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Fast mass-fraction-burned calculation using the net pressure method for

real-time applications

Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering · March 2009
DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1006


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3 authors, including:

Guoming Zhu Harold Schock

Michigan State University Michigan State University


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Fast mass-fraction-burned calculation using the net

pressure method for real-time applications
M Mittal*, G Zhu, and H Schock
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

The manuscript was received on 9 September 2008 and was accepted after revision for publication on 17 November 2008.

DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1006

Abstract: The mass fraction burned (MFB) is determined from the analysis of measured in-
cylinder pressure data. In this paper, a net pressure method (model 2) is used to evaluate the
MFB curves at different load conditions (3.3 bar indicated mean effective pressure and wide-
open throttle) using a constant polytropic index. Results are compared with the well-known
Rassweiler–Withrow method (model 1), which is a linear model for the polytropic index. Model
2 showed good agreement with model 1 at high-load conditions; however, it predicts slower
combustion at part-load conditions than that of model 1. It is found that the proper selection of
the polytropic index n and the determination of the end of combustion are the important
parameters for calculating the MFB curves using model 2. The modified form of model 2
compares well with the results of model 1 for evaluating the MFB at part-load conditions. The
MFB results of the modified form (of model 2) also show good agreement with model 1 at high-
load conditions. Model 2 has an advantage that the data-processing time is short enough to
allow for online processing.

Keywords: in-cylinder pressure, mass fraction burned, engine

1 INTRODUCTION compared the performance of five alternative MFB

models using simulated and experimental data. They
The mass fraction burned (MFB) shows how the in- preferred the Rassweiler–Withrow model to produce
cylinder combustion progresses as a function of the the best results to determine the MFB in their
crank angle. The rate of combustion inside an engine comparative tests. Shayler et al. [3] investigated the
cylinder is a very important parameter affecting the best form to implement the Rassweiler–Withrow
engine thermal efficiency, peak cycle temperature method and discussed the effect of uncertainty
and pressure, and exhaust emissions. This combus- assumptions. They found that the end of combustion
tion rate is usually quantified by calculation of the (EOC) determination, the selection of the polytropic
burn crank angles at which the MFB reaches a index, and the effect of signal noise are important
specified value [1]. Several methods have been parameters for calculating the MFB using the Rass-
suggested to evaluate the MFB in gasoline engines weiler–Withrow method. Overall, the Rassweiler–
based upon the measured pressure data. Stone and Withrow method to estimate the MFB profile using
Green-Armytage [2] compared the two methods (the in-cylinder pressure and volume data is a well-
two-zone combustion method and the Rassweiler– established technique [4]. Therefore, it can be used
Withrow method) to evaluate the MFB as a function to compare with the other methods to improve the
of time in a spark ignition (SI) engine. Their results MFB calculations. Mittal et al. [5] compared the MFB
of the complex two-zone combustion model showed analysis using the net pressure method with the
good agreement with a simpler model presented by Rassweiler–Withrow method for port fuel injection
Rassweiler and Withrow. Brunt and Emtage [1] (PFI) E85–direct-injection (DI) gasoline and PFI gaso-
line–DI E85 systems at different load conditions. E85
*Corresponding author: Department of Mechanical Engineering, in their work represented a blend of 85 per cent
Michigan State University, 141, ERC South, East Lansing, MI, ethanol and 15 per cent gasoline by volume. Their
48824, USA. email: results of MFB using both the methods showed good

