFD sim-
3. CFD simulations of turbulent ows in mixing vessels ulations of two-phase systems, a common practice has been
to resort to single-phase simulations based on the assump-
CFD simulations of turbulent mixing 3ows, which typi- tion that the only e5ect of the dispersed phase is a uniform
cally involve two phases, are still in the early stage of devel- damping of the turbulent kinetic energy throughout the mix-
opment. Both, the interaction of the dispersed phase with the ing vessel. These simulations can give valuable information
turbulent eddies and the processes of droplet breakage and on the qualitative behavior of the 3ow or can be used as
coalescence are complicated issues (Lewalle, Tavlarides, & starting points for the more complicated two-phase simula-
Jairazbhoy, 1987). Due to this reason, CFD simulations have tions mentioned above.
1740 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

Fig. 3. CFD grid, velocity vectors, and energy dissipation rate for the LPRE suspension reactor (top: r–z section at the impeller plane; bottom: r– at
the impeller plane). (a) Structured grid (32 × 41 × 61 in r ×  × z directions, respectively), (b) velocity vector plots, (c) energy dissipation rate contours
(400 rpm;  = 1 × 10−3 kg=m s;  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).

In the present work, single-phase, steady-state CFD sim- during the reaction) (Fig. 2). A structured grid consisting of
ulations were performed and the results were post-processed 32×62×42 nodes in the r–z– directions, respectively, was
in order to determine the two-compartment parameters ,
, reKned around the impeller region where most of the en-
Q that represent the non-homogeneous turbulent 3ow Keld ergy dissipation was expected to occur (Fig. 3a). The CFD
in a mixing vessel. These CFD simulations were conducted simulations were conducted in a rotating frame of reference
with the commercial package FLUENT (version 4.32) using (stationary impeller and rotating vessel wall), with the ap-
the traditional k– turbulence model in order to simulate the propriate Coriollis force adjustments. A non-equilibrium
3ow in an actual pilot plant reactor used for experimental boundary condition in  was used on the solid boundaries.
measurements of droplet suspensions (Chatzi & Kiparis- CFD simulations performed on a Silicon Graphics R10000
sides, 1995). A number of CFD simulations were conducted workstation required signiKcant CPU time for convergence:
to determine the variation of the two-compartment parame- 1000 –5000 steps were necessary to achieve residuals
ters as a function of the operating conditions. The agitation ¡ 10−4 and a constant solution for 100 steps depending on
system (reactor vessel and impeller geometry) consisted the simulated case.
of a tall (H=DT = 1:82) cylindrical unba4ed vessel with a Typical velocity vector plots and energy dissipation rates
relatively large two-blade 3at impeller (which is situated that were obtained for this geometry and grid in the case of
near the bottom to avoid settling of the dispersed phase pure water at an agitation rate of 400 rpm are illustrated in
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1741

