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Received January 25, 2019, accepted February 18, 2019, date of publication February 27, 2019, date of current

version August 16, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2901932

The Negation of Basic Probability Assignment

Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
Corresponding author: Yong Deng (
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61573290 and Grant 61503237.

ABSTRACT In many cases, we obtain information using various methods in order to make better decisions.
The everything in nature and society has its negative, the negation of negation has significant meaning.
Considering the problem from two aspects, we can get more accurate information. However, in most cases,
the information of negation is ignored. Hence, the negation provides a new view to obtain information.
However, existing negation method mainly apply to probability distribution. How to get the negation of basic
probability assignment (BPA) in Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory is still an open issue. The paper proposed
the new negation method of BPA. Besides, some numerical examples are given to this approach for better
understanding. Moreover, in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method, the paper compared
the changes of uncertainty between original and negation by using some uncertain measurement methods.
Finally, practical application is used to be discussed the application of proposed method.

INDEX TERMS Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, negation, basic probability assignment, belief function,

I. INTRODUCTION society has its negation side, the negation of everything has
Normally, information is expressed via a degree of impreci- some significant meaning. Hence, it is reasonable to provide
sion. A large number of approaches have been developed to the method of negation to observe and study the knowledge
solve the problem of expressing the knowledge contained in representation. Besides, Zhade in his BISC blog raised the
sources of information, such as, fuzzy sets [1]–[4], Dempster- negation of a probability distribution. Negation operation
Shafer (short for D-S) theory [5], [6], and rough sets [7], provides a possible way of knowledge representation [26].
Z number [8], [9] R number [10], [11] and so on [12]–[14]. For most cases, it is much easier to describe the negation of
Besides, D-S theory as an important and widely used uncer- the things than directly describe it in some circumstances. For
tain reasoning method [15]–[17], appeals to many scientists example, if it is difficult to prove a mathematical formula
to search [18]–[21]. D-S theory assigns probabilities to the rigorously, however a counterexample can easily prove it
power set of events, so as to better grasp the unknown and wrong. Smets [27] mentioned that the negation of a belief
uncertainty of the problem [22], [23]. Based on the advan- function could be defined by the implicity function and com-
tages of D-S theory, the paper mainly discusses the related monality function. The properties of negation of a probability
contents of D-S theory. distribution recently defined by Yager [26] are studied, and
In most cases, if it is known that p(A) = 0, it is must A is the negation model is proved to have the maximum entropy
not our choice, hence, we can get some information to make allocation.
decisions from known conditions [24], [25]. For example, The negation can not only provide a new way to obtain
to express our knowledge in a numerical way, if a < b, information from another view, but also is promising in some
it can be got −a > −b. From the above example, we can applications, such as non-commutative fuzzy structures [28],
get the negative information by known information. Besides, MV-algebras [29], fuzzy logic [30] and involutive [31]. For
the negation method provides a way to represent the informa- example, Bell explicitly incorporated regret, expected utility
tion in an opposite side, thus we can get more information to theory not only becomes a better descriptive predictor but
present knowledge. Moreover, everything in both nature and also may become a more convincing guide for prescrib-
ing behavior to decision makers [32]. In addition, negation
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and method is promising in muti-criteria decision (MCDM) mak-
approving it for publication was Xin Luo. ing, for example, using an ideal solution and the negative

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X. Gao, Y. Deng: Negation of BPA

