RQLC 1 Summonswhyter

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Summons of the Whyter

When the Adventurers reach the Black Grove they make a

Games Master Summary dangerous crossing over to the Other Side and find themselves
The scenario begins with the Adventurers returning from trapped in The Burning: a hellish limbo formed from a dark
service with the EWF forces in the ongoing struggle to secure chapter in the clan’s past. With the assistance of a dying
and grow the boundaries of the empire. They are members of shaman they return to the Black Grove to face the power
(or affiliated with) the Jendarl family, the dominant bloodline of Ernalda, who attempts to settle the conflict with Peace,
of the draconised Orlanthi Black Grove clan. As they near drawing them into another myth. Failing this the Adventurers
their homestead they see a pall of smoke overhanging the witness the defeat of the wyter and the treachery of Adraxos,
settlement, and they return to a scene of devastation: The the God Learner leader: he steals the wyter’s focus and slays
central longhouse is nothing more than a pile of smouldering the presiding Orldor priestess, shattering the magic binding
wood and blackened stones, and the few clan members who them to the God Plane.
can be seen are digging through the rubble recovering bodies. On their return to Inner World, the Adventurers find that
The stead has been attacked by a force of God Learner several days have passed, and Iddi’s forces have been scattered
mercenaries, aided members of the rival Orldor family by the timely arrival of the Order of Crimson Purity, an EWF
(though the surviving victims are currently unaware of inquisition warband whose sudden appearance is in reaction
this). Iddi Iddrosson, the leader of the Orldors, has been a to the God Learner incursion. They meet with a mysterious
fervent but secret opponent of the EWF for many years, and dragonewt construct who informs them of a secret task
has launched his bid to purge the draconic beliefs from the to ensure that the wyter is transported to the God Learner
clan and secure himself the chieftainship. To this end he has Empire. The mission is architected by the ex-God Learner
won the support of a God Learner expeditionary force who Delecti the Inquirer, but this is unknown to others of the
are ostensibly helping Iddi to push back the EWF. Their Guiding Council, hence the need for the utmost secrecy.
real purpose, however, is to secure and ensure the safe return The construct, who names itself the Emissary, informs the
of the clan’s draconised wyter to their Order, though Iddi Adventurers that the wyter has been retaken by the Crimson
believes they are simply going to remove its draconic taint, Purity and the God Learners have been vanquished, thus
thereby purifying it and returning it to its original state. He derailing Delecti’s plans.
has allowed them to establish and work in secret from an old The Adventurers are charged with ensuring that the wyter is
Dawn Age ruin on his lands. delivered as intended, but this poses a dilemma: the loss of the
While the Adventurers aid their surviving relatives the wyter wyter means the certain ruin and dissolution of their clan, but
sends a summons, a call for help; the God Learners and Iddi’s the Emissary makes clear the success of their mission could
priests are trying to subdue it through a HeroQuest ritual. As mean an end to the Middle Sea Empire for once and for all.
they prepare to travel to the Black Grove (the clan holy site If the Adventurers choose the interests of the EWF over the
and the home of the wyter) Iddi arrives with his warriors in an survival of their decimated folk they must steal the inert wyter
attempt to finish the Jendarls off. A fight ensures and during from their comrades and make good their escape.
which the Adventurers must escape from Verstead and race to
defend the wyter.
Throughout the First Age the clan survived both the treachery
Introducing the of Lokamayadon and the vengeance of Arkat, managing to
Adventurers to the maintain their borders and status through shrewd diplomacy,
raiding, and the occasional battle. The end of the Gbaji Wars
scenario brought a period of relative peace and isolation that lasted
until some seventy years ago when the EWF Hunting and
The main theme of this scenario hinges around the deadly
conflict within the Black Grove clan and the consequences Waltzing bands first appeared in the area. Although resisted
of the Adventurers’ actions at the end. To enable this there at first, the persistence of the Wyrmfriend missionaries
must be a strong connection between Adventurers and the eventually penetrated the ranks of the priesthood and the
clan itself, so at least one Adventurer (though preferably worship of Orlanth the Dragon and Ernalda the Snake took
more) should be a Jendarl family member (i.e. a draconised root within the clan.
Orlanthi). However, as the Adventurers are assumed to The clan is fairly small (approximately 550 members) and is
have been away from the clan before the scenario starts, it comprised of several bloodlines. It is dominated by the two
is reasonable to assume that they might return with EWF largest: the rival Jendarl and Orldor families. The Jendarl
friends and allies who are not clan members, so this offers an family were the first to embrace and support the teachings of
opportunity to introduce characters from other backgrounds the EWF and this strengthened their position within the clan,
if required. so much so that they have held the chieftainship for the past
The adventure is designed for beginning characters (possibly twenty years. The Orldors, who have never wholeheartedly
with the odd seasoned or veteran Adventurer amongst them if accepted the draconic influence, resent this situation, and this
desired) and forms the start of a larger campaign that stretches bitterness has grown and festered over the years into hatred.
into the heart of the Middle Sea Empire and beyond. Some The Orldor leader, Iddi Iddrosson (a violent and headstrong
of the opponents detailed herein may seem overmatched for weaponthane), has decided he can tolerate no more: he
inexperienced Adventurers, but the Games Master should bear is determined that the clan must be purged of the Jendarls
in mind that much of the combat takes place in the presence tainted blood, and purified for the redemption of all.
of other allied Non-Player Adventurers, and these can provide The current chieftain is Sarask SecondSpear, who rules the
help and support if necessary. clan from his hall at Verstead, the seat of the Jendarl family.
His wife, Ingana Jade, is the high priestess of Ernalda the Scale.
Where in the world?
This scenario is nominally set somewhere in or near the Aggar
or Bilini regions in southern Peloria, but the exact location The Black Grove
is not critical and may be adjusted to suit the needs of the The clan holy site is the Black Grove itself, a collection
individual Games Master. Any place on the edge of EWF of twisted and fire-scarred trees atop Umbrak’s
territory where the mystical teachings of the Dragonlords Mound, a large wooded hill deep within the clan tula.
clash violently with the staunch beliefs of the Orlanthi Once called the Green Grove, this was the home of
Traditionalists will suffice: areas such as Northern Charg in M’heylya, a powerful dryad witch who ruled the local
Fronela, Eastern Kotorsland in Maniria or even Delela in forest with her Aldryami kin in the early years of the
Ralios could all be possible alternatives. First Age. In the subsequent war with the clan she
was incinerated along with her brethren when a foolish
Kolating shaman, Asbar the Ashen, believed he could
The Black Grove Clan master Wild Fire and invited Oakfed to the fray. The
The Black Grove are a minor Orlanthi clan established ensuing conflagration (known as The Burning) nearly
sometime before The Dawn. They were once known as the wiped out the clan along with their enemies; it caused
Green Grove and lived in peace and prosperity with a local such grievous offense to Ernalda that she withdrew her
Aldryami tribe, each aiding the other though the terrors and bounty and blessing, leading to a winter of starvation
suffering of the Great Darkness, and each respecting the and despair. Only the heroic efforts and sacrifice
other’s territory and traditions. However, with the passing of Erinala The Young, the last Ernaldan priestess,
of the great ordeal and the return of the Sun to the sky their saved them from the blight. She was buried beneath
alliance faltered; the sages do not recall who struck the first Umbrak’s Mound and her spirit became the clan
blow, but when the fighting finally ended the clan had a new wyter, inhabiting the only living thing in the newly
name, the Black Grove, and the Aldryami were scorched from named Black Grove: a young ash tree that sprouted
the land, never to return. there upon her death.

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

1. Sarask’s Hall
2. Orlanth Shrine
3. Hengall’s Longhouse
4. Well
5. Loom House
6. Rastok’s House
7. Verni’s House
8. Ditch