Figs. 3b and c. The distribution of velocity vectors within the The state of turbulence within the impeller stream has
vessel indicates a limited radial 3ow (due to the small dis- been found by practically all researchers to be highly
tance separating the impeller blade tip from the vessel wall) anisotropic and non-homogeneous (Okamoto et al., 1981;
and a 3ow pattern restricted to the lower region with larger Calabrese & Stoots, 1989). The axially averaged value of 
vortices in the upper region of the vessel (Fig. 3b). The dis- within the impeller stream was reported by Cutter (1966) to
tribution of energy dissipation rates within the vessel indi- vary by more than an order of magnitude decreasing from
cates a signiKcant non-homogeneity in  of approximately 80 to 4 times the average vessel value with radial position.
2–3 orders of magnitude, with the larger values restricted to SigniKcant non-homogeneities in  have also been reported
a very small region of the vessel surrounding the impeller in two-phase agitated gas–liquid systems (Fort, Machon,
tip (Fig. 3c). This degree of non-homogeneity has been ob- & Kadlec, 1993). On the other hand, the turbulence in the
served in the past in experiments (Okamoto, Nishikawa, & bulk of the tank has been generally found to be isotropic
Hashimoto, 1981) and other CFD simulations (Placek et al., and nearly homogeneous. Gunkel and Weber (1975) report
1986) and is the justiKcation of using the two-compartment turbulence intensities varying by less than 15% within the
model. bulk of a ba4ed tank.
The use of single-phase CFD simulations for the determi- The localization of the energy dissipation rate depends
nation of two-compartment parameters for a two-phase sys- on the agitation system itself. Gunkel and Weber (1975)
tem can be justiKed by assuming that the main e5ect of the found that most of the turbulent kinetic energy (in the order
dispersed phase is to damp the level of turbulence without of 85%) was dissipated outside the impeller stream while
qualitatively altering the distribution of energy dissipation. Cutter (1966) reported a 20% dissipation of power input by
Thus, the two-compartment parameter , which is a ratio of the impeller and 50% in the impeller stream.
impeller and circulation compartment-averaged energy dis- Coulaloglou (1975) used Cutter’s data to obtain the ra-
sipation rates, both of which are damped by the dispersed tio of the local to average energy dissipation rates 7.26 and
phase, will not be in3uenced by the dispersed phase. 0.26 in the impeller and circulation regions, respectively.
The damping of the turbulent 3ow Keld by the dispersed Okamoto et al. (1981) measured the distribution of energy
phase has been accounted for in homogeneous models of dissipation rates in both ba4ed and unba4ed vessels. It was
the drop size distribution of liquid–liquid dispersions by found that i =ave was highly non-homogeneous, strongly de-
introducing a correction factor that depends on the volume pendent on the ratio DI =DT and independent over an agita-
fraction of the dispersed phase ’. For example, Shinnar tion range corresponding to an impeller Reynolds number
(1961) proposed a correction factor of 1=(1 + ’)3 in Eq. of 8 × 103 –2 × 105 . The distribution of energy dissipation
(8) which is equivalent to a correction factor of 1=(1 + ’) was found to be similar in the ba4ed mixing vessel hav-
on the agitation rate (Chatzi & Kiparissides, 1995). This ing larger energy dissipation rate values in the vicinity of
dependence on ’ has also been noted in experimental studies the ba4es. For the unba4ed mixing vessel, imp =ave varied
(Laso, Steiner, & Hartland, 1987). Alternatively, based on from 11.3 to 3.3 in the impeller stream.
the Kolmogorov length scales, Doulah (1975) proposed that Placek and Tavlarides (1985) developed a trailing vortex
the energy dissipation rates d and c of the dispersion and model which led to a relationship of imp =ave = HDT2 =DI3 =
the continuous phases are related to the kinematic viscosities 5:16 independent of the agitation rate when the impeller
d and c by region was assumed to be Vimp = DI3 . This ratio is similar
to the value of imp =ave = 5:2–5.9, which can be extracted
c =d = (d =c )3 (15)
from the Okamoto et al. (1981) paper for the same impeller
resulting in a correction factor of 1=(1 + k ’)3 to the dis- region.
sipation rate where k ¿ 1 (Tsouris and Tavlarides, 1994). Wu and Patterson (1989) used laser Doppler anemometry
Thus, as the volume fraction ’ increases, so does d , result- to measure 3uctuating velocities. The turbulence leveled o5
ing in a decrease in d . Eq. (15) was used to account for the to within 5% of the impeller tip value at a blade width dis-
e5ect of the dispersed phase on the energy dissipation rates tance from the impeller tip. Most energy dissipation occurred
obtained from CFD simulations in this work. between 2r = 1:08DI and 2:26DI radial distance enclosing
a volume of 1:26DI3 . Kresta and Wood (1991) used a cylin-
drical annular region of 2r = DI to 1:45DI and an annular
4. Determination of the two-compartment parameters height equal to the blade width to deKne an impeller region
which enclosed a volume of 0:17DI3 . Tsouris and Tavlarides
The determination of the non-homogeneity in the energy (1994), used the data of Cutter (1966) (cir =ave = 0:26) and
dissipation rate has attracted much attention. However, de- Placek and Tavlarides (1985) (imp =ave = 5:16), and deter-
spite the importance of local energy dissipation rates, the mined compartment volumes to be Vimp = 0:15Vtot .
available estimates in the literature involve mostly aver- Bourne and Yu (1994) separated a stirred reactor into 13
aged values within the impeller swept volume, the impeller zones in correspondence to the bulk 3ow patterns observed
stream, and the bulk of the tank and these reported values in the mixing vessel and used CFD simulations to determine
vary signiKcantly between researchers (Table 1). the individual average energy dissipation rates and exchange
1742 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

Table 1
Estimated compartment parameters in the literature

Year Researcher Method imp =ave Vimp Q=QI

1966 Cutter Experiment 70 –3.5a ∼ 0:1Vtot
1975 Coulaloglou 7.26
1981 Okamoto et al. Experiment 11.3–3.3a 0.11b – 0.05c Vtot
1985 Placek and Tavlarides Vortex model 5.16 1:0DI3
1989 Wu and Patterson Experiment 1:24DI3
1991 Kresta and Wood Annular region 18b –53c 0:17DI3 1
1995 Baldyga et al. CFD 15 0:05Vtot
1996 Aloi and Cherry Vortex model ∼ 13:3 0:075DI3
a Variation
on centerline from impeller tip to wall.
= 2.
c D =D = 3.

