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BS ARCH 1 - A11

Name: Rechaina Gwen P. Dumandan

A. Instruction: Look for a sample artwork – painting, drawing, mural, sculpture music, dance, poem, and
other related arts – and paste it on this table under the appropriate categories – physical function, social
function and personal function as picture or a hyperlink if it is a a movie clip or an audio clip. Lastly explain
why you put them under the respective categories.

What makes it function

Functions Sample Work

Physical function of art is

providing a good
environmental space to
people. What is shown in the
picture is an architect
Artwork that is doing
translating needs of building
physical function
users into physical form
manifesting as an enclosure
with walls, floors and

Social function of art

entails revealing modes of
social interaction, lifestyle
and leisure and community-
living through visual,
performance and other
Artwork that is doing a artistic means. What is
social function shown in the picture of an
Ifugao dance ritual, which is
a good example of doing a
social function because it is
used by communities to
celebrate and assemble in
one gathering.
Personal function of art
refers to individual
expression using art. What is
shown in the picture is
filipino “harana” or serenade
of a man’s courtship. It is

Artwork that is doing a personal function as music or

personal function the “harana” is an art used by

the man in the picture to
express his love. This also
show one of th etypes of
personal function which is

B. Instruction Write a reflection about what your learning experience has been in art appreciation (200-250
words). (10pts)
This subject thought me not just to appreciate the beauty and aesthetics of art but to also understand why it is

built or designed like that. Art is everything and can be seen anywhere at any time. Art is ever-changing,

with new trends and styles appearing all the time. The artist's ultimate goal, though, is to create something

that speaks to the audience personally and can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Every person who

encounters art is meant to be personally touched by it because art taps into the subconscious. Art is really

important as it helps us to comprehend the history of the piece and the time in which it was created. In their

work, artists frequently address personal challenges as well as societal problems. We can better understand

how society differed back then and now by examining and placing ourselves in the artist's shoes. On a

human level, we can relate to and empathize with the issues they encountered. Many people use art to

express something they find difficult to say or explain in other ways. Because of this, understanding art is

crucial for adding the final component—our interpretation—that completes the piece. The artwork comes to

life through our perspective as it adapts to each person that is in its area. The most essential benefit of

appreciating art is that it encourages reflection and analysis, challenges people to see beyond the obvious,

and encourages us to be open to the opinions of others.

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