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390 M Mittal, G Zhu, and H Schock

agreement at high-load conditions; however, the net increased to maintain a constant relative air-to-fuel
pressure method showed slower combustion than ratio l, as discussed.
that of the Rassweiler–Withrow method at part-load
The objective of this paper is to improve the 2 MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE AND RESULTS
calculation of MFB using the net pressure method in
a gasoline-fuelled SI engine at part-load conditions. The primary purpose of combustion in a piston
Results are compared with the well-established engine is to increase the in-cylinder pressure for
Rassweiler–Withrow method. The principal advan- shifting the expansion process away from the com-
tages of the net pressure method are that it is simple pression process and to produce the work cycle.
to implement and fast enough to allow for real-time The MFB is a measure of the fraction of thermal
applications. The in-cylinder pressure data used in energy released, owing to combustion of the air–fuel
this work are obtained at different load conditions, mixture inside an engine cylinder, with respect to
3.3 bar indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and the total energy released at the EOC during a cycle.
wide-open throttle (WOT), inside a single cylinder of This work utilizes the net pressure method, denoted
a Ford 5.4 l three-valve engine (Fig. 1) (see reference as model 2, to evaluate the MFB curves as discussed
[5]). Both PFI and DI were used with the variation in in section 2.2. Comparison is presented with the
PFI percentage from 100 to 0. The percentage of DI Rassweiler and Withrow method, denoted as model
was correspondingly increased to maintain a con- 1 in this paper. Start of combustion (SOC) and EOC
stant relative air-to-fuel ratio l, inverse of the fuel- are determined from the logarithmic pressure indi-
to-air equivalence ratio W. In this paper, first, the two cator diagram using a least-squares fit algorithm.
methods are outlined for the PFI gasoline–DI Model 2 is of interest owing to its advantage of fast
gasoline system considering the case with 100 per data processing for real-time applications.
cent PFI at different load conditions, 3.3 bar IMEP,
and WOT. Then the comparison of MFB curves is
2.1 The Rassweiler–Withrow method (model 1)
extended to the PFI E85–DI gasoline system with
100 per cent and 70 per cent PFI E85 respectively at The implementation details of the Rassweiler–
different loads and engine speeds to test the Withrow [6] method vary in the literature. The data
robustness of the net pressure method. Note that depicted in Fig. 2 show the measured pressure profile
the percentage of DI gasoline was correspondingly (average of 300 consecutive cycles) for the PFI

Fig. 1 Experimental rig

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Fast mass-fraction-burned calculation 391

Fig. 2 Measured pressure data for PFI gasoline and DI Fig. 3 Indicator diagram on a double-logarithmic
gasoline system at WOT (100 per cent PFI) scale for a PFI gasoline–DI gasoline system at
WOT (100 per cent PFI)
gasoline–DI gasoline system at WOT load condition
with 100 per cent PFI. In this figure, a crank angle due to volume change in the absence of combustion
degree of 0u represents the piston position at the top can be obtained using
dead centre (TDC). The initial state i and the final  ndk 
state f are the essential singularities of the combus- Vk{1
Dpv ~pk {pk{1 ~pk{1 {1 ð2Þ
tion process which represent the SOC and EOC Vk
respectively. The transition from i to f is referred to
as the dynamic stage of combustion [7]. An indicator diagram on logarithmic scales (Fig. 3) is
In this model, it is assumed that for any crank used to evaluate the polytropic indices nc and ne. Vs
angle interval Dh the actual pressure change Dp in the figure represents the normalized volume with
inside an engine cylinder is composed of a pressure respect to the clearance volume. The two states i and
rise Dpc due to combustion and a pressure change f are identified by the departure of the curve from
Dpv due to the volume change; therefore Dp 5 the state lines representing the compression and
Dpc + Dpv. The pressure change due to volume expansion processes using a least-squares fit algo-
change can be obtained using a polytropic index. rithm. Now, with the known Dpc 5 Dp 2 Dpv, and
A constant index value was chosen originally by assuming that the mass of charge burned in the
Rassweiler and Withrow where the magnitude was interval Dh is proportional to the pressure rise due to
the average of the polytropic indices before and after combustion, the MFB at the end of the kth interval
the combustion process. Bitar et al. [7] used a linear can be evaluated using
exponent in their work to define the polytropic Pk
pressure model for the dynamic stage of combus- mbk Dpc
~ PN0 ð3Þ
tion. Brunt and Emtage [1] used the compression mbtotal 0 Dpc
index nc up to TDC and the expansion index ne,
thereafter. A linear model for the polytropic index nd where N is the total number of crank angle intervals
during the combustion process is introduced into during the combustion process.
this work to evaluate the pressure change due to the
volume change, according to
2.2 The net pressure method (model 2)
nd ~nc zðne {nc Þt ð1Þ This model evaluates the MFB by normalizing the
net pressure with respect to the overall net pressure
increase at the EOC [8]. The net pressure change
h{hi Dp(k) between the two crank angles is
t~ ( )
hf {hi  
V ðk Þ n~1:3 V ðkÞ
Dpðk Þ~ pðkz1Þ{pðk Þ ð4Þ
Therefore, in any interval Dh the pressure change V ðkz1Þ VIg

