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Name: Muhammad Nuri Akid bin Badrul Hisham Date: 13 August 2020
Position: Production Cold End line Operator Time: 2 Hours

Questions related to subject wise knowledge about Cold End process and Work Instructions (WI).

Answer the following question in brief.

Section 1: General

1. State the basic PPE equipment that must be worn while at the factory.
- Goggle, Jacket, Safety Shoes, Bump Cap
2. What are the 4 family Knauf Values?
- Partnership, Entrepreneurship, Menschlichkeit, Commitment
3. What is the Safety First?
- Said to mean that it is best to avoid any unnecessary risks and to act so that you stay safe. Paying
attention and being careful
4. What is our binder name?
- Ecose Technology
5. KING stand for?
- Knauf Insulation Next Generation
6. OEE?
- Overall Equipment Efficiency
7. GOE?
- Gross Overall Efficiency
8. PJE?
- Piece Job Efficiency
9. SE?
- Spinner Efficiency
10. Formula for OEE?
- GOE x PJE x SE = OEE

Section 2: Curing Oven

1. Before start the line drive system, state the conditions that need to be checked.
- Condition 1: Please ensure all LOTO has released.
- Condition 2: Need to ensure no people nearby the conveyor
2. Emergency button, Yellow button, and blue button reduce line speed. When to use? And what will
-Emergency Button: will be use when something CRIITCAL happens and need the line to stop
urgently, at the same time, all movements in the system stop immediately, and the power supply
and air supply is interrupted.
-Yellow Button: will be used when there is a problem on the line that cannot be resolved safely,
such as a Chopper pileup and it becomes unmanageable. Easy to start back up.
-Blue Button: will be use when there is a problem on line, such as a Chopper pile up. Reduce the line
speed to 50%.
3. What are the purpose of the silicone application?
- To provide a comprehensive guide on how and when to apply silicone to curing oven, as we know
silicone is importance to prevent fiber stick on oven surface.
4. With reference to the answer of question no. 3, state the other method than silicone application
during oven startup.
- using glass veil
5. Silicone spray requires a mixture of several ingredients. State the relevant material along with its
- Use water and silicon with ratio 1:3 (1 silicon with 3 water).
6. Silicone spraying on the upper and lower flight conveyors is done in how many revolutions?
- Operator need to spray the silicone to the oven conveyor flights for 3 revolutions
7. State some safety measures that need to be considered during the silicone application process?
- Silicone on a conveyor or floor surface is very slippery, any silicone that are spilled on the floor
during this process of testing or applying to the oven, must be cleaned up before anybody leaves the
area, as it will cause a slip, trip or fall.
8. Manual adjustment on side seal of curing oven are based on product width. State the purpose of
the side seal?
- To ensure the cure is efficient and heat transfers through the product only.
9. in what circumstances/issue does the correction/adjustment of side seal are required?
- Only need made if the oven and quality issue occurred during a production run if all other variance
has been ruled out.
10. What are the aim and purpose of the change curing oven bridge height?
- To understand the correct method to adjust the height of the bridge depending on the dimension
of the product. The product thickness will be primarily determined by the bridge between the ovens
lower / upper flight conveyors.
11. To alter the bridge height in automatic simply type the required setting in the set point (SP),
where that we can refer and find the set point (SP) value or requirement.
- Can be refer to Product Specification Sheet by following the SAP code of the product
12. What is the manufacturing and nominal thickness?
-Manufacturing: actual thickness from oven
-Nominal: actual thickness customer receive has been declare at label.
13. Is manual adjustment required to altering the oven bridge height? If yes, state the situation that
requires the manual method.
-Yes, should only be used when the automatic function is not working.
14. What is the quantity of burner in each oven zone and where is it located?
- Burner have one each zone, location will be opposite between zone.