3ows for each zone. Based on their data, one can calculate cut , is identiKed and the impeller and circulation compart-
V=Vtot for the impeller swept region, the impeller jet, and the ments are subsequently deKned as the grid cells with energy
circulation region to be 0.0073, 0.0848, and 0.9079, respec- dissipation rates  ¿ cut and  ¡ cut , respectively.
tively, with corresponding values of =ave being 33.8, 4.11, Once both compartments are deKned, the compartment
and 0.684. Baldyga et al. (1995) used a two-zone model average dissipation rates can be calculated by integrating
with Vimp =Vtot = 0:05 and =ave 15 and 0.25 for the impeller the local values over the volume of each compartment. The
and circulation zones, respectively. compartment exchange volumetric 3ow rate is determined
In the case of bio-reactors, cell damage is considered to by the surface average of the normal velocity across the area
occur primarily near the impeller tip and is due to 3uid that separates the two compartments.
turbulence (Kunas & Papoutsakis, 1990). Aloi and Cherry  
(1996) modeled the damage mechanism by considering the 1 1
Nimp =  dV; Ncir =  dV and
energy dissipation to occur entirely in the trailing vortices Vimp Vimp Vcir Vcir
of the impeller tip from a Rushton turbine. The volume 
of the vortices, essentially an “impeller compartment”, was Q = n ◦ u dA; (16)
determined to be 0:075DI3 . This small value given that the A
vessel volume was approximately 10DI3 amounted to more where n is the normal vector to the compartment surface and
than 2 orders of magnitude increase in  in the vortices u the velocity vector on the compartment surface. Finally,
compared to the average bulk value. The relatively small the two-compartment volume and dissipation rate ratios
impeller compartment volume was correctly attributed to the and
are determined from Eqs. (3). The procedure is out-
fact that other investigators had ignored the circumferential lined step-by-step in the following sections.
variation of the impeller zone.
From the above summary, it is clear that there is no gen-
4.2. Volume density distribution of the energy dissipation
erally accepted procedure for the determination of the com-
partment values as indicated by the wide range of values in
Table 1. In the sections that follow a methodology for the
The volume density distribution ni represents the fraction
determination of the two-compartment parameters based on
of the vessel volume with an energy dissipation rate between
CFD simulations is presented in detail. This approach de-
i and i + V. The range of energy dissipation rate values
Knes the compartment volumes in a general and objective
obtained from CFD simulations (min to max ) is discretized
into Nel sections (i to i+1 ) for i = 1; 2; : : : ; Nel + 1 (with
1 = min and Nel = max ). The volume density distribution
over the discrete range of dissipation rates can be obtained
4.1. General procedure for the determination of the
by summing all the grid cells that have an energy dissipation
two-compartment parameters
rate within the i-section taking into account the respective
grid-cell volumes:
The results of the CFD simulations for the LPRE reactor

(Fig. 2) consist of the velocity components and the turbu-
lent energy dissipation rates corresponding to each CFD cell. ni = Vj (H (j − i−1 ) − H (j − i ))=Vtot ; (17)
These data are post-processed to extract the volume den-
sity distribution of energy dissipation rates within the mix- where Vj is the volume of the jth cell, Ntot is the total
ing vessel, which provides a concise representation of the number of grid cells, and H (x) is the Heaviside function.
non-homogeneities of . A cut-o5 energy dissipation rate, Because Nel Ntot , the sectional representation of the energy
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1743

dissipation rate, i , together with the volume density distri- and

bution, ni , is substantially more eQcient than a simple list
Ncir = (Vtot N − Vimp Nimp )=(Vtot − Vimp ): (23)
of the energy dissipation rate values.
The energy dissipation rate ratio is determined from the
4.3. Cumulative energy dissipation compartment energy dissipation rates of Nimp and Ncir ob-
tained from Eqs. (22) and (23).
The dissipated energy distribution ei = i ni represents
the amount of energy dissipated between energy dissipation
rates i and i + V. The cumulative energy dissipation can 5. Results and discussion
then be deKned over the discretized range of dissipation rates
as: Following the procedure outlined in Section 4, the
i i two-compartment parameters were determined from CFD
Ei = ej = j nj (18) simulations as a function of agitation rate, viscosity, im-
j=1 j=1 peller diameter, and reactor scale for the mixing vessel
depicted in Fig. 2.
and provides the total energy dissipation rate between min
and i .
5.1. E:ect of agitation rate
4.4. Determination of the energy dissipation rate cut-o:
The volume density distribution of energy dissipation
In principle, the value of the energy dissipation rate rates over a wide range of agitation rates is illustrated in
cut-o5, cut , could be determined from any distinguishing Fig. 4. Most of the energy dissipation occurs over 2–3
feature of the distributions n‘ , e‘ , or E‘ that corresponds orders of magnitude in accordance to reported experimental
to the boundary between impeller and circulation compart- observations and CFD simulations. The distribution curves
ments. However, only the cumulative dissipated energy for di5erent agitation rates are similar in shape possibly as
rate consistently demonstrated such a feature presenting a result of the similar 3ow Keld. The similarity in the vol-
a clear break in slope at all the conditions studied in this ume density distributions is important as it leads to small
work. This break was used to deKne a value of cut which di5erences in ratios of dissipation rates.
determined the impeller and circulation compartments. The As the agitation rate decreases, the distribution shifts
physical meaning of the break in slope and the justiKcation to smaller values of  and becomes smoother. The main
for this deKnition of cut is discussed in Section 5.2. peak in the distribution corresponds to the circulation
(low-dissipation) compartment and the secondary peaks at
larger values of  correspond to the impeller compartment.
4.5. Determination of the two-compartment parameters
The average of the distribution varies proportionally to the

third power of the agitation rate as expected from Eq. (8).

