Beginning of Speech

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Beginning of Speech

Honorable Chair and Honorable Council, as a delegation of The Republic of

Belarus, it is a pleasure for us to represent our country in this meeting. We are
sad to announce that the borders of Poland have blocked us from crossing them,
which is causing many migrant families and migrants to die out of the extreme
cold and the Republic of Poland blames the Republic of Belarus for sending
migrants to the Poland-Belarus border. This has gone too far, and Poland is
exceeding its limitations. We, the Belarussians, will not tolerate this behavior
from Poland and we must regain our rights.

Getting to know my country

Belarus is a medium-sized European state. The total area is 207,600km2, or about
2% of the total area of Europe. Belarus is the 13th largest country among forty-
four continental European states (the world’s 84th largest country). Belarus is a
landlocked country in Eastern Europe, with the capital Minsk. Russia, Ukraine,
Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia border it. The capital of Belarus is Minsk. Its native
language is Belarussian or Russian. Its religion is Orthrodox. Its recent leader is
Alexander Lukashenko.
1. Lake Narach 43 Bodies of Water.
2. Minsk Sea 159 Bodies of Water.
3. August Channel 10 Bodies of Water.
4. Lake Papernya 9 Bodies of Water.
5. Lyepyel Lake 4 Bodies of Water.
6. Melovyye Kar'yery 10 Bodies of Water.
7. Blue Well/ Blue Krynica 6 Bodies of Water

he top imports of Belarus are Crude Petroleum ($3.87B), Petroleum Gas ($2.31B),
Gold ($1.16B), Cars ($746M), and Packaged Medicaments ($558M), importing
mostly from Russia ($15.8B), China ($3.07B), Poland ($1.71B), Germany ($1.6B),
and Ukraine ($1.34B). The top exports of Belarus are Refined
Petroleum ($2.78B), Potassic Fertilizers ($2.44B), Cheese ($1.06B), Delivery
Trucks ($637M), and Tractors ($597M), exporting mostly
to Russia ($12.8B), Ukraine ($3.15B), Poland ($1.26B), Lithuania ($1.05B),
and Germany ($934M). Natural resources in Belarus include natural gas.
However, there are only trace amounts of natural gas. The country produced 8.4
billion cubic feet of natural gas as of 2015. The main trade partners of Belarus in
export of service are Russia (about 35 percent of exports, 37 percent of imports)
and the EU (about 34 percent of exports, 40 percent of imports).

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