JAUTO1006 F IMechE 2009 Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part D: J. Automobile Engineering
392 M Mittal, G Zhu, and H Schock

Fig. 4 MFBs for the PFI gasoline–DI gasoline system at 3.3 bar IMEP (upper graph) and WOT
(lower graph)

and the net pressure at each crank angle is conditions (WOT); however, it predicts slower com-
bustion at part-load conditions.
pNET ðkÞ~pNET ðk{1ÞzDpðk Þ ð5Þ The accurate identification of the EOC is an
important measure to minimize the uncertainties
where n is the constant polytropic index, p is the associated with the MFB calculations using model 2.
pressure, V is the volume, and VIg is the chamber The EOC in model 1 is determined accurately using a
volume at the ignition point. The simplicity of model least-squares fit algorithm; however, in model 2, it is
2 is apparent from equations (4) and (5). It is com- determined by locating the peak of the net pressure. At
putationally efficient and provides a short data-pro- high-load conditions, model 2 determines the EOC
cessing time compared with model 1. with reasonable accuracy, and therefore the results
Figure 4 shows the comparison of MFB curves for are in close agreement with model 1. At part-load
model 1 (linear model for a polytropic index and the conditions, this method (model 2) is less ideal for
model used by Brunt and Emtage [1]) and model 2 determining the EOC than at high loads. It predicts
with a constant polytropic index n 5 1.3, at 3.3 bar EOC significantly later than the actual crank angle
IMEP (upper graph) and WOT (lower graph) load value, and therefore model 2 has slower combustion
conditions. As shown in the figure, model 1, which than model 1. The accurate determination of the
is a linear model for the polytropic index, showed EOC in model 2 is affected by selection of the poly-
similar results when the compression index nc was tropic index n. Note that the constant polytropic
used up to TDC and the expansion index ne there- index n 5 1.3 is used in equation (4). The effect of
after [1]. Model 2 shows good agreement with the polytropic index on the EOC determination, and
model 1 when the MFB is calculated at high-load therefore its influence on the MFB calculation, at

Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part D: J. Automobile Engineering JAUTO1006 F IMechE 2009
Fast mass-fraction-burned calculation 393

Fig. 5 MFBs for the PFI E85–DI gasoline system at 3.3 Fig. 6 MFBs for the PFI E85–DI gasoline system at
bar IMEP and 1500 r/min WOT and 1500 r/min