He has little time for questions and wants them to work
Homecoming looking for survivors and healing the wounded if they have
It is the end of Fire Season, and the Adventurers are returning
the skills. It would be highly likely that the Adventurers will
home to their tula after a long summer of fighting against the
find dead relatives amongst the victims, though the Games
enemies of the EWF. Soon it will be time for the harvest and
Master should present the opportunity to rescue someone like
the preparations for winter. It will also be time of celebration,
a younger sibling or cousin too. Linking the one or more of
of feasting and drinking, storytelling and dancing, the
the Adventurers to a live and vulnerable family member will
renewing of old friendships and maybe even the prospect of
make some of the decisions they face later on in the game
new love; the returning warriors can expect a warm welcome
more challenging and personal. Such rescue attempts should
from their kinsfolk, happy to see them alive and victorious,
involve Perception rolls to locate trapped clansfolk, use of the
home from another hard season’s campaigning. The Games
Brawn skill to move large pieces of collapsed timber and stone
Master should encourage a light-hearted mood, maybe even
(fumbles here may result in further damage to the unfortunate
distributing a small amount of booty and goods, given to the
sufferer), and First Aid rolls for healing. Appropriate magic
Adventurers as rewards for their recent loyal service before the
may also be used to help of course.
adventure begins.
It seems the survivors know very little about the cause of their
Very soon the Adventurers arrive at the borders of their lands,
predicament and there are conflicting tales. The Adventurers
but strangely they find there is no one to greet them: usually
are able to piece together that the attack started sometime
all visitors are intercepted by a Black Grove patrol when they
after midnight inside Sarask’s hall, and the community was
cross the clan boundary stones, but this time they are left
also attacked from without: witnesses recall seeing bronze
clad warriors strike down the distracted sentries and storm
As the morning wears on and the party continues onwards to
through the settlement setting light to the other buildings and
the chieftain’s lodge at Verstead, the lack of any contact with
slaughtering any who emerged to face them. Numbers are
the clan should lead to a growing sense of unease: something is
uncertain. What is known is that no one left Sarask’s hall and
seriously amiss. Soon afterwards those Adventurers who make
it burnt very quickly. There is also some surprise that there
a successful Perception roll notice a faint smell of burning in
was no warning of the attack, as the clan wyter has always
the air. As the trail leads them over the next rise they see a
alerted them of the presence of foes in the past.
dark pall of smoke drifting above Verstead valley, slowly fed
In truth Sarask and his household were assaulted by a powerful
by gently rising columns of grey smoke from a source hidden
demon; it was conjured by the sorcerer Adraxos to swiftly kill
behind the hilltops. It is obvious that a catastrophe has
the chieftain and his household before burning their hall
befallen their home.
to the ground. In the meantime God Learner mercenaries
When the Adventurers finally enter the valley they see the true
swept through the stead destroying and slaughtering as much
horror of the devastation: The stead gates are smashed and
as they could before retreating into the darkness, taking their
hang ajar; nearly every building has been razed to the ground,
casualties with them. They had a long time to prepare while
and Saresk’s once proud hall is nothing more than a heap of
hiding on Orldor lands, so their assault was swift, deadly and
glowing cinders, burnt timber, and blackened stones. Ash
falls gently from the sky, coating the ground like snow. Cattle
and other livestock roam amongst the ruins, freed by open
pens and broken fences. A Cry for Help
Several dozen covered bodies litter the ground; some are The rescue effort continues on into late afternoon and it is slow
shrunken and charred, while others are bloodstained and bear and demoralizing. Adventurers who are Jendarl clan members
the marks of sword and spear. The surviving clan members, begin to notice a dull headache develop as they continue to
soot-smeared and weary, can be seen desperately searching work, steadily increasing in intensity until there is a sudden
the rubble, raking through the embers and pulling aside pain behind the eyes. Those who make a successful Culture
smouldering logs in the hope of finding someone alive. Some (Own) roll are granted a brief vision of the Black Grove with
sit cradling the bodies of loved ones, weeping for their loss, the draconic form of the wyter, Erinala, beseeching their
while others stare silently at the carnage in disbelief, their help. As the vision fades the headaches recede as well. Other
minds clouded with thoughts of grief and vengeance. clan members have seen the vision and all realize this event
It is some moments before the Adventurers are acknowledged. is unprecedented: the wyter normally communicates with
They see the clan champion, Hengall BoneBlade, is still alive the chieftain directly, and communication with other clan
and organising the rescue efforts. Hengall is a Humakt Claw members occurs only at holy days and the Sacred Time.
and a skilled warrior: his deadly reputation is well earned and The summons cannot be ignored. There is much speculation
he is famous for his prowess with his bone-sung dragonbone as to its cause but all agree that it must be heeded as the loss
blade. of the wyter means the loss of the clan. In light of the stead-

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

burning and now the wyters’ plight the situation seems dire in time and the battle is joined; the rest of his forces surge
indeed. forward to crush the Adventurers and their clanmates, who are
An exhausted Hengall begins to gather a small band of weary now outnumbered more than two to one.
weaponthanes and carls and asks the Adventurers to join The Orldors are ready for the fight and have combat magic
them. Another eleven men join the group but more cannot already cast on them as the melee begins. Some of them
be spared as the remaining folk of Verstead need protection attack the Adventurers, while some others force their way
as well. There are approximately sixty survivors left, most of further into the settlement to crush any resistance there.
them women and children. The fighting continues for 1D3+3 rounds. During this time
As the horses are saddled and the force assembles there is a Iddi is reinforced by several of his thanes who force Hengall
cry from the watch tower sentry: He reports a band of forty back, though at least two of them lie dead at his feet already.
or so riders heading towards the stead. Weapons are drawn The Adventurers find themselves fighting next to Hengall,
and a Hengall orders a shield wall to be quickly formed at the who orders them to mount up and ride for the Black Grove to
broken gate. The adventurers may choose to join the shield save the wyter. He knows the Jendarls really are doomed if the
wall or mount their horses ready for a fight. As the riders wyter falls, and he stresses this point to any Adventurers who
draw closer the sentry identifies them as a Black Grove clan refuse. He is confident that he can kill Iddi which he hopes
warband: they sport Orldor tattoos and markings and their will break the Orldors’ confidence and force them to retreat.
leader is Iddi Iddrosson, who has come to finish what the God
Learners started the previous night. Escape
Escaping from Verstead is not easy. The Adventurers must
Betrayed disengage or incapacitate their immediate foes and mount
Although there is little love lost between the Jendarls and their horses if they are not mounted already. They must then
Orldors, no one at Verstead has the slightest idea of Iddi’s attempt to evade the Orldors and ride across the neighbouring
plans and Hengall orders the shield wall to stand down. hills to Umbrak’s Mound and the Black Grove.
Hengall even looks relieved as the Orldors ride through the Disengaging from combat is explained on page 92 of the
gates and rein to a stop. RuneQuest Core Rules. Mounting hastily during the attack
Adventurers who make an Insight roll notice that some of needs a successful Ride roll.
the riders look apprehensive and nervous. Anyone making Three mounted Orldors are holding the gate entrance to stop
a critical success notices that Iddi seems pleased: hardly an any Jendarl clansfolk from fleeing. Adventurers who wish to
appropriate demeanour considering the surrounding carnage. break through them need a successful Charge as per the rules
None of Orldors look surprised, and sheen of war magic can on page 89 of the RuneQuest Core Rules. It is left up to
be seen on their weapons and armour (nothing suspicious in the Games Master to decide if a charged Orldor evades or
that of course as they were heading into a scene of a massacre). attempts to block instead. Not all of Iddi’s men are as keen
‘Well well, the last of the Jendarls – I should have known you’d to attack fellow clan members as is Iddi himself: some of his
still be alive Hengall’ remarks Iddi as he surveys the ruins of men are uneasy with his actions, so there is a fair chance a
the stead. charged opponent will evade, thereby creating an opening for
Hengall ignores this and tells Iddi briefly about the attack and the Adventurers to ride through.
the wyters’ summons, asking him how his own stead has fared. Fleeing Adventurers are likely to be assailed by ranged weapons
Iddi looks down at Hengall. “My stead? My stead is fine and magic, but there is no immediate pursuit as Iddi wants to
Hengall, though maybe I’ll move here soon, as you and those consolidate his gains at Verstead first. He intends to take the
sorry wretches over there won’t be needing it much longer. I’ve women and children as thralls, along with any surrendering
always liked the view here.” fighters.
Hengall looks confused, and then steps back, a dark look of
anger crossing his face, his hand moving to the hilt of his Umbrak’s Mound
sword. The journey to the Black Grove takes less than an hour and it
“What are you saying?” asks Hengall in disbelief. is nearly dark by the time the Adventurers reach the wooded
“I’m saying that you dragon-lickers are done. I’ve killed your slopes of Umbrak’s Mound. Looking back long their route
chief, and I’m about to rip the scales from Erinala at the Black any who make a successful Perception roll see the silhouettes
Grove, and then we’ll have the Old Ways back, the way it of several riders cresting the top of a hill some distance back.
should be.” They are riding fast and are probably less than 15 minutes
There is a split second of silence before Hengall sweeps his away. Any Adventurers who make a critical success can also
sword from his scabbard and leaps at Iddi in a vicious attempt determine that they are Orlanthi, and there are probably a
to strike him from his horse. The Orldor leader parries just dozen or so (There are actually nine of them, and they are

