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eee Sel A a aR AS Sia ta a el i i as | ot “2 “Z “| At School > ‘ uate cial Vocabulary schoo Match the subjects in A to the school items in B. A B 1. computer technology a. glue 2. geography b. microscope 3. French . calculator 4. maths d. flash drive 5. art e. dictionary 6. science £ atlas Unscramble the words. Then match them to the correct school items below. 1. psharubnit paintbrush. 6. luge 2. kettboxo 7. actorculla 3. corissss 8. belgo 4, santip 9. lebtat 5. repalts “ laptop + drama + English « literature + compass + music « history « sport 1, I want to be an actor. My favourite subject is 2. Our teacher has got a clarinet on his desk. 3. We learn about the past in 4. We learn the Present Simple in 5. 1 usually play football in lessons. 6. We sometimes draw circles in our maths lessons with a 7. We read poems by famous poets in ; 8. Idon't need my in sport, but I use it for many subjects. Which teacher asks the following questions? What school item does the student use to answer? ‘There may be more than one correct answer. teacher school item 1, Draw a circle. What is its radius? the maths teacher compass 2. Who was the King of England in 1066? 3. Has this mosquito got eyes? 4. How do you spell children? 5. Can you show your partner how to copy homework onto a flash drive? Grammar Present Simple / *** 3 Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Present Continuous Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. I sometimes * | Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. 2, Right now, I Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 3, My mum and dad usually 1. They usually (talk) on the - phone, but right now, they 4, My friend (chat) online. at the moment. 2. Colin usually (cook) dinner, 5. [never but today he (eat) in a café. 3, We (go) camping every ***4 Complete the text with the pues summer. My mum (love) verbs in brackets. Use the camping! Present Simple or Present 41 (study) drama this year but Clana r 1 (not like) it. = I 5. We (not walk) to school this | morning because we (ride) | our bikes. g 6. Linda (try) to do the maths : homework every day, but she Li Gj H 00 L i i be a always (not understand) it. ** Write questions with the words below. Use the The Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy is @ special school Present Simple or Present Continuous. Then in the USA. Students " (come) answer the questions. Use the words in brackets. from all over the USA to study at the Academy. What 1. where / Steve / work / every summer (at the * they (study) swimming pool) there? In the autumn and spring, they * (learn) all the usual subjects, but in the winter, the timetable * (change). Students 2. Susie / use / the new microscope / now (yes) f {take) skiing or snowboarding lessons all morning and they * {not go) to classes until the afternoon. Right now, two students ” {train) on the mountain, 3. you / hear / that noi you / hear / that noise (no) ae (ski, What * sill (do)? She ® (practise) on her snowboard. Every winter, some of the 4. what / they speak / at the moment (French) students " (enter) competitions all ‘over the world. At the moment, some students s {fly) to Europe. They 5. when / you / usually / bring / your atlas to " (hope) to come home with medals school (on Mondays) a y A + ras Write at least three questions to ask a student at the Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy. Use the Present Simple and Present Continuous. 1 saen | } | \ | {i {i A RO Nate ane iid US Milena a a ei aeons a 10 “1 “2 Grammar there is / There are; Articles and quantifiers; How many / How much Choose the correct answer. 1. We're learning about a / an / the sun. 2. [haven't got any / a / many glue. 3. We haven't got a / a lot of / some time. 4. I want to buy much / some / an umbrellas. 5. I'm phoning from the shop. Do you need the / lots of / a new calculator? 6. [haven't got many / some / much money. 7. There are many / any / much red notebooks. 8. [need many / lots of / much paper for my art project. Use the chart to write sentences about the picture below. ; glue per There is ie There are ny eae las | paintbrushes There aren't | much stapler alotof | Pers _water re 2. 3 4 5 6. ** B Circle the correct words to make questions. Which ‘school lesson do you think each question is from? 1, How many / How much blue paint is there? art 2. How many / How much countries are there in Africa? 3. How many / How much does a blue whale weigh? 4, How many / How much plays did Shakespeare write? 5, How many / How much is 20 times 3,000? 