15. In which screen that the correction of burner temperature and circulation fan speed be made?
- Screen Curing Oven Overview and select Recipe button.
16. What will happen if 2 burner side by side are down?
- The line will stop if lose 2 burner anywhere in the oven zones.
17. How many circulation fan in each oven zones and where is it located?
- Circulation fan have two each zone, location will be located opposite between zone.

18. Based on your answer for question no. 17, state or draw the rotation of the circulation fans for
zone 1~4 and zone 5~8.

19. If the density of the product is over 20kgm3, what setting do you select on the curing oven?
- Torque mode on, this levels out the amps for top and bottom conveyor and stabilizes the top and
bottom speed
20. What will happen to the product when the line speed are been increased or decreased?
- When the line speed is increased or decreased, it will alter the weight of the product, not so much
the quality if it is controlled. So you will weigh the product as a bat or roll, look then at the
manufacturing sheet and see if any alterations need to be made. We should aim towards the bottom
specification of the weight, so then you may need to speed up slightly. This then alters the weight of
the product so slightly, so not to give too much product away to the customer.
21. Why we need to ensure the correct recipe are been selected?
- To ensure a good cure of the material
22. Based on your understanding and knowledge, what are the important parameter that required
to be set in the recipe?
- To ensure the next product is exactly according to the set schedule
23. What is the purpose of the chain lubrication system?
- To prolong the life of the chain.
24. As an operator and based on your understanding, what do you need to pay attention to or focus
on chain lubrication system?
- Additive oil start (amp.) and Quantity of oil (litter/ day)
25. Why the cleaning of the oven entry and exit vestibule are important?
- To minimize the risk of fire inside the curing oven vestibule
26. How often should you clean the oven vestibules?
- Once on each shift
27. From a safety perspective, state the hazards that exist when doing cleaning work in the oven
- The Oven Vestibule condition is dark, please use provided Head torch
- The Oven will remain operational and the oven slat conveyor will still be moving while this task is
carried out and please be mindful when open the oven door because heat will be transfer out.
28. What should we use to clean the chain and flight conveyor? In addition, why we should use that
- Using water hose, that because that surface are too hot.
29. What does OCO mean?
- OCO mean Oven Clean Out.
30. How often should you perform an OCO?
- OCO perform once every 8 weeks
31. How often should we pull out the chain lubrication unit to check the nozzles and clean it if
- Should be Checked Once per shift.
32. During start up oven after OCO, what are the minimum temperature should zone reach before
the line started?
- The temperature should be reach a minimum of 180⁰c.
33. Oven should be start up and shutdown in automatic mode by following sequence steps, what
button that require to pressed when to starting and shutdown the oven.
- Select start button to start up line drive.
- Select stop button to stop up line drive.
34. How many zones will curing oven have in JB?
- JB have 8 zones in curing oven
35. What is the length of the oven in meters (m) in JB?

36. How soon should you start the oven before the starting the KING Melter?
- 3 hours before
37. What are the function of the curing oven?
- To cure the binder
Section 3: Cooling Zone

38. State the function of the cooling zone based on your understanding.
- To ensure the temperature of the material does not breach 90C and activate the pumpkin
39. 2 Cooling zone fans shall running in balance when removal the heat. What will happen if running
1 cooling zone in the extreme condition?
- By using 1 cooling zone in the extreme can lead to a cooling zone fire.
40. How do you clean the online temperature sensor?
- Use long handle brush to gently clean sensor without going under rollers.
41. How to adjust the cooling zone conveyor in manually?
- Turn the handle IN or OUT to adjust the conveyor.
42. Why we need to clean only during running low density product?
- If we run a high density (25kgm3) the fan will not remove enough heat and it will be a punking
43. In your opinion, what should you do to the other cooling zone that are NOT being take for
- Increased the fan speed on the cooling zone to ensure the temperature does not increaser higher
than 60C. This will ensure adequate cooling is achieved on the product being produced and minimize
any punking risk.

