Every Child Is Special

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Loro, Rhonamie C.



Teaching is the noblest profession, also the most rewarding and

precious profession of all. Molding and helping students become a better
individual, is a duty of a teacher. Every individual has its own ability or
capabilities that make them stand apart from the normal.
The movie "Every Child is Special" is all about the story of a child
who's bullied due to its lack of intelligence. Ishaan, the boy from the movie,
suffer from a mental illness called "Dyslexia". In which, caused him being
unable to properly write letters and having a hard time reading. As he
would always say "The letters are dancing", wherein he became a laughing
stock in his class. His parents on the other hand, are disappointed with
their child especially his father, who screams at him and does unpleasant
things towards the boy. As a result, the situation worsen. This is an
indication that offense is not the way to a child's development. Neglecting
the responsibility as a parent, does a huge impact towards the child.
Parents shoukdnt get carried away by today’s competitive world and fail to
understand their child’s dreams and nurture their inborn talents. If I were
Ishaan, I would probably cry overnight and continuously ask my worth as a
child of their own. Definitely, it brings a lot of pressure towards the child,
given that he doesn't even understand himself either.
The movie is an eye-opener to everyone in the case that, amidst the
darkness and a battle of one. There will be this light that will lighten us and
add color into our pitch black world. We must drop the society's poor
mentality about people with disability. We must understand each others
differences and embrace it. Hence, as a future educator, I must be
knowledgeable, passionate and shall practice equality in the institution I will
be in. We future teachers to be, plays an important role to our students.
The kind of relationship we will establish to our students affects them on
what they will become. Teachers should help a child in every way they can.
We should look into child’s potentials as a learner and what motivates a
child and what does not. We teachers to be, must have a strong desire to
make difference in the lives of our students.

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