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Spasticity inCerebral Palsy

and the Selective Posterior

Rhizotomy Procedure
Warwick J. Peacock, MD; Loretta A. Staudt, MS, PT

A review of the selective posterior rhizotomy procedure for reduction of spasticity in cerebral palsy is presented. The
history of the procedure, selection of patients, operative technique, and results are described. The neurophysiologic basis
for spasticity is considered, as well as the role of spasticity in the complex motor disorder of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy
is a multifaceted disorder of which spasticity is only one aspect. Reduction of spasticity can be effectively achieved using
the current technique of selective posterior rhizotomy, but careful patient selection and establishment of realistic goals are
vital to successful outcome. Postoperative physical and occupational therapy are felt to be essential for regaining strength
and improving motor function following the rhizotomy procedure. Further study in the areas of spasticity, cerebral palsy,
and the effects of rhizotomy is expected to advance our treatment of spastic children. ( J Child Neurol 1990;5:179-185).

posterior rhizotomy is a neurosurgi- History

cal procedure designed to reduce spasticity. Rhizotomy &dquo;cutting
or roots&dquo;
originally per- was

Although the procedure was first used for this pur- formed on dorsal spinal nerve roots for relief of
pose almost 100 years ago/ it has recently become pain. Robert Abbe described his cases performed in
repopularized for patients with spastic cerebral New York as early as 1888 and credited C. L. Dana
palsy, due to refinements in technique. 2,3 The pro- with the original concept. 5 Abbe reported his own
cedure today involves an L2 to L5 laminectomy, fol- four cases of upper extremity pain or pain plus
lowed by the selective division of certain lumbo- spastic athetosis and also mentioned a slightly ear-
sacral posterior spinal nerve rootlets, based on the lier case by Bennett in London who performed-
electromyographic (EMG) responses to their electri- lumbosacral dorsal rhizotomy for lower extremity
cal stimulation. It has been found to be beneficial in pain.
carefully selected patients.3 In particular, spastic di- By 1908, Otfrid Foerster, a German neurosur-
plegic patients with pure spasticity, no underlying geon, had used lumbosacral posterior rhizotomy to
weakness or severe contractures, and the ability to relieve spasticity, although Munro is also credited
walk have shown the most functional improvement with similar work as early as 1904.1,5 This followed
from the procedure. Postoperative physical and oc- Sherrington’s neurophysiologic studies in the late’
cupational therapy were felt to be essential for suc- 1800s describing reduction of hypertonus following
cessful surgical outcome. 3,4- division of afferent posterior nerve roots in decere-
brate cats.6
Foerster described 159 cases in 1913, including
88 cases of &dquo;congenital spastic paraplegia.&dquo;’ He di- .

vided the whole posterior nerve roots from L2 to S2,


From the Division of Neurosurgery, University of California sparing either L4 or L5 to preserve knee extensor
Los Los CA. tone. Foerster used electrical stimulation during the
Angeles, Angeles,
Address correspondence to Dr Warwick J. Peacock, Pediatric procedure to identify the nerve root associated with
Neurosurgery, UCLA School of Medicine, 74-137 CHS, 10833 Le knee extension and to distinguish between anterior
Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Received Dec 21, 1989. Accepted for publication Dec 22, and posterior roots. He emphasized many features
1989. of patient selection and treatment that continue to


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be important today, such identification of &dquo;real&dquo;
as bowel sphincters could be positively identified and
spasticity and exclusion of with athetosis and
cases spared. Thus, an L2-L5 laminectomy was used, and
underlying paralysis. He reported better results in posterior nerve rootlets between L2 and S2 were
those with lower extremity involvement and empha- each electrically stimulated and selectively divided,
sized the benefit of motivation and intelligence to based on the EMG and visually observed muscular
participate in a postoperative exercise program. responses.
Foerster’s procedure fell from favor, presumably be- We now use 10 channels of EMG to simulta-
cause of difficulties with sensory loss, particularly neously monitor activity in the hip adductors, quad-
proprioception. 7 riceps femoris, anterior tibialis, hamstrings, and
In the 1960s, Gros et al revised the procedure in gastrocnemius muscles bilaterally. The clinical pic-
order to preserve sensation by cutting only a fraction ture of the child is taken into account in cases where
of the posterior nerve rootlets that constitute the the EMG responses are equivocal. Follow-up for as
posterior root.8 Gros had some difficulty with in- long as 7 years has shown maintenance of reduction
complete relief of spasticity, as ivell as weakness, in muscle tone and functional improvements in pa-
and later adapted the procedure by attempting to tients with spastic cerebral palsy. Careful patient se-
spare rootlets innervating functionally useful muscle lection and postoperative are felt to be vital

groups. Following exposure of the posterior roots at to successful surgical outcome.3.

