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The seminor on Hormons

By Prof.Hr.B.Harihar
• Human body has
• Qi,Blood,.
Tissues , Facia,
• Skin, Glands,
Lymphatic glands,
Water, Essance
• Yin and Yang
organ Or Zung Fu
The Glands the Endocrine system
• The major glands of the endocrine
system are
• The hypothalamus,
• Pituitary,
• Thyroid,
• Parathyroids,
• Adrenals,
• Pineal body,
• and the reproductive organs (ovaries and
• The pancreas is also a part of this
system; it has a role in hormone
production as well as in digestion.
• The hormone are the fuel for our human body
operating system ,if hormones break downs,
even the rich food intake going as waste with out
getting metabolic conversion .
• The glands are Producing the hormone which
are very essential for the function
the first for most mother gland of human body
• The hypothalamus is located in the lower central part of the brain.
• This part of the brain is important in regulation of satiety, metabolism, and body
• In addition, it secretes hormones that stimulate or suppress the release of hormones in the
pituitary gland.
• Many of these hormones are releasing hormones, which are secreted into an artery that
carries them directly to the pituitary gland.
• In the pituitary gland, these releasing hormones signal secretion of stimulating hormones.
The hypothalamus also secretes a hormone called somatostatin, which causes the
pituitary gland to stop the release of growth hormone.
Other three types of exocrine glands?
• Exocrine System:
• The exocrine system is composed of several glands that are responsible for secreting
substances to either lubricate or protect the body. The glands that make up the exocrine
system work independently of one another and can cause disorders if they aren't
functioning properly.
• Pertaining to thesecretion of a substance release through ducts ex : Salivery gland,sweat
gland and gland with in gastrontestinal tract .
• This gland substances (hormons)are not mixing with bood stream
• Endocrine hormones diectly streming with blood stream Endocrine glands are those that
release their secretions into the bloodstream. The blood then carries the substances
throughout the body until it reaches its target organ. Exocrine glands are those glands that
directly release their secretion into the target organ or tissue.
• List of exocrine Glands Exocrine Glands
• Salivary gland : In th buccal cavity secrete
• Pancreas : secrets enzyme amylase
,trysin,lipse which digest carbohydrates
,protinand fats
• Sperm: produce hyalurondiase enzyme which
acts has swimming liquid in the uterine tissue
• Sweat gland: secrate sweat
• Sebaceous gland : secrete sebum (skin oil
gland )
• Lachrymal gland : in the eye scerete water to
keep wet
• 1.Produce juice to help diagestion
• 2.Produce hormone including insulinwhich control how
food is used and stored in the body . Pancreas
• 1.Exocrine - secreats pancreatic juice for diagestive and
endocrine cells .It has two main function
• 2. Endocrine – this cells are arranged in clusters throuh out
the pancreas .it has three types of cells aipha cells which
secrete glucagon,beta cells which secrete insulin and delta
cells which inhibits the seretion on glucagon and insulin
• Glucagon : increase the blood glucose level by stimulating
the liver causing convert glycogon in to glucose ( sugar)
• Insuline: Increase the permability to glucose which cells
use for emergency to fecilitate to use the gulcose by
tissue cells.
