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Finite Difference Approximation of Bresse’s Equation for

Gradually Varied Flow (GVF) in a Trapezoidal Prismatic

Nischal Kafle/U00822014

December 6, 2022

1 Abstract
One of the classic problems in Civil Engineering is to determine the flow profile upstream of an
obstruction that forcefully introduces a subcritical depth at the channel section in a natural or
a manmade channel. For example, when we build a weir or any energy-dissipating structure
in a trapezoidal prismatic channel, this blockage in the flow will introduce a subcritical flow
upstream of the channel. However, we know that flow always likes to reach a normal depth
governed by a Mannings equation and the bed slope given that the channel reach is long enough.
Therefore, we wish to know how the flow depth changes upstream of the blockage in order to
design flood protection structures. Basically, this is a 1D flow problem and in this project, I will
find the depth of flow upstream of the blockage using the general equation of the flow profile i.e,
Bresse,s equation. The 1D Bresse’s equation of flow profile is:
dy S0 − Sf
= (1)
dx 1 − F r2
Where, So is the slope and function of x, which is constant in our case because we are solving the
equation for a fixed bed slope.
Sf is friction slope (slope of the energy line) which is a function of y and can be derived from
the Mannings equation.
F r is the Froude number of the flow.
y and x represent flow depth and the location at the channel reach.

1.1 Important Terminologies

1. Critical Depth : It is the depth for a given discharge and the given channel geometry such
that the specific energy (sum of the flow depth and the velocity head(V 2 /2g for that flow is
I am using the forward difference method in Matlab to solve this equation for a given set of
initial conditions. Our initial condition is the depth of the flow upstream of the blockage and the
bed slope of the channel reach. At first, I will determine the type of bed slope. The type of bed
slope and the initial depth of the flow will dictate the kind of GVF profile. Finally, I will get the
flow depth at each stage of ∆X. I will represent the result in a plot of the flow profile and will
verify the result for the same initial condition using HecRas.

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