This is an indication that the k– turbulence model pro-
The impeller and circulation compartment volumes and
duces averaged values of the energy dissipation rate that
their ratio
are determined from the volume density distri-
are qualitatively valid.
bution ni and the value of the dissipation rate cut-o5 cut .
The impeller compartment volume is deKned as the sum of
cell volumes with an energy dissipation rate greater than the 5.2. Selection of cut value
cut-o5 value.
Nel The determination of the ratio of compartment volumes,

Vimp = Vtot nj H (j − cut ) (19)
, based on the distribution of the energy dissipation rates
j=1 should be both general and objective. Fig. 4 cannot provide
a clear selection criterion (such as an in3ection point or a
resulting in a compartment volume ratio given by
unique impeller peak) for the energy dissipation rate cut-o5,

= Vimp =(Vtot − Vimp ) (20) cut . However, for all the cases examined, the cumulative
with the mean energy dissipation rate given by energy dissipation followed an S-shaped curve (Fig. 5) with
 an abrupt change in slope at large values of  (e.g. 2:2 m2 =s3
N = nj j : (21) at 400 rpm) which was equated to cut . It is observed that,
j=1 as the agitation rate increases, the local energy dissipation
The average dissipation rates for each compartment are de- rates increase, and so does the energy cut-o5 cut (Table 2).
termined from the discrete form of Eq. (16) using the vol- The success of the methodology described in Sections
ume density distribution: 4.2– 4.5 depends on the deKnition of the compartments based
 on the break in the cumulative energy dissipation curve.
Nimp = nj j H (j − cut ) (22) Fig. 6 compares four di5erent energy dissipation rate regions
j=1 (iso-surface plots for  from FLUENT) at an agitation rate of
1744 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

0.04 the mixing vessel between  = 20 and 22 m2 =s3 . The cut-o5

20 rpm
value determined for 800 rpm was found to be 22:5 m2 =s3
100 rpm (Fig. 5). Clearly, the break in slope of the cumulative
Volume Density Distribution, ni

0.03 400 rpm energy dissipation corresponds to the point at which the
800 rpm
impeller region contacts the vessel surface. Beyond this
point ( ¿ cut ), the impeller region contains only regions
where the turbulent energy is being dissipated near the
As was discussed in Section 4, there are other pos-
sible procedures for the determination of the impeller
0.01 compartment. However, this approach is straightforward
and easy to follow. Moreover, the impeller compartment
created with this method is topologically simple and
0.00 convenient for visualizing the high- region around the
1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 impeller and for calculating the exchange 3ow between
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3] compartments.
Fig. 4. Volume density distributions of the energy dissipation rate at di5er-
ent agitation rates (LPRE reactor, =1×10−3 kg=m s, =1×103 kg=m3 ).
5.3. Selection of two-compartment parameters

According to the procedure outlined in Section 4.5, the

800 rpm for di5erent values of cut . The dark regions in these relationship between and
can be determined for any
Kgures correspond to energy dissipation rate values larger deKnition of the energy cut-o5 cut , resulting in general =

than cut and essentially represent the impeller compartment curves as indicated in Fig. 7 for a series of simulated con-
situated within the mixing vessel. As the iso-surface value ditions. For a given value of cut , the ratio of compartment
for the dissipation rate decreases, the impeller region in- volumes
can be determined (Eqs. (19) and (20)) and the
creases in size and comes into contact with the surface of ratio of energy dissipation rates is obtained from Fig. 7.

1.5E-4 0.012
20 rpm 100 rpm
Cumulative Energy Dissipation
Cumulative Energy Dissipation

1E-4 0.008

5E-5 0.004

0 0.000
1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1E+0
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3] Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3]
0.8 5
400 rpm 800 rpm
Cumulative Energy Dissipation

Cumulative Energy Dissipation




0.0 0
1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3] Energy Dissipation Rate [m2 s-3]

Fig. 5. Cumulative energy dissipation rates (LPRE reactor,  = 1 × 10−3 kg=m s,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1745

Table 2
Two-compartment parameters determined from CFD results: e5ect of agitation rate and viscosity ( = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ; DI = 12:1 cm)

Agitation Viscosity Dissipated energy 

Q × 104
rate ×10−3 in impeller cut-o5 ( m 3 = s)
(rpm) (kg= m s) compartment ( m 2 = s3 )
20 1.0 83.4% 9:5 × 10−5 0.59 8.5 2.02
100 1.0 59.3% 0.021 0.0877 16.6 3.13
400 1.0 48.0% 2.2 0.0396 23.3 4.49
800 1.0 37.7% 22.5 0.0178 34.0 6.77

Fig. 6. Impeller compartment for di5erent values of the energy dissipation rate cut-o5, cut : (a) cut =28:0 m2 =s3 , (b) cut =22:5 m2 =s3 , (c) cut =20:0 m2 =s3 ,
(d) cut = 18:0 m2 =s3 (400 rpm,  = 1 × 10−3 kg=m s,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).