• Control clulcose level in the blood
• Promote the storage of glycogen in lever . The long narrow ,lubed gland located behind
the stomach and it has two different cells
Acupuncture vs Diabetic
• TUNG POINTS : DaoMa 88-06,88-07,77-03,77-05
• Gonadotropin: Releasing Hormone GnRH is scerated from
hypothalamus and stimulates Gonadotropic cells in the
anterior pittutary to release luteinizing LH and follicle
stimulating hormons FSH
• Which in turn regulate gametogenic and steroidogenic Hypothalamus
function of the gonads in male and female
• GnRH movesthrough the bloodstream to the pittutary gland
• With the help of this pitutary creates Two Hormones LH, FSH
• These two are plays important roll reproductive system of
Male and female like menstrual cycle and sperm producation
• The test for this study called GnRH lab report
• FSH stimulate female eggs . After ovulation the empty follicle
produce another hormone called progesterone which
maintain pragnancy
• LH play important rollon sperm producation
FSH level to get pragnant
• The prgnancy complication due to both high & low FSH
• FSH will control menstrual cycle,ovulation and conceive
• Low will leads to pcod cases
• High will leads to premature menopause
• The standared measurement to concive is below 10 ml
Food to improve FSH
• Leafy greens,whole grains,eggs, legumesa,meat,fish watwer
• Water plays a very imortant roll in trnsporting hormones and developing follicle
• Food to quick rise :
• Flex seeds ( estrogen) and phytoestrogen )
• Fruits: blueberries,strawberries,grapes,citrus fruits ,
• Blacktea green tea
• Nuts dry fruits ,red wine
• Food to avoid :
• Soy products ( estrogen ) American journels of clinical Nutrition advices to avoid
soy products the high levelof estrogen ( isoflavone) reduce the production of FSH
Located in the skull, in a crevice of the sphenoid bone, it
is called as Master Gland
• The pituitary is a pea-shaped gland and is one of the
most important endocrine glands. Pituitary Gland
• The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain
beneath the hypothalamus and is no larger than a
pea. It can broadly be divided into the anterior and
posterior pituitary.
• Both of these regions secrete different hormones that
have different effects.
• The anterior part of the pituitary is controlled by
message signals from the hypothalamus (brain ), and
uses this message to produce hormones that affect
may parts of the body ,whereas the posterior part
works on nervous stimulation.
• They are in to stimulation and production oftheir own
• The anterior pituitary secretes growth hormone (GH).
• This controls the growth of our muscles, bones, etc.
• This hormone can drastically affect an individual’s appearance
• Too much or too little of GH leads to dwarfism or gigantism,
• The anterior pituitary secretes a hormones known as tropic
• It is often considered the most important part of the endocrine
system because it produces hormones that control many
functions of other endocrine glands.
• When the pituitary gland does not produce one or more of its
hormones or not enough of them, it is called hypopituitarism.
• These hormones can affect other organs and glands especially
your Thyroid
• Reproductive organs
• Adrenal glands
• The hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary are actually
produced in the brain and carried to the pituitary gland through
nerves. They are stored in the pituitary gland.
Thyroid stimulating Hormone : Activate thyroid to release thyroid hormones
Adrenocorticotropic : This stimulates your adernal glands to produce cortisol and other
Folloicle stimulating Hormone : It involue with estrogen secretion and the growth of egg cells
in women and sperm production
Growth hormone: Stimulates growth of bone and tissue (Growth hormone deficiency results in growth
• Growth hormone deficiency in adults results in problems in maintaining proper amounts of body fat
and muscle and bone mass. It is also involved in emotional well-being.)
• These affect the growth and functioning of other endocrine glands.
• For instance, it secretes TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), which affects the secretion of thyroxine
by the thyroid gland.
• Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): Hormones that control
sexual function and production of the sex steroids, estrogen and progesterone in females or
testosterone in males
• Prolactin: Hormone that stimulates milk production in females
• Similarly, it secretes Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which controls the secretions
of the adrenal gland, and gonadotropic hormones, which affect the development and
maturation of the gonads( PRODUCER OF ), the sex organs called testicles and overy
• Endorphins and Enkephalins : Pain Relieving properities and conneted to pleasure centre
• Beta –Melanocyte stimulating : Pigmentation of Of your skin
• The posterior pituitary secretes ADH or anti-diuretic hormone.
• This determines the amount of water that is reabsorbed by the nephrons of the kidneys
during the process of urine formation. Therefore, it controls the concentration of urine.
