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28/XI MIPA 4


1. DIGITAL PROWESS (Adhi Wibowo)

How to create interesting content:
♦ Doing research for content
♦ Keyword research
♦ Create catchy headlines
♦ Looking for a unique perspective
♦ Choose an accurate source of information
♦ Pack the context in an attractive way

2. DIGITAL ETHICS (Dr. Nikmah Nurbaity, S.Pd.,M.Pd BA)

Digital ethics is an individual's ability to realize, model, adapt, rationalize,

consider, and develop digital ethical governance or netiquette in everyday life.

All digital activities in the digital space require digital ethics because:

♣ With digital media everyone (netizens) participates in various relationships with

many people across geographies and cultures

♣ The digital world is the same as the real world, it needs manners, it needs


3. DIGITAL CULTURE (Samsul Hadi, S.sos., MT)

Digital culture is a prerequisite in carrying out digital transformation because the

application of digital culture is more about changing the mindset (mindset) in order to
adapt to digital developments.
Because of the importance of digital culture, he hopes that every ASN in the
Ministry of Communication and Information will not only understand digital
transformation technically but also psychologically. Digital is flowing and opening
boundaries, meaning that work units must work collaboratively, no longer in silos
There are three important aspects in building a digital culture, namely:
♠ participation (how the community participates in contributing to a common goal);
♠ remediation (how to change the old culture into a new, more useful culture); and
♠ bricolage (how to use things that already exist to form new things)
4. DIGITAL SECURITY (Ika Lestari Damayanti, Ph.D)
In the current digital era, there are so many and unlimited access and the
number of accessors in the digital world. Not all of the accessors are also good
people because every security loophole can be exploited for profit ranging from data
theft to system destruction. Therefore, each individual must be responsible for
personal security in the digital world, such as installing an antivirus, not spreading
personal data that is confidential, being selective in accessing existing information
and so on. Apart from the efforts of each individual, from the government to many
experts, they also continue to strive for digital security that can better protect
individual privacy.

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