the level of the conus, he used electrical stimulation
of posterior nerve roots and EMG, working closely
with a physiotherapist and neurophysiologist to Cerebral Palsy
map out the rootlets innervating &dquo;useful&dquo; muscles, Cerebral palsy’
is a motor disorder resulting from
such as the abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, damage to the immature nervous system. Spastic ce-

quadriceps femoris, and gastrocnemius. These root- rebral palsy is the most frequent type. 11,12
This is of-
lets were spared, while rootlets innervating muscles ten associated with the sequelae of premature birth.
deemed to have &dquo;handicapping&dquo; spasticity, such as The dyskinetic types of cerebral palsy have become
the adductors and hip flexors, were CUt.7,9 .. less common presumably due to the reduced inci-
In the 1970s, Fasano et al discovered that the re- dence of kernicterus from successful treatment of
sponse to electrical stimulation was variable among neonatal jaundice. 13 Despite the marked reduction
the posterior nerve rootlets in patients with spasti- in the incidence of dyskinesia, the overall incidence
City.2 Some rootlets responded to a train of electrical of cerebral palsy has remained at about 2 per 1000
stimuli with a localized brief muscular contraction, live births. 14 This is probably due to improved sur- _

while others showed a continuous or prolonged re- vival of low-birth-weight infants who sustain hy-
sponse that diffused to other muscle groups, includ- poxic brain injury or the damaging effects of
ing the upper limb and trunk musculature. The intraventricular hemorrhage. -

rootlets associated with the brief localized responses Cerebral palsy is a multifaceted disorder with a
were spared, and the others were cut. This proce- range of types and severity. Individuals may present
dure was found to relieve spasticity without signifi- with one or more tonal abnormalities, including
cant recurrences or sensory disturbances. It was spasticity, rigidity, dystonia, and hypotonia. Persis-
found to be most useful in spastic cerebral palsy, and tent primitive reflexes and impairments of balance,
improvement in function frequently accompanied re- strength, selective motor control, and coordination
duction in spasticity. Children without dystonia who are usually present in varying degrees. Secondary
had good underlying strength were identified as ap- joint contractures and deformities, including hip dis-
propriate surgical candidates. Cooperation between location and scoliosis, often occur as a result of ab-
the orthopedic surgeon and the neurosurgeon was normal tone and postures. Disorders of vision,
emphasized. Laitinen et al applied the approach of speech, hearing, sensory processing, cognition, and ’.
Fasano et al to a small group of adults with spinal learning may be associated with cerebral palsy.
cord injury and multiple sclerosis, with positive re- These children may fail to thrive and may have sei-
sults.10 zure disorders, hydrocephalus, or other medical

Peacock et al adapted the procedure of Fasano problems.

et al to allow for positive identification of the exact The selective posterior rhizotomy procedure is
neuroanatomical level.~ By working at the level of aimed at improving function or care in children who
the cauda equina rather than the conus, the lower have spasticity as their primary handicapping factor,
sacral nerve roots that supply the bladder and although it must be realized that various other fea-


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tures of the disorder will continue to be present and motor power between these muscle
groups in spas-
interfere with function. tic patients is exaggerated further by intact inhibition
of flexors and lack of reciprocal inhibition to exten-