• The posterior pituitary also secretes oxytocin, get produced by hypothalmus and released
by positerior pitutary
• This hormone is responsible for causing contractions in the uterus during childbirth.The
posterior lobe produces the following hormones, which are not regulated by the
Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin): Controls water loss by
Oxytocin: Contracts the uterus during childbirth and stimulates milk production
Head vs acupuncture
• TUNG POINTS : DaoMa 22-06,77-05,77-09,88-02
• A butterfly-shaped, this gland is located in the neck, and is
situated roughly above the Adam’s apple. Thyroid
• It ias an part of endocrine system,which is made up glands
that produce,store,and release hormones into blood stream
in order to reaches the cells
• It secretes two hormones – thyroxine T4, & T3
• The hypothalmus & pitutary glands direct the thyroid to
maintain these T4,T4 in required level
• Thyroxine is T4 : the inactive form of the hormone and
contain iodine which is very essential for normal body
growth and metabolism.
• It helps to control body size ,regulating the growth tissues
and specil tissues designes .
• It. is said to control the basal metabolic rate and play
important roles in digestion, brain functioning, maintenance
of our bones, etc.
• The body requires sufficient amounts of iodine to produce the hormones of the thyroid gland.
• A lack of iodine causes major problems.
• When this situation occurs, the anterior pituitary releases TSH.
• It causes the thyroid gland to grow in size( gout), but the production of the hormone doesn’t increase
due to insufficient iodine.
• This is why a swollen neck is the most common symptom of thyroid malfunction.It take care
,Breathing,Heart rate,Central and peripheral nervous systems,Body weight ,Muscle
strength,Menstrual cycles ,Body temperature ,Cholestrol levels much more
• Triiodothyronine T3 : similar function of thyroxin
• The hypothalamus produces TSH ,release TRH that signals the pituitary to instruct thyroid
gland to produce more or less to balance the T4.T3 .
• As above pituitary releases TSH whenever T4,T3 level became low .thisinstruct thyroid to
regulate T4,T3
• T3,T4 travel in your blood stream to reach almost every cell in the body and
regulate the speed of cells / metabolism ex. Regulate heart ratye and food process
at intenstines
• Calcitonin : causes decrease the quantum of calcium concentration in co
ordinate with parathyroid to balance the calcium combination
• Parathyroid Glands
• There are four parathyroids are there arround thyroid by locating two at the top of it
and two at below of it
• The parathyroid glands are two pairs of small glands embedded in the surface of the
thyroid .
• They release parathyroid hormone, which plays a role in regulating calcium l,phosphorous
evels in the blood and bone metabolism.
• If thyroid is over active and release excesive amount of hyroid hormones .
• Symptoms : Muscle weakness ,fatiguew,hand tremors,mood swings,nervousness or
,anxiety,rapid heart beat,hand tremor,excessive swerating ,weight loss and sleep problem
,dry skin,increased frequency of bowel
• Causes for
• 1. Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin :
• Hyper thyroidism is an auto immune disorder graves disease, a protine produced by the
body to protect against a virus or bacterial is called TSI that causes too much thyroid gland
• 2.The lump formationon thyroid called toxic nodular or multinodular goiter release more
thyroid hormoneand leads to
• 3.Thyroiditis :The inflammation of the thyroid gland causes for it
• 4. praganency hyperthyroid
• Diagose : measure TSH, T3.T4 TO dicide hyper ot hypo
Parathyroid Glands

The parathyroid glands are two pairs of small glands

embedded in the surface of the thyroid gland, one pair
on each side. They release parathyroid hormone,
which plays a role in regulating calcium levels in the
blood and bone metabolism.
Thyroid vs Acupuncture
Tcm points
Tung points: Dao Ma 77-05,88-02,77-06,88-03,33-03
• The two adrenal glands are triangular-shaped glands
located on top of each kidney. suprarenal glands
Adrenal Glands
• The adrenal glands are made up of two parts. The outer
part is called the adrenal cortex, and the inner part is
called the adrenal medulla.
• The outer part produces hormones called
corticosteroids, which regulate the body's metabolism,
the balance of salt and water in the body, the immune
system, and sexual function.