part-load conditions, is shown in Fig. 4 (upper graph). and 70. As shown in the figure, model 2 shows good
The difference in calculating the MFB (using model 2) agreement with model 1 at this part-load condition.
decreases compared with model 1 when the index The burn duration decreases with increase in PFI E85.
valve n 5 ne 5 1.20 is used in equation (4). This is due Ethanol has the advantage of high combustion speed
to the determination of the EOC with improved for SI engines [9]. The combustion process starts at
accuracy; however, some slight differences can still about 220u crank angle for both the cases. There is no
be observed from this index value (n 5 ne). The index significant difference in the 10 per cent burn dura-
value n 5 nc 5 1.165, in equation (4), determines the tions; however, the 50 per cent and 90 per cent burn
EOC with reasonable accuracy compared with the durations are faster with 100 per cent PFI E85 than
model 1 determination using a least-squares fit algo- with 70 per cent PFI E85. The burn duration is about
rithm. Therefore the MFB profile is in good agree- 51u crank angle for 100 per cent PFI E85 and increases
ment with model 1 when n 5 nc is used in equation with decrease in PFI E85 percentage.
(4). The model 2 MFB calculation, with n 5 nc, also Figure 6 shows the MFB curves at WOT load and
shows good agreement with model 1 results at the 1500 r/min engine speed with PFI E85 percentages of
WOT load condition (lower graph). 100 and 70. Similar to the part-load condition, model
Note that with the polytropic index ne of expan- 2 shows good agreement with model 1. As expected,
sion, the SOC and EOC determinations using a least- the burn duration increases with decrease in PFI E85
percentage. Combustion starts at about 212u crank
squares fit algorithm make model 1 computationally
angle for both the cases and significant difference
more expensive than model 2. Therefore, model 2 is
can be observed even at earlier stages (10 per cent
simple to implement, and the data-processing time
burn) with much faster combustion for 100 per cent
is short enough to allow for real-time applications.
PFI E85. The burn duration is about 39u crank angle
Further results are presented to test the robustness
for 100 per cent PFI E85. Figure 7 shows the MFB
of model 2 (with n 5 nc) with various percentages
curves at WOT load and 2500 r/min engine speed.
of the dual-fuel system (the PFI E85–DI gasoline
Again, model 2 shows good agreement with model 1
system) at different loads and engine speeds. Two
at this high load and higher-engine-speed condition.
different cases are considered with 100 per cent and
The burn duration is about 37u crank angle for 100
70 per cent PFI E85. The percentage of DI gasoline is
per cent PFI. It increases with decrease in the PFI
correspondingly increased to maintain a constant
E85 percentage.
relative air-to-fuel ratio l.

2.3 PFI E85–DI gasoline system
Figure 5 shows the MFB curves at 3.3 bar IMEP load An experimental study is performed to investigate
condition and 1500 r/min engine speed. Two different the MFB in an SI engine. The MFB calculation using
cases are presented with PFI E85 percentages of 100 the net pressure method is presented and compared

JAUTO1006 F IMechE 2009 Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part D: J. Automobile Engineering
394 M Mittal, G Zhu, and H Schock

Instn Mech Engrs, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering,

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6 Rassweiler, G. M. and Withrow, L. Motion pictures
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Trans., 1938, 42, 185–204.
7 Bitar, E. Y., Oppenheim, A. K., and Schock, H. J.
Fig. 7 MFBs for the PFI E85–DI gasoline system at Model for control of combustion in a piston engine.
WOT and 2500 r/min SAE paper 2006-01-0401, 2006.
8 Zhu, G., Daniels, C. F., and Winkelman, J. MBT
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net pressure method is in good agreement with the paper 810345, 1981.
Rassweiler–Withrow method at high-load conditions;
however, it provides slower combustion at part-
load conditions. It is found that the net pressure APPENDIX
method determines the EOC with reasonable accur-
acy at WOT; however, its prediction of the EOC at Notation
part-load condition is significantly later than the ac- DI direct injection
tual value. The proposed modification of the net EOC end of combustion
pressure method using the compression polytropic E85 blend of 85 per cent ethanol and 15
index (n 5 nc) provides quite good agreement with per cent gasoline by volume
the results of the Rassweiler–Withrow method at f final state of combustion
part- and high-load conditions for calculating the i initial state of combustion
MFB. IMEP indicated mean effective pressure
MFB mass fraction burned
nc polytropic index, compression
ne polytropic index, expansion
Financial support from the Michigan Economic Dev- p in-cylinder pressure
elopment Corporation is gratefully acknowledged. PFI port fuel injection
SI spark ignition
SOC start of combustion
REFERENCES TDC top dead centre
V cylinder volume
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2 Stone, C. R. and Green-Armytage, D. I. Comparison h crank angle (deg)
of methods for the calculation of mass fraction l relative air-to-fuel ratio, inverse of W
burnt from engine pressure–time diagrams. Proc. W fuel-to-air equivalence ratio

Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part D: J. Automobile Engineering JAUTO1006 F IMechE 2009

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