Section 4: Grecon

44. How often should the Grecon be tested?

- Once per shift and at the beginning of the shift (within the first hour
45. Describe in generally how to perform and conduct the Grecon test.
- Grecon test should be carried out using the group standard test pieces.
- The sample piece needs to be placed on the mat before the scanner, taking care to place it in the
correct position to avoid slitters or edge trims
- Observe the sample piece passing through Grecon.
46. What should we do if Grecon detection and reject conveyor does not work during running the
- If ejection did not happen during Grecon test, arrange to quarantine the material until resolved.
47. What is the different between SMS & SMS2?
- SMS is version 1, SMS2 is version 2 of scram management tool
48. When the new recipe for Grecon can be load?
- New recipe for Grecon only can be load when new product exit from the curing oven.
49. What are function of the Grecon X-ray machine?
- Detect the punking risk
- Glass, hood fall, small hood fall and bird nest
50. When should we clean the Grecon?
- When the dark line appeared in Grecon screen and during OCO
51. While Grecon is disabled for cleaning or off, current products must be quarantined. How long
does it take to quarantine?
- Anytime the Grecon is offline for cleaning, the plant MUST quarantine for 72hours.
52. How many Grecon threshold will you have in JB?
-JB have 3 threshold
Section 5: Cutting

53. What is the function of the slitter machine?

- To cut a solid fiberglass mat into longitudinal strips of varying widths.
54. List down what need to check before start the slitters.
-. External inspection for the absence of compressed air leakage and other external damage to
- Make sure that the electricity cabinets are closed and can only be opened by authorized persons
- Make sure that the disk saws are fitted correctly and have no obvious damage
- Make sure the suction boxes are clean
- Make sure that the disk saw is set correctly on a predetermined production width; adjustments
should only be done by a manual flywheel, controlling the position on the digital indicator
- Make sure the security doors are closed and all the people have left the area inside the safety
- Make sure you're connected to the power supply.
- Make sure the engines rotate properly and the direction of the carriages
55. How many slitter blade will you have in JB?
- At JB we have 7 slitter blade
56. Total product wide: 2400mm, required width by customer: 300mm. Draw how you will set our
slitter based on customer requirement.
57. What is the function of perforation saw?
- Saws perforate the segments of material, giving the installer an option to apply the product into
different width applications.
58. What should the operator check every height alteration of perforator saws?
- Operator checks the depth of cut after every height alteration of perforator saws
59. Give 2 criteria that show good cutting for perforation saw on the product.
- The roll should have perforated marks and be easy to break.
60. What is the function of the chopper?
- The chopper will separate the product according to specified lengths determined by the product
61. What setting is the chopper break and clutch pressure?
- Clutch controller 40 psi
- Brake regulator 20 psi
62. How many chopper will have in JB?
-JB have 2 Chopper. 1 inline and 1 for standby.
63. Where is the rotation direction of the clutch?
- Clockwise, looking from the side clutch
64. What is the button should we select to perform the testing on the chopper and how long it will
cut during the test?
- Push the button test mode
65. What is use to separate the mat into two mats?
- Band saw
66. What is the function of the edge trims?
- Edge trim removes poor quality material and recycles this into the forming hood.
67. Based on you answer in question 66 what is the percentage it was?
- 2% for both side
68. Based on you answer in question 67, where does the material from the edge trim go?
- Into the forming hood
69. If the edge trim suction blocked, what should we do?
- Adjust main line slitter to location of edge trim.
- Take out the poor quality material put into bin
- Turn Edge Trim switch to manual mode
- Press Edge Trim outwards to maximum position
- Press Edge Trim off button.
- Remove the side plate to access the Edge Trim to remove fibre built up in the cowling by using
- Once the blockage is removed replace the North side plate and remove the Pad Lock and close
interlock door
- Turn Edge Trim switch to auto mode.
- Set decade switch to required width
- Turn Edge Trim On
70. What do you understand on the dust extraction system?
- System is designed to aspirate the dust from the process line machinery and to separate this dust
from the clean air in filter unit.

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