ideal solution can provide some method to make decision. which satifies
The best alternative is as close as the ideal solution and is as
far as the negative ideal solution. Based on above discussion, m (φ) = 0 (4)
it can be seen that providing the negation of BPA is of great m (A) = 1 (5)
significance to study uncertainty. Besides, there are many A⊆2
researches to study the methods of negation [33]–[35]. This In D-S theory, a mass function is also called a basic probabil-
paper is to find a more general method to obtain the negation ity assignment (BPA) or a piece of evidence or belief struc-
of the BPA. Besides, the paper also discussed what are there ture [65]. The m(A) measures the belief exactly assigned to A
the changes after taking negation? What is the cause of these and represents how strongly the piece of evidence supports A.
changes? In physics, some operations can cause change of If m (A) > 0, A is called a focal element, and the union
entropy, which is a measurement of the degree of chaos [9], of all focal elements is called the core of a mass function
[36]. With the increasing application of entropy, informa- [66]. Recently, some operations on BPA, such as correlation
tion entropy has become an indispensable part of modern analysis [67], have been paid attention.
scientific development [37], [38]. So the paper use entropy Definition 3 (Belief Function): The belief function (Bel)
of random sets [39] to measure the changes of entropy after [6] is a mapping from set 22 to [0,1] and satisfied:
taking negation. X
The rest of this article is structured as follows: In Bel (A) = m (B) (6)
Section 2, some preliminaries of D-S evidence theory B⊆A
and some measurements of uncertainty are introduced.
Definition 4 (Plausibility Function): The plausibility
Section 3 details Yager’s negation and proposed negation
function (Pl): 22 → [0, 1], and satisfied [6]:
method, besides, discusses two theorem of proposed negation X
method. In section 4, some numerical examples are used to Pl (A) = m (B) = 1 − Bel(Ā) (7)
illustrate proposed method and discuss some changes after B∩A6=φ
negation. Section 5 discusses the application of proposed
method. Finally, some conclusions are given in Section 6. where Ā = 2 − A. As can be seen from the above, ∀A ⊆ 2,
Bel(A) < Pl(A), Bel(A), Pl(A) are respectively the lower and
II. PRELIMINARIES upper limits of A, namely [Bel(A), Pl(A)], which indicates
A. DEMPSTER-SHAFER THEORY uncertain interval for A and is essential for D-S evidence
The real world is very complicated with uncertainty theory [68]. According to Shafer’s explanation [5], the dif-
[40]–[42]. D-S theory offers a useful fusion tool for uncer- ference between the belief and the plausibility of a propo-
tain information [18], [43]–[45]. D-S theory needs weaker sition A expresses the ignorance of the assessment for the
conditions than the Bayesian theory of probability, so it is proposition A.
often regarded as an extension of the Bayesian theory, which Definition 5 (Conflict): The conflict of two evidence was
has been used to many applications, such as making-decision defined as follows [69]:
[46]–[49], target recognition [50], pattern classification [51],
C= m1 (Ai ) × m2 (Bj ) (8)
[52], uncertainty model [53]–[55], conflict management [56], Ai ∩Bj =φ
[57] etc [58]–[60]. Besides, some new or generalized model
based this theory have been proposed, for example, gener- Assume frame of discernment 2, given the two evidences
alized evidence theory [61], [62] and D numbers [63], [64]. E1 and E2, the mass functions are m1 and m2 respectively.
Some preliminaries in D-S theory are introduced as follows. Conflict C is an essential tool in information fusion, many
For additional details about D-S theory, refer to [5], [6]. researches studied it [70]–[72], besides, C ⊂ [0, 1].
Definition 1 (Frame of Discernment): Let 2 be the set of Definition 6 (Dempster’s Rule of Combination): Assume
mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events Ai [5], there are two BPAs indicated by m1 and m2 , the Demp-
[6], namely ster’s rule of combination is used to combine them as
follows [5], [6]:
2 = {A1 , A2 , · · · , An } (1)
m (B) × m2 (C) , A 6 = φ
 1 P 
The power set of 2 composed of 2N elements of is indicated m (A) = 1−C B∩C=A 1 (9)
0, A=φ
by 22 , namely [5], [6]:
It is noted that the Dempster’s rule of combination
22 = {φ, {A1 } , {A2 } , · · · , {A1 , A2 } , · · · , 2} (2) is only applicable to such two BPAs which satisfy the
condition C < 1.
Definition 2 ( Mass Function): For a frame of discernment
2 = {A1 , A2 , · · · , An }, the mass function m is defined as a
mapping of m from 0 to 1 [5], [6], namely:
Since the uncertainty is extremely important in theory of
m : 22 → [0, 1] (3) information, many people have attempted to understand it

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X. Gao, Y. Deng: Negation of BPA

better through a study of axiom systems which characterize B. PROPOSED NEGATION

information measures [73]–[76]. Interestingly, BPA is similar to probability, but it can express
Definition 7 (Entropy of Random Sets): The entropy of imprecision. Thus, BPA also has its original side and the
random sets was defined as follows [39]: negative side. Now, the procedures of taking negation are
X listed as follows.
Hn = − m(a) × log2 m(a) (10)
Assume frame of discernment 2 has N elements, 22 can be
Definition 8 (Confusion Measure): Confusion measure expressed as:
(Conf) [77] is defined by:
22 = A1 , A2 , · · · , A2N