some of Iddi’s followers who just attacked Verstead, sent out
after the Adventurers to stop them).
An Ancient Wrong
As the Adventurers adjust to their new surroundings there
The entrance to the Black Grove begins at an archway formed
is a sudden stomach-wrenching lurch and a sharp attack
from two weathered stone plinths, topped by an ancient,
of vertigo. The world shifts and they find themselves in a
cracked lintel that stretches between them. Runes and other
nightmare setting: They stand on the path surrounded
pictograms adorn the surface and tell the story of the Black
by a host of burning trees; the sky overhead is an inferno,
Grove. A carved stone snake winds its way around the left-
a billowing cloud of flame that sweeps across the tree-tops,
hand column and wraps its coils around the lintel, its hard
incinerating the branches as it moves. The Adventurers have
and flinty stare gazing dispassionately at the Adventurers from
fallen into a crack between the Inner World and the God
Plane, a borderland limbo where the horror of the Burning
A rough and uneven pathway disappears beneath dark boughs,
is replayed without end, its creation the result of the age-old
threading its way past sinuous and twisted trunks and leading
sacrilege that was committed here.
up to the summit of the Mound. A faint orange glow can be
There is a huge blast, and the Adventurers are engulfed in a
seen flickering between the tangled black branches, and the
wall of flame. Treat this as a single Combat Round attack
distant notes of a reed-pipe can be heard along with a drum
from a 3-cubic meter Salamander as described on Page 169 of
and the sound of voices chanting.
the RuneQuest Core Rules.
There should be just enough time for the Adventurers to
Immediately after the flame subsides the Adventurers are
prepare and head up to the grove ahead of their pursuers.
attacked by a 1D3+3 fire-scarred elves. They are maddened
They can see that some sort of event is happening at the top
and berserk with the pain of their wounds, some of which still
of the hill, and the Games Master should remind them of the
smoulder and blister, cracking their skin and oozing boiling
wyter’s importance if they decide to tarry or set an ambush
sap. Horrifyingly one of the elves staggers and screams before
the Adventurers, burning and combusting from the inside, his
Adventurers who are clan members are familiar with the
crumbing body consumed by the intense effect of pyrolysis.
Black Grove, having been to rituals held there many times
These elves are victims of Oakfed’s summoning, reliving their
before, but this occasion is nothing like any ceremony they
torment and death in this timeless environment. They are
have experienced there in the past. The barriers between the
completely insane and fight as though under the effects of
worlds have always been thin here, but Adraxos’ meddling
Fanaticism as described on page 111 of the RuneQuest Core
has destabilised the area further, leaving an open gateway
Rules (Note however, that this is not a spell and therefore
into the Other Side, a situation that soon becomes obvious
cannot be dispelled).
to the Adventurers as they begin their ascent (Under normal
Escape from this otherworldly hell seems impossible as the
circumstances entering Other Side requires some preparation
Adventurers are enclosed by a brutal firestorm on all sides, the
and knowledge of the myths involved in the attempt, as
path seemingly leading to its raging heart. The air is hot and
explained in the HeroQuesting section on page 12 of Cults
thick with smouldering cinders and choking ash. Those who
Of Glorantha, but a combination of God Learner magic, the
make a successful Perception roll while trying to see their way
history of the Grove, and the power of the wyter itself have
past the obscuring smoke notice the slumped figure of a thin,
made such requirements unnecessary at present).
wasted man, groaning weakly in pain at the blackened spear
Advancing along the steadily rising path the Adventurers see
impaled in his chest, pinning him to a tree a short way from
their environment beginning to change: The atmosphere
the path.
grows oppressive and tense, the air becomes thick and warm.
Closer investigation exposes the grievously wounded form of
The trees seem closer and more tangled, crowding upon the
an elderly shaman who opens his one remaining eye and begs
trail and leaving less room to pass by. Leaves whisper and
the Adventurers piteously for water as they approach. He is
rustle without a breeze, branches crack loudly as if stretching;
in a dreadful state: as well as the spear wound he bears many
they sway and creak as if reaching out to grasp the unwary and
burn wounds across his body, some down to the bone, and his
pull them into the gloom. Half-glimpsed shadowy figures flit
legs end in charred, cracked stumps. If the Adventurers help
quickly between the trunks, always just out of sight, obscured
him he thanks them in a quiet, broken voice, and reveals that
by thin tendrils of pallid mist that drift lazily to curl about
he is Asbar, the instigator of The Burning and now cursed
the Adventurers’ arms and legs. The Inner World has been
with this unending torment by the anger of the gods.
transcended and the Adventurers have entered the precincts
For their kindness Asbar offers to tell the Adventurers the way
of the God Plane (This also means that all Common Magic
to escape this awful reality and return to their original path,
is now rendered unusable as per the section Using Magic on
though he himself cannot leave: the spear, of Aldryami origin,
HeroQuests on page 13 of Cults Of Glorantha).
cannot be removed, and the old man screams in acute agony if

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

the Adventurers try. All he asks for is a flask of water and for She looks directly at the lead Adventurer and says in a forceful
their prayers when they return to the Inner World. voice “There is always another way”.
Although talking causes him considerable pain Asbar
haltingly reveals the details of the ritual the Adventurers must
perform. It is similar to the normal HeroQuest entry ritual How Peace Was Made – Mythic
as described on page 12 of Cults of Glorantha, though in this
case it is more of an exit ritual instead. Using the highest Resonance 60%
of either their Culture(Own) skill or Draconic Illumination Trouble is easy to make but hard to end. “Better to
skill, the Adventurers must win an Opposed Skill Test against stop it from happening,” said Ernalda. She determined
the Mythic Resonance of The Burning which has a resistance to make something to help her create a lasting peace.
of 40%. Success finds the party on the original path to the She sat at her loom and wove a magnificent carpet,
Black Grove once more. If the attempt fails they may try once Orventili, the Rug of Peace. She put her face in the
every 1D3 combat rounds, though they remain susceptible to center, where the basket goes, so that all who sought
further flame bursts and attacks by tortured Aldryami at the peace would feel her gaze upon them. She put runes of
discretion of the Games Master. power around the edges to bind the participants. She
marked places on the rug for the two parties to sit, and
for the four supporters behind each of them, and for
At the Black Grove the two peacekeepers. More runes marked the places
When the Adventurers return to the path on Umbrak’s where each person should place their gifts.
Mound they are near the summit and the entrance to the grove Ernalda and her assistants bore the rug upon their
itself. Another archway marks the end of the trail, possibly shoulders to Engimal, where Orlanth was fighting
the twin of the one at the start, but this one looks melted against an enemy that Ernalda thought could be a
and soot-blackened and the lintel is missing. A thin film of friend. Ernalda called to her husband to stop fighting
phosphorescence stretches across the opening, obscuring their for a time and come join her in her pavilion.
view through the pillars. As the Adventurers emerge from “There is always another way” she told him.
the darkness of the path they are momentarily blinded by the He came and sat on Orventili where she directed him.
sudden brightness of the open sky and the spectacle of the While he was resting Ernalda called to his foe, whom
brilliant sun hanging high against the silvery background of she had known before.
the GodTime heavens. Engizi came in through the other door. Ernalda offered
The grove itself is approximately 50 meters in diameter, and him her hospitality before Orlanth could object, and
framed with a ring of scorched and blackened trees. There he took his place upon the Peace Rug. Ernalda then
are several worn and eroded standing stones placed around sat between the two gods and helped them negotiate
the perimeter of the circle, and in front of each is an Earth a peace. They finally came to terms, and Orlanth
cultist, head bowed in prayer, chanting and rocking, and welcomed his foe into his realm, which was Engizi’s
facing towards the centre of clearing. The object of their realm as well.
attention is Erlinda’s Tree and the serpentine form of the wyter After that the promise was made again many times.
curled around it, hissing and swaying above the seated figure Although it was sometimes strained it was real, each
of Yorsara, a senior Orldor Ernaldan priestess. moment adding to the reality. So Ernalda’s Peace was
Yorsara is performing the final stages of the “Ernalda Charms made, bit by bit.
Talosa” HeroQuest (Talosa is the Orlanthi Snake Goddess),
which is the root of the cult’s Command(Snake) magic. She is
attempting to exhaust the wyter’s resistance and bring it under Adventurers who make a successful Lore(Orlanth) theology
her command by using a small set of wooden reed pipes to roll recognise these words from the myth “How Peace Was
play a lilting, soothing tune. Nearby another initiate taps a Made”. Evarne has prepared a HeroQuest ritual of her own
soft rhythm on a small drum to fortify Yorsara’s spell. The and is trying to force the chosen Adventurer to assume the
Adventurers can feel Erlinda’s strength is beginning to fade but role of Orlanth in the Peace Story in an attempt to dissuade
they still have the benefit of her magical Pact enhancement. or delay them from disrupting Yorsara. If she succeeds the
The appearance of the Adventurers is noticed by a small entire party are drawn into the myth where they face the new
group of women who stand near the grove entrance between self-proclaimed chief of the Black Grove clan, Iddi Iddrosson.
them and Yorsara. Two of the women are grim and fearsome The chosen Adventurer may elect to enter the myth voluntarily,
Babaeester Gor Axe Sisters. A middle-aged Ernaldan priestess or may resist by making a successful Opposed Skill Test pitting
called Evarne steps swiftly forward, her right hand held out his Persistence (or Draconic Illumination) skill against the
before her in a symbol of peace. Mythic Resonance of the Peace Story. Entering voluntarily or

