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Professional Philosophy

Technology has become incorporated into everyday life in almost every aspect. It

can be seen in most jobs, homes and every school. This resource has granted us

access to so many tools and so much more information. In order to be an effective

library in the 21st century you must be a leader, learner and teacher. As a librarian we

are in control of the materials, resources, and collections that are available in the library

for students' everyday use.

Technology can be a very useful tool for students and staff within a school. I think

as a Media Specialist it will be important to incorporate what teachers, students and

staff suggest that would aid them in learning and teaching. This will require workshops

where staff and even students can attend to learn about the different resources we have

to offer and how they all work and could be used within the classroom. Having

workshops with themes that would encourage students to want to learn about the

technology they will be using in the classroom to help peak their curiosity will also be

important. As a Media Specialist it will also be my responsibility to monitor the different

resources we have available and to make sure they are appropriate for the school

environment. With this we must also must be mindful to allow us to represent all points

of views so that all students feel welcome.

The library should be a place where all students want to be and feel like they

have something to relate to. In order to do this I will include a variety of books and

resources with different points of views and topics. The library is a very important place

with resources for students and staff and because of this we must place our personal

feelings aside when deciding what things will be in the library. By having a diverse range
of topics students will have the opportunity to explore and for their own opinions and

ideas about different topics. In order to avoid self-censorship I will use my professional

judgment and make sure I am transparent when making decisions.

I want to encourage students to explore and have the intellectual freedom they

need to grow and learn. As a Media Specialist I will allow students to select their own

materials within the library that will promote their desire to learn and read. This in turn

will support our mission statement: Make every moment count, because every student

matters. In order for every moment to count, every place in the school must have this

mindset. Students who are encouraged and feel like they have a place in the library will

make every moment matter when they are finding materials or a book within the library.

Students have the ability to explore the material in the library despite what reading level

they are on, or what topics they are on in the classroom, will allow them to find that

passion for reading.

As a Media Specialist, we are leaders within the school who must advocate for

this type of learning for our students. Having this type of leadership shows students and

staff that I care about them and this in turn will inspire them and encourage them to

come into the library and explore. This will also encourage teachers to have many

different viewpoints and with this students will have a greater desire to explore new

information and perspectives. This will then encourage students to want to learn and be

leaders of their own learning.

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