Applied Mathematics Unit 1 P2 2019

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‘A000 ~ & restcove02105020 | FORM TP 2019145 MAY/JUNE 2019 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® APPLIED MATHEMATICS STATISTICAL ANALYSIS UNIT 1 - Paper 02 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. _ This examination paper consists of THREE sections: Collecting and Describing Data, Managing Uncertainty, Analysing and Interpreting Data. 2. Answer ALL questions from the THREE sections. 3. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 4, Do NOT write in the margins. 5. Unless otherwise stated in the question, all numerical answers MUST be given exactly OR to three significant figures as approp! 6. Ifyou need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. 7. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. ination Materials: ‘Mathematical formulae and tables (Revised 2010) Electronic calculator Ruler and graph paper DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DOSO. ec SR Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. ‘A000 (b) SECTION A MODULE 1: COLLECTING AND DESCRIBING DATA Answer BOTH questions. Determine whether EACH of the following refers to a sample or to a population + The marks obtained by students of the 2015 statistics class in an examination [1 mark] + A group of 15 persons at a conference selected to sit on a committee [1 mark] + The number of car thefts that occurred in a certain district last week [1 mark] + The total number of cakes produced at Foster's Deli during the last week [1 mark] State THREE reasons why the use of a sampie may be necessary when collecting statistical data. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 r + 7 (©) State the word which BEST defines EACH of the following. + Anumerical measure calculated for the population data + The questionnaire completed by all the students who attend the ‘Academy (a) Identify which of the following variables are quantitative and which are qué Further classify EACH of the quantitative variables identified as either discrete or continuous variables. + The marital status of people + The weight of babies born at the local hospital last week + The occupations of the persons who cruised on the Carnival liners last year + The number of cars that were written off by JT’s garage last week GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L ng 0 ‘A000 r “ 7 (©) Accollege cafeteria conducted a survey on campus to determine the food preference of the students. A random sample of 50 students was selected according to the proportion of students in categories defined by their registered course of study. (Of the 600 students at the college, 96 were registered in Commerce. Using the sampling technique described in the scenario above, calculate the number of Commerce students in the sample. [3 marks] ‘The results of the survey are given in the following table. Food Preference Number of Respondents Beef 6 Chicken 15 Lamb 5 Pork ‘No meat or fish Total (ii) Calculate, tothe nearest degree, the angle of a pie chart for EACH response category. [3 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L NaN EpAR a = — r * 7 (iii) Draw a pie chart, of radius 4 centimetres, to represent this information. [4 marks] Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L r a | 2 “The following histogram represents the number of eueumbers of different weights delivered toa farmers’ market last Saturday. 16 uw n Number of Cucumbers 30 40 50 Weight of Cucumbers (g) () On the histogram, draw the frequency polygon for the data. [3 marks] (ii) Calculate the total number of cucumbers that were delivered to the farmers’ market? [2 marks] Use the histogram to estimate the mode of the weight of the cucumbers. 13 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 lL. r * 7 (iv) _ Estimate the number of cucumbers that weigh more than 40 g. (v) Cucumbers that are less than 25 g are deemed to be underweight. Determine how many of the cucumbers are considered to be underweight. [2 marks] (vi) State ONE disadvantage of using a histogram to display this type of data. [1 mark] (b) _ Inasurvey, a sample of students were asked to state the number of quarters (25 cent pieces) that they spent. The results were recorded in the following table distribution. Number of Quarters | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 10 5 Number of Students | 4 8 14 1s | 25 (i) State what ‘10” in the distribution above represents? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ml 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L 10 ~] (ii) Determine + the number of students who were in the sample 2 marks} + the mode of the distribution + the median number of quarters that the students spent (ii) Calculate + the mean number of quarters that the students spent [3 marks] + the interquartile range of the number of quarters in the sample. [3 marks} Total 25 marks GO ON To TI 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 HE NEXT PAGE L nA | T ate “| SECTION B MODULE 2: MANAGING UNCERTAINTY Answer BOTH questions. 3. (@)__ The students ina particular class at a school ALL study French (F) or Spanish (S) or both French and Spanish. Given that P(F) = 0.65 and P(S) = 0.72, calculate the probability that a student selected at random studies (i) __ both French and Spanish [3 marks} (ii) French, given that the student studies Spanish. {2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | 0210S020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L 506 r va 7 2 Pov | My=—p and PMN) = where (6) The events Mand NV are such that P(M' )=—7, ‘M' denotes that event M does NOT occur. Calculate @ PM [1 mark] i) OMAN) [2 marks} Gil), PO). [2 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. (02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L he tele -13- ~] (iv) State, with reason, whether M and N are + independent + mutually exclusive. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a) 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 Ee ‘A000 [~ -14- “] (c) A game consists of tossing a dart at a dartboard 3 times. A player estimates that the probability that he will hit the bull’s-eye on any throw of the dart is + The random variable X is the number of times that the player will hit the bull’seye in the 3 tosses of the dart. (i) Calculate P(x = 2), [2 marks] Gi) Construct a probability distribution table for X. [B marks] Evaluate EX). [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L ‘nc | r a (a) Arandom variable Y is such that E(Y) = 3.8 and Var(¥) = 2.16. Calculate @) EGY+2) Gi) Yar(3¥+2), — [2 marks] [2 marks) Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L zl ‘A000 r i “7 4. (a) __Inan experiment a card is taken from an ordinary pack of cards. It is noted whats es not itis a picture card (king, queen, jack) and then the card is returned to the pack. process is repeated 12 times. X'is the number of picture cards noted. (i) State THREE reasons why the experiment above may be modelled by a binomial distribution. Gi) State the parameters for this distribution. [4 marks] (o) instructor believes that 73% of his students will pass their driving test on the first attempt. He has 15 students who will take the driving test for the first time next week. (® Determine the number of students expected to pass the driving test. [2 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 r » 7 (ii) Calculate the probability that EXACTLY 12 students will pass the test. [4 marks] (©) The random variable X has a normal distribution with a mean of 12 and variance of 4. Find the value ¢ such that P(X > ¢) = 0.9583. IS marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE =| 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L it. 7 (d)__ Squash harvested from a certain farm have masses which can be modelled by a normal distribution with a mean of 578 g and a standard deviation of 35 g. (i) Calculate the probability that a squash, chosen at random from the previous day's harvest, will have a mass of more than 600 g. 506 ‘A000 [4 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L -19- | Avvendor randomly selected 50 squash for sale. How many of the squash selected are expected to weigh more than 600 2? di) [2 marks] ‘Squash that weigh less than 525 g are sold at a cheaper price. What percentage of the squash harvested will have to be sold at a cheaper price? [4 marks} Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0210S020/MJ/CAPE 2019 | ‘A000 r 7 SECTION C MODULE 3: ANALYSING AND INTERPRETING DATA ‘Answer BOTH questions. (a) The results of certain examination are known to have a normal distribution with a mean of wand a standard deviation of 15. (i Determine the sample size that is needed to achieve 98% confidence interval for # to have a total width of 8. [5 marks} (ii) 4.95% confidence interval was given as (31.77, 33.23). Calculate the mean of the sample [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE so | 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 T -21- 7] (6) random sample of 150 measurements of a variable ¥ produced the following results: Sy = 3825 and Ly? = 186750. (@ Calculate unbiased estimates for the mean and the variance of ¥, giving your answer correct to 3 decimal places. [5 marks} (ii) State an appropriate distribution for the sample means, ¥. [2 marks] (iii) Determine an approximate 95% confidence interval for the unknown population mean, 4. [3 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L nn ee nN | r as 7 (©The mean of 100 observations of X, where X~ Bin( 100, 0.05) is X. (i) State the distribution modelled by X, giving its parameters. [3 marks} 8 (ii) Calculate POF> 5.5). [5 marks] Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 r os. 7 6 (@)__The regression line of y on x, for a set of pairs of data values x and y, where x is the independent variable, is given by y = 39.2 + 10.9x. (i) Interpret the value of 10.9 in the regression line. [2 marks] (ii) Use the regression line to estimate the value of y when x= 3.5, [2 marks} (iii) The correlation coefficient for this data is r = 0.9926. Interpret this value of r. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. ml 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L r oe 7 non whether the recent increase in college (>) Asample of 100 persons were asked their opinior given in the following table. fees was justified. The results of the survey are Gender of Respondent Opinion Total Male | Female The fees are justified 8 1 15 The fees are not justified. 1 28 35 No opinion. 26 4 0 il 41 59 100 a) Clearly state null and alternative hypotheses to test whether gender and opinion are independent. [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L r 1 (ii) Calculate the x? value for the males who said “The fees are justified.” [5 marks] Gil) Using a 5% level of significance, determine the critical x? value for the test. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE za 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L 506 [~ -26- ~] + is 9.9396. Clearly state a valid conclusion for (iv) The calculated x? value for this test the test. Justify your response. [2 marks] (©) The masses of loaves of bread produced by a certain bakery follow a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 15 g. The mean of a randomly selected sample of 40 loaves was found to be 447.5 g. Conduct a test at the 10% level of significance to determine whether the population mean is 450 g. State clearly (@ the null and alternative hypotheses the critical value(s) [1 mark] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 L in ug | T -27- 7 the rejection region(s) (iv) the test statistic conclusion for the test. @) [2 marks} Total 25 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02105020/MJ/CAPE 2019 mmenmngnn | L

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