failing the test results in the Adventurers shifting myths, and be taken if desired as separate points are discussed and agreed.
the Games Master should refer to the next section entitled Evarne’s favour gives the Adventurers an extra 10% bonus to
‘Making Peace’; otherwise they stay in the Black Grove their Influence skill when arguing with Iddi.
and witness the treachery of Adraxos, as described in “The If the Adventurers ask for details on the welfare of the
Maiming of Erlinda” further on. surviving Jendarls, Iddi delights in telling them of Hengall’s
death, exaggerating the ease with which he was brought down
Making Peace of course (Hengall actually slew another three of Iddi’s best
The Adventurers find themselves inside a large green pavilion weaponthanes before he was brought down by sheer weight
with the fabled Peace Rug, Orventili, laid before them. There of numbers). He is vague about the number of survivors:
is no sign of the Black Grove and they can no longer feel he attempts to paint a very bleak picture for the Adventurers
the presence of the wyter. Evarne, now Ernalda, stands to to pressure them into agreeing to a peace on his terms. For
one side, indicating that the Adventurers should sit in the example, may mention that he holds several close relatives, or
appointed places on the rug. At this point the Adventurers he may mention how hard with all be to feed all of his own
have a choice: they can sit and follow the flow of the myth, family in the coming winter, never mind feeding slaves: he
or they can refuse. If they choose the latter they are ejected fears he may have to sell them further afield.
from the Hero Plane, and returned to the Inner World. The Ultimately a scowling Iddi will agree to release all the captive
Adventurers do know this is a consequence of resisting a Jendarls he holds and will see them and the Adventurers
myth, so the Games Master should remind the players of this escorted to the Black Grove borders and banished, thereby
fact if necessary. In this case go to the section entitled “The removing their bloodline from the clan. He resists handing
Emissary” below. over any livestock unless pushed, and flatly refuses to pay any
If the Adventurers sit they are brought food and drink by weregeld for those who have died during the uprising.
servants while they wait for the arrival of their adversary. Once the talks are complete Iddi and the lead Adventurer must
After a short time the entrance to the pavilion is drawn aside clasp wrists to seal the bargain and swear an oath binding them
revealing Iddi, who strides forward and seats himself before to it. Evarne seems pleased with the outcome of her plan. Iddi
the Adventurers on the rug. He is accompanied by several simply snarls and storms out of the tent along with his men.
members of his warband who seat themselves behind him. Both parties are bound to this agreement, and breaking it will
Any attempt to attack him results in the Adventurers being incur the divine disfavour or Ernalda and bring a curse upon
ejected from the myth with the same consequences as above. the transgressor’s family, blighting crops and livestock.
Iddi ignores the Adventurers at first, concentrating on enjoying The pavilion fades gently from sight and the Adventurers find
the refreshments. Adventurers who make a successful Insight themselves in a deserted Black Grove – see “The Emissary”
roll notice he appears impatient and annoyed. Once he has below.
finished Iddi grins at the Adventurers and says “Here is my
peace: surrender to me and you live. Your family are my thralls The Maiming of Erlinda
and you shall renounce the Dragon and join them. Choose If Evarne’s attempt to lure the Adventurers into the Peace
otherwise and you will be dead before Yelm next rises.” Song fails she quickly withdraws, stepping behind the two
While Iddi sounds confident and brash the Adventurers Axe Sisters who move forward, heft their weapons and slip
should remember that the Peace Story is one of negotiation, smoothly into a battle stance. They are a chilling sight: their
not of intimidation, and Iddi is just as bound by the myth as exposed skin and faces are painted black and striped with dark
the Adventurers are. He himself is displeased with this turn red streaks. Severed fingers, toes, ears and other appendages
of events and would rather have simply enslaved or killed the adorn their weapons and armour like some kind of hideous
Adventurers: being drawn into the Peace Story myth was not jewellery. They grimace and snarl, exposing their gruesome
in his plans. There is a chance to strike a bargain here and teeth which are stained a dark crimson from the magical
save their captive clansfolk and themselves from slavery and Blood Beer they drink before battle.
renunciation of their faith or even death. They also have Evarne calls out for the Adventurers to leave the grove as only
something of an unexpected ally in Evarne: although she and Death await them here. If the Adventurers do not retreat the
her fellow priestesses want the presence of the EWF removed Axe Sisters scream their war cry and attack.
from their clan they want as little bloodshed as possible, and After 1D3+1 combat rounds there is a loud, sharp hiss and
are dismayed at the cost in lives so far. the pipes and drum stop playing. Erlinda’s serpent form lies
The negotiations may be role-played entirely between The supine and motionless before a spent and tired Yosara. Any
Games Master and the players, or may be simulated by beneficial effects supplied by the wyter to the Adventurers are
making Opposed Influence Skill Tests as described on page no longer active.
38 of the RuneQuest Core Rules. More than one test may Before anyone can react the grove is bathed in a wash of
unholy green light from a shining point just above the wyter’s

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

body. With a sickening tear a breach in the fabric of the myth long tail curls around its leg, the tip slowly moving backwards
is formed and a pale, thin man steps through, holding aloft a and forwards, leaving a shallow furrow in the dirt. Neither
wickedly enchanted dagger. He is quickly followed by several man nor dragonewt but a blasphemous combination of both,
bronze-armoured warriors. Adventurers who fail a Very Hard Delecti’s construct unfolds its limbs and raises its barely
(-60%) Resilience roll retch and vomit for 1D4+2 combat human features to regard the Adventurers with an impassive
rounds at the sudden feeling of wrongness and nausea that reptilian stare.
this violation has caused. The other characters in the grove It addresses the Adventurers in sibilant Auld Wyrmish:
suffer the effects too, and the Games Master should roll to see ‘You may address me as Emissary. I bring you greetings from
the effect on any surviving Axe Sisters. my master, the most revered and holy Delecti, Intellect of the
The pale man is Adraxos, the leader of the God Learner Guilding Council and Mystic Illuminary of Orin Jistel. You
expedition that is “aiding” Iddi, and he has come to steal the wish the return of your wyter. This is Wrong Action.’
essence of the wyter and return it to his masters. As Yosara ‘A new power rises beyond the mountains, a new power called
screams he quickly raises the dagger and plunges it into the Dragon Breaker. The ignorant say it presages the doom of
Erlinda’s chest, cutting deeply. The focus of her binding was The Plan, but this not so. The Dragon Breaker is our power,
her mummified heart, removed after her sacrifice and buried to break those who would Disturb. It is the reaching arm, it is
beneath the mound. Adraxos digs his hand into the open the mighty hand, it is the rending talon, is it the will of That
wound and removes its mythical equivalent, now infused with Which Is To Be.’
the mystical energy of the dragons; his expression is mixed, a ‘You are the thought of That Which Is To Be, you are that
combination to triumph and disgust. which will aim the Breaker. This is Right Action.’
Those adventurers able to act at this point can try to stop
Adraxos, though he is very well protected and his mercenaries The Dragon Breaker threat
engage any attackers while he is busy removing the heart The Emissary is referring to the danger posed by Alakoring
(which takes 1D3+1 Combat Rounds). Any able Axe Sisters Dragon Breaker, an Orlanthi Wind Lord who has fought the
disengage from the Adventurers and turn to confront this new EWF in Ralios for several years with increasing success. Some
menace as well. among the Guiding Council, led by Delecti, rightly fear his
Adraxos’ final act is to turn to a gasping, horrified Yosara, ascendancy and they have hatched a plan to deflect his war at
and with a distasteful look, slice the dagger sharply across her the Middle Sea Empire instead, intending that their biggest
unprotected throat. The death of the HeroQuest initiator two foes will fight and destroy each other. They are not alone
has a powerful and dramatic effect, instantly collapsing the in this conspiracy and there are other unlikely allies in the West
myth around the Adventurers and the other participants and that are prepared to help: there are certain elements in Jrustela,
ejecting them violently from the God Plane back to the Inner for example, that are resentful of Seshnela’s dominance and
World. They return to silent and deserted Black Grove (the wish for a return to Jrustelan primacy. There is also support
effects of this ejection result in Falling damage as per page 57 from distant Brithos: it is said that the destruction of the
of the RuneQuest Core Rules – treat as a 5m fall). Seshnelan peninsular seems to be a key element in Zzabur’s
plans for future.
The Emissary The history of the Middle Sea Empire has its roots in the
Regardless of how they got there the Adventurers find pagan cult of the earth goddess Sesha, patron goddess of
themselves back at the Black Grove 1D3+3 days after their Seshnela. Many centuries ago, the early kings of the land
departure from the archway at the foot of Umbrak’s Mound. were known as the Serpent Kings, the mightiest of which
Time has no real meaning on the Other Side hence the was Froalar, who married the goddess and begat a dynasty.
disparate amount of days passed since the events at Verstead. After this he ascended to become the supernatural guardian of
The grove is silent and dark; it is near dawn and first rays Seshnela itself, taking the form of a great serpent. Much of this
of the sun are moments away from touching the tops of the knowledge is today forgotten or ignored amongst the scholars
surrounding trees. As Yelm slowly climbs into the eastern of the West: they have little time for such dead, and ancient
sky the light drives back the shadows revealing the desecrated religions when there are more vibrant and interesting ones
site. The central ash tree is dead: it is cracked vertically right to plunder. However, the worship of Sesha is not forgotten
through its core, and all its leaves are curled and shrivelled. amongst the simple folk of that land, and the plotters within
At its base is a small, rough hole in the earth containing the the EWF and their allies intend to exploit this.
disinterred funerary urn of Erlinda: it is broken open and Their plan is to draconise the worship of Sesha, and thereby
missing the mummified heart that was buried with her ashes. Froalar, and create a new draconic threat at that Alakoring
Balancing perfectly on one leg between the archway pillars is will not be able to ignore. They hope that the Wind Lord will
a strange sight: a large, semi-humanoid figure, its four arms be able to defeat and slay the dragon-aspected Froalar thus
wrapped tightly around its torso, its head bowed and still. A leaving Sesha vulnerable to her enemies. Even if he fails, a

dragon tainted homeland would leave the Seshnelans with upon the mystery of the Utuma, the First Sacrifice, as realised
little choice but to attempt Froalar’s execution themselves, through the dance of the Lifebringers Quest: Orlanth,
ensuring their doom by their own hand. imbued with wisdom learned from the Heart and Mind of
A vital component of this process is the Black Grove wyter: the Cosmic Dragon, meditated on the plight of the cosmos
interaction and manipulation of draconic magic has always and threat of dissolution. At the appointed hour he sacrificed
presented something of a problem for the God Learners, so his wife, his companions, his brothers, his friends, his Tribe,
Delecti intends to pass this valuable object to his western his place, and finally himself to achieve his own death, where
co-conspirators to examine, dissect, extract and replicate its in contemplation he realized Ourobouros and reassembled
attributes. Direct physical access to the mythical properties his seven parts, forming the Egg from which the world was
of the wyter will allow them to achieve results much quicker. reborn, banishing Oozing Chaos and reaffirming the Infinite.
They need to create the myth-altering processes required to The Emissary concludes: ‘The Wisdom of the Dragons
infect Sesha and her pagan congregations, and the fact that teaches us that the First Utuma brought life and order to the
the wyter is already consecrated to Ernalda the Scale, another world, thus it is known that the sacrifice of self leads to life
earth goddess, should ease this procedure. and rebirth. So it was and so it is. The sacrifice of your clan
Secrecy is of course paramount: Many of the other EWF leads to the life of the Empire: life for the Empire means the
leaders have no idea about Delecti’s plan and they would not be rebirth of the Great Dragon To Come. This is the Dance Of
keen to pursue it if they knew. They realise that handing such Life, and it is infinite.’
an item to the God Learners intact could give them access to Adventurers who make a successful Draconic Illumination
vital draconic secrets and even some insight into the mythical roll can see the truth contained within this dance, and can see
theory about the Great Dragon To Come, information which the Orlanth’s sacrifice reflected in the need of their own. It is
could be used against them in the future. Right Action.

