Unit 8 A

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Memorized Adjective /ˈmem.ə.raɪzid/ Học thuộc lòng, ghi nhớ

(to get knowledge or skill in a
new subject or

ghi nhớ

(to learn
something so that you will remember it
Verb  /ˈmem.ə.raɪz/
Memorize exactly)

Verb /kəˈlekt/ sưu tầm,quyên góp, thu thập

(to get and keep things of one type such
as stamps or coins as a hobby)

thu thập, sự sưu tầm

Collection Noun  /kəˈlek.ʃən/
(a group of objects of one type that have
been collected by one person or in
one place)

thu thập
Adjective  /kəˈlek.tɪd/
Collected (brought together in
one book or series of books)

Adjective /ˈpʌb.lɪʃid/ Được phát hành

Published (publish and be

Verb /ˈpʌb.lɪʃ/ công bố

Publish make information available to people, esp
ecially in a book magazine

Noun  /ˈpʌb.lɪ.ʃər/
Publisher nhà xuất bản
(an organization that
text or

Adjective /rɪˈflektid/ Phản xạ

Reflected (the act of reflecting or the state of being

phản ánh
(If a surface
Reflect Verb  /rɪˈflekt/  reflects light, heat, sound, or an image,
it sends the
light, etc. back and does not absorb it)

sự phản xạ
(the image of something in a mirror or on
Noun  /rɪˈflek.ʃən/ any reflective surface)

Adjective /ˈmædʒ.ɪ.kəl/ huyền diệu

Magical (produced by or using magic)

Điều kỳ diệu
Magically Adverb  /ˈmædʒ.ɪ.kəl.i/ (in a way that uses or seems to
use magic)

ảo thuật
Noun  /ˈmædʒ.ɪk/ (the use of special powers to make
Magic things happen that would usually
be impossible, such as
in stories for children)

Conjunction /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ Mặc dù

Although (despite the fact that)

primarily Adverb /praɪˈmer.əl.i/ chủ yếu


sơ cấp
Adjective /ˈpraɪ.mər.i/ (more important than anything
Primary else; main)
sơ cấp
(in the US, an election in
Noun /ˈpraɪ.mə.ri/
Primary which people choose who
will represent a particular party in
an election for political office)

Adjective  /ˈskeə.ri/ đáng sợ

Scary (frightening)

Noun /tekst/ Chữ

Text (the written words in a book,
magazine, etc., not the pictures)

Text Verb /tekst/ (to send
someone a text message by phone)

Adjective  /əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ phù hợp

Appropriate (suitable or right for
a particular situation or occasion)

chiếm đoạt
Appropriacy Noun  /əˈprəʊ.pri.ə.si/ (the fact that a word or phrase sounds
natural and is acceptable
when used in a particular

thích hợp
(in a way that is suitable or right for
a particular
Adverb  /əˈprəʊ.pri.ət.li/ situation or occasio)
phù hợp
(to take something for your own use,
usually without permission)
Verb /əˈprəʊ.pri.eɪt/

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