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The Lost Books of the Essene

Message Two
The Great Ponderance
Originally Delivered November 29, 2008 TOSA Ranch, Tijeras, NM, USA
Through Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa & Master Lady Kira Raa
...unlocked at TOSA Blue Mountain, Ecuador, October 25, 2021

The Essene Brethren in unification with the Benevolent Ones & the T-12, share
through Master Lady Kira Raa:

From the moonlit waves of crystalline seas… from the sunlight of ALL that has ever
been… we grace thee with hello, Precious ONE. Hello, hello, hello and hello. Yes!

Over many, many millennia, worlds and lifetimes, arises great ponderance in your
world as to what is what, so they say. We offer YOU these understandings and words,
as precious anchors of Divine universal experience… now… to understand why
ponderance came to be.

We offer you the this title and chapter of this book.

Title: The Great Ponderance. Chapter 1: Density.

Yes! IT IS… a smile; is it not? You may say, “I came to hear about a lost book of the
Essene.” We say, “You have just found it.”

The Great Ponderance is a title we offer as we invite you to sit and hear the story we
share with you today. We share this journey, this story with YOU by the fireside of a
great transmuting flame, and you have shared this way before.

YOU have learned this way before. YOU have grown this way before… in the fireside
chat of the story where your sandals come off, and your feet are in the sand. Here the
fire burns bright, and your heart is open. YOU simply float and understand.
BE present and KNOW, BEloved Ones.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
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As you sink into your chair or the sand, with your sandals removed and your heart
opened… we begin.

Touching Your Universal Origin

IT IS… a great ponderance, YES. As your world understands… in a galaxy far, far
away – yes! Do you hear the music? Good. All stories must be engaging. And so, BE-
loved Ones, truly in a galaxy far, far away, beyond the stars, of the stars of the stars,
there is a void.

In this void there is a sound, and from this sound births a heart. As YOU connect with
your heart, this infinite sound bursts forward with the gift of Divine Mastery Presence.
And as it travels and understands, in its birth of birth, this Divine sound became the
harmony of ALL.

When YOU touch a Divine sound… when YOU anchor a Divine sound,
when YOU listen to a Divine sound… YOU touch your universal origin.

Words of one language will not bring this forward. Many of these books are written in
a language even your greatest scholars are challenged to understand. They are
impressions on disks, that when understood with the heart, reveal a harmonic
sequence that opens ALL chambers.

Your heart has four chambers; does it not? In the great ponderance around our
campfire… now… you hear the hum, do you not? Invite this hum to expand into a
vibration. We invite you into this humming vibration to understand your journey.

The Energy of Essene

Many ask, “What does Essene mean?” They speculate and ponder what Essene
means. And they still do not know, as this cannot be understood with the mind.

Essene is an energy. IT IS… a vibration. Es-see-nah. Es-see-nah.

Invite that energy to flow through you as it forms a trinity of harmonies that become
one harmony, manifest through you and you and you. Es-see-nah.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
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Es-see-nah births many energies that have flowed into the stream of understanding.
Transmuting and BEing on this harmonic vibration sequentially, beauty-fully, and
lovingly expanding for many, many eons.

A Great Ponderance. Chapter 2.

When you fully let go of ALL the stories from recaptured text, you effort-lessly dive
into the expanded harmonic stream of Es-see-nah understanding what IT…IS.

When a ray of pure light emanates from the void with the harmony and propulsion that
needs no additional rocketry, IT IS… an infinite expansion of Divine Mastery Presence.
In this infinite expansion of Divine Mastery Presence, you assume the form that is
perceived in density as wearing a white robe.

There have been many, many expressions of the white robe. Yes! Have you ever
heard Great White Brotherhood? White robe. The Lineage of Divine Mastery Presence.
The expression of whole-ing that became heal-ing. To fully BE Es-see-nah… carrying
the ray that unifies ALL rays, the infinite expression is all-ways in whole-ing, thereby
expressing in density as a healing in ALL ways.

To embody, wear, understand and BE harmony is Es-see-nah.

The Tree of Life

Es-see-nah is an energy pulse from the heart of the void through the heart of the
universe… that sings in your heart, your throat, your vibrations, and with it… YOU
send great shoots of life up from density and into density. It appears in density as a
tree or plant. Only… YOU ARE the ONE who is the tree. Your arms become branches.
Leafs birth from your head. Your feet offer a system of nourishment and roots derived
from a world of density.
The Tree of Life is YOU. YOU ARE the Tree of Life.

To understand the Tree of Life as the energy of Es-see-nah, grass, trees, skies, air,
sand, pebbles, rocks, and ALL of the manifest nourishment of a world of form
becomes part of the sustaining world that the tree is planted in.

To re-cognize a tree in your world…NOW… synergizes the activation of the Tree of

Life that YOU ARE… to BE in Divine harmony, to once again call forth Es-see-nah.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
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BE-loved Ones! The Tree of Life has had many ponderings in your world. This is why
we begin with the understanding of the pondering. How does one take a Tree of Life
and offer it to one who has no understanding of their own tree? You draw it in a
manner they understand1.