Right Action Wrong Action

When questioned further the Emissary explains ‘Right Should the Adventurers refuse to follow Delecti’s plan the
Action’: it means that the Adventurers must obtain the wyter Emissary appears sad, possibly the first human emotion it has
and take it across the mountains into Ralios themselves. This expressed so far. Without a further word it steps back into the
was originally the task of Adraxos but new events have made archway and simply disappears, dissolving into the shadows of
this impossible: the trees beyond. The Adventurers, in refusing Right Action,
• While the Adventurers have been on the God Plane an are now viewed as renegades and, of course, they know too
EWF warband, part of the Order Of Crimson Purity, has much. Delecti acts to ensure that no word of his plan escapes
entered the area as a result of the God Learner presence. and issues orders for the party to be hunted. He also gives
They have already met and fought Iddi and driven him instructions to wipe out all traces of the Black Grove clan,
back to his own stead, where they cornered him and slew pronouncing them anathema: they must be destroyed to
most of his household before he escaped into the hills. prevent their heretical “infection” spreading to others. This
• The Order then located Adraxos at Starinth’s Fort, an old is a task the Order of the Crimson Purity is only too keen to
Dawn Age ruin on the edge of Olrdor lands, and proceeded perform, and over the ensuing weeks they track down and
to storm the God Learner positions. The sorcerer was destroy the remaining members of the clan. The Adventurers
defeated (missing, presumed dead), his men killed, and are pursued with all the resources at the Orders’ disposal:
the wyter recaptured, but the wyrmsfriends took heavily their only hope of survival is to flee as far away and as fast as
casualties during the assault. possible from Delecti’s wrath. With this outcome the scenario
• The surviving forces of the Order have retired to Verstead to ends here, the question of Adventurers’ fate left for the Games
recuperate and gather their strength. They have possession Master to decide.
of the wyter but re-consecrating and binding it is a lengthy
process, and the clan is too weakened at present to attempt Return to Verstead
this. If Adventurers agree to assume the responsibly of transporting
The Adventurers may have some severe objections to the the wyter to Ralios they must return to Verstead and steal it
Emissary’s request, not the least of which is the prospect of from the Order of Crimson Purity. Should they succeed The
stealing the wyter and effectively disbanding and dooming Emissary says he will meet the Adventurers at Horn Tor, a
the clan: it is virtually a death sentence for their friends and local landmark two day’s ride west of Verstead. There he will
family. offer further guidance and assistance to the adventurers.
However, to help them understand that this is Right Action During their absence the clan survivors have not been idle
the Emissary invites the Adventurers witness and meditate and some small attempt at rebuilding has taken place: One of

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

A pole bearing the Order’s black and crimson banner flies from
The First Utuma the walls, twisting lazily in the wind, and alongside are hung
When its meditations were complete the Ancestral several flayed God Learner corpses, their bodies curiously
Dragon sliced open its loins and created the seas and pale. The Order itself has quartered inside the settlement
oceans of the world which flowed freely in defiance of near the southern walls, setting up a few rows of tents to
the Oozing Chaos which was now defeated. Then the house themselves away from the Verstead residents. Grateful
Ancestral Dragon cut open its belly and gave power to at first for freeing them from Iddi, the residents of Verstead
the world through the first gifts of Life, thus defeating have since learnt to fear their liberators: they work silently and
the body of Orxili the Disturber forever. sullenly beneath the watchful gaze of the sentries, having been
Next the Ancestral Dragon removed and dismembered subject to some of the Order’s methods and questioning in
its head, creating the Sun, the Stars and the Gods recent days. Two clansfolk remain chained to the central post
with each of its eyes, and the skull of the Ancestral near the well, punished and bled for failing to satisfy their
Dragon became the God Plane where their powers interrogators.
would flourish in noble fashions.
From its brain came new servants, identical to the
Grand Ancestral Dragon, who taught the Gods how
to know and use their powers and how to keep the
The Order of Crimson Purity
The Order of Crimson Purity believes that the mystical
Oozing Chaos at bay. They taught the gods through
fluid flowing through dragon veins is much purer than
the First Dance and from which all other dances are
human blood and that which beats through the hearts
derived. The First Dance took place at Dragon Pass
of mortals is the biggest limiting factor in ascension.
and now it is sacred to gods and dragons and the Uz,
Founded centuries ago by Merisian the Benevolent on
who guard its gateways from the Chaos Ooze. When
principles of self-sacrifice, the cult has degenerated in
the First Dance was finished, the Ancestral Dragons
the years since its inception. They purge the Empire
each laid an egg and the gods returned to the God
of internal enemies, especially Old Ways cultists,
Plane made from the Grand Ancestral Dragon’s skull.
sacrificing them and offering their blood through
From these eggs hatched the True dragons, which
rituals in veneration of the Cosmic Dragon. Through
were mighty beings and had substance and form. The
this they show their commitment to the Dragon of All
Ancestral Dragons, their dance complete, returned to
and receive his blessings in turn. Their magic focuses
meditate with the Grand Ancestral Dragon and still
on extrasensory perception, causing fear, and the
watch the world through the secrets of the universe,
manipulation of blood into alchemical elixirs. Their
accepting worship from the True Dragons and their
symbol is a bloody hand print superimposed over a
black dragon’s claw.
Thus the first utuma of the Grand Ancestral Dragon
To the average imperial citizen, a cultist of the Order
brought life and order to the world and established
of Crimson Purity is little more than an inquisitor
the sacrifice of the self, and subsequent rebirth, as
or witch-hunter and the cult numbers many hired
the Dance of Life and Egg, which all dragonewts
soldiers among its Believers. The so-called ‘Red Order’
follow. From utuma comes the egg, and from the egg
is more feared than admired as a general rule, though
comes life. Its cycle mirrors the actions of the Cosmic
their fervency buys a serious stripe of respect among
Dragon but is real in the world. And, because the
the citizens of the Empire. In cities where the Old
Cosmic Dragon defeated Orxili and remade infinity,
Ways take greatest root among the populace, the
so is the Dance of Life and Egg infinite.
Order sends cells of Initiates and Believers to blend
spell and sword in the name of annihilating any heresy
that could interrupt the great transmutation.
the minor halls that suffered the least damage has fitted been
with a makeshift roof and is now used as the main shelter, and
a few pens have been repaired and the remaining livestock There are currently twenty-two members of the Order
rounded up. Efforts have also been made to fix the main gate, stationed at Verstead, with another nine wounded and still
but it would not stand up to any serious assault at present, recovering from the recent conflict: healing resources are
and is secured only by a light wooden bar. The smell of ash scarce at present. Another group of fifteen is away from the
and charcoal still prevails over the site, and recent rainfall has base, scouting and harrying any Traditionalists they find in
churned this into a thick black mud. A small cairn of stones, the surrounding hills. There is also a small enclosure for the
topped by the broken bone blade of Hengall, marks the site of Order’s two remaining Renders, who eye the penned cattle
his last stand near the restored shrine of Orlanth The Dragon. and their owners with barely concealed hunger. Two Crimson

