Job Interview Training

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Lesson objectives

Practice effective ways to show you are a

good candidate for the job

Learn what unexpected questions you may

be asked and why

Get to know the must-do things during a

job interview

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What makes you a successful candidate?

1. Professional outfit and neat hairdo

2. Self-confidence and stress management

3. Proper body language

4. Supporting your skills with examples

5. Asking insightful questions

6. Thanking the interviewer

7. Answering honestly to all the questions

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What are an interviewer’s biggest sins?


● Using your phone

● Fudging facts in your CV

● Badmouthing ex-employers

● Bringing a drink with you

● Not paying attention

● Hitting on the interviewer

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Your biggest strength

Find synonyms and antonyms

virtue vice disadvantage


power flaw
Achilles’ heel drawback

pro con

➔ Make a question
➔ Ask your partner
➔ Answer the questions
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Questions you may expect

What are typical questions asked to a candidate for a job?

Which do you find difficult to answer?

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What is your biggest weakness?

Which of the answers would be most effective? Why?

1. “I’m afraid I’m flawless/perfect”

2. “I’m a workaholic and I care too much”

3. “I still lack some experience in… but I’m willing to work on this point”

4. “I definitely need some more practice with…. But I’ve already started working on
that point.

“Never say anything about

Your turn to answer the question! yourself you do not want to
come true.” –Brian Tracy

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Why are you applying?
as a result first and foremost consequently

however thus therefore nevertheless above all

1. “I’ve been honing my graphic design skills for 2 years and, _____, I’m looking for a job where I could
continue exercise these skills.

2. “There was no room for development at my previous job. _____, I would like to move on to a bigger

3. “I am an excellent employee. ________, I’ve got bored with my present job ___ I would like to work in
a more dynamic environment.

4. “Our department was eliminated due to restructuring and _____ I was laid off together with ….
other workers.

Which of the aforementioned is closest to your situation?

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Have you ever heard some
strange interview question?

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A wolf in sheep’s clothing

What qualities of an interviewee may these questions check?

What would you answer?

"If I gave you $40,000 to start a business, what would you start?" (asked by HubSpot)

"What would you do if you found a penguin in the freezer?" (asked by Trader Joe’s)

"If you were a brand, what would be your motto?" (asked by Boston Consulting group)

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A wolf in sheep’s clothing

What qualities of an interviewee may these questions check?

What would you answer?

"If you had a choice between two superpowers - being invisible or flying - which would

you choose?" (asked by Microsoft)

"What do you do if you are approached by an employee who is complaining about a

colleague who has horrible body odor?" (asked by Mastercard)

"What do you think you will hate about this job?" (asked by Medtronic)

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Show that you care!

How can you show that you are interested in what the
interviewer asks?

Are there any non-verbal tricks to show it?

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Show that you care!

Take a quiz. You can be wrong by up to 10%

1. ____ % of hiring managers say clothes can be the deciding factor between two
similar candidates.

2. ____% of candidates adopt bad body posture.

3. ____ % of interviewees don’t smile.

4. _____% fail to make eye-contact.

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Show interest verbally

1. You would benefit from hiring an effective manager, ____ you?

2. You are looking for an experienced and reliable worker, ____you?

3. Considering my competences, I am a good candidate for this post, ___ I?

4. Your company needs someone savvy and dynamic, _____ it?

5. Let’s assume you hire me right now, ___we? I would prove you right.

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Mock job interview

Your turn to ask and interview questions

Don’t forget to thank for the meeting!
Phrases for the interviewer: Phrases for the candidate:

Hello! How…..?
Hello! I’m….to meet you.
Could you say a few words about…
In my opinion, my…..
What do you think is your biggest…
To my mind,....
Where do you see yourself in….years?
Why…? At my previous position I….
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Typical job interview questions

Make questions and answer

1. Where/yourself/you/in 5 years time/see?

2. What/your/big/be/strength?

3. What/weakness/your/great?

4. Why/you/for a job/look?

5. Why/we/hire/you/should?

6. Why/you/quit/your previous job?

7. You/questions/for/me/have?

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Ask questions

1. What/your expectations/be/for this position during first 30 days?

2. What/be/challenges/the biggest/the company/now/face?

3. What/typical career path/be/for someone at this post?

4. What/the next step/be/in the interviewing process?

5. What/you/about working here/enjoy most?

6. What/the least/be/desirable/aspect of company’s culture?

7. How/you/handle/conflicts between employees?

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Can you...

2 ways to boast about your strengths?

state your weakness constructively?

mention 5 must-do’s during a job interview?

Copyright © 2017 Fluentbe Sp. z o.o.

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