Randolph Field ISD

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STATE OF TEXAS. § 5 COUNTY OF BEXAR 5 ‘SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT ‘THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the Randolph Field Independent School Distiet (the "Distret”) and Brian Holt (the uperintendent”), and on its Effective Date supersedes any and all prior contracts between the pais, NOW THEREFORE, the Board and the Superintendent, for and in consideration ofthe terms stated in he contract do hereby agree 2s follows: 1, The Board hereby employs the Superintendent on a twelve-month basis pr school year, for three (5) years, beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2027. The Board and the ‘Superintendent (he "Parties") may extend the term ofthis Contrat by mutual agreement. 2. This Agreements conditioned on the Superintendent providing the necessary centifiation and experience records, and other records required for District persoanel files or payroll purposes according to Distret policy, State Board for Educator Cerification rules, and ‘Texas Education Ageney rules. Failure to provide necessary certification or records shall render this Agreement void. Any false statements, misrepresentations, omissions of requested information, or fad by the Superintendent in or coneeming any required records ‘or inthe employment application may be grounds for termination 3. The Superintendent shall serve asthe chief executive office and educational leader ofthe District and shall perform the duties and responsibilities of Superintendent of Schools for the District as prescribed in state law, the job description, and as may be assigned by the Board. The Superintendent shall perform those duties with reasonable cate, skill, and diligence. The Superintendent shall comply with all Board directives, sate and Federal law and rues, Distict policy, and regulations as they exist or may hereafter be amended, Texas law shall gover construction of this Agreement, 4. The Superintendent agrees to devote his time, skill, labor, and etention to performing his duties, but may, with prior written consent of the Board, undertake consulting, work, speaking engagements writing, lecturing, and other professional duties and obligtions that do not conflict or interfere with the Superintendents professional responsibilities to the District. 5. The Board agrees to pay the Superintendent an annual salary and other compensation as follows (@) The District shell provide the Superintendent with an annual salary inthe sum of | One Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($165,120). This annual salary rate shall be paid to the Superintendent in installments, consistent with the Board's policies. Ata minimum, the Superintendent shall receive the same annual salary Inereases/etention stipends that all District contact administrators receive ‘Additionally at any other time during the trm of thie Contract, the Board may, in its sole discretion, review and increase the salary of the Superintendent, with any increase being inthe form of either a writen addendum tothe Contacto a revised contract, and in compliance with State law. (©) Other Benefits (1) Expenses. The District shall pay or reimburse the Superintendent for reasonable expenses for outof-district travel dteetly incurred by the ‘Superintendent in the continuing performance of the Superintendent's duties lunder this Agreement. The District agrees to pay the actual and incidental costs incured by the Superintendent for travel, such eosts may include, but are not limited to: hotels and accommodations meals, rental car, and other expenses incured in the performance of the business ofthe District. The Superintendent shall comply with sll procedures and documentation requirements in secordance with Bosrd policies 2) Insurance. The District shall pay the basic helth insurance premium for the Superintendent as is paid for all employees in the district. The Superintendent may elect #0 take this dllor value and apply it toward privatized medical cosvinsurance. (8) Travel Allowance. The District shall provide the Superintendent with an ‘Automobile allowance inthe sum of Four-Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($400 0) per month. (4) Vacations, Holiday, Sick Leave. The Supetintendent may take, at the Superintendent’ choice, the same numberof dys of vacation authorized by policies adopted by the Board for administative employees on twelve ‘month contracts, the days tobe ina single period or at different times, The ‘vacation days taken by the Superinzendent will be taken at such time or ies 4s will least interfere with the performance of the Superintendent's dies as set forth inthis Agreement. The Superntenden: shall observe the "TONTRACTOF ENPLOWNENT.SUPERRTENDENT os same legal holidays as provided by Board policies for administrative «employees on twelve-month contracts. The Superintendent is hereby granted the same number of illness benefits and leave 2 authorized by Board policies for administrative employees on twelve-month contracts, (8) Professional Growth. The Superintendent may attend and participate in appropiate professional meetings, courses, and seminar a the local state and national level, withthe consent ofthe Board. The District agrees to pay the dues and fees forthe Superintendent to join up to two professional and ‘to local civ organizations as approved by the Board (© TRS and Social Security Contribution. The District agrees to pay the Superintendents contribution fo the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) snd Social Security. As addtional compensation, the District shell pay the Superintendent an amount equal tothe Superintendents portion of {the morthly contribution to the Texas Teacher Retirement System (TRS) in the percentage amount required by the Texas Teacher Retirement System forthe account of the Superintendent. Tis supplement shall include both the retirement and TRS-Care parts of the TRS member contribution, as ‘applicable. This additional salary supplement shall be paid to the Superintendent by regular monthly payroll installments and shal be reported 4s creditable compensation to TRS. As additional compensation, the District shall pay the Superintendent an amount equal to” the Superinendent's portion ofthe monthly contibuton to the Socal Security System, including both FICA and Medicare (SS) in the percentage amount ‘equired by the Federal government for the account ofthe Superintendent. This supplement shall include both the pars of the SS member contribution, 88 appleable. This additional salary supplement shall be paid to the Superintendent by regular monthly payroll installments and shal be reported as creditable compensation to TRS, The RFISD board of trustees will evaluate the SS contebution yearly. ‘The Superintendent cannot be reassigned from the position of