Purity sentries are posted at the watchtowers at all times, serves as the Order’s equipment store. The tent is guarded at
while two more guard the gate during the day when it is open. all times and Erlinda’s heart is kept within a locked bronze-
There is one guard on the gate at night but a roving patrol of bound chest. Bastak holds the only key to the chest, and he
three is maintained instead; they periodically sweep through has told the clansfolk that he will hold the wyter safe for them
settlement and check the perimeter before returning to their until such time as it can be restored. Picking the lock on
camp fire near the ruins of Sarask’s hall. the chest needs a Hard (-40%) test against the Adventurers
Stealing the wyter will not be easy and it is up to the adventurers Mechanisms roll as explained on page 42 of the RuneQuest
to determine the best way forward. For example they could Core Rules. The chest itself is not too large and can be treated
attempt to sneak in during the night and remove the inert as a Relic Case as described on page 13 of the RuneQuest
wyter, but this would involve some remote reconnoitring to Arms and Equipment book.
determine where it is being kept. Of course this also requires
some excellent stealth skills: the forces of the Order are Horn Tor
weakened, but they should not be underestimated. Assuming the adventurers succeed in retrieving the wyter they
An easier route might be to return to Verstead openly and should make their way to Horn Tor to meet the Emissary,
await an opportunity to retrieve the wyter and escape. This who stands perched atop the lonely spire, lost in some
would give the Adventurers more time to plan and observe, inner contemplation until they arrive. It relays Delecti’s
but they must beware of the scrutiny of the Order, who congratulations and delight at their success, and the several
are expert at detecting sedition and disloyalty. Adventurers crested dragonewts who accompany it attend the Adventurers
who choose this option can expect to be questioned closely and furnish them with supplies and equipment for the next
by the Order’s leader upon their return. Known as Bastak stage of their journey.
the Hound, he is an expert interrogator and cross-examiner, The construct explains that their destination is the sorcerous
and analyses the answers he is given closely to look for any city of Tiskos on the shores of Lake Felster in Ralios: once the
inconsistencies and evidence of treason. In most respects the centre of the Dark Empire’s arcane wisdom, it is now host to
Adventurers are safe from his suspicions because their actions the God Learner plunderers who use its ancient secrets to raid
have done nothing that the Order would find troubling; the and desecrate the realm of myth.
only part of their tale they must omit is the meeting with the
Emissary on their return from the Other Side. At this point
the Games Master should make a secret Opposed Skill Test of
In addition to the normal experience checks those Adventurers
Bastak’s Insight against the Adventurers’ Influence. If Bastak
who were able to successfully contemplate the LifeBringers
succeeds and the Adventurer fails he will have them watched
quest from the Emissaries’ dance are automatically given a
for signs of treachery. If the Adventurer fumbles Bastak will
1D3+1 point increase in their Draconic Illumination skill.
have them tortured instead (refer to the Withstanding Torture
Delecti also provides his faithful servants with a reward from
rules on page 35 of the RuneQuest Core Rules).
the following list. One reward per adventurer:
The adventurers may also be able to enlist their dispirited
The Needle – a broadsword with a strangely carved hilt,
clan mates, though they cannot reveal why they are taking the
handle and pommel (it is made of a human arm). The
wyter. Perhaps they can spin a convincing tale about restoring
broadsword has the normal characteristics of a broadsword
it so it can protect them all once again. It might be difficult
but is also capable of the Sunder Combat Manoeuvre and is
for the Adventurers deceive their friends and family face-
treated as a weapon cast with a permanent Bladesharp 3 spell
to-face, knowing that their actions will all but doom them.
(so, +15% to the Combat Style and +3 damage).
Influence rolls will be needed to convince the frightened and
The Thread – a 10cm length of ragged-looking rope woven
weary population of Verstead to stand against the Order of
from human hair. The owner of The Thread can command it
the Crimson Purity (Most of the survivors from the initial
to extend or contract: the former command sees it extend by 2
attack weathered Iddi’s brief reign, so there are still sixty or
metres for every point of POW the adventurer has. The rope is
so remaining, though more than half of them are children).
also resistant to burning, breaking, cutting and tearing.
There is also the possibility of scouring the clan tula in an
The Patch – a 10cm square patch of thin, warm cloth. When
attempt to locate other Black Grove clan members from some
placed over a wound it acts as a Heal 3 spell. It will only heal
of the lesser bloodlines who are still loyal to the Empire and
one wound on one location of one person: once healing has
were not killed by Iddi (or persecuted by the Order).
been received, that person cannot receive it from The Patch
However the Adventurers wish to approach the problem they
are able to learn that the wyter is held in one of the tents that

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

The Vambrace – a vambrace of leather offering 2 Armour Epilogue

Points. However, once per day, on the wearer’s command, The Black Grove clan does not fair so well as the Adventurers.
it double’s the wearer’s Damage Bonus (thus +1D2 become In an attempt to cover his tracks Delecti still orders it’s
+2D2, and so on). This effect last for a number of Combat destruction as described in “Wrong Action” above, though he
Rounds equal to the wearer’s POW. is careful not to impart this information to the Adventurers.
The Hood – a Hood of what could be human flesh. When Umbrak’s Mound and the Black Grove are destroyed by the
worn it double the wearer’s Perception skill for a number of dragon known as Scorch, who uses its holy fire to purify the
rounds equal to the wearer’s POW. This effect can be used area and cauterise the breach that leads to The Burning. It
once per day. However, whilst wearing it (and unbeknown to settles and rests there for many years until disturbed by the rise
the wearer) his own face becomes a ghoulish death’s head with of the grim hero Iddi Iddrosson, remembered in the centuries
CHA reduced to 1. to come as the hero Iddi Scorchbane.
The Pattern – a cloak stitched with a swirling, multi-coloured
pattern. When worn it double’s the wearer’s Stealth skill for a
number of rounds equal to the wearer’s POW once per day.
However the wearer automatically gains a level of fatigue once
the Pattern’s power has been called upon.

D ramatis Personae
Erinala the Young Delecti’s Emissary
Erinala is the Black Grove clan wyter. She was sacrificed This creature is one of Delecti’s few triumphs so far: a
using the Ana Gor rites to appease the Earth and local spirits construct of human and dragonewt parts stitched and
after the disastrous summoning of Oakfed led to the ruin and melded together. It is formed from a purple and gold beaked
destruction of the surrounding land. dragonewt lower body and a human torso hosting two grafted
She appears just as she was when she died, as a beautiful young emerald dragonewt arms along with its original human pair.
girl, but since the adoption of Ernalda the Scale she has taken A barely human face is fused with a draconic skull, framed by
on a decidedly more draconic appearance that mirrors that its striped bony ridges and spines. Stitch marks and deep scars
of the Goddess. Her lower body now appears like that of a serve to show the grim method of its manufacture.
snake, scales adorn her arms and her fingers end in long claws. The Emissary is still magically and mentally linked to the two
Her once striking green eyes are serpentine and hooded. original dragonewts who provided its draconic body parts:
they both performed the Utuma for Delecti, who harvested
Intensity 5 the limbs and organs he needed for the surgery. It is this link
POW 33 that allows Delecti to communicate with his Emissary at great
INT 12 distances; he simply keeps one of the reincarnated source
dragonewts nearby to relay messages.
CHA 15
The human component of the Emissary is a former Hadmalist
Enhancement Devotion Increase - +50% to the Pact skill
sorcerer, hence the reason why the creature knows sorcery as
when invoked.
well as Draconic Mysticism.

1D20 Hit Location AP/HP

STR 22 1-2 Tail 6/9
CON 17 3-5 Right Leg 6/9
SIZ 26 5-6 Left Leg 6/9
INT 22 7-8 Abdomen 6/10
POW 16 9-11 Chest (human) 3/11
DEX 19 12-13 Lower Right Arm 6/8
CHA 24 13-14 Lower Left Arm 6/8
15-16 Upper Right Arm (human) 6/8
Combat Actions 4 17-18 Upper Left Arm (human) 6/8
Damage Modifier 1D10 19-29 Head (human) 3/9
Magic Points 16
Movement 8m Armour: Thick dragonewt skin, supplemented with thin scales over its human parts
Strike Rank +23 Skills: Athletics 56%, Brawn 70%, Dance 95%, Draconic Illumination
88%, Evade 34%, Influence 68%, Insight 80%, Lore(Hadmal) 66%,
Lore(Malkion) 72%, Manipulation 81%, Meditate 97%, Perception 83% ,
Persistence73%, Resilience 64%, Right Action 76%, Stealth 61%, Utuma
Dragon Magic: Become Draconic Wyrm, Cold-Blooded, Command Reptile, Draconic Regeneration, Eye Membranes,
Flamesight, Incinerating Breath, Royal Grace, Sense Surface Thoughts, Speak with Reptiles, Universal
Negation, Unseen Presence
Sorcery: Grimoire(Ninth Literal Examination) 78%: Castback, Diminsh(INT), Dominate(Human), Dominate
(Theist), Intuition, Mystic Vision, Telepathy
Combat Styles Klanth 94%, Utuma 84%
Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Dragonbone Klanth M M 2D6 8/18 n/a
Dragonbone Utuma M S 1D6 8/12 n/a

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

Iddi Iddrosson
Iddi Iddrosson is the head of the Orldor bloodline; he is vicious, brave, and proud. He very ambitious and acutely envious of the
Jendarl family, and he has developed into a fervent Dragon hater who believes that the clan should remove themselves from the
yoke of the EWF. Emboldened by rumours of a great dragon-slaying warleader called Alakoring in distant Ralios, Iddi has sought
and secured the help of a God-Learner sorcerer called Adraxos, who he believes will help him in his desire to purify the clan. He is
a firm believer in the old proverb “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, but unfortunately in this case “the enemy of my enemy
is still my enemy”.
He is an initiate of Orlanth Thunderous, focused on the Mastery Rune, but he is a relatively new convert hence his low Pact and
Lore skills. He is Rune Touched by Mastery, gaining a +10% to all Opposed Tests – a gift from Orlanth at his Initiation as a sign
of the god’s favour.
He cuts an impressive figure, well-built and finely dressed; silver and gold armbands and rings show the spoils of his battle-prowess.
Sporting a long, thick moustache, his wolfish features are framed by a mane of black hair, from under which his pale green eyes
evaluate his opponents with a cool, calculating stare. He is fond of tattoos, far beyond the normal clan ones. They cover most of
his neck,, arms, torso and legs. There are some scars as well, from the draconic ones he removed with a red-hot blade.
Iddi will one day be known as the hero “Scorchbane”, whose pyrrhic victory lives on in the sagas centuries after his death.