X (17)
Conf (m) = − m(A)log2 (Bel(A)) (11)
Especially, A1 = φ,A2N = 2. Let m be a BPA. Assume that
Definition 9 (Dissonance Measure): Dissonance measure
2 N
(Diss) [78], is indicated by X
X mAi = 1 (18)
Diss(m) = − m(A)log2 (Pl(A)) (12) i=1
Definition 10 (Measures for Non-Specificity): Measures Similarly, m̄Ai represent the negation of mAi , and the procedure
for Non-Specificity (NS) [78], is indicated by of taking negation is listed as follows.
Step1 : For each focal element Ai in the frame of dis-
NS(m) = m(A)log|A| (13)
cernment, we use 1 − mAi to represent the complementary
probability of mAi .
where |A| is the cardinality of A. In D-S theory, NS indicates
the uncertain degree of a BPA which contains two or more m̄Ai = 1 − mAi (19)
unspecified alternatives [33]. NS is a kind of generation
of Hartley measure [79] from the classical set theory [80]. Step2 : Calculate the sum λ of the negative belief of all the
Besides, it only focuses on those focal elements with the focal elements. Namely,
larger cardinality.
λ= m̄Ai (20)
III. NEGATION METHOD Assume 2 = {a, b}, the BPA is represented as m(a) = 0.3,
By analysing, it is known that negation has been used in m(b) = 0.2, m(a, b) = 0.5. The negation of the mass function
many applications and give us additional information, for m̄ is
example, expect provide information, while regret which is
m̄(a) = 0.7, m̄(b) = 0.8, m̄(a, b) = 0.5
the negation of expect can provide additional information.
Besides, if a probability distribution contains event with low So, it can be calculated the sum of negation of the mass
probabilities or zero probabilities, then its negation is bound function: λ = 2 = 22 − 2. The specific mathematical proof
to represent events with high probabilities. Yager [26] observe is as follows.
that the probabilities in the negation of a probability distri- If the frame of discernment is unknown, for a mass function
bution are bounded in an interval (unless it is a Bernoulli m (a) = a, m (b) = b, m (a, c) = c, then:
distribution where a probability distribution and its negation
will be identical). In the following we introduce a negation of m̄ (a) = 1 − a; m̄ (b) = 1 − b; m̄ (a, c) = 1 − c;
probability distribution. m̄ (a)+ m̄ (b) + m̄ (a, c) = 2

A. YAGER’S NEGATION It can be known that the power set of frame of discernment
Consider a probability distribution: composed of 2n elements, so there is 2n − 4 except for
mass function is 0. Besides, the corresponding negation is
( )
X 1 respectively, hence, the sum of negation is 2n − 4. From the
p = p1 , p2 , · · · , pn ; 0 6 pi 6 1; pi = 1 (14)
above, it can be seen that the sum of negation of mass function
does not equal 1, it should be λ = 2n − 4 + 2 = 2n − 2. So,
defined on the the set X = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ). The negation of it is necessary to normalize.
the probability distribution P is defined by the following: Step3 : The third step is used to normalize the belief of all
( )
X the negative focal elements.
p̄ = p̄1 , p̄2 , · · · , p̄n ; 0 6 p̄i 6 1; p̄i = 1 (15)
1 − mAi
i=1 m̄Ai = (21)
where λ
Pn From the above, it has known the λ does not equal 1. By calcu-
1 − pi 1 − pi j=1,i6=j pj
p̄i = = Pn = (16) lation,the λ equals 2n − 2. Hence, the negation of BPA should
n−1 j=1 (1 − p̄i ) n−1 be:
where n is the amount of focal element and pi is the probabil- 1 − mAi
ity of original mass function. m̄Ai = n (22)
2 −2
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X. Gao, Y. Deng: Negation of BPA

