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The Impact of Mathematics on Student Performance at Senior High School Level

Students’ performance in mathematics depends on their ability to understand the concepts

taught by teachers or professors; this includes understanding how equations work and being able

to solve problems using those equations. Additionally, having good study habits will help

improve student's grades since they need time outside of class to practice what was learned

during lectures or tutorials. Finally, motivation plays a key role when it comes to studying math:

if students are not motivated enough then they won't put forth the effort needed for success

which could lead them towards failure instead of achieving high marks in exams/tests etc..

Therefore, encouraging words from parents/teachers should always be given so that children stay

focused on learning maths properly with enthusiasm.

We all know that Mathematics is an important subject for students to learn, as it helps

them develop problem-solving skills and analytical thinking. It also provides a foundation of

knowledge that can be applied in many different areas such as science, engineering, finance and

economics. Students who have strong mathematical abilities are better equipped to understand

complex concepts which will help them succeed academically or professionally later on in life.

The impact of mathematics on student performance depends largely upon the individual’s ability

to comprehend what they are being taught; this includes understanding how equations work and

being able to solve problems using those equations accurately without making any mistakes

along the way. Additionally, having good study habits like setting aside time each day dedicated

solely towards studying maths topics covered during lectures/tutorials etc., would go a long way
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when it comes improving grades over time too – so make sure you practice regularly if you want

success with math. If students aren't motivated enough then chances are their efforts won't yield

desired results either.

The study of Malatjie and Machaba (2019) suggests that the concept mapping strategy

can be an effective tool for developing learning in mathematics. It shows how a learner could

create their own understanding of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations by building

new knowledge from what they already know. This is important because it allows learners to

make connections between previous ideas and newly acquired information which helps them

learn more effectively. For successful learning to occur in mathematics, there must also be some

kind of connection made between prior knowledge or experience with the subject matter being

studied; this means that students need to have at least basic familiarity with certain topics before

attempting complex problems as otherwise they may struggle when trying understand difficult

equations. Moreover, Patron (2021) mentioned that, teachers’ instructional approaches have a

direct impact on students' mathematics performance. This means that the way in which they

teach and explain concepts can either help or hinder student's understanding of those topics, so it

is important for educators to be aware of this when designing their lesson plans. The Learning

Continuity Plan was created with this idea in mind; its goal is to provide an effective learning

environment by using innovative strategies tailored towards meeting the needs of all learners

regardless of ability level or background knowledge. These strategies include things like

providing additional resources, allowing more time for practice problems during class sessions,

breaking down complex equations into simpler steps & explanations – these are just some
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examples but there are many other ways instructors could go about helping their pupils

understand mathematical concepts better.

At the senior high school level, mathematics has been shown to have a positive impact on

student performance; those who are able to understand complex concepts better due their

mathematical abilities tend do well academically or professionally later on in life. It allows

people to make informed decisions about their finances or investments by being able to calculate

risks accurately using mathematical models.

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Malatjie, F., & Machaba, F. (2019). Exploring mathematics learners’ conceptual understanding

of coordinates and transformation geometry through concept mapping. EURASIA

Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(12), em1818.

Patron, M. G. B. (2021). Blended learning approach and the performance of senior high school

students in mathematics. EPRA International Journal of Research & Development, 6(7),


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