6. How many / How much hours does this type of battery work? ***4% Complete the paragraph with a, an, ‘much, many, a 0t Of, lots of, how many s0"* %, or the correct form of There is/ There are te There may be more than one correct answer, ROOKIEMAG Tavi Gevinson is * teenager and she’s the editor of ? teen website. > Rookiemag and it’s very popular, American Website is caleg ‘ many articles about teen lie on Tavi's website. * 3 page abot films and TV, and articles like How to plan 3 fim ‘marathon or How to make your room look like a fin So, ® teenagers log on to Rookiemag every day? What do they say about 7 “Idon't spend? time reading bur I really enjoy Rookiemag.” (Lyn, age 15) “Ilove magazines, but they cost ¢ money. You don't need * money to log onto this website (it's free!) and there are interesting stories on it (Jess, age 14) " time do you spend reading? [ any interesting magazines or websites you can recommend? We're waiting hear" recommendations from you! Complete the questions with How many or Later’ Then answer the questions. Make the answers you. : blue pens have you so" a maths homework bave ¥48 . water do you usually de if French do you know fl Read about a special school. Then tick (/) the correct ms A Visit to Summerhill School | Do the students at your school receive a timetable | with the subjects every year? Who chooses the subjects? At my school, the teachers don't choose the subjects on our timetables. The students do! I'm Hugh and I go to Summerhill School in England. Summerhill is a different type of school. Nobody tells the students what to study. They also don't tell them to go to lessons. Go to class or don't go to class — it's our choice. Why? Summerhill is a “free” school. It's democratic. Do you know what a democratic school is? Come and see. So what's happening right now? At the moment, my favourite teacher is teaching maths to a group of students. They're drawing with compasses. Some other students are doing an art project with paints, ‘ors and glue. Do you see those students in the ‘There are .. 1. timetables O 2. teachers O 2. answer the questions. 1. Who chooses the students’ subjects? 2. What is Hugh's favourite teacher doing? 3. Where are there places to play? 4. How old are the students? ‘at Summerhill. = They're reading textbooks. Two students don't want to study right now so they're playing a game. There are places in every classroom and all around the school for playing games because play is very important at Summerhil How many students are there at Summerhill? There are about 100 students here. We're all between the ages of five and 17. Students of different ages sometimes study together. We can study English, maths, history, geography and science. Some students study languages like German or Chinese. ‘And everyone learns two important lessons here ~ responsibility and creativity. Teachers and students have special meetings and make decisions together about the school. There aren't any tests or marks at Summerhill School. We learn because we want to. We think it’s a great school! 3. textbooks 1) 5. tests O 4. games 6. marks O 5. Why does the text mention responsibility and creativity? 6. Who makes decisions about the school? Listening A > B Listen to Ja 1. Jasmine isn’t staying at a 2. Southbank Centre is near the 3. Jasmine’s mum is wearing a 4, Jasmine’s dad has got an ine and Mike talking on Skype. Complete the sentences. 5. is excited about seeing Slavals Snow Show. Oe Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Where do Jasmine’s grandparents live? 2. What is the Southbank Centre? 3. Who is sitting with Jasmine’s mum? 4, What season is it? 5. What is Jasmine’s dad doing? Unit 1 N | | | Vocabulary activities * Il Write the activities under the correct pictures. paint pictures + take a nap + play the piano + do judo + build models {g0 horse-riding + send text messages + learn competitive diving ‘** Match A to B to make activities. Then complete the sentences below with the activities. A B 1. do a, a new language 2. perform b. e-mails 3. repair ¢. inaband 4. learn, d. photos 5. take €. experiments 6. check £ computers 1. Pam speaks French and Russian, and now she wants to 2. We sometimes in our science lessons. 3. Jenna plays the guitar and she hopes to one day. 4, Jim and Emma work at Technology 4 Today. They 5, [listen to music, and play games on my mobile phone. *** 3 Which activities in Exercises 1 and 2 do you or a friend do? When / Where do you do them? Write five ‘sentences. veer Complete the dialogue according to the pictur. A: In the picture, the boy : No way! He's? 2 There's a* That’ fase. : Ian see * That's true, : The gitl looks * : That's wrong! She's * PPeP Ree Unit 1 Writing 4 photo description 1 Complete the sentences with linking words. 1. Jason is wearing a scarf, he isn’t wearing a jacket. 2. It’s raining today, Helen isn't taking photographs outside. 3. My brother isn't swimming today he doesn't feel well. 4, Barty is practising the piano his mum is listening to him. 5. On Sundays, Dad cooks dinner he orders pizza. ‘2. Read the description of the picture below and choose the correct linking words. Then tick (/) the picture it describes. os... Sunday at My House... Look at this picture of my family. We'te at home. We always spend time together on Sunday afternoons. Dad is making tea ' and / or / because maybe he's . cleaning the kitchen. | can't remember. The good-looking boy sitting with my mum is my brother Adam. He's doing his maths homework ? and / but / or my mum is helping him, The tall man near the cupboard is my dad's brother, Max. He often visits us on Sunday afternoons. He usually wears a baseball cap, > so / and / but he isn’t wearing one in this picture. The young git! with curly hair is my sister Clara. She's only two years old, * so / because / but she usually takes a nap afte lunch. 