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1.What does it mean to define target population?

Give an example of target population

A target population is a certain group of the population that share similar characteristics and is identified as the
intended audience for a product, advertising or research. 

Examples of a target population are a company's customer base, the population of particular country, the
students at a particular university

Explain the difference between research question and research hypothesis.

A research question is the question the research study sets out to answer. Hypothesis is the statement the
research study sets out to prove or disprove. The main difference between hypothesis and research question is
that hypothesis is predictive in nature whereas research question is inquisitive in nature.

Be original – what does it mean in the context of research?

Producing something original in research is critical to the survival of the field, because unless original things are
produced, the body of knowledge will cease to exist.

2.Explain the role of interviewers in research process

The job of an interviewer is one of the most important for conducting a survey project, as the interviewer is
responsible for collecting information truthfully, reliably and appropriately.

The response rate is usually 20-30%. What can we do to increase it?

fewer questions
simpler questions
more yes or no questions
What are the most common mistakes when designing questionnaires?

Downloaded and guided questions. ...

Inappropriate questions. ...
Incomplete answer categories. ...
Too many questions.
1.       The variable "Soft drinks – small, medium, large" is measured on:
a)      ordinal scale b)    ratio scale c)      interval scale d)     nominal scale

2.       Which of the following is COMPLEX hypothesis?

a)      age and weight increase your chances of getting diabetes and heart disease.
b)     the more educated you are, the more likely you are to have a well-paying job.
c)      the higher ratio of unemployment leads to crimes.
d)     turning off your phone makes it charge faster.

3.       The variable " Automobile ownership by students " is measured on:
a)      ratio scale b)     nominal scale c)      interval scale d)     ordinal scale
4.       The variable "Product satisfaction (from very unsatisfied to very satisfied)" is measured on:
a)      nominal scale b)     ratio scale c)      ordinal scale d)     interval scale

5.       Which of the following is DIRECTIONAL hypothesis?

a)      teacher-student relationship influence student’s learning.
b)     alcohol affects reaction time.
c)      high quality of nursing education will lead to high quality of nursing practice skills.
d)     the number of books read by children affects the children’s scores on a reading test

6.       The variable "Time spent for watching TV" is measured on:
a)      interval scale b)     ratio scale c)      ordinal scale d)     nominal scale
Nominal Measurement(ім’я не має значення)
The values “name” the attribute uniquely.
The value does not imply any ordering of the cases, for example, player numbers in football.
Значення унікально «іменують» атрибут.
Значення не передбачає впорядкування регістрів, наприклад, номери гравців у футболі.
Незважаючи на те, що гравець 32 має більший номер, ніж гравець 19, ви не можете сказати з даних, що
він більший або більший за іншого.

Ordinal Measurement(порядкове)
When attributes can be rank-ordered…
Distances between attributes do not have any meaning, for example, code Educational Attainment as 0=less
than H.S.; 1=some H.S.; 2=H.S. degree; 3=some college; 4=college degree; 5=post college
Is the distance from 0 to 1 the same as 3 to 4?
Коли атрибути можна впорядкувати за рангом…
Відстані між атрибутами не мають жодного значення, наприклад, код освіти як 0=менше H.S.;

Interval Measurement(відстань має значення)

When distance between attributes has meaning, for example, temperature (in Fahrenheit) -- distance from
10-20 is same as distance from 25-35
Note that ratios don’t make any sense -- 20 degrees is not twice as hot as 10 degrees (although the attribute
values are).
Коли відстань між атрибутами має значення, наприклад, температура (у Фаренгейтах) -- відстань від 10
до 20 є такою ж, як відстань від 25 до 35
Зауважте, що співвідношення не мають сенсу — 20 градусів не вдвічі тепліше, ніж 10 градусів (хоча
значення атрибутів є).

Ratio Measurement(вимірювання співвідношення)

Has an absolute zero that is meaningful
Can construct a meaningful ratio (fraction), for example, number of clients in past six months
It is meaningful to say that “...we had twice as many clients in this period as we did in the previous six
Має значущий абсолютний нуль
Може побудувати значуще співвідношення (дріб), наприклад, кількість клієнтів за останні шість місяців.
Доречно сказати, що «...за цей період у нас було вдвічі більше клієнтів, ніж за попередні шість місяців.

• Associative simples says that there is a • Causal states that there is a cause-andeffect
relationship relationship between variables
• X is related(пов’язаний) to Y • X is caused (викликане)by Y
• Simple is just(лише) two variables • Complex is three or more variables
• Non-directional states that a relationship exists • Directional hypothesis elucidates the
but does not further describe the nature of the interaction between two or more variables
relationship • As X increases(збільшується), Y will
• X and Y will be related decrease(зменшується)
• A null hypothesis states that there is no • A research hypothesis states that there is a
relationship between variables(між змінними relationship between two or more
немає зв’язку); also called a statistical hypothesis variables(зв’язок між двома і більше)
• Can be simple or complex; associated or

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