Materi Bahasa Inggris

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Setelah kegiatan belajar mengajar:
1. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan dan membeda bedakan macam macam sapaan dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Peserta didik dapat merespon sapaan dan ungkapan perkenalan.
3. Peserta didik dapat memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris.
4. Peserta didik dapat memahami dan menggunakan adjective pronoun dengan benar.

1. Self-Introduction
Secara umum Self Introduction adalah salah satu bentuk ungkapan dan ekspresi yang biasa digunakan oleh seorang individu
untuk memperkenalkan dirinya atau orang lain. Dalam melakukan Self-Introduction ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu
Opening (Pembukaan), Content (isi), Closing (Penutupan). Berikut beberapa tahapan dan ekspression yang dapat digunakan:

There are some ways to say greetings to the others:
1) Hi, Everybody…/ Hello, Everyone …
2) Good Morning/ Good Afternoon/ Good Evening/ Good Night
3) How are you?
4) How is everything?
5) How’s live?

After greeting you can tell the aims you are speaking in front of your friends. By saying some expression:
1) Let me introduce myself
2) I would like to introduce myself
3) I want to introduce myself
4) In this opportunity, I would like to introduce myself
5) I’m here to introduce myself


1) Name o I am student of…

o I am… You can call me… o I graduated from… in…
o My name is… you can call me… o I work in… as…
o My full name is… please call me… d. Hobby
o My name is… My friends usually call me…  My hobby is… (hobinya hanya satu)
o I am Yussyana, you can call me Ana  My hobbies are… (Hobinya lebih dari satu)
2) Nationality  I like…
o I came from… e. Closing
o I am from…  That’s about me… I hope…and have a great day.
o I am Indonesian Thank you.
o My nationality is Indonesia  This is the end of myself introduction.
 I think enough. Thanks for your attention.
3) Place/Date of Birth and Age
o I was born in… f. Leave-Takings
o I am … years old  Good bye
4) Address  See you
o Now, I stay in/on…  See you later
o Now, I live in/on…  Bye
5) Job or Study  Bye Bye
o I study in…  See you tomorrow
 See you next time.
2. Pronoun

Statement with be Contractions of Be Possessive Adjective

I'm from Mexico I’m I’I am My
You're from Brazil You are Your
He’s from Japan He’s =He is His
She’s a new member club She’s = She is Her
It’s an exciting City It’s = It is Its
We’re in the same class We’re = We are Our
They’re my classmate They’re = They are Their
Pronouns (kata ganti) merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda (noun) dalam bahasa Inggris,
dan pronouns terbagi menjadi beberapa macam sesuai dengan fungsinya.

a. Subject Pronouns adalah kata ganti orangatau benda pada posisi subjek.

Subject Arti Kata Cotoh kalimat

I Aku/Saya I am a doctor
You Kamu You come from SBB
We Kami We come from Maluku
They Mereka They Come from Papua
He Dia (Lk) He comes from Sulawesi
She Dia (Pr) She comes from
It Itu It is good for you

b. Object Pronoun adalah kata ganti orang atau benda pada posisi objeck.

Object Arti Kata Contoh Kalimat

Me Aku/Saya Brian knows me.
You Kamu I know you.
Us Kita Lily knows us.
Them Mereka Anna likes them.
Him Dia (Lk) I like him.
Her Dia (Pr) He likes her
It Itu I love it.

c. Possessive Adjective adalah kata sifat kepunyaan yang digunakan untuk menunjukan kepemilikan., sedangkan Possessive pronouns
menggantikan possessive nouns baik sebagai subjek atau objek kalimat. Karena kata benda yang digantikan tidak muncul
dalam kalimat, maka konteks dari kata benda yang tidak kelihatan itu harus jelas.

Possessive Arti Contoh Possessiv Arti Kata Contoh kalimat

Adjective Kata Kalimat e Pronoun
My …ku It is my book Mine Milikku It is mine
Your …mu It is your bag Yours Milikmu It is yours
Our …kami It is our class Ours Milik kami That marker is ours
Their Mereka It is their place Theirs Milik mereka The table is theirs
His …nya (Lk) It is his phone His Miliknya (Lk) The bike is his
Her …nya (Pr) It is her ring. Her Miliknya (Pr) The dress is hers
Its …nya Its Miliknya The dog bites its tail.


I. Read the dialogue and answer the question!

Where are you from?

David : Hello, I’m David Garza. I’m new club member.
Beth : Hi, My name is Elisabeth Silva, but please call me Beth.
David : Ok, where are you from Beth?
Beth : Brazil, how about you?
David : I’m from Mexico.
Beth : Oh, I love Mexico! It’s really beautiful.
David : Thanks, so is Brazil.
Beth : Oh good, Sun Hee is here.
David : Who’s Sun Hee?
Beth : She’s my classmate. We’re in the same math class.
David : Where’s she from?
Beth : Korea. Let’s go and say hello. Sorry, what’s your last name again? Garcia?
David : Actually it’s Garza
Beth : How do you spell that?
David : G-A-R-Z-A

Answer this question based on dialogue above.

1. How many people are involved in the dialogue?
2. Where is David from? And how about Beth?
3. Who is Sun Hee?
4. Create your own dialogue with your friend. The dialogue must contain about personal information.

II. Finish the sentences. Use I/me/ us/ you/ he/ him/ she/ her/ they/ them.
1. I want to see her, but__________ doesn’t want to see _____

2. I want to see him, but __________doesn’t want to see ______

3. They want to see me, but ___________ don’t want to see_______
4. We want to see them, but_____________ don’t want to see_________
5. She wants to see him, but______________ doesn’t want to see________
6. They want to see her, but________________ doesn’t want to see________
7. I want to see them, but _________________ don’t want to see _________
8. He wants to see us, but _________________ don’t want to see ________
9. You want to see her, but ________________ doesn’t want to see ________

III. Look at to the Family tree and finish the sentences.

1. I saw Liza with ______ husband, Philip.
2. I saw Ann and Ted with _________ children.
3. I saw Ted with _____ wife, Ann.
4. I saw George with _______ brother, Bill.
5. I saw Ann with_______ brother, Bill.
6. I saw Liz and Philip with __________ son, Bill.
7. I saw Ann with ____________ parents.
8. I saw Diana and Roberts with _________ parents.

IV. Finish the sentence with mine/yours

1. It’s your money. It’s _________
2. It’s my bag. It’s ___________
3. It’s our car. It’s ___________
4. It’s their house. It’s ___________
5. They are your book. They’re __________
6. They are my glasses. They’re __________
7. It’s his coat. It’s ___________
8. They are her shoes. They’re _________

V. Finish the sentence with myself/yourself

1. I cut _________ with a knife.
2. Be careful! That plate is very hot. Don’t burn _________
3. I’m not angry to you. I’m angry with __________
4. They never think about other people. They only think about ________
5. I got out of the bath and dried __________ with a towel.
6. When people are alone, they often talk to ________
7. The police said that the woman shot ________ with a gun.
8. Don’t pay for me, I want to pay for _______

Setelah kegiatan belajar mengajar:
1. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan dan membeda bedakan macam macam sapaan dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Peserta didik dapat merespon sapaan dan ungkapan perkenalan.
3. Peserta didik dapat memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris.
4. Peserta didik dapat memahami dan menggunakan adjective pronoun dengan benar.

1. Simple Present, Question Words, and

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