'm not in the picture * $0 / and / because I'm studying in my bedroom. WHERE IN PICTURE ACTIVITY Write a description of the picture you didn’t tick. Use the information in the chart in Exercise 3 and the model in Exercise 2 to help you. B f | Vocabulary 20 points Hf what items do you need to do the activities? Match the activities in A to the items in B. (6 points) A B a. laptop b. paintbrushes c. microscope 4. dictionary e. glue 1. paint a picture 2. build models 3. check e-mails 4. learn a new language 5. do experiments ‘2. Complete the sentences with the words below. (5 points) stapler + geography « scissors + calculator computer technology 1. You can use a— to check your answers in maths. 2. The teacher has got a globe. 3. You need to cut paper. 4, We're learning about tablets in our lassroom. 5, Luse a to put pieces of paper together. 3 Circle the word that doesn’t belong. (10 points) bed + sofa + poster + chair lamp + bat + lizard + pig drama + art + music + science arcade « toilet + café + bar cycling + volleyball + goggles « bowling . scuba diving + surfing + swimming + golf . dark + shy + fat + small atlas + flash drive + textbook + dictionary | lazy * funny « friendly + curly 10. snake + cow + horse + lion yeraneune Grammar 30 points 4 Write the words in the correct order to mal sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present. Continuous. (10 points) 1. sit / in the classroom / they / right now /. 2, your school / give / you / lunch / every day / ? 3. aphoto / you / take /of me /? 4 usually / you / walk / to school / ? 5, not build / Vicky / of a house / a model / 4 OTTER = 5 Complete each sentence with one orto yp, articles, quantifiers, the correct form of rap There areor How much / How many. There y, more than one correct answer. (10 pins * 1, There is orange sty the desk. 2. Are there Paintbrush, this classroom? 3. subjects are you stud this year? 4, We have ‘maths homes but not alot By ene 8 €OMPULEE Shop on Os It’s not far. 6 paint do you want? 7. I've got notebooks at 8. Where is art classroo 9, Have you got new dict 10. a globe in your cls 6 Choose the correct (10 points) 1. You are / Are you / Have you gots 2, Sally's / Sally / Sallys’ sister is nm 3. How many / How much / Is there ?° you want? 4. There isn't many / some /a lot 5. Thaven't got / has got /am a icieh 6. Mandy is buying / aren't buyin burs dinner tonight. 7. Does Ann / Is Ann / Annis every day? 8, What do you do / are you do" right now? 9. The children need they /thelt’ 10, Does Tim plays / play / playing!" cist! oust jing 1 rei tbe Dictation 10 pos 42> 7 Listen and write the sentences: i veee ane, for Speaking 10 points & Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases below. There's a + looks like + I can see In this picture + That’s wrong A: Are those photographs from your holiday in Rome? B: Yes, they are. + - - getting off a bus near the Vatican AP a man with a ‘camera, Who is he? B: That's my dad. He's taking photographs. ‘Mums taking photographs, too, but you can't see her. Art jacket near the bus. He we're teenager in a black Justin Bieber! B: Oh, that’s my brother. He isn’t Justin Bieber. A: Look! There's Mrs Shore, our maths teacher! B:* ! It’s not Mrs Shore. It’s my mums best friend. Writing 10 points © Complete the sentences with a linking word. 1. Dad is tired, he's taking a nap. 2. We aren't painting pictures today we haven't got any paints. 3. You can bake a cake for the party you can buy one. 4. Jim builds model t gives them to his brother. 5. I sometimes send text messages, I prefer talking to people. he Translation 20 points H© Translate the sentences into English. 1, {Cuantos alumnos estén haciendo judo en este momento? 2. El esta mirando el correo electrénico en su tableta. 3. {Usas un microscopio en tus clases de ciencias? 4, Hay algunos pinceles, un atlas y un compas encima del escritorio. 5. Ella aprende a hacer salto de natacién en la piscina. 7 a E (Sd Evalnation i | RAN L. ay Vocabulary / 20 Grammar _/ 30 Dictation _/10 Speaking _/ 10 Writing _/10 Translation _ /20 My total score: __/ 100 Do the following. Tick (¥) the box if you succeed. H Say... 1. two school subjects and two school items. 2. four activities. a 3. two sentences about things you usually do and two about things you are doing now. 4. one sentence with There is and one sentence with How much. ‘2. Answer the questions. 1. Where are you? 2. Who are you with? 3. What are you doing? 4, What are you wearing? B Write sentences with the linking words because, but and so. 1. 2 3 a a Q

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