Spasticity The role of other afferents, such as the Ib

Spasticity has been defined as a velocity-dependent tendon organ fibers and type II fibers, in spasticity is
increase in resistance to passive stretch associated not known.’6 In addition to the disinhibition or re-
with hyperactivity of deep-tendon reflexes. 15 It iso tease phenomenon associated with spasticity, it has
consequence of an upper motor neuron lesion at the also been proposed that sprouting of Ia afferents oc-
spinal or cerebral level, along with other features curs in response to damage to descending motor
such as weakness and loss of motor control and dex- tracts, thus increasing the hyperexcitability of the
terity. motor neuron pools.21
The neurophysiologic mechanism behind spas- Although both adult-onset injuries and cerebral
ticity has long been debated. Among the theories palsy may result in spasticity, there is evidence
have been fusimotor hyperactivity and deficient in- suggesting that the neurophysiologic mechanisms
hibition of several types, including recurrent (Ren- and resultant functional disorders are different in
shaw) inhibition, presynaptic inhibition, reciprocal individuals with cerebral palsy in whom the insult
Ia inhibition, Golgi tendon organ inhibition, and occurred at an early stage of nervous system devel-
group II afferent inhibition. Although the hyper- opment.
excitability of the gamma drive was once a popular Myklebust et al studied the EMG recordings in
theory, it is no longer felt to be a tenable explana- response to ankle rotation in individuals with spastic
tion. 16 The loss of inhibition to the motor neuron cerebral palsy, patients with adult-onset spasticity,
pool at the spinal segmental level is an accepted and nonspastic subjects.22 On rapid dorsiflexion or
view; however, the type of inhibition that is lacking stretching of the triceps surae, they found a pattern
is not clearly defined and may vary in different pa- of &dquo;reciprocal excitation&dquo; or cocontraction in the pa-
tient populations. tients with cerebral palsy, whereas the nonspastic
The Renshaw cells are inhibitory interneurons in subjects and adult-onset spastic patients had a re-
the spinal cord that are activated by recurrent collat- sponse consistent with reciprocal inhibition. This led
erals of the axon of the alpha motor neuron. They to the conclusion that the disorder in cerebral palsy
inhibit the motor neuron pool from which they orig- is a developmental one that affects spinal cord cir-
inally received stimulation and tend to reduce inhi- cuitry in addition to brain function.
bition of antagonistic motor neuron pools. Katz and Further work by Myklebust et al revealed that
Pierrot-Deseilligny studied recurrent inhibition in tendon jerk reflexes in normal neonates differed
spastic patients and found evidence for increased re- from those of adults, with simultaneous activity of
current inhibition at rest, although Renshaw cell ac- antagonistic muscles as a characteristic feature.23
tivity was reduced or absent in spastic adults during Thus, it was hypothesized that the reciprocal excita-

activity.l8 tion in response to quick stretch seen in the child

Decreased presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents with cerebral palsy may be a persistence of an early
has also been suggested as a possible contributing pattern or reflect lack of development of the mature
mechanism in spasticity. Presynaptic inhibition of pattern of reciprocal inhibition. . ,

the Ia terminals in the spinal cord is mediated by Several authors have attempted to examine the
)’-aminobutyric acid (GABA). 17 Morin et al have de- relationship between spasticity and the functional
scribed a method to study presynaptic inhibition in motor disorder in individuals with upper motor new- -
humans that may lead to further knowledge about ron lesions. 24-213
Sahrmann and Norton examined
its role in spastic patients.l9 the upper extremities of individuals with adult-onset
Reciprocal Ia inhibition refers to the disynaptic upper motor neuron lesions and found that impair-
inhibition of antagonistic muscles via the Ia fiber of ment of movement was primarily related to poor ag-
the agonist and the Ia inhibitory interneuron. onist control, rather than limitation of movement
Tanaka et al studied this mechanism in adult pa- due to antagonistic stretch reflexes. 2’ Lee et al’simi-
tients with spastic hemiplegia, revealing that recip- larly concluded that stretch reflex enhancement was
rocal inhibition from triceps surae to pretibial not responsible for stiffness of voluntarily activated
muscles was intact, but the reverse was absent. 20 elbow muscles of adult spastic hemiplegic patients.25
Thus, the increased extensor tone and imbalance of Although impairment of voluntary motor power and