The Premise of Es-see-nah

The premise of Es-see-nah is to help those who do not understand, to understand; to

live an energy that simply presents IT-self as ONE is able to BE present. To embrace,
as shared in Book One; for those who are asleep, tuck them in well. Offer them good
night’s rest. To wake them before they are ready to awaken will make them very
grouchy. Yes.

And there are many who are very asleep. This IS their expression. Love them through
their slumber. Tuck them in. Keep them warm. Keep them safe. When they call for a
glass of water, bring it. And then, they will roll over and go to sleep again.

There are also the very drowsy. Half asleep, half awake. The majority are very drowsy.
To ponder in a drowsy state brings greater confusion and lack of clairy. This
oftentimes is why many will go back to bed and tucked in. To be stuck can be too
much to handle. Okay!
This is the gift of the drowsy state. And BE-loved Ones,
IT IS… the moment when the harmony can arise.

This photo is a message from the water as generated by Veda Austin at the request of Master Lady Kira Raa. This sharing is in response to the
Avesa symbol offered into the water. The water returned with the reminder that the Tree of Life is indeed in every-thing including the water IT-self.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
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When two or more are gathered, great miracles happen. In the energy of Es-see-nah,
this is understood. There is no need to enter a temple when YOU ARE the temple. The
temple is every-thing, every-where, every-ONE. In your world… now, temples are a
great gift! They serve as reminders that ALL IS the temple.

Choose not to let the temple enlighten you.

Let your IN-LIGHT-enment BE the temple.

Es-see-nah is awake within YOU when the temple is carried every-where. As your
harmony is offered within the temple that carries this gift, then only Mastery Divine
Presence arises, and only harmony is necessary.

Harmony exists within your DNA, your cellular structure, your bones, your hair.

A heartbeat, within a heartbeat, within a heartbeat2.

Chapter 3
In your world… now… Divine origin is a large ponderance. An interesting subject of
study for the mind of drowsiness. Indeed! A topical issue. How fascinating! Yes.

Divine origin is wholeness expanding into light… without doubt…

as the full re-cognition of harmony.

BE-loved Ones. Offer this gift to yourself as you further expand beyond just one world,
one planet. Dive into the void that beckons you again. Let go of fear. BE present in the
void. There is much light in the void. Much light. Only the perception of light would
seek to avoid entering the void. And in your world many say, “Do not go into the

A ponderance indeed.

Direct reminder of the multi-dimensional presence of your infinite nature. The 9th Dimensional witness of the 7th dimensional
witnessing of the 5th dimensional witnesser of the 3rd dimensional witness.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
Learn more about the Yoga of Self-Ascension at E-mail:
The Ceremony of Divine Reconnection

BE-loved Ones, we offer you this journey. In the ancient times as you call them, and in
a timeless world, it would be now; would it not, on your journey through earth
school… here3… you would congregate at night when the stars were out.

Hand in hand with each other YOU would radiate the illuminating tone of your hearts
into the center of the circle. Igniting a profound beam of light as if it came directly
from the sky… and it came from your heart. YOU ARE… the activator.

In this sacred circle ceremony, you would continue toning and toning until there was
no tone that could come from the human throat. Then you would continue toning and
toning through what you call the telepathic throat. Many would come from many
worlds. Gathering as a big circle of many colors before you. It would seem as if they
gathered in the sky at first.

All the colors as if jewels. As if the stars suddenly turned into beautiful rainbow-ic
colors. A great beauty-full color of stars as you tone and tone. Joined by your brethren
and sitting together in the energy of Thank you.

There is no-thing to ask for. Simply and perfectly… the gratitude of connection.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

This is a ceremony for within the breath of Es-see-nah, as your harmony is present
with others in the breath of harmony. We offer you this “caution.” See this in front of
you now. If even one among is there to have it proven to them, you will not
accomplish this call together.

Hold that one and love them. Love them. Love them. Love them. Love them so they
remember who they are. Then! YOU ARE ready. Notice the energy they emanate.
Their words mean nothing.

This ceremony of Divine reconnection is ready in your world to come forward again.
We encourage you to try the ceremony and to remember the last time you did it.

The use of the word ‘here’ is a direct reference to the moment of potentiality that is unlocking this discourse in this sequence of time and space.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
Learn more about the Yoga of Self-Ascension at E-mail:
Next chapter: Accessing the Book of Ponderance
BE-loved Ones, we speak of the Blue Starborn. In your journey from the void through
Tu’Laya, Su’Laria, Gaia, O’laha4, there was a great manifestation of Es-see-nah in a
world just beyond and yet not visible from your telescopes. It is just beyond what you
call Pleiades. It is NOT Pleiades, it is just beyond it. And… the Pleiades have been an
intermediary intercessory on behalf of Es-see-nah Blue Starborn for millennia. A
Great, great, great service for ALL.

As you receive the gift of Divine reconnection, remember and understand that in your
world, over millennia, many Es-see-nah were not birthed on this planet. They were
called forth in the ceremony we have just given you.

When one left this planet and another was needed, you would come together,
love yourselves into knowing who YOU ARE, and call forth your brethren who
were ready5. It is just that simple. You have done it many times.

