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TED Talk: Why we need introverted leaders:

As I listen to the TED talk by Angela Hucles, it made me think of the President of the
company I work for. I began to connect some of his behavior and things he’s mentioned
before and I now see that he is definitely an introvert. He is a creature of habit and leaves
the office every single day for a lunch break. He has also stated that through all the
philanthropic work he and his wife are involved in, he would rather be in the background
and he described as more hands on. As the leader of the company, he is constantly in
meetings, presenting, and meeting with people. He is one of those introverts that is
passionate about his work, role, and will jump into his leadership role with stride. As the
video mentions, it is possible to have introverted leaders manage businesses

2. TED Talk: Confessions of a passionate introvert:

One specific observation I made from the Brian Little TED talk was his mention of the amount of
stimulation an extrovert requires to function optimally. That made me think of myself
personally. I realize now that my extrovert personality is likely the reason I work while
simultaneously listen to a podcast, music, or listen to documentaries. I also typically go and chat
with the neighboring department personnel. No one else from my team does that. I also tend to
be the only one who during our weekly meeting shares something uplifting. In my opinion, a lot
of the work we do is not terribly exciting so why not add something to bring a smile or chuckle
to my team members. Although we are encouraged to work from home most days. I still go in 3-
4 days a week.

3. How to Design Office Spaces for Introverts and Extroverts:

Designing a workspace for introverts and extroverts is nothing I would have ever thought to do. I
think it is a genius idea to offer multi-purpose modular furniture when you have an open
concept floorplan. This could be a game changer for employees. Due to the nature of my work, I
must have a private space with a door that locks but all other employees work in open spaces.
With this exception, I think creating quiet spaces where an introvert to retreat to for some quiet
time is something I would like to see in my workplace. I think it may help introverts refresh and
recoup their inner peace before heading back out to the shop to work with customers.

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