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control is certainly a feature of cerebral palsy, it is muscle activity appears to be a dominant feature.
doubtful that these findings in adult upper extremi- Successful outcome in surgical reduction of spas-’
ties can be applied to lower extremity spasticity in ticity is therefore dependent on the degree to which
children with cerebral palsy. spasticity interferes with care and function, as well
Knutsson and Martensson used isokinetic dyna- as the other features of the motor disability that re-

mometry and EMG to look at spastic restraint during main, such as weakness, synergy patterns, abnor-
active and passive lower extremity movements in mal timing of muscle activity, lack of balance, and
adults with spastic paresis. 26 Antagonistic restraint contractures.
was most commonly found during active motion at
the fastest speeds. Holt demonstrated the complex
nature of neuromuscular function in patients with Patient Selection
cerebral palsy using EMG. 27 He noted phenomena Selection of patients for rhizotomy is performed by a
such as cocontraction in response to stretch, and team including the pediatric neurosurgeon, physical
variation between responses elicited during clinical therapist, and orthopedic surgeon. Neurologists, oc-
examination and those seen during functional move- cupational therapists, physiatrists, nurses, psychol-
ment, such as gait. ogists, and social workers also participate in the se-
Nashner et al studied posture and equilibrium in lection process and refer patients for surgical consid-
children with spastic cerebral palsy, using a movable eration. The patient’s history is taken, and the
platform to perturb their balance under various con- diagnosis of cerebral palsy is confirmed. We have
ditions of visual feedback .2’ Deficits in muscle coor- noted that children with a history of premature
dination were primarily seen in three spastic birth seem more likely to be purely spastic, rather
hemiplegic children, while problems related to sen- than having a mixed tonal picture. Veelken et al
sory organization were found in three ataxic chil- found that spastic diplegia children who had a
dren. Three children with spastic diplegia had preterm birth had fewer associated handicaps than
various combinations of abnormal muscular coordi- those who were born at term.32 Neurologic exam-
nation and/or sensory organization. The sequence of ination for evidence of spasticity, including velocity-
muscle firing in spastic limbs was in a proximal to dependent increase in resistance to passive move-
distal direction, which was reversed from the nor- ment, hyperactive stretch reflexes, limitation in range
mal response. Cocontraction of antagonistic muscles of motion, and frequently, clonus, is performed.
was noted for spastic children and in young normal Other forms of abnormal tone and involuntary
children in response to backward sway. 28,29 movement, such as athetosis, ataxia, dystonia, and
Dietz investigated spinal reflexes during normal rigidity, must be ruled out.
and impaired gait of children and adults, revealing The goal of surgery is either to improve current
that the presence of Ia mediated monosynaptic functional performance or to ease the daily care and
stretch reflexes and the absence of polysynaptic handling of the child. It is also expected that reduc-
reflexes is characteristic of very young children and tion of spasticity will help to prevent the continued
of older children with cerebral palsy.3° The reverse formation of contractures and deformities. If func-
is true for unaffected children over 5 years of age tional improvement is anticipated, the child must
and adults. Cocontraction of antagonistic muscle have adequate strength, motor control, balance, and
groups during the stance phase of gait and reduced freedom from fixed contractures to achieve this in
amplitude of EMG were found in both spastic the absence of spasticity. If weakness is a factor, up-
children and those with Duchenne muscular dystro- right motor function will be at risk.
phy. The coactivation of muscles during stance Children with spastic diplegia who can walk in-
phase of gait was seen as a persistence of an dependently without a device frequently have the
immature pattern in individuals with motor dys- strength, motor control, and balance to benefit max-.,
function of early onset. imally from the procedure. Children with hemiple-
Perry has attributed gait disorders in patients gia are not usually considered, due to their excellent
with upper motor neuron lesions, including cerebral functional status and the tendency toward weakness
palsy, to &dquo;spasticity, primitive locomotor patterns, and hypoplasia on their involved side. Quadriplegic
impaired selective control and contracture forma- patients who are nonambulatory may be considered
tion.&dquo;31 It is clear that spasticity alone is not the for the procedure if spasticity is interfering with po-
causative factor in motor dysfunction in cerebral sitioning, sitting ability, or care. Children with mod-
palsy but persistent cocontraction or antagonistic erate to severe involvement with some functional


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ability must be carefully evaluated to consider the spread proximally, distally, or contralaterally are
risks and benefits of surgical reduction of spasticity. also considered to be abnormal. In equivocal cases,
For example, a child who can walk for short dis- visual inspection and/or palpation of the muscular
tances , with a walker may depend on spasticity for contraction are helpful. The pattern of rootlets previ-
antigravity support, although his or her freedom of ously divided and the child’s clinical picture are also
movement for sitting, dressing, and other activities taken into account. The use of muscle relaxants will
may be improved through rhizotomy. The goals of disturb the monitoring procedure and the level of
the procedure should be clearly defined based on anesthesia may need to be adjusted if EMG re-
the child’s current motor ability. sponses are generally excessive or hypoactive.
During closure, the dura is filled with saline,
and a Valsalva is used to ensure water-

