Literature Gothic Story

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“Los Andes” Bilingual School


Mrs. Rebeca Furlán

“Something is Happening”

Fernando Vásquez López

Tenth Grade, Section “C”

Code 17

Guatemala, January 27th, 2023

It was a cold rainy night when a gorgeous girl named Amanda arrived to the huge, massive and dark
University of Boston. The university built of stones varying sizes and shapes, uniform grey, like a
mosaic of humble rocks with peaked roofs. Amanda was new in the university so she had no
friends, the director of the faculty gave her a nice and warm welcome, he took her to the apartment
where Amanda was going to live during her stay at the university. There were 2 calmed people in
the apartment waiting for Amanda. These people were Kevin and Maria Sallow, her roomies. They
were siblings, they gave another warm welcome to Amanda, they became friends with Amanda
very quickly. Kevin and Maria. They were also somewhat new so they invited Amanda to go to see
the university and know where their classes are and so on.

They spent the whole night talking about themselves and different experiences they had. Later on,
Kevin began to tell horror stories, since the time warranted it. Maria and Amanda were a bit afraid,
while Kevin enjoyed telling it because he loved horror things, everyone started to tell terrifying
experiences until they realized that it was very late, so they decide to go to sleep and have their
activities early in the morning. The next day the Sallow siblings fell asleep, so Amanda went tour
a piece of the university. Amanda forgot to eat so she had an opportunity to go to one of many
cafeterias of the university, she went to the faculty´s cafeteria. While going to the cafeteria she
forgot the route, so she asked for it to a teacher that was standing up in a column doing nothing. She
asked for the route to this teacher, but he keep standing there as nothing happened, this seems weird
to Amanda, so she continued walking anywhere until she saw a sign symbolizing that there was a
cafeteria, she was confused because was in a dead-end corridor with nothing but classrooms. She
didn’t take more importance to it since it was a massive and old university, “perhaps they limited
the university some time ago” she said to herself. On her way back she saw the weird standing
teacher in the same place, she seemed very confuse so she returned to the apartment quickly. In the
apartment the Sallow siblings were ready to go out, Amanda asked them for some minutes to take a
shower and go out together. She took the shower and she was very thoughtful of everything she saw
as well as hungry.

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They all went to take a breakfast outside the university, there was a diner restaurant some streets
away so they decided to walk to the diner. Amanda was so hungry that she ate her breakfast in 10
minutes. The Sallow siblings were surprised and asked Amanda what she had done in the very
morning, Amanda told them that she wanted to know the university so she went out for a while to
tour it. Kevin asked if she saw something unusual, she turned her head in a suspiciously way, but
she didn’t care about it. She told them about the weird teacher and the dead-end cafeteria route.
They weren’t surprised, they were told that this university has a lot of this type of mysteries. On
their way back to the university they started to hear police and fire sirens, they rushed and saw that
there was a horrible murder. Everyone in the university was shocked, the evening was finishing and
no one could enter the apartment because it was a serous case. That night no one could sleep,
Amanda started investigating about the murder and she found out that there were more murders
before. In a decade there were more than fifty murders and they never knew who has been
murdering. Amanda and the Sallow siblings started to investigate, they started to see for suspects or
at least for witnesses, they start to talk with an old man concierge who is always in that zone of the
university. The old man told them that he wasn’t there, he was having his lunch, but he heard a loud
and sharp scream, so he call for help when he saw that a student got murdered. They thanked the
old man and left, then they saw a student who was a bit suspicious, since he had been spying on
them for a long time. The student, seeing that he was seen, ran away and Amanda and the siblings
chased him throughout the university. It took a long time until Kevin catches him up. They tied him
to a chair and started to asked questions, the student refuses to answer their questions until Amanda
accused the student to be him the murderer. The student looked very confused and told he saw who
kill the other student. Amanda and the Sallow siblings didn’t trust the student, but they gave him a
chance to speak. The student told them that the murderer was Mr. Fernsby. Amanda, Kevin and
Maria were so confused because they didn’t knew any professor at the university.

Some days after, they couldn’t sleep very well finding out and investigating who really is Mr.
Fernsby, after a long time of investigation they channeled a lot of murders to him, but they still
didn’t know who it was. They investigated all over the university, they were asking for the
professor’s names to rule out professors. Finally, they reach Mr. Fernsby it was the professor who
was standing in a column without doing nothing. Amanda didn’t believe it, because he is a well-
dressed man, with good academic acknowledgements and uncapable to do tremendous thing. They
gave up, until that night they could sleep. Mr. Fernsby got really stressed, because Amanda and the
Sallow siblings know his deepest secret, he had to do something, so that night he slipped away into
Amanda’s apartment and started a plan so that Amanda never speaks again. That early morning the
university restart classes so Amanda went to the classroom she has to be, she was awesome in class,
she was very intelligent. In Amanda’s last class was with Mr. Fernsby she was like nothing, but Mr.
Fernsby was a little bit nervous but the class was pretty normal. Mr. Fernsby told Amanda to stay in
class to talk, she started to suspect something, Mr. Fernsby closed the door slowly and told
Amanda: “I know you were investigating and suspecting me and I won’t let happen that again.” He
takes out a big knife and threat Amanda if she says something about Mr. Fernsby; Amanda open the
door rapidly and escape away as fast as she could to the apartment.
In the apartment were the Sallow siblings and Mr. Fernsby taking a cup of coffee, Amanda got
shock and run away again. In a safety place she started to place all her thoughts in order, she
concluded that Mr. Fernsby was the real murderer and the Sallow siblings were his accomplices.
She went to the principal’s office to tell everything, but the principal wasn’t in his office. The day
started to became dark and rainy. Amanda opened the door to exit the principal’s office, after
opened the door there were Mr. Fernsby and the siblings standing in front of the door, Amanda just
scream very loudly and no one heard from Amanda again.

The End.

Bleak setting

Violent plot

Dramatic description

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