The shapes of the =

curves are quite similar consider- 40
ing the wide range of agitation rates. If the impeller com-
Compartment Dissipation Rate Ratio,

Agitation Rate
partment were deKned by a constant value of , then an in-
20 rpm
crease in the agitation rate would result in an increase in
the size of the impeller compartment. However, because of 30 100 rpm
the particular deKnition of the impeller compartment used 400 rpm
in this work (Section 4) both and
vary with agitation 800 rpm
rate. Thus, as the agitation rate increases, the compartment
volume ratio decreases while the compartment dissipation 20
rate ratio increases (Table 2). This implies that increasingly
non-homogeneous dissipation rates are restricted to smaller
impeller compartments. For agitation rates between 100 and
800 rpm, the values for
are small with respect to an im- 10
peller compartment between 1.7% and 8.1% of the vessel
volume, as a result of the impeller type and the large aspect
ratio of the vessel (Table 2). A multi-blade impeller and a 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
vessel with a smaller H=DT ratio would obviously produce a Compartment Volume Ratio, µ
larger value of
. Despite the small impeller compartments,
Fig. 7. Two-compartment parameter variation at di5erent agitation rates
the amount of energy dissipated in the impeller region is (LPRE reactor,  = 1 × 10−3 kg=m s,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
signiKcant (38– 60%) due to the large values of (17–34).
1746 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

0.025 there is an equivalent sensitivity to changes in rotation rate

Viscosity x103 [Kg/ms] or viscosity (Tables 2 and 3). Both a decrease in rotation
Dissipated Energy Distribution, ei

rate or an increase in viscosity leads to ineQcient mixing and

0.020 η = 1.0
smaller values of energy dissipation ratio parameter . The
η = 4.3
percent energy dissipated in the impeller compartment was
0.015 found to be approximately constant with increasing viscosity
but decreased with agitation rate (Table 2).
The exchange 3ow rate between compartments was found
0.010 to increase with increasing viscosity despite a constant ag-
itation rate (Table 3). The decrease in with increasing
0.005 viscosity (Table 3 and Fig. 10) resulted in less circulation
within the impeller compartment leading to an increase in
the compartment exchange 3ow rate (Table 3). Based on
0.000 the results of Tables 2 and 3, the exchange 3ow rate (Q)
1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 was determined to be proportional to Q ˙ 0:5 Ṅ : for an
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3] agitation rate between 20 and 800 rpm and viscosities of
1–4:3 × 10−3 kg=m s.
Fig. 8. E5ect of viscosity on the dissipated energy distribution (LPRE
reactor, 400 rpm,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
5.5. E:ect of impeller diameter
The exchange 3ow rate between compartments was found
to increase with increasing agitation rate (Table 2) but not The size of the impeller diameter can in3uence the
proportionally to Ṅ as expected from Eq. (9) because the overall 3ow patterns within the mixing vessel and the
exchange 3ow rate also depends on the compartment surface average energy dissipation rate. It is expected that an in-
area. Clearly, the variation of ,
, and Q with agitation rate crease in the impeller diameter at constant agitation rate
depends on the deKnition of the impeller compartment and should result in an increase in the 3ow rate, the total en-
di5erent deKnitions will probably produce di5erent trends ergy dissipation rate, and the homogeneity of the 3ow
with agitation rate. Keld. However, in the LPRE mixing vessel, the gap be-
tween the impeller tip and the vessel wall was too small
5.4. E:ect of viscosity to allow for a fully developed impeller jet stream to de-
velop. As a result, the conclusions reached in this section
Many mixing processes involve a continuous change are not applicable to the more customary smaller diameter
of viscosity, which may lead to a change in the two- impellers.
compartment parameters. In Fig. 8, it is observed that a four- Two agitation systems were compared at 400 rpm using
fold increase in viscosity at 400 rpm in3uenced the 3ow Keld impellers with diameters of 9.8 and 12:7 cm corresponding
around the impeller and resulted in a narrower dissipated en- to actual impellers used in the mixing vessel depicted in Fig.
ergy distributions. The distribution in the high- region de- 2. It is observed that the signiKcant di5erence in the shape
creased leading to a smaller two-compartment parameter of the volume density distribution (Fig. 10) is a result of the
(Table 3). di5erent 3ow patterns, which lead to di5erent distributions
The two-compartment parameters and
at di5erent vis- of the energy dissipation rate within the vessel. The use of
cosities are indicated in Fig. 9. Clearly, the =
curves are larger impeller diameters resulted in a factor of 3.8 increase
qualitatively similar being displaced to smaller values of in N as expected by the variation with DI5 in Eq. (8). The
with increasing viscosity  and coincide to within a few per- signiKcant di5erences observed in the volume density dis-
cent if plotted as 0:226 vs.
(inset of Fig. 9). Comparing tributions are re3ected in the cumulative energy dissipation
the relative e5ect of changes in the agitation rate and viscos- curves (Fig. 11). Although the compartment volume ratio
ity on the two-compartment parameters, it is observed that did not change signiKcantly, the smaller diameter impeller

