Ogl 350 Paper 1

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Kiana Knox

OGL 350

Professor Ghoreishian

17, October 2021

Module 1

After completing the readings and activities from this module, I was able to

start to get a better understanding of diversity in organizations and why it’s important to

have diverse management practices. I feel like I have really been able to understand

that diversity management is important to have an organization run smoothly because

when people feel there is a variety and it's not just the same person, the same thing

happening twenty four/seven it makes it more enjoyable which creates a better

environment and culture to work in. “Diversity management refers to the specific

programmes, policies and practices that organizations have developed and

implemented to manage a diverse workforce effectively and to promote organizational

equality (Nkomo & Hoobler, 2014; Prasad & Mills, 1997)” (Dennissen, 220). From this

one article I read, they really dive deeper into the concept of dynamic process of

privilege and disadvantages and how they play a role in sustaining intersectional

inequalities in organizations (Dennissen, 219). When reading about this and learning

how this can really affect a company and their success/ production rate its really

amazing to think something that seems like should not be that big of a deal and affect

the success rate of any company or organization but it really does cause when people

don't feel included or welcomed it make you not want to do your best for whatever you

are a part of.

In the other article I read, they use the military as the main source to explain

more view points on diversity and one point they made that really stuck out to me was

they argue about the how diversity management is yes indeed inpoent but they also

need to accompany visions of the future and what it looks like after we achieve this goal

(Galvin & Allen, 1). I think this is something that is important to think bout because what

will the world look like if we have completely gotten rid of discrimination cause it will look

like a completely different world, we will be in the postdiversity vision. Postdiveristy

vision means more than just the elimination of discrimination but how everything will

function when diveristy management is no longer a requirment. I thought this was

interesting to read about because it's hard to imagine a world without discriminination

cause that's the way it's been for so long so really sitting down and thinking about it

made me want to learn more about it.

I really enjoyed reading the “Complexity of Identity” because iently and

learning who you are so something I have been very interested in over a year now and

something that I have been trying to learn more about to better myself and figure out at

the end of the day who I am. This thing that stuck out to me the most while reading this

article was the statement he said “The parts of our identity that do capture our attention

are those that other people notice, and that reflect back on us” (Tatum, 2). This stuck

out to me because I feel this is a very true statement because we are influenced by

what other think or feel about us and so when other people notice certain things about

us we will hold onto these traits harder because we want to be noticed and liked so if

that gets attention we will present it in a social gathering. The Pie chart personally for

me was kind of challenging and confusing because I didn't really understand the entire
purpose behind it and I struggled with what categories to put on the pie chart, as well

as, how to divide them up. My pie chart was very basic cause it also wouldn't let me add

more to it so I did two things that have always been extremely important to me my

whole life and that was my family and education. After taking the pretest I ended up

scoring a 90 which i’m not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing since there is no

baseline score to go off of but after taking the test I learned right away that I have a lot

to actually learn because most of it was very unsure how to answer it which means I

need to grow my knowledge in this.

So, when looking at how my family is and putting it into the Hofstede’s

model I am really able to see and describe the culture inside my family. Looking at the

first concept of individualism and collectivism, I would say that my family tends to show

more individualism traits because we do have a big concern for ourselves and each

other because at the end of the day we have each other always and we are a very close

knit family. Our household is also run more on the vertical individualist because it is like

a ranking of power and who's in charge in my household. For the power distance, it's

hard to explain because yes there is a definite power difference between everyone in

my household but at the end of the day we still all have each other's backs and will help

one another by sharing the power. Again we have a very wishy washy way with this

because some of it really applies to my family but some of it does not, so we all pride

ourselves on telling the truth no matter what and we do have specific rules of the house

that have to be followed. We also have a pretty set structure that the household is ran

in, so now looking and thinking more about this concept and my family we probably are

more of an uncertainty avoidance because for a long time we had a lot of uncertainty in
our life and now that we are in a pretty good place we don't like doing things that will

mess it up. I feel like my household is a little bit of both masculin and feminine because

my parents have always been tougher with us because this world is not an easy place

and they never wanted us to get swallowed up by it so they tried making us strong and

resilient to handle any challenges that get thrown at us. On the other hand they are still

very nurturing and caring because at the end of the day if you don't have a balance of

both something will always go wrong for you later in life. Lastly with time orientation i

think again here we embody a little bit of both sides of this concept because we are all

very intent on our future and what we can do to have a successful life but then at the

same time my dad is always talking about not to be in a rush to grow up and enjoy

where you are now because you will never have it back.
Works Cited

Dennissen, M., Benschop, Y., & Brink, M. (2020). Rethinking diversity management: An

intersectional analysis of diversity networks. Organization Studies, 41(2),

219–240. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840618800103

Galvin, T., & Allen, C. (2021). Diversity Management and the PostDiversity Vision: An

Applied Pragmatist Approach. Armed Forces and Society, 47(1), 48–76.


Tatum, B. (2010). The Complexity of Identity: Who Am I? In Readings for Diversity and

Justice, 2nd edition.

NPR (2016). 'Rent-A-Minority' Promises A Satirical Solution To Diversity Problems. 4

min. 5 sec.



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