Especially, this general negation method can definitely From the above, it can be found that the element can not
degenerate to the basic negation method which is proposed by be a due to m(a) = 0. But the negation give another view that
Yager if the belief is only assigned to sole element. Indicate the element can belong to ā. Besides, in this phenomenon,
as: we can assume φ represents elements expect a, namely open
m̄Ai = 1 − mAi (23)
Due to the lack of complete knowledge, it can not know
Specific examples are as follows: whether the world has only a, called open world. This equa-
Example There is a frame of discernment 2 = {a}, for a tion suggests that the empty set φ can also represent some
mass function m (a) = 1, the negation is as follows: focal elements. Incompleteness is the important property in
D-S theory. But, the knowledge is complete, the m(a) = 1
m {a} = 0 represents the inevitability of the event. Therefore, in the open
which is the same with Yager’s negtaion. world, we do not know which specific focal element can be
In fact, the negation method acts in a manner to assign the assigned to, but at least it is not m(a), so unknown elements
belief evenly to each focal element. There is an example to are be assigned to the φ. From this view, negation has some
explain the proposed negation, as follows. connections with the open world. The special case prove the
Example Assume a frame of discernment 2 = {a, b}, for effectiveness of negation. Besides, it also demonstrates that
a mass function m (a) = 0.3, m (b) = 0.2, m (a, b) = 0.5, the m(a) = 0 also has some interesting information we can
the associated negation can be calculated as follows. not know. In this paper, open world is not considered.
The process of taking the negation of a BPA generates a
m {a} = 0.35, m {b} = 0.4, m {a, b} = 0.35, new and unique BPA that can be seen as being consistent with
Next, let us introduce two general theorems of the proposed the idea of the negation of the initial BPA. In this context,
negation method. The Theorem 1 points out the general for- the result of the special cases is consistent with our intuitions.
mula of the negation method, and the Theorem 2 discovers
the general convergence process of the negation method.
Theorem 11: Treating the iterative negations as the series In this section, several examples are given to show the how to
of sequence, let the xi denote the value of the focal element obtain the negation of a mass function based on the proposed
after taking the ith negation. The general formula of the negation method.
proposed negation method is:
Pt=i−3 n A. EXAMPLE
1 (2 − 1)t − (1 − x1 ) Example 1: Assume a Frame of Discernment 2 = {a, b}, for
xi = n − t=1 (24)
2 −1 (2n − 1)i−1 a mass function m (a) = 0.5, m (b) = 0.5 the associated
Theorem 12: For a BPA m, it converges to its limitation negation can be calculated as follows.
when the belief is equally assigned to each focal element. m̄ (a) = 0.25
m̄ (b) = 0.25
1 m̄ (a, b) = 0.5
m(A2 ) = m(A2 ) = · · · = m(A2N ) = (25)
2N − 1
From the above, the BPA has some changes after the
Proof : To simplify our notation, let xi replace m(An ), from
negation, that is to say, the BPA has been redistributed.
the Theorem 1, the general formula of xi has been obtained.
Example 2: Assume a frame of discernment 2 = {a, b}, for
a mass function m (a) = m (b) = m (a, b) = 31 , then:
Pt=i−3 n
1 (2 − 1)t − (1 − x1 )
xi = n − t=1
2 −1 (2n − 1)i−1 1
Next, taking the limitation on both sides of the equation, m̄ (a) = m̄ (b) = m̄ (a, b) =
the convergence can be got. Namely: It can be seen that the uniform distribution does not change
Pt=i−3 n
1 (2 − 1)t − (1 − x1 ) after taking negations, which is consistent with the Theorem
lim xi = lim n − t=1 2. During the some views, the system with uniform distribu-
i→∞ i→∞ 2 − 1 (2n − 1)i−1
tion is the most stable and has no changes with any operation.
Thus, with the condition that (2n − 1) > 1, it can be obtained: Hence, taking negation does not change the distribution of
1 elements.
lim xi =
i→∞ 2n − 1 Example 3: There is a frame of discernment 2 = {a, b, c},
Next, the special case is discussed in the following part. for a mass function m (a) = 0.2, m (b) = 0.1, m (a, c) = 0.3,
Special Case : Assumed a BPA that contains only one focal m (a, b, c) = 0.4, we can get:
element (e.g. the m(a) = 0), the negation of BPA can be m̄ (a) = 0.133, m̄ (b) = 0.15, m̄ (c) = 0.167,
defined by:
m̄ (a.b) = 0.167
m(ā) = 1 m̄ (a, c) = 0.116, m̄ (b, c) = 0.167, m̄ (a, b, c) = 0.1

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X. Gao, Y. Deng: Negation of BPA

TABLE 1. The trend of negation process of multiple elements.

From the above, the BPA of m(c) can not be known, namely
m(c) = 0, but it is very obviously that c also includes some
information and is basic element of frame of discernment,
because of the existing of m(a, c). Similarly, the (b, c) also
has some information due to the existing of m(a, b, c). It can
be seen that initial BPA can not represent the full information.
The information of m(c) and m(b, c) can not know from the
initial BPA, but, it can be obtained some information from
m̄ (c) and m̄ (b, c). It can be proved that negation has the
essential effect with obtaining more unknown the informa-
tion. Besides, negation also provides a new view to consider
world. Although it can be obtained some information after
negation, what happens if taking negation to the m̄ ? Make
the 2nd negation and obtain the results, as follows: FIGURE 1. The BPA trend of negation process of multiple elements.