Table 3
Two-compartment parameters determined from CFD results: e5ect of viscosity ( = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ; DI = 12:1 cm)

Agitation Viscosity Dissipated energy 

Q × 104
rate ×10−3 in impeller cut-o5 (m3 =s)
(rpm) (kg=m s) compartment (m2 =s3 )

400 1.0 48.0% 2.2 0.0396 23.3 4.49

400 2.7 51.4% 1.726 0.0506 20.9 7.16
400 3.39 52.7% 1.495 0.0625 17.8 8.80
400 4.3 52.4% 1.337 0.0687 15.9 9.72
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1747

30 0.8
Compartment Dissipation Rate Ratio, λ

Viscosity x10 [Kg/ms] Impeller Diamete r

Cumulative Energy Dissipation

η = 1.0 DI = 12.8 cm
η = 2.7 0.6 DI = 9.8 cm
η = 3.4
20 η = 4.3



5 0.0

0.01 0.10 1.00 1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2

Compartment Volume Ratio, µ Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3]
Fig. 11. Cumulative dissipated energy at 400 rpm: e5ect of impeller
Fig. 9. E5ect of viscosity on the two-compartment parameter plots (LPRE
diameter (LPRE reactor,  = 2:7 × 10−3 kg=m s,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
reactor, 400 rpm,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).

5.6. E:ect of scale-up

0.05 Scale-up of two-phase mixing from lab-scale to pilot plant

Impeller Diameter and from pilot plant to commercial scale is not straightfor-
ward or well established. Depending on the physical process
Volume Density Distribution, ni

DI = 12.8 cm
DI = 9.8 cm
that limits the performance of the mixing vessel, it is com-
monly suggested that one should keep constant the power
0.03 input per volume, the impeller discharge 3ow, the impeller
tip speed, the Weber number, the Reynolds number, etc.
(Oldshue, 1993). Probably, the most signiKcant problem in
0.02 scale-up occurs when di5erent physical processes become
limiting at di5erent scales. For example, commercial-scale
suspension reactors have to perform several functions simul-
taneously (dispersion, reaction, and heat transfer) which do
not scale up in the same manner. Thus, heat removal can
0.00 become a limiting factor for reactor performance at large
1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1
scales while it is rarely a problem for lab-scale reactors.
CFD simulations at a 1.9 linear scale-up (6.86 volumet-
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3]
ric scale-up) of the vessel in Fig. 2 were performed using
Fig. 10. Volume density distribution of the energy dissipation rate at the same grid as in Fig. 3a scaled up proportionally to the
400 rpm: e5ect of impeller diameter (LPRE reactor, =2:7×10−3 kg=m s,
 = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
vessel size. No additional cells were included as the grid
was suQciently Kne for the CFD simulations of this scale. It
is observed that the volume density distributions (Fig. 12)
and the cumulative dissipated energies (Fig. 13) are simi-
lar to the normal scale case (Figs. 4 and 5). An increase in
produced a 25% smaller value of and 10% less energy dis- agitation rate resulted in a shift of the entire distribution to
sipation in the impeller compartment (Table 4). The smaller higher  values and all cumulative energy dissipation curves
impeller produced a well-developed radial impeller jet 3ow changed slope at an cut value that increased with increasing
resulting in an exchange 3ow nearly double that of the large agitation rate.
impeller. In the scaled-up mixing vessel, the impeller radial jet 3ow
The dependence of the volume distribution of energy dis- was unimpeded by the wall. As a result, the compartment
sipation rate with impeller diameter is much stronger than exchange 3ow rates were found to be a factor of 5 – 6 times
either with agitation rate or viscosity and thus should be larger, and varied proportionally to Ṅ , causing the distribu-
an important consideration for design or scale-up especially tion of turbulence to be more homogeneous and resulting in
when considering the homogeneity of the mixing vessel. a decrease in the percent energy dissipated in the impeller
1748 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

Table 4
Two-compartment parameters determined from CFD results: e5ect of impeller diameter ( = 1 × 103 kg=m3 )

Agitation Viscosity Impeller Dissipated 

Q × 104
rate ×10−3 diameter energy cut-o5 ( m 3 = s)
(rpm) (kg= m s) DI (cm) in impeller ( m 2 = s3 )
400 2.7 12.1 51.4% 1.726 0.0506 20.9 7.16
400 2.7 9.8 40.0% 0.830 0.0494 13.5 13.40

0.025 the increase in the compartment exchange 3ow rate, the tur-
Agitation Rate bulent 3ow Keld non-homogeneities are signiKcantly more
severe in the scaled-up vessel.
Volume Density Distribution, ni

280 rpm
325 rpm
360 rpm 5.7. Comparison of CFD results using in-house and
0.015 FLUENT software

