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Law Ting Pong Seconda ry School

S4 Biology
Chapter 8: Exercise 4

Name: Tun~ 汕 鉫 画啤l_e.. Class (no.): 4-T~ 庫 rks: /25

Q_u_estion l
The graph below shows the pressure changes that occur in the two ventricles X and Y. during two consecutive
cardiac cycles of a man at rest:

`可 : ventricle X -

ventricle Y --一一-一


Ventricular 80
(mm Hg)

O t 0 .2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

A'· Time (s)

(a) With reference to the graph, calculate the rate of heartbeat of this man at rest. (1 mark)

缸]~ 严圧,]辶 o-8~I f'-r 國·

(b) Which of the ventricles, X or Y, is responsible for supplying blood to the lungs? (I mark)

V疏r~\t'(_ .

(c) Explain the difference in the pressure produced by ventricles X and Y. (2 marks)

嵒 ic,li K h卟 ~~V碰 te,\I\,\ a r 严SL4-rt ., 函rrd1... 1 h~s /owtr vtli貶{4{Ar r色"

Btc紐~ ~◄n! 曰 to 詆G成 fA.rt~qf ho勺伍令守`如r 伍 ,~~~~I'{~f
層), h[1~ 园rin.Jar 初!\~f.t r(t-11疝扣巔,d -to ff國 -n~r.
(d) Name the blood vessels which receive blood from the left and right ventricles respectively. Compare 山e
oxygen content in their blood. (3 marks)

玉 ltfi , Tt ,~-Ar1虹 I ro「淬, 1十 iS v.疝 . 加吶'l"'1 l.fl而疏寸扣庫 f~h.i,htr

Question 2
The following schematic diagram shows the relationship between some of the circulatory and digestive structures
of the human body:

right atrium

lymph vessel Q

blood vessel P

small intestine

(a) Several hours after taking a meal of bread and butter, what food substance will increase in the largest amount

(i) in blood vessel P? (1 mark)

(ii) in lymph vessel Q? (l mark)

(b) Suggest two ways by which the food substance stated in (a)(i) is assimilated in organ M. (2 marks)

飆幽 st~r磧呤芘 'f,h fulj叭M or 油red 吟邰 m 益 ul\~ih~i'dt 板

(c) By means of a flowchart, indicate the route by which the food substance stated in (a)(ii) is transported from
lymph vessel Q to organ M. Include only the m8:」or organs and vessels involved. (3 marks)

硒h 啤 I () ..;:; I~ 吡 k硨已 1. ~袖疏s 一:) yQ.Y\~ 呎(X_ ➔)\団 ➔ \\~「·


The photographs below show the transverse sections of two blood vessels:

red blood cell

Blood vessel A (Magnification x 150) Blood vessel B (Magnification x 6000)

(a) What type of blood vessel is A and B respectively? (2 marks)

A! 庫rj 曰勺~\門
(b) Referring to one feature observed in each photograph, explain how each vessel is adapted to its function.
(4 marks)

Tur A 計極s~ 酗叩」 to w認叫扣 ht~hlocx\ 严叩油 t。 P嵒\

nttilln~ 因·
fur i」\-\ h吒^扣"'叫 I, whr"h~Dht-ce/1 加t. 1hl, c.t。汁~nc;, 佃鉤·如侄 n沿
d痂「炻 d ~韶I!> .

(c) What is the functional significance of the shape of the red blood cell? (2 marks)

1'(叭丶亟l s~r1主十o vo\吡c 潢[。代溫 \,\oo~ 邙\\~ 叫令涑?\~4-~凶 f~r

圀~ ~~lASi"oV\ 計 ,`而加CL~.

(d) Blood vessel A can be found in the heart wall. Explain the possible effect on the heart if the vessel is partly
blocked. (3 marks)

-吐_硨\誣t /l beP-r\ 扣(. I 严曲鹵叩 I~i引平~wll,蠶

惲t 1forM褔 ita·qws ih. 加 blood Vl~~\ , 1-f~ . y1节-}°'----1匭巨l寸(知~

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