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SESSION 01 (50-minutes-class)

Introduction T greets and welcomes Ss to the class. Envelopes Grammar Whole 15 Interaction Interact with Ss
to the subject Listening class min patterns. too.
and T explains that is going to give Ss something but they Small Speaking
Individually Outside Call Ss’ attention
introduction can't open it until T instructs. puzzles
distraction. by asking CCQ’s.
to the made with
vocabulary T gives Ss a little envelopes and a piece of paper. images of Understanding Monitor Ss and
(Appendice 01) the types of instructions. help them to
weather. correct possible
T instructs Ss to open the envelope and assemble the mistakes.
puzzle, when they finish they have to glue their Pieces of
assembled puzzle on the piece of paper. (Appendice 02) paper Use CCQ’s to make
sure they get the
T writes on the board "WEATHER FORECAST" and pastes Visual about right instruction.
next to the title an image showing a weather forecast weather
from the television news while Ss are assembling their forecast
puzzle. (Appendice 03) from the
T indicates Ss "Raise your hand if you have already news
finished and show us your puzzle".
T explains Ss that these images are about the types of
weather. Blackboard
T also explains that these types of weather are the ones
used in television news to give important information Flashcards
about something. When T finishes explaining this,T about types
points to the picture on the blackboard. of weather

T asks Ss if anyone knows “What a weather forecast is?”

T listens to the Ss' responses and writes their answers

on the board.

T shows Ss flashcards about the weather. (Appendice


T models pronunciation of words and has Ss repeat.

T gives Ss a lottery board and nine beans to each S.
(Appendice 05)

T explains to Ss that they will play "Weather's lottery". Lottery Grammar Whole 35
Introduction Interact with Ss
board about Listening class min too.
of vocabulary T shows a large card with the word for a type of types of Speaking
using creative weather and pronounces it. (Appendice 06) weather
Call Ss’ attention
activities Ss have to find in their lottery the picture that by asking CCQ’s.
corresponds to the word shown by T. Beans
(The process is repeated until one S fills out his or her lottery and Monitor Ss and
is the winner.) Flashcards help them to
correct possible
with types of
When a S wins, everyone applauds and T thanks the Ss mistakes.
for their participation in the activity, always names.
encouraging their intelligence and attitude. Use CCQ’s to make
sure they get the
Handout right instruction.
T gives Ss a handout on types of weather for them to about types
solve individually. (Appendice 07) of weather
Ss solve their handout individually. They have to match
the image of the type of weather with its corresponding

SESSION 02 (50-minutes-class)

Task Grammar and T writes on the board the title "Weather Forecast". Board
Grammar Whole 20 Interaction Interact with Ss
vocabulary Listening class min patterns. too.
builder activity T in the middle of the board, pastes all the flashcards of Flashcards Speaking
the types of weather, keeping an order. (Appendice 04) with types of Writing Outside Call Ss’ attention
distraction. by asking CCQ’s.
T writes the subtitle "Future with Will" on the other half names. Understanding Monitor Ss and
of the board. instructions. help them to
T tells Ss that they have an important mission: "Predict Blackboard correct possible
the weather for the whole week ahead" and that to marker Incorrect mistakes.
make predictions they need to know how to use the Visual grammar (Will
Future with Will. (weather be) Use CCQ’s to make
forecast sure they get the
T pastes under the subtitle "Future with Will" a large interface of Sentence order right instruction.
image showing the weather forecast interface of a cell a cell phone)
Forgetting the Model drills as
phone. (Appendice 08) much as possible.
Notebook vocabulary of
T explains to Ss that they have to write the idea of "El climate types
día de hoy estará nublado" in English using the WILL BE Overhead
structure. T writes this sentence on the board and projector
explains that that's the easy way to make a weather
prediction. Laptop

T and Ss look at the pictures of the type of weather that

is in front of them for each day of the week and T write
the weather prediction in English. For this, T go step by
step: when they move on to predicting the weather for
another day of the week, T ask the Ss:

● Hey guys, I am going out on the day_______

(Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday) and
I need to know, what will the day be like?

Ss ask the question by commenting on their sentence

with WILL BE correctly and making use of accurate

T instructs Ss to write the sentences on the board in

their notebooks.

T projects to Ss a video of a weather forecast on the

news, where the WILL BE structure is used to make the
predictions. (The video will have subtitles for a better
understanding of what is being talked about).
Planning T gives each S a sheet of paper with a picture of a Picture of a Whole 30 Understanding Model drills as
weather forecast from a cell phone, this weather weather Listening class min instructions. much as possible.
forecast is different for each S. (Appendice 09) forecast Grammar
from a cell Writing Individually Incorrect Monitor Ss
T plays the video again and tells Ss they will make phone grammar (Will
be) Work individually
sentences predicting the weather for all the days of the with those Ss who
week shown in your image using WILL BE. Overhead have troubles the
Sentence order
projector most.
T tells the Ss that they should decorate their work by
Forgetting the
making a creative frame for their picture and adding a Laptop vocabulary of
sheet of paper to the side on which they will write their climate types
predictions. Creative
visual about
T shows an example to the Ss for reference. (Appendice weather
10) forecast
from a cell
phone as a
SESSION 03 (50-minutes-class)

T tells Ss to share their writing with the whole class Board Listening Whole 30 Incorrect Monitor SS.
Report emphasizing the vocabulary aspects that Ss have Speaking class min grammar (Future
selected for their full-week weather forecast. Ss' writings Writing with Will) Work individually
T in this section, will take notes of possible mistakes so Blackboard Pairs with the students
marker who have more
as to help Ss improve. (Any linguistic aspects).
problems and
Ss will be taking notes for any feedback provided by the 10 Wrong meaning of
T. min different types
weather’s words.
T helps Ss with some possible mistakes in order to 10
develop accuracy, fluency and self-confidence. min

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