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Evaluate how Morrisons could use change management models to help it to overcome the

challenges it currently faces [15]

- One change model that Morrisons could is Lewin’s 3-srep change management model.
- One challenge Morrisons face is their late entry into investing into convenience stores
and the internet.
- By using Lewin’s model, this can be implemented into Morrisons very quickly, therefore
Morrisons won’t be losing in the short-term. Therefore, still staying successful, and will
be able to overcome challenge.
- However, this mainly depends on how quickly Morrisons can come up with ideas, are
they still able to benefit from online deliveries, especially since they were late?
- Furthermore, it depends on employees, because they may become uncertain due to the
change into the business. This may cause productivity levels to fall in the short-term,
therefore making the change unsuccessful. On the contrary, it could also motivate
employees, with motivated employees, they are more likely to become successful with
the change and it will help Morrisons to overcome the changes, which may bring both
long-term and short-term benefits.
- In my opinion, employees should be reassured and worked with to ensure the change
occurring will be successful and Morrisons will be able to overcome the challenge it

- Another method Morrisons could use is Kotter’s 8 step change model.

- More advanced Lewin’s model which may fir Morrisons better, therefore more likely to
be successful and be able to overcome change.
- However, it may be hard to use Kotter’s Model. The first step is “increase urgency”,
furthermore external factors such as “increased fuel prices”
- Discount retailers have already set a new bar for prices and changed consumer shopping
habits. How will Morrisons be able to compete with this?
- Instead of trying to fight the change, is it possible for Morrisons to work with the change
set by the discount retailers?

- Overall, using change management won’t help Morrisons overcome the challenges, it
only identifies them, it’s up the Morrisons then to apply that research into new working
practices to ensure it can overcome the challenges it faces.
- However, even if Morrisons does apply these Changes into the business, it is hard to say
the industry will be stable, especially with the growth of the discount retailers and
changes in consumer shopping habits.
- Is it possible that Morrisons could use both Lewin’s model and Kotter’s model? Use
Lewin’s model in the short-term, to help bring ideas and put in a basic change. Use
Lewin’s model in the long-term, bring more advanced ideas. It’s mainly up to Morrisons
on how they use the models, they may not even need to use a model. However, I would
encourage them to use a model since they seem very “old school and slow”, by using a
model, it can help encourage change therefore overcome their challenges making them
more successful. However, which one they use depends on what the change is.
- If Morrisons want to see if the change is successful, they should look at the performance
of the business, therefore they will be able to determine if the problem has been
overcame and Morrisons is now meeting it’s objectives set by change.
- Furthermore, to ensure Morrisons won’t be affected as much, they should use SWOT
and conteingency plans, therefore it will minimise the effect of the challenge they need
to overcome.

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