¯ 6 = m(i)
m̄(i) (26)
¯ m(a)
m̄(a) = n 6 = m(a) (27) tainty of BPA has changes after negation. Besides, the interval
(2 − 2)2 of BPA is gradually approached convergence after multi-
From the above, it find that the negation is irreversible. It is ple negations. Amusingly, the interval of m(a, b, c) has no
essential to explore the reason of irreversible after negation. changes with the negation, due to m(a, b, c) including the
In the next section, some possible reasons can be presented all basic elements that the sum of them equals 1. But, what
for this interesting phenomenon. changes have taken with the changes of BPA after taking the
negation? Next, considering the Conf , Diss and NS of BPA,
B. FURTHER DISCUSSION which these measures taken together provide an indication of
Uncertainty is ubiquitous in fuzzy systems, and therefore, the quality of the evidence supplied by a belief structure [77].
how to handle the uncertainty of information is of great
importance [81], [82]. Next, from different views discuss the 1) VIEW FORM CONFUSION DISSONANCE AND NS
uncertainty of negation. From the Fig. 2, it can be found that Conf , Diss, NS measures
Example 4: Assume N = 3, 2 = {a, b, c}, the initial BPA are in a state of fluctuation in several previous negations,
m is as follows: m (a) = 0.2, m (c) = 0.15, m (a, b) = 0.15, which can be seen uncertainty has some change after nega-
m (a, b, c) = 0.5.The result of doing several negation process tion. Ultimately, Conf Diss and NS are approaching stability
to BPA is shown in Fig. 1. after multiple negations, that is to say, the system is in a
The Fig. 1 is used to illustrate the change of the BPA relatively stable state, indicating the BPA is uniform distribu-
after each iteration of negation process. From the simulation tion. Besides, NS focuses on the focal element with the larger
result, it can easily find that the BPA is converging gradually cardinality, when the cardinality is same, the NS changes with
with the increasing of iterations. At last, the BPA is uniform BPA. Moreover, by observing the changes of NS between
distribution after multiple negation, which is consistent with original and first negation, it can be found that the BPA has
Therom 2. In other words, ambiguity uncertainty is maxi- taken place more great changes in the first negation than
mum if each focal element has the same probability in this other negations. In addition, the difference between Conf and
phenomenon [26]. Diss reflects the changes of belief interval of BPA. From
Besides, Table 1 presents the interval of BPA from Bel(A) Fig. 2, the Conf has more uncertainty than Diss, showing
to Pl(A). From Table 1 can find that the interval changes after the Pl has more information than Bel. Moreover, the Conf
each iteration of negation process, meaning that the uncer- and Diss have the same trend of changes after negation. More

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X. Gao, Y. Deng: Negation of BPA

TABLE 2. The Nguyen entropy after negation.

FIGURE 2. The degree of uncertainty after negation.