This particular book, the Book of Ponderance, has been burned in your world many
times. This book does exist on a golden disk in a library found in the place you call
Italy buried very deep in a vault. You can access it by hearing and seeing a
transmutive flame of an orange-and-red color. This literally lifts the energies that are
very dark around this book. They are very deep beneath what you call Vatican City.

As you bring forward the transmutive flame, feeling the fire literally through your own
veins, then call forth the golden-white flame. Command that this book arrive before
you. For those that practice and understand enough, YOU will materialize this book.
You have done this before. It is a golden disk 6 to 8 centimeters. Very small. As you
hold it and it manifests within, YOU will open and reveal each page.

We show you. You have a book in your hand. Bring your Star Consciousness to the
book with your harmonic tone. The book will arise and you will read whatever you
need to read. When you are done, close your hand and send it back to whence it
To try to possess the book means that your heart is not ready to understand the
book. It will manifest for you as you need it.
This is fully detailed through the sharing of Sri & Kira in their book, 2012: Atlantean Revelations.
This is the mastery awareness of the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation as revealed through Soul Charting/Ascended Numerology.
© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
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You will read what you need to understand for yourself. ALL the records of the Book
of Ponderance carry the Es-see-nah lineage back through the Blue Starborn into the
void. Beyond what you call the Akashic record is a gift you are ready to receive,
remember and revitalize.

BE-loved Ones, if you are tucked in and sleeping well, if you are drowsy, you cannot
open the book. To offer this book to a drowsy one is not a gift and creates great
confusion. It birth emotions of this world.

May we continue our stories? Yes. (listeners’ response)

The History of Es-see-Nah

In this next chapter, in your world, the seeds of the Starborn were planted in what you
have often called Mesopotamia. Over much time there is the great blending of
civilizations with much movement through the early periods. Let us offer you little
history lesson much earlier than you may believe.

Open your heart and return to 10,552 B.C. Very specific. You were ALL here, and the
Es-see-nah flourished in a prolific way. There were many prolific experiences here.
These revelations are just now being found again on your world. Many saying, “How
can this be?”

Your Sphinx in Egypt is much older than many think. However, not all of the Sphinx.
Buried within the Sphinx are great seeds. Books of the Es-see-nah on golden disks.
And this golden energy is beyond what you see or mine as gold today. We can only
say it is much purer to help the mind logically understand this.

In this expression, there has been a great blending on your planet. What a gift. Not all
blending is enjoyed and oftentimes is harbored with great resistance. “You cannot
marry you; you cannot live with you; you cannot make baby with you.”

This great blending is a wonderful opportunity for the energy of Es-see-nah to

come into a world that has had a veil placed over it.

© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
Learn more about the Yoga of Self-Ascension at E-mail:
There has been great resistance in the blending. It is called religion. We wish for you
to understand this.

The Es-see-nah sought not to establish religion. Es-see-nah holds the presence
of the temple as YOU, and YOU, and YOU, and YOU. In that wholeness, there is
no need for rules, commandments, or regulation.

Why would there be?

Nor would there be a need to kill any-thing. Any-thing. ANY-THING.

Killing is a manifestation of density that was birthed as resistance to harmony.

We wish for you to understand this:

Ponder your truth, not your untruth.

Ponder your extra-ordinary, vital Es-see-nah presence.

The Gifts of Es-see-nah

Feel the bottoms of your feet. Feel the energy catapulting and cascading around your
head, your shoulders, your arms. And as you feel your feet, we offer you the golden
sandals of the Es-see-nah. We invite you to invite your feet to touch this gift once
again. Feel your shoulders and head draped with the white linen of purity cascading
around you, breathing around you, gifting you… again.

BE-loved Ones, the Book of Ponderance concludes with this message:

There is no-thing to ponder. IT IS…ALL…HERE…NOW.

We offer these gifts of the sandals and the linen covering for the many journeys before
IT IS… for each to decide when to sleep, when to be drowsy,
and when to BE awake. In the full energy of the Es-see-nah, YOU ARE…
eternally awake. Options become fun!
They are simply choices with love infused into them.

© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
Learn more about the Yoga of Self-Ascension at E-mail:
Let the drowsy be drowsy till they seek to awaken. You cannot offer to one who is
asleep that which they cannot hear.

Es-see-nah, arise and awake.

Your BE-loved brethren have been waiting for this moment.
Call them into the circle. Do not be afraid.
Bring forth the golden disk of your heart, and let it play before you.

We close this book and invite you to take the opportunity to integrate and fully
understand these books. FEEL them. BE with them. Bring them into your heart as you
see fit. BE present in ALL-ways.

We offer you a sign of re-cognition as a gift of open heartedness.

We cradle you in Divine Love and Protection ALL-ways.

Arise again, BE-loved Ones.

The time to sleep is now past…the moment to BE…is now.

© 2007- 2021 the Temple of Self-Ascension ® content from The Lost Books of the Essene. Arrangement of this printed content and the
Revelations from this arrangement are copyright of This material may be freely distributed with this full notice displayed.
Learn more about the Yoga of Self-Ascension at E-mail:

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