0.010 CFD simulations of the mixing vessel equipped with a

two-blade impeller rotating at 100 rpm were conducted us-
ing both FLUENT (with the k– turbulence model) and an
0.005 in-house code (based on a variation of the k– model) with
di5erent grids. Despite some di5erences in the predicted
3ow Kelds and local energy dissipation rate ratios, the en-
ergy dissipation rate distributions were fairly similar. It was
1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2
observed that the calculated impeller dissipation rates i var-
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3]
ied by a constant ratio of about 1.7. However, the predicted
Fig. 12. Volume density distributions of the energy dissipation rate: e5ect values of were very similar (1–5% di5erence in the range
of reactor scale-up at di5erent agitation rates (LPRE reactor scaled-up by of
values encountered in this work).
a factor of 1.9,  = 2:7 × 10−3 kg=m s,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
From this comparison of CFD software and re-
sults, one concludes that the algorithm for determining
1.6 two-compartment parameters is not very sensitive to dif-
Agitation Rate ferences in the overall dissipation rates: it depends mostly
1.4 on the relative di5erences of the compartment dissipation
Cumulative Energy Dissipation

280 rpm
1.2 325 rpm

360 rpm
1.0 5.8. General correlations for the two-compartment

0.6 Ideally, it would be preferable to obtain the two-

compartment parameters from a general correlation
0.4 rather than perform cumbersome CFD simulations for
every di5erent operating condition. For the compart-
ment parameters and
, the simulations described in
0.0 Sections 5.2 and 5.4 –5.6 collapse close to a general
1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3
curve when compared against the impeller Reynolds
Energy Dissipation Rate [m2s-3]
number as indicated in Fig. 14. An increase in the
impeller Reynolds number results in a decrease in
Fig. 13. Cumulative dissipated energy: e5ect of reactor scale-up at
and an increase in . In Fig. 15, it is observed
di5erent agitation rates (LPRE reactor scaled-up by a factor of 1.9,
 = 2:7 × 10−3 kg=m s,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
that the compartment exchange 3ow rate Q is ap-
proximately one-third the impeller discharge 3ow rate
QI . Clearly, more CFD simulations are required to
compartment (Table 5). The most signiKcant di5erence with produce an accurate general correlation but Figs. 14
the scaled-up vessel is the approximate 60 –80% increase in and 15 could be used for obtaining Krst estimates of
the dissipation rate ratios compared to the normal scale ves- the two-compartment parameters at di5erent operating
sel (Tables 3 and 5). This increase indicates that, despite conditions.
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1749

Table 5
Two-compartment parameters determined from CFD results: e5ect of a 1.9 linear vessel scale-up ( = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ; DI = 23:0 cm)

Agitation Viscosity Dissipated energy 

Q × 104
rate ×10−3 in impeller cut-o5 ( m 3 = s)
(rpm) (kg= m s) compartment ( m 2 = s3 )

280 2.7 37.7% 3.0 0.0186 32.5 39.2

325 2.7 38.1% 4.8 0.0182 33.8 45.5
360 2.7 37.6% 6.9 0.0162 37.2 50.5

Compartment Exchange Flow Rate, Q [m3/s]

40 60
Dissipation Rate Ratio, λ

Simulated Cases
a: , b: , c: , d:
30 50

20 40

10 30

0 20
Simulated Cases
a: , b: , c: , d:
Volume Ratio, µ


0 60 120 180
Impeller Discharge Flow Rate, QI[m3/s]
Fig. 15. Correlation between compartment exchange 3ow rate and the
0.00 impeller discharge 3ow rate. Dashed line: Q = QI =3. Simulated cases: (a)
various agitation rates, LPRE reactor scale; (b) various agitation rates,
1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1:9 × LPRE reactor scale; (c) di5erent viscosities; (d) di5erent impeller
Reynolds Number diameters.