• The inner part, or adrenal medulla, produces hormones
called catecholamines (for example, adrenaline). These
hormones help the body cope with physical and
emotional stress by increasing the heart rate and blood
• Gonadal Hormones : produced by inner cortex,in two types androgen (male)and
estrogen (female)
• Adrenal medulla : is the inner part of the adernal .which promotes hormones secreation
• Adrenalin : which control and affet alpha and beta receprors in the nervous sytem
• Noradernalin : affets only the alpha receptors of the vervous system
• Mineralocorticoids : produced by outer layer of the adernal cortex the important is
aldosterone which maintains the rentention of sodium and excertion of potassium both
helps to maintain energy level and water content .
• Glucocorticoids : produced by middle cortex ,it controll mostly all the cells ,metabolse the
fat,protins,and carbohydrates .cortisone is fro glucocorticoids .
• Adrenal glands produce hormones in response to signals from the pituitary gland in the
brain, which reacts to signaling from the hypothalamus, also located in the brain. This is
referred to as the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. As an example, for the adrenal
gland to produce cortisol, the following occurs:
• The hypothalamus produces corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) that stimulates the
pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH).
• ACTH then stimulates the adrenal glands to make and release cortisol hormones into the
• Normally, both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland can sense whether the blood has
the appropriate amount of cortisol circulating. If there is too much or too little cortisol, these
glands respectively change the amount of CRH and ACTH that gets released. This is referred
to as a negative feedback loop.
• Excess cortisol production can occur from nodules in the adrenal gland or excess
production of ACTH from a tumor in the pituitary gland or other source.
• Aldosterone
• This mineralocorticoid hormone produced by the zona glomerulosa plays a central role in
regulating blood pressure and certain electrolytes (sodium and potassium).
• Aldosterone sends signals to the kidneys, resulting in the kidneys absorbing more sodium
into the bloodstream and releasing potassium into the urine. This means that aldosterone
also helps regulate the blood pH by controlling the levels of electrolytes in the blood.
• DHEA and Androgenic Steroids
• These hormones produced by the zona reticularis are weak male hormones.
• They are precursor hormones that are converted in the ovaries into female hormones (estrogens)
and in the testes into male hormones (androgens). However, estrogens and androgens are
produced in much larger amounts by the ovaries and testes.
• Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)
• The adrenal medulla, the inner part of an adrenal gland, controls hormones that initiate the flight or
fight response. The main hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla include epinephrine
(adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which have similar functions.
• Among other things, these hormones are capable of increasing the heart rate and force of heart
contractions, increasing blood flow to the muscles and brain, relaxing airway smooth muscles, and
assisting in glucose (sugar) metabolism.
• They also control the squeezing of the blood vessels (vasoconstriction), helping maintain blood
pressure and increasing it in response to stress.
• Like several other hormones produced by the adrenal glands, epinephrine and norepinephrine are
often activated in physically and emotionally stressful situations when your body needs additional
resources and energy to endure unusual strain.
Adrenal Gland Disorders
The two common ways in which adrenal glands cause health issues are by producing too little
or too much of certain hormones, which leads to hormonal imbalances. These abnormalities of
the adrenal function can be caused by various diseases of the adrenal glands or the pituitary
• Adrenal insufficiency is a rare disorder. It may be caused by disease of the adrenal glands
(primary adrenal insufficiency, Addison’s disease) or by diseases in the hypothalamus or the
pituitary (secondary adrenal insufficiency).
• It is the opposite of Cushing syndrome and is characterized by low levels of adrenal
hormones. The symptoms include weight loss, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue,
darkening of skin (only in primary adrenal insufficiency), abdominal pain, among other.
• The causes of primary adrenal insufficiency may include autoimmune disorders, fungal and
other infections, cancer (rarely), and genetic factors.
• Although adrenal insufficiency usually develops over time, it can also appear suddenly as
an acute adrenal failure (adrenal crisis).
• It has similar symptoms, but the consequences are more serious, including life-threatening
shock, seizures, and coma. These may develop if the condition is left untreated.