1D20 Hit Location AP/HP

STR 14 1-3 Right Leg 4/6
CON 15 4-6 Left Leg 4/6
SIZ 13 7-9 Abdomen 5/7
INT 18 10-12 Chest 5/8
POW 12 (9) (3 Dedicated) 13-15 Right Arm 4/5
DEX 17 16-18 Left Arm 4/5
CHA 16 10-20 Head 5/6

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Chainmail Hauberk, Scalemail Greaves and Vambraces, Open
Damage Modifier 1D2
Magic Points 9 Skills: Athletics 72%, Brawn 53%, Culture(Own) 74%, Evade 61%,First
Movement 8m Aid 44%, Influence 87%, Insight 55%, Lore(Orlanth Thunderous)
Strike Rank 16 48%, Pact(Orlanth Thunderous) 36%, Lore(Regional) 54%,
Perception 66%, Persistence 67%, Resilience 78%, Ride 86%,
Track 73%, Unarmed 62%

Common Magic: Common Magic 73%; Bladesharp 3, Demoralise, Detect Enemy, Mobility 2, Skybolt, Thunder’s Voice 4

Divine Magic: Dismiss Magic, Extension, Flight

Combat Styles Sword & Shield 92%, Spear & Shield 84%, Dagger 72%,

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a

Iddi’s Weaponthanes
These tough clansmen are Iddi’s bodyguard. There is at least one Humakti Initiate amongst them.
They have Bladesharp and Protection cast before they join battle.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 15 1-3 Right Leg 3 6 6 6 6

CON 14 4-6 Left Leg 3 6 6 6 6
SIZ 16 7-9 Abdomen 4 7 7 7 7
INT 13 10-12 Chest 4 8 8 8 8
POW 13 (10) (3 dedicated) 13-15 Right Arm 3 5 5 5 5
DEX 14 16-18 Left Arm 3 5 5 5 5
CHA 10 10-20 Head 3 6 6 6 6

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Scalemail Hauberk, partial ringmail, with leather trousers
Damage Modifier +1D4
Magic Points 10 Skills: Athletics 48%, Culture (Own) 66%, Evade 61%, First Aid 36%, Influence
Movement 8m 53%, Insight 41%, Lore (Orlanthi) 38% / Lore (Humakt) 38%, Lore
Strike Rank 9 (14-5) (Regional) 45%, Pact (Orlanth)/ Pact(Humakt) 35% , Perception 56%,
Persistence 48%, Resilience 61%, Ride 69%, Track 40%, Unarmed 59%

Common Magic Common Magic 56%; Bladesharp 3, Protection 2, Heal 3

Divine Magic (Orlanth) Dismiss Magic, Shield; (Humakt) Dismiss Magic, True Sword

Combat Styles Spear & Shield 75%, Sword and Shield 70%, Javelin 50%, Dagger 52%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Shortspear M L 1D8+1 4/5 n/a
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a
Javelin H n/a 1D8 + DB 3/8 30m

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

Iddi’s Carls
These warriors are part of the clan fyrd, hence they are not as well trained as the weaponthanes because they are part-time warriors.
As members of the fyrd the carls will stand shield to shield to defend each other. As with the other members of the Orldor family
they are recent converts to the Old Ways, hence their low Divine Magic skills.
They have Bladesharp cast before they join battle.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 13 1-3 Right Leg 3 6 6 6 6

CON 14 4-6 Left Leg 3 6 6 6 6
SIZ 14 7-9 Abdomen 3 7 7 7 7
INT 13 10-12 Chest 3 8 8 8 8
POW 11 (10) (1 dedicated) 13-15 Right Arm 3 5 5 5 5
DEX 13 16-18 Left Arm 3 5 5 5 5
CHA 11 10-20 Head 3 6 6 6 6

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Partial Ringmail, with leather trousers

Damage Modifier +1D4
Magic Points 10 Skills: Athletics 46%, Brawn 47%, Culture(Own) 50%, Evade 51%, First Aid
Movement 8m 31%, Influence 37%, Insight 34%, Lore (Orlanth Adventurous) 32%,
Strike Rank 9 (14-5) Lore (Regional) 30%, Pact(Orlanth Adventurous) 15%, Perception 44%,
Persistence 42%, Resilience 43%, Ride 43%, Track 35%, Unarmed 26%

Common Magic Common Magic 56%; Bladesharp 1, Speedart 2

Divine Magic Flight

Combat Styles Spear & Shield 55%, Bow 50%, Dagger 52%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Shortspear M L 1D8+1 4/5 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a
Short bow H n/a 1D6 + DB 3/8 80m

The Axe Sisters
These grim Babeester Gor acolytes are responsible for protecting the clan’s Earth cultists. They were never really draconised and
accepted Ernalda the Scale the same way they accepted her original aspect. They are bloody-thirsty and vicious, needing little
excuse to start a fight.
In spite of this they are not stupid, and can fight tactically against greater odds, using their defensive magic to give them an
advantage. Berserk is reserved for those who have especially offended the Goddess, or as a last-stand “death-song”. Casting Fear is
a favourite tactic: they enjoy the chase of hunting down a terrified foe.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 14 1-3 Right Leg 3 6 6

CON 15 4-6 Left Leg 3 6 6
SIZ 12 7-9 Abdomen 5 7 7
INT 13 10-12 Chest 5 8 8
POW 15 (9) (6 dedicated) 13-15 Right Arm 3 5 5
DEX 16 16-18 Left Arm 3 5 5
CHA 9 10-20 Head 5 6 6

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Chainmail Hauberk, Ringmail Greaves and Vambraces, Open Helm
Damage Modifier +1D2
Magic Points 9 Skills: Athletics 67%, Brawn 68%, Culture (Own) 54%, Evade 58%, First
Movement 8m Aid 65%, Influence 51%, Insight 45%, Lore(Babeester Gor) 72%, Pact
Strike Rank 8 (14-6) (Babeester Gor) 67%, Perception 78%, Persistence 76%, Resilience 80%,
Track 65%, Unarmed 81%

Common Magic Common Magic 76%; Bladesharp 4, Detect Oath Breaker, Detect Murderer, Fanaticism, Parry 4

Divine Magic Axe Trance, Berserk, Blessing, Fear, Great Parry, Slash

Combat Styles Axe & Shield 80%, Two Handed Axe 75%, Dagger 52%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Battle Axe M M 1D6+1/1D8+1 4/8 n/a
Great Axe H L 1D12+2 4/10 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

Bastak is the leader of this Crimson Purity Hunting and Interrogation Band. Like all of his Order he is passionate and zealous
about his work, and tends to carry it to an extreme. His superiors, even though they recognise and appreciate his talents, consider
him to be a little too extreme to serve in the Empire’s heartland, so he spends much of his time patrolling the borders where faith
is weak.
Bastak treats everybody outside of his Order with suspicion and contempt, though he remains respectful of dragonewts themselves.
Whilst he finds the Old Way Traditionalists objectionable, he still believes they have souls that can be redeemed (however much
pain is involved), but he has a special loathing for the God Learners and would like to see them wiped from the face of the world.
He is short and stocky but well muscled. His hair has long since receded, leaving him bald, his pate covered in the intricate
draconic tattoos of the Crimson Purity. A puckered scar runs down the right side of his face, cutting through his close-trimmed
grey beard near the chin. A velvet patch covers his ruined eye; his remaining eye is slitted and reptilian, the result of steady Draconic
Evolution. He is ever-restless, always seeking for traitors and spies.
Like his disciples, Bastak is not afraid to use his dragon powers to achieve his end. He does not crave personal salvation, but
salvation for all; he has Lost The Path several times. In combat he directs and leads from the back.

1D20 Hit Location AP/HP

STR 16 1-3 Right Leg 5/5
CON 14 4-6 Left Leg 5/5
SIZ 10 7-9 Abdomen 5/6
INT 17 10-12 Chest 5/7
POW 16 13-15 Right Arm 5/4
DEX 18 16-18 Left Arm 5/4
CHA 15 10-20 Head 5/5

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Chainmail with a crimson surcoat

Damage Modifier +1D2
Magic Points 16 Skills: Athletics 71%, Brawn 68%, Dance77%, Draconic Illumination 70%,
Movement 8m Evade 69%, Insight 88%, Meditation 64%, Perception 87%, Persistence
Strike Rank 9 (15-6) 77%, Resilience 70%, Ride 80%, Stealth 74%, Unarmed 94%

Common Magic Common Magic 82%; Bearing Witness 4, Befuddle, Bludgeon 4, Demoralise, Fanaticism, Dragons Breath

Dragon Magic Blood Of Lava, Bone Ridges, Brand Traitor, Dragon Claws, Flay Soul, Mystic Sight, Scaled Skin, Sense
Surface Thoughts

Combat Styles Mace & Shield 76%, Two Handed Mace 67%, Bow 72%, Dagger 49%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Heavy Mace L L 1D8+1 6/10 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a
Recurve Bow H n/a 1D8 4/8 175m

The Disciples of Crimson Purity
These are fanatical followers of the Crimson Purity cult, rooting out heretics and dissenters within the Empire. They burn with
religious fervour and eagerly await the birth of the Great Dragon To Be.
On the whole they are dedicated, small-minded, petty and brutal. Most enjoy their work a little too much.
While most dragon mystics hesitate to use draconic magic for fear of Losing The Path, the average disciple will not; they believe
they sacrifice their own enlightenment for the good of the Empire, ridding it of unbelievers and other vermin.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 15 1-3 Right Leg 5 6 6 6 6 6 6

CON 16 4-6 Left Leg 5 6 6 6 6 6 6
SIZ 14 7-9 Abdomen 5 7 7 7 7 7 7
INT 11 10-12 Chest 5 8 8 8 8 8 8
POW 13 13-15 Right Arm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
DEX 16 16-18 Left Arm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
CHA 13 10-20 Head 5 6 6 6 6 6 6

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Chainmail with a crimson surcoat

Damage Modifier +1D2
Magic Points 13 Skills: Athletics 71%, Brawn 59%, Dance 49%, Draconic Illumination 35%,
Movement 8m Evade 62%, Insight 44%, Meditation 40%, Perception 54%, Persistence
Strike Rank 7 (13-6) 56%, Resilience 62%, Ride 69%, Stealth 47%, Unarmed 56%

Common Magic Common Magic 45%; Demoralise, Fanaticism, Dragons Breath

Dragon Magic Blood Of Lava, Bone Ridges, Brand Traitor, Dragon Claws, Sense Surface Thoughts

Combat Styles Spear & Shield 60%, Bow 55%, Dagger 45%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Shortspear M L 1D8+1 4/5 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a
Recurve Bow H n/a 1D8 4/8 175m

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

Ursuk is the Render wrangler for the Crimson Purity warband, and is responsible for the control and well-being of the Renders in
his care. He dearly loves his charges and prefers their company to any of the others of his Order. Unlike most of them he is not a
fanatic, but he enjoys his work, both the reptile care and the occasional chance to strangle a heretic with his chain.
He is big, slow, and always calm. He speaks infrequently and there is quietness to his manner that most others find uncomfortable.
He is currently very sad, as one of the Renders in his care was killed while fighting Adraxos, leaving him with two.
He prefers to remain out of close combat letting his Renders do the fighting, while he guides them and provides healing if necessary.

