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This Addendum to the Deputy Superintendent’s Employment Contract ("Addendum") is

by and between the Board of Trustees ("Board") of Judson Independent School District ("District")

and Dr. Milton R. Fields, III ("Deputy Superintendent"). The terms of this Addendum were

approved by the Board of Trustees at a special called board meeting held on December 1, 2022.

The current Employment Contract by and between the Board and Deputy Superintendent,

is effective December 1 , 2022, ("Contract"). This Addendum is for additional duties, all

provisions of the current Contract remain in effect.

The terms of this Addendum are as follows:

1. The Board agrees to employ Dr. Fields as Interim Superintendent, beginning on

December 2, 2022, until further notice by the Board or until the District enters into
a contract with a Superintendent, whichever occurs first. Employee being duly
qualified hereby agrees to devote his attention and efforts to the supplemental duties
as Interim Superintendent in addition to the duties of his position as Deputy
Superintendent. As Interim Superintendent Dr. Fields shall have all duties,
responsibilities, and full authority of the District’s Superintendent position.

For providing the extra duty service, for serving as the Inter1m Superintendent,
described above in addition to performing his duties in the position of Deputy
Superintendent, the District agrees to pay Dr. Fields the difference of his salary
daily rate of pay in the amount of $ 575.21 and the current Superintendent’s salary
daily rate of pay in the amount of $ _1,136.36 . While serving as Interim
Superintendent Dr. Fields salary daily rate of pay shall be $1,136.36 .

This Amendment is effective as of December 1, 2022.


By: ‘sf
fer Redriguez —
esident, Board of Trustees
Date signed: _.

’ &

Dr. ilton R. Fields, _

Deputy Superintendent/Interim Superintendent
Date signed: ifs,Fd f 3

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