Definition of Terms-Earthquake

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is the sudden release of

strain energy in the Earth's
crust, resulting in waves of
shaking that radiate out-
wards from the earthquake
EPICENTER- the point on the
earth's surface vertically
above the hypocenter (or
focus), point in the crust
where a seismic rupture
FOCUS- the hypocenter
is the point within the
earth where an earth-
quake rupture starts.
FAULT- is a fracture or
zone of fractures
between two blocks of
rock. Faults allow the
blocks to move relative to
each other.
Seismic waves are waves of
acoustic energy that travel
through the Earth. They are a
result of earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, magma movement,
large landslides, and large man-
made explosions that give out low-
frequency acoustic energy.
Seismograph- instruments used
to record the motion of the
ground during an earthquake.
They are installed in the ground
throughout the world and operated
as part of a seismographic

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