1D20 Hit Location AP/HP

STR 18 1-3 Right Leg 0/5
CON 10 4-6 Left Leg 0/5
SIZ 17 7-9 Abdomen 0/6
INT 12 10-12 Chest 0/7
POW 14 13-15 Right Arm 0/4
DEX 8 16-18 Left Arm 0/4
CHA 14 10-20 Head 6/5

Combat Actions 2 Armour: Bone sung helm and a leather thong

Damage Modifier +1D4
Magic Points 14 Skills: Athletics 55%, Brawn 80%, Dance 41%, Draconic Illumination 56%,
Movement 8m Evade 43%, Insight 46%, Meditation 60%, Perception 42%, Persistence
Strike Rank 11 61%, Resilience 58%, Ride 63%, Stealth 40%, Unarmed 70%

Common Magic Common Magic 82%; Heal 4, Dragons Breath

Dragon Magic Command Reptile, Dragon Teeth, Dominate Reptilian Mind, Scaled Skin, Speak With Reptiles

Combat Styles Chain 70%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Chain M M 1D4 8/6 n/a

Two vicious black-striped velociraptors. They are reasonably intelligent and employ misdirection and ambush techniques to
overwhelm hunt their prey, attacking from the side and rear when possible.
While everyone else is fair game for becoming a meal, they are fond of Ursuk and will not harm him.
The velociraptor’s bite is capable of Bleed and Impaling. The Kick and Foreclaw are both capable of Sundering and Bleed, owing
to the razor-like talons on each. The kick and claws are used as primary methods of disabling prey before the bite is used to tear
the victim asunder.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 27 1-2 Tail 5 7 7

CON 14 3-5 Right Leg 5 7 7
SIZ 19 6-8 Left Leg 5 7 7
INT 7 9-11 Abdomen 5 8 8
POW 9 12-15 Chest 5 9 9
DEX 11 16 Right Claw 5 6 6
17 Left Claw 5 6 6
18-20 Head 5 7 6

Combat Actions 3 Armour: Thick Hide

Damage Modifier +1D8
Magic Points 9 Skills: Athletics 40%, Perception 50%, Persistence 40%, Resilience 52%, Stealth
Movement 12m 50%, Track 45%
Strike Rank 15

Combat Styles Bite 40%, Kick 35%, Foreclaw 65%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Bite L L 1D8 As per head n/a
Kick L VL 1D6 As per Leg n/a
Foreclaw M M 1D4 As per Foreclaw n/a

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

Fire-Scarred Elves
These poor wretches are frenzied and insane, driven mad by their perpetual Life Sense connection to the agony of the blazing trees
and vegetation surrounding them. They are all severely charred and burnt and this is reflected in their hit points below.
They should be treated as Fanaticised (as per the Common Magic spell) – this effect is already included in the statistics and cannot
be dispelled.
Tactics: None. They simply attack in the most direct manner possible, favouring close combat and resorting to their Unarmed
skill if necessary.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 9 1-3 Right Leg 1 4 5 4 5 1 5

CON 8 4-6 Left Leg 1 5 3 5 4 5 3
SIZ 14 7-9 Abdomen 2 6 5 6 6 6 6
INT 11 10-12 Chest 2 3 7 7 4 7 7
POW 10 13-15 Right Arm 1 4 1 4 4 3 4
DEX 8 16-18 Left Arm 1 4 4 4 2 4 4
CHA 5 10-20 Head 2 5 5 3 1 5 5

Combat Actions 2 Typical Armour: Burnt remnants and scraps of bark and copper armour
Damage Modifier None
Magic Points Traits: Life Sense, Night Sight
Movement 6m
Strike Rank +4 Skills: Acrobatics 32%, Athletics 39%, Evade 12%, Lore (Green Grove)
9%, Lore(The Burning) 64%), Perception 42%, Persistence 49%,
Resilience 24%, Stealth 66%, Survival 76%, Tracking 41%,
Unarmed 62%

Combat Styles: Two-handed Spear 75%, Two-Handed Club 65%, One Handed Club 60%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Longspear L VL 1D10+1 2/5 n/a
Charred Branch M S 1D6/1D8 2/2 n/a

Adraxos is a former Hwarosian Mystic and now a dedicated Sorceror Pilot of the Otherworld Explorers. He is obsessed with
penetrating and manipulating the secrets of the Dragons, far more so than his peers who tend to focus on the “normal” theists
instead. He has planned the theft of the wyter for some time, having been given the resources to pursue his desires, but he has little
interest in the politics behind the robbery.
The sorcerer is lean, with hawk-like features, dark hair, and a small goatee beard. He is refined and cultured, but has little time
for small talk outside of his peers. He dislikes “getting his hands dirty” and prefers to direct others; the thought of cutting out the
heart of the wyter has been making him queasy for some weeks.
Adraxos tries to avoid close combat if he can; it’s what he hires mercenaries for after all. He prefers to support them with magic
where needed and uses Attract Missiles on a follower to avoid danger. He always ensures he has Damage Resistance cast when
travelling anywhere near “the natives”.
He has a 16-point magic point storage crystal embedded in a lead armband on his left arm, and a 12-point magic point storage
crystal set in a silver amulet at his neck.

1D20 Hit Location AP/HP

STR 8 1-3 Right Leg 0/5
CON 12 4-6 Left Leg 0/5
SIZ 13 7-9 Abdomen 1/6
INT 18 10-12 Chest 1/7
POW 17 13-15 Right Arm 0/4
DEX 16 16-18 Left Arm 0/4
CHA 17 10-20 Head 0/5

Combat Actions 3 Armour Robes and a thin leather jerkin. (All very finely tailored however, and gives
a +10% bonus to Influence when dealing with those who care about such
Damage Modifier None
Magic Points 17 + 16 + 12 Skills Athletics 24%, Courtesy 78%, Culture(Own) 82%, Culture(Orlanthi)
Movement 8m 67%, Culture(EWF) 65%, Evade 32%, Evaluate 68%, Influence
Strike Rank 12 63%, Insight 57%, Lore(Malkion) 80%, Lore(Otherworld) 66%,
Lore(Otherworld Pilots) 54%, Manipulation 81%, Perception 73%,
Persistence 88%, Resilience 39%, Ride 60%, Stealth 43%, Survival 63%,
Unarmed 30%

Common Magic Common Magic 94%; Bandit’s Cloak 4, Befuddle, Countermagic 3, Disruption, Golden Tongue 4,
Mindspeech 3, Second Sight

Sorcery Sorcery( Hwarosian Grimoire) 82%; Banish, Myth Engineering, Neutralize Magic, Project (Hearing),
Project (Sight); Sorcery (Unencumbered Lights of Reason) 78%; Dominate Culture(EWF), Dominate
Culture (Orlanthi), Haste, Mystic Vision, Myth Treading, Myth Manipulation, Navigate Otherworld;
Sorcery(The Abiding Book) 93%, Attract Missiles, Damage Resistance, Intuition, Teleport

Combat Styles Dagger 52%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a

Summons of the Whyter
Summons of the Whyter

God Learner mercenaries

These grim and hardened mercenaries are part of Adraxos’ expeditionary force and act as his bodyguards. They are on hire from
the Bardan’s Book Church where they are members of Chapter of the Russet Cross.
Tactics: They open with a heavy crossbow volley if possible, after which three of them move into hand to hand combat, with the
forth covering using the crossbow and magic if needed.

1D20 Hit Location AP HP

STR 16 1-3 Right Leg 6 7 7 7 7

CON 14 4-6 Left Leg 6 7 7 7 7
SIZ 17 7-9 Abdomen 5 8 8 8 8
INT 10 10-12 Chest 5 9 9 9 9
POW 13 13-15 Right Arm 5 6 6 6 6
DEX 14 16-18 Left Arm 5 6 6 6 6
CHA 10 10-20 Head 6 7 7 7 7

Combat Actions 2 Armour: Plate greaves and helm, chainmail elsewhere

Damage Modifier +1D4
Magic Points 13 Skills: Athletics 60%, Brawn 63%, Evade 68%, Evaluate 50%, First Aid 49%,
Movement 8m Influence 55%, Insight 38%, Manipulation 34%, Perception 57%,
Strike Rank 5 (13-8) Persistence 66%, Resilience 64%, Ride 82%, Track 56%, Unarmed 59%

Common Magic Common Magic 52%; Protection 3, Heal 2, Parry

Sorcery Grimoire(The Book Of Accuracy) 56%; Accurate Missile, Augment Armour, Damage Enhancement,
Damage Resistance, Rapid Fire

Combat Styles Two-handed Axe 82%, Sword & Shield 83%, Flail And Shield 80%, Heavy Crossbow 85%, Dagger 65%

Type SIZ Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Great Axe H L 1D12+2 4/10 n/a
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10 n/a
Military Flail L L 1D10 4/10 n/a
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 n/a
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6/12 n/a
Heavy Crossbow H n/a 1D10 4/8 150m

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Rob “RuneGoon” Finnegan for help with the stats.


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