Superintendent to another position without the Sinerinendent's writen consent. ‘The Board shall evaluate and assess in writing the performance of the Superintendent at least once each year during the term of this contract, The evaluation and assessment shall be reasonably related tothe duties ofthe Superintendent as outlined inthe Superintendent's job description. The evaluation meeting shall be held in closed executive session forthe Purpose of mutual evalustion ofthe performance of the District andthe Superintendent. The evaluation will include commendations aso areas of improvements al instances where the Board deems performances o be unsatisfactory. The Superintendent shall have the right tomake a written response to the evaluation. The evaluation format and procedure shall be im accordance with the Boards policies, and state and federal law. The Superintendent shall submit tothe Board each year, forthe Board's consideration and adoption, a preliminary list “TRACT OF RNFTON ENT SipaRNTERBRT 10. of goals for the District. The goals approved by the Board shall be reduced to writing and shall be among the criteria on which the Superintendent's performance is reviewed and ‘evaluated. The goals approved by the Board shall be specific, definitive and measurable. In addition to the above annual evaluation and assessment, the Board shall provide the Superintendent with periodic opportunites to discuss the Superintendent — Board relationship Termination or non-renewal of this Contract will be in accordance withthe applicable provisions of Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code and as determined by the Boar This Agreement shall be terminated upon the resignation or death ofthe Superintendent, ot ‘upon the Superintendent's retirement under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, In sxklton, die Superintendent and te Board may agree in weting to terminate this Agreement pporsuant to any mutually agreed upon terms and conditions. Furthermore, the Superintendent may resign, with the consent of the Board, at any time or as allowed by ‘TORTAACT OF ENFLOT WENT PERINAT et 4 2 1B rr TORR OF ROME APERNTN sate la, ‘A determination by the Board that a consolidation ofthe District with one or more other school districts requires thatthe contract ofthe Superintendent be terminated during the term shall constitute good cause for dismissal The Board has not adopted any policy, rule, regulation, law or practice providing for tenure, "No right of tenure is created by this Agreement. No property interes, express or implied, is created in continued employment beyond the contract term. ‘Texas law shall govern construction ofthis Contract. The Parties agree that venue for any litigation relating to the Superintendent's employment with the District, including this ‘Contract, shall be the county in which the District’ administratiow busing i hate 16 litigation is brought in federal cour, the Parties agree that venve shall be the federal district and division in which the main administration building ofthe District i located. However, prior to and as a condition precedent othe institution of any such legal proceeding, the partes hereto agree to attempt to resolve any dispute arising from or with regard tothe inespretation or performance ofthis Agreement through non-binding mediation presided ‘over by a mediator mutually acceptable to the partes, {In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality or ‘unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein, All existing agreements and contracts, both verbal and written between the parties hereto regarding the employment of the Superintendent have been superseded by this Agreement, and this contract constitutes the entie agreement between the pats. This ‘Agreement may not be amended except by written agreement ofthe partes. ‘The District shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Superintendent regarding any claims, demands, duties, actions or other legal or administrative proceedings agtnst the ‘Superintendent for any ae or fllure to act involving the exercise of judgment and discretion ‘within the normal course and scope ofthe Superintendents duties as Superintendent of the District, to the extent and to the limit permitted by law. This section does not apply if the ‘Superintendent is found to have engaged in intentional misconduct, a knowing violation of | lav, or eximinal conduct. The District may fulfil its obligation under this section by purchasing appropriate insurance coverage that benefits the Superintendent. No individual ‘member of the Board shall be personally liable for indemnifying or defending the Superintendent under this section. The Districts obligation to indemnify, defend and hold the Superintendent harmless under this section survives the temmination of this Contract, provided the acts or omissions giving rise to a claim, demand, duty, setion, or legal proceeding occurred within the course and scope of the Superintendent's employment during the tem of this Contract. Finally, nothing hecein shall obligate the District to provide a legal defense or indemnifietion for any claim, demand, [egal proceeding, or action between the Superintendent and the Distt or its Board. 16, Both Parties have been represented by legal counsel of their choice or have had the ‘opportunity to consult wth legal counsel, inthe negotiation and execution of this Contract. ‘As a resull each and every provision ofthis Agreement shall be construed as if each party hereto participated equally in the drafting hereof. Any rule of construction that the document is to be construed against the drafting party shall not be applicable to this ‘Agreement, 17. The Superintendent agrees to keep a curren address on file with the Distiets Human Resources Office and the Board President. The Superintendent agrees thatthe Board may meet any legal obligations it has to give the Superintendent written noice regarding this Contractor the Superintendent's ermployment by hand-delivery, or by certified mail. regular mail. and/or express delivery service to the Superintendent's address of revord, The Board ‘agrees thatthe Superintendent may meet any legal obligation to give the Boerd written notice regarding this Contractor the Superintendents employment by providing one copy ‘ofthe notice to the President of the Board and one copy tothe Vice President of the Board ‘The Superintendent may provide such notices by hand delivery. or by certified mail, regular ‘mal and/or express delivery service. tothe Board President and Vice President's addresses of record, as provided othe District. EXECUTED AND AGREED TO in duplicate orig LI aay of Jarry ary, 2022, RANDOLPH FIELD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT By - Sigly President, Board of Trustees SUPE ENT Fb TORTRATT OF ENRON

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