importantly, according the equation(7), the Bel and Pl have

some connections with negation, so the Pl and Bel have the
consistent changes. Similarly, the Conf and Diss have more proof.
changes taking 1st negation in this case. Hence, it is necessary X
Hn (m) = − m(a) × log2 m(a) (28)
to consider what is the reason of this phenomenon? From the X
above illustration, the uncertainty, which takes the negation Hn (m̄) = − m̄(a) × log2 m̄(a)
twice, does not equal to the initial uncertainty, showing that X 1 − m(a) 1 − m(a)
taking negation is irreversible. Besides, the changes of uncer- =− × log2 N (29)
tainty means the changes of information, which maybe con- 2N − 2 2 −2
Hn (m) − H (m̄)
nect with entropy, after all, entropy is irreversible in physics. X
Similarly, negation is also irreversible. =− m(a) × log2 m(a)
X 1 − m(a) 1 − m(a)
− (− N
× log2 N ) (30)
2) VIEW FORM ENTROPY 2 −2 2 −2
X 1 − m(a)
Recalled the entropy, is derived from physics [83], the entropy
D0 = − m(a) × log2 m(a) − (−
is also used to denote the degree of discord. The more 2N − 2
chaotic a system is, the more uniform the state distribution 1 − m(a) X
× log2 N ) + λ( m(a) − 1) (31)
is. The energy consumed is hard to be used again, that is say, 2 −2
the process is reversible. With the increasing application of ∂D0 1 1 − m(a)
=− N log2 N
entropy, information entropy has become an indispensable ∂m(a) 2 −2 2 −2
part of modern scientific development [84]–[86]. From the m(a)
− N log2 e − log2 m(a) − log2 e + λ (32)
above, the negation is irreversible, meaning the information 2 −2
consumes is hard to used again. In this paper, using entropy Hn (m̄) > Hn (m) (33)
of random sets to observe the changes of information entropy.
By calculating, it can be easily found that entropy has always From the above, it can be seen the Hn (m̄) > Hn (m), which
keep increase until maximum entropy. From the views can be is consistent with the above experimental results. Hence, our
seen that the proposed negation has maximum entropy after proposed negation cause the increase of entropy of random
multiple negations. More importantly, after multiple nega- sets until the maximum entropy.
tions, the system is approaching stability, at the same time,
entropy has maximum value. According to this phenomenon, 3) VIEW FORM CONFLICT
it can be considered that no operation will reduce the entropy Conflict plays an important property in D-S theory [87].
in an isolated system according to second law of thermody- Furthermore, the negation always shares the same frame of
namics. Hence, using entropy of random sets to measure the discernment with the initial BPA since the negation function
entropy of BPA is reasonable. Besides, Conf , Diss and NS has only changes the belief distribution instead of the frame
more fluctuation after 1st negation in Example 4, showing of discernment. Therefore, measuring conflict between the
the information has more changes, which is consistent with negative BPA and the initial BPA is also appropriate method
changes of entropy of random sets in Table 2. From the above, to denote the property of the negation. Let’s to calculate the
it can be proved that our proposed negation is reasonable. conflict between the initial BPA and its negation, using kxy to
In the following part, the increase of entropy of random indicate conflicts, x and y represents the xth or yth negation,
sets after taking negation was strictly show by mathematical for example, k01 represents the conflict between initial BPA

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X. Gao, Y. Deng: Negation of BPA

TABLE 3. The trend of negation process of multiple elements. VI. CONCLUSION

This paper proposed a new method to obtain the negation
of the BPA and discussed some basic properties of proposed
negation method. Numerical examples are used to show the
changes of BPA taking negation. Conf Diss and NS are
used to measure changes of uncertainty during the nega-
tion process. Besides, the paper discussed the connection
between changes of uncertainty and entropy of random sets.
More importantly, the entropy of random sets always keep
increase after negation until it reaches its maximum, mean-
while, the BPA is uniform distribution. Moreover, conflict
plays an essential role in D-S theory, which is discussed
between initial BPA and its negation. It can be found that
and 1st negation, as follows. In kxy , x represents column, y
the Conf , Diss, NS and conflict have the more changes in
represents raw during Table. 3.
the first negation than other negations, at the same time the
From the Table .3, it easily found that k01 is the lagest
entropy of random sets also has the maximum change. From
during k0x , indicating that initial BPA and 1st negation has
this phenomenon, it can be known that consuming more
maximum conflict. More interestingly, k0y can not always
information means the changes of uncertainty with increase
keep increase from k01 to k09 , showing that conflict changes
of entropy. Summarizing, after several negation processes,
with negation. Besides, there are more changes from k01 to
the BPA converges to uniform distribution with maximum
k03 , meaning that 1st negation and 2nd negation has a more
entropy of random sets without any changes.
lager rate of consuming information, which is consistent with
the changes of entropy of random sets in Table .2. After taking
5th negation, the conflict has almost no change, meaning no
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
information consumption, meanwhile, entropy of random sets
regarding the publication of this paper.
has no change. In last, the BPA reaches convergence close to
uniform distribution and the conflict is no longer changing.
Therefore, measuring conflict between the negative BPA and
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[84] P. Liu and X. Zhang, ‘‘Approach to multi-attributes decision making with Chengdu, China. He has published more than 100 papers in refereed jour-
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open world assumption with an application in sensor data fusion,’’ Sensors, member of many conferences, such as the International Conference on Belief
vol. 18, no. 6, p. 1902, 2018. Functions. He has served as a member of many editorial board, such as
[87] F. Xiao, ‘‘An improved method for combining conflicting evidences based Academic Editor of the PLOS ONE. He served as the Reviewer for more
on the similarity measure and belief function entropy,’’ Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., than 30 journals, such as the IEEE TRANSACTION ON FUZZY SYSTEMS.
vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1256–1266, 2018.

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