Fig. 14. Correlation between two-compartment parameters and

the impeller Reynolds number. Simulated cases: (a) various agitation As emphasized in the previous sections, a stirred vessel
rates, LPRE reactor scale; (b) various agitation rates, 1:9 × LPRE reactor
is highly non-homogeneous resulting in considerably di5er-
scale; (c) di5erent viscosities; (d) di5erent impeller diameters.
ent breakage and coalescence rates encountered in the im-
peller and the circulation regions. Coulaloglou and Tavlar-
6. Application of the compartment model to liquid–liquid ides (1977) Krst noted the importance of mixing vessel
dispersions non-homogeneity in liquid–liquid suspensions and proposed
a two-region circulation model. Attempts to incorporate the
A property of major importance for liquid–liquid disper- non-homogeneity of the turbulent 3ow Keld using empiri-
sions is the droplet size distribution (DSD) as it directly cal estimates of imp and Vimp and were partially successful
in3uences interfacial mass-transfer and determines end-use (Nambiar, Kumar, Das, & Gandhi, 1994; Tsouris & Tavlar-
properties in applications such as suspension polymeriza- ides, 1994). The average breakage and coalescence rates
tion. The DSD can be represented by population balance over the entire vessel were used to describe the evolution of
equations (PBE) which have been extensively used in the DSD (using an expression similar to Eq. (13)), that was as-
literature for the mathematical analysis of liquid–liquid dis- sumed to be homogeneous. However, the inherent assump-
persion systems (Ramkrishna, 1985). In the PBE formula- tion of a homogeneous DSD as well as the use of empirical
tion, the dispersed phase is viewed as a family of droplets values for the compartment volumes and dissipation rates
whose individual identities are being continuously destroyed may lead to errors. Furthermore, this approach does not con-
and recreated by the dynamic processes of drop break-up sider the e5ect of agitation rate, impeller diameter, or vis-
and coalescence. Thus, the driving forces behind the evo- cosity, on the compartment parameters.
lution of DSD with time are the breakage and coalescence The e5ect of the process parameters on the droplet size
rates, which are functions of the physical properties of the distribution has been investigated in a series of experiments
system and the basic hydrodynamics characterized by the involving liquid–liquid suspensions of 50 vol% n-butyl
energy dissipation rate. chloride droplets in an aqueous phase at di5erent agitation
1750 A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752

200 function f(; ) corresponds to PBE and the property  to

Impeller Compartment
the number density distribution of the dispersed droplet
Volume Density Distribution (cm -1 )

λ =15.9, µ =0.0687

phase. The compartment parameters were determined ac-
160 Simulated cording to the procedure of this paper.
Comparisons of the model predictions to the experimen-
120 tal data are shown in Figs. 16 and 17 for the impeller com-
partment at impeller speeds of 400 and 800 rpm and a kine-
matic viscosity of  = 1:72 cS. A satisfactory agreement was
80 obtained between the theoretical predictions and experimen-
tally determined drop size distributions. At an agitation rate
of 400 rpm, the distributions are non-homogeneous, whereas
at higher agitation rates they were nearly identical (Magioris
et al., 2000). This can be explained in terms of the increased
0 compartment exchange 3ow rate, leading to a signiKcantly
reduced time towards equilibration.
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Drop Diameter (µm)
Fig. 16. Volume density distributions of droplet diameters in the impeller 7. Conclusions
compartment at 400 rpm. Compartment parameters determined from CFD
simulations (LPRE reactor,  = 4:3 cS,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ).
The two-compartment model for non-homogeneous mix-
240 ing vessels was demonstrated to be capable of account-
Impeller Compartment ing for the wide range of energy dissipation rates encoun-
Volume Density Distribution (cm -1 )

λ =18.6, µ =0.0453
tered in typical turbulent mixing 3ows in a simple manner.
200 Experimental
Two-compartment model parameters were identiKed ( ,
and Q) and a general methodology for post-processing CFD
160 data to extract these parameters was described. The varia-
tion of the two-compartment parameters with operating con-
120 ditions and, especially, with mixing vessel design can be
quite signiKcant. The volume density distribution of energy
80 dissipation rates was found to be more sensitive to vessel
scale-up or=and changes in the impeller diameter than to
40 changes in the viscosity or agitation rate. Reactor scale-up
at similar power inputs resulted in an increased compart-
ment exchange 3ow rate and in larger values of , indicating
that the turbulent 3ow Keld became more non-homogeneous
0 40 80 120 160 200 with scale-up.
Drop Diameter (µm) The determination of the two-compartment parame-
ters using CFD can be a cumbersome task, especially for
Fig. 17. Volume density distributions of droplet diameters in the impeller
compartment at 800 rpm. Compartment parameters determined from CFD large-scale reactors. However, general correlations for ,
simulations (LPRE reactor,  = 4:3 cS,  = 1 × 103 kg=m3 ). and Q parameters can be determined in terms of the operat-
ing conditions from comprehensive CFD simulations, and
then employed for the calculation of droplet=particle size
rates and impeller diameters in the presence of various types distribution in a mixing vessel, using a two-compartment
of surface active agents (Chatzi & Kiparissides, 1995). It population-balance mathematical description.
was shown that non-homogeneous DSD was encountered
at high viscosities and small impeller rotation rates.
To assess the e5ectiveness of the two-compartment model Notation
in predicting the e5ect of non-homogeneities in stirred
tanks, the two-compartment approach was used to predict DI impeller diameter, m
DSD in a high holdup liquid–liquid dispersion (Magioris, DT mixing vessel diameter, m
Goulas, Alexopoulos, Chatzi, & Kiparissides, 2000). The Ei cumulative dissipated energy, m2 =s3
two-compartment formulation of the population balance H mixing vessel height, m
equation was utilized in the impeller and circulation com- H (x) Heaviside function
partments, respectively (Magioris, Goulas, Alexopoulos, ni volume density distribution of the energy dis-
Chatzi, & Kiparissides, 1998) according to the procedure sipation rate
outlined in Section 2.1. Thus, in Eqs. (10) and (11), the NP impeller power number
A. H. Alexopoulos et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1735–1752 1751

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