Operative Technique tightness. Following the procedure the patient is

The surgical procedure is performed under general taken to the pediatric intensive care unit for 1 to 2
endotracheal anesthesia without long-acting muscle days, where medication, regular turning, and chest
relaxants. The patient is placed prone on the operat- care are routinely given. Patients remain flat in bed

ing table with bolsters under the chest and pelvis to for 5 days to prevent any potential dural leak. Phys-
allow the abdominal wall to move freely. This pre- ical therapy begins on the third postoperative day
vents epidural vein distension and reduces bleeding. for bed mobility, range of motion, and strengthen-
The lumbosacral spinous processes are mapped out, ing. After the fifth day, sitting, transfers, and early
using the posterior superior iliac spines as reference, weight bearing may begin. Children are discharged
to the level of the L4 spine. A midline laminectomy from the hospital on the eighth day and resume out-
or laminotomy is performed from L2 to L5. If a lami- patient physical therapy on an intensive basis to im-
nectomy is performed, a subperiosteal dissection is prove strength and functional motor skill.
used to allow for continued bone formation from
intact periosteum after closure. In cases where a
laminotomy is used, the bone is sutured back in Results
place. Reduction of spasticity and improvement in func-
After exposure of the cauda equina, the nerve tion following rhizotomy have been noted by several
root levels are confirmed using electrical stimulation authors over the years.1-3 The original series of 60
of the anterior roots of Sl (the largest root) and S2 patients reported by Peacock et al showed improve-
and observing the muscular responses. The poste- ment in functional skills, such as sitting, standing,
rior roots can be distinguished from anterior roots crawling, walking, upper extremity use, and speech.3
by position, size, shape, color, and threshold for Maximal benefit was seen in intelligent, spastic, di- _
muscular response on electrical stimulation. The plegic children with good trunk control (the ability
posterior root is significantly larger and flatter than to side sit), no significant weakness, and the ability
the anterior root, which is rounder and has a ’

to locomote. As no significant postoperative im-

slightly darker color. The threshold for the anterior provement was found in four children with spastic
roots is significantly lower than that of the posterior athetosis, the procedure is no longer used for pa-
roots. tients with this diagnosis.
The posterior nerve root of L2 is identified .and Long term follow-up for up to 7 years on 55 off
electrically stimulated using specially insulated mi- these patients has revealed that reduction of. spasti-
croneurosurgical blunt hook electrodes (Aesculap city and functional improvement have been main-
Surgical Instruments, Burlingame, CA) to find a tained.4 Weakness continued to be present in 46
threshold voltage. Individual nerve rootlets consti- children, most notably in trunk flexors and exten-
tuting that root are individually stimulated with sin- sors, hip extensors and abductors, and calf muscles.
gle pulses to find the threshold and then with trains Several children required orthopedic procedures to
of stimuli at a frequency of 50 Hz for 1 s. The rootlet address contractures and deformities that were not
is either divided or spared, depending on the mus- affected by rhizotomy, although some children who
cular response. Characteristic EMG patterns that are appeared to have contractures were able to improve
associated with spared rootlets include decremental their range of motion without orthopedic surgery.
and squared type responses. Rootlets associated Two-dimensional gait analysis of 14 of these chil-
with incremental, clonic, multiphasic, or sustained dren revealed significant improvements in range of
responses are generally divided. Responses that motion and stride length after rhizvtomy.33,


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conditions during stance. J Neurosci 1982;2:545-552. stract. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1989;70:A45-A46.
30. Dietz V: Role of peripheral afferents and spinal reflexes in

A Psycic Analysis of the American Neurological Association by Milt Gross

This is a series of 16 cartoons depicting prominent early

members of the American Neurological Association. The
original is in the archives of the American Neurological
Association, housed in the Coy C. Carpenter Library of the
Boivman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest Univer-
sity, and is reproduced with the kind assistance of Ms
Sarah-Patsy Knight, Archivist, and Dr James F. Toole,
Historian of the American Neurological Association.


Downloaded from at UNIV CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on June 1, 2015

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