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ID : 21104090046



Exercise A

1. Education (S) Is (Aux.Verb) Very (Adv) Important (Adj)

2. It (S) Can (Modal) Give (Verb) Succsess,failure (Adj)
3. Children (S) Study (Verb) Very early (Adv)
4. These (S) Are (Aux verb) Private (Adj) Schools (adv.of place) For (Conjunction)
Babies (O)
5. I (S) Always (Adverb) Received (V) An (Article) Advice (Noun/Object) From
(Preposition) My (Possesive) Father (Noun/Object)
6. I (S) Could (Modal) No (Adj) Answer (Verb)
7. I (S) Walked (V) Slowly (Adv) to (Preposition) Office (adv.of place)
8. They (S) Came (V) From (Preposition) Japan (adv.of place)
9. She (S) Can (Modal) Speak (verb) english (Noun/Object) Well (adv)
10. He (S) Saw (V) Her (Object)
11. The (article) children (S) Knew (V) the game (Object) Well (Adv)
12. They (S) Drive (V) Red (Adj) Cars (N)
13. I (S) need (V) Some (Adj) Sugar ( noun)
14. My ( Posessive Pronoun) mother (n) is (Aux.verb) cooking (V) Porridge (O) in
(preposition) the kitchen (adv of place)
15. My (Posessive pronoun ) Father (n) working (aux.verb) in (preposition) tthe garden
( adv. Of place)
16. He (S) is (Aux.verb) Quite (adv) Scared (Adj)
17. They (S) Did (V) their (possesive proposition) homework (O) in (preposition) the
library (adv.of place) yesterday (adv of time)
18. We (S) will (modal aux.verb) have (adj) final exam(O) tomorrow (adv.of time)
19. Her (S) family (N/Object) arrived (V) this morning (adv.of time)
20. She (S) Left (V) a note (O) on (preposition) the door (adv.of place)
21. He (S) worked(V) slowly (adv)
22. She (S) Got (V) a new (adj) car (noun) last week (adv of time)
23. We (S) have (V) two classes (noun) today (adv of time)
24. I (S) understand (V)
25. He (S) knows (V) my (possesive) adress (n)
26. He (S) has not (aux.verb) found (V) a new (adj) job (object/noun)
27. That book (S) was (aux verb) very (adv) enjoyable (adj)
28. He (S) loves (V) writing (V) short (adj) story (noun)
29. Jogging (gerund) is (aux) my (possesive) favorite (adj) sport (object)
30. That movie (S) was (aux) very (adv) interesting (adj)
Exercise B

Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting.I did
enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were behind me. They talked loudly. I was very
angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round again. I looked at the man and the woman
angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, i could not bear it. I was turn round
again. I cant hear a word I screamed angrily. Its none of your business, the young man said
rudely. This is a private conversation!

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