Penie and testicle
• Testicle or testis is the male reproductive
gland or gonad in all animals, including
• It is homologous to the female ovary.
• The functions of the testes are to produce
both sperm and androgens, primarily
• Blood supply and lymphatic drainage
• Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the
testes and scrotum are distinct:
• The paired testicular arteries arise directly from
the abdominal aorta and descend through
the inguinal canal, while the scrotum and the
rest of the external genitalia is supplied by
the internal pudendal artery (itself a branch of
the internal iliac artery).
The testes and the ovaries secrete steroid hormones that help you grow and
• The female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and the male hormone,
testosterone, and how these hormones influence the development of secondary
sex characteristics.

• Temperature regulation
• Spermatogenesis is enhanced at temperatures slightly less than core body temperature.[
• The spermatogenesis is less efficient at lower and higher temperatures than 33 °C.
• Because the testes are located outside the body, the smooth tissue of the scrotum can move
them closer or further away from the body.
• The temperature of the testes is maintained at 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit), i.e.
two degrees below the body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
• Higher temperatures affect spermatogenesis.[6] There are a number of mechanisms to maintain
the testes at the optimum temperature.[
High testosterone 9 normal 300 to 1000 ng
• can cause problems in women, including irregular menstrual cycles, increases in body hair
and acne, and a deepening of the voice. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome have high
levels of male hormones, including testosterone, which can be a cause of infertility.
• Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is important for sexual and reproductive
development. Women also produce testosterone, but at lower levels than men.
• Testosterone belongs to a class of male hormones called androgens, which are sometimes
called steroids or anabolic steroids.
• In men, testosterone is produced mainly in the testes, with a small amount made in the
adrenal glands.
• Others beniefts on TESTOSTRONE
• Help to maintain several body functions
• Sex drive,spermproduction,muscle mass,strength,fat distribution,bone density ,red blood
cell production
• Testosterone found more in man than women
• From pubderty to age 30 it will in high level
• After 30 the decrese every year,natually denote aging
• Low level leads to
• Sex:Libido will be in low level, leads loe sex drive ,fewer erection that happen
spontaneously in sleep,infertility .
• Physical body:
• Increase body fat,decrease strength and body muscle,fragile bone ,decreased body
hair,changesin cholestrol metabolism
• Ladies: low sex drive ,weaker bone ,hot flashes ,swelling /tenderness in the breast tissue
• General : sleep loss, energy loss,depression,memory loss,poor concentration,,irritability
• Other resaon for low LEVEL
• Thyroid,Injuryin testicles ,Testicular cancer ,Infection,HIV,Type 2 diabettes ,side effects of medicine
,alcohol, genetic ,pituitary gland problems

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland control how much testosterone the testes
produce and secrete. The hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland to
release gonadotrophic substances (follicle stimulatinghormone and
luteinizing hormone). Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates testosterone production.
• The brain's hypothalamus and pituitary gland control testosterone production.
• The hypothalamus instructs the pituitary gland on how much testosterone to
produce, and the pituitary gland passes the message on to the testes.
• Testosterone is involved in the development of male sex organs before birth, and
the development of secondary sex characteristics at puberty, such as voice
deepening, increased penis and testes size, and growth of facial and body hair.
• The hormone also plays a role in sex drive, sperm production, fat distribution, red
cell production, and maintenance of muscle strength and mass, according to the
Mayo Clinic. For these reasons, testosterone is associated with overall health and
well-being in men. One 2008 study published in the journal Frontiers of Hormone
Research even linked testosterone to the prevention of osteoporosis in men.
• Low testosterone
• Levels of testosterone naturally decrease with age, but exactly what level constitutes "low
T," or hypogonadism, is controversial, Harvard Medical Schoolsaid. Testosterone levels vary
wildly, and can even differ depending on the time of day they're measured (levels tend to be
lower in the evenings). The National Institutes of Health includes the following as possible
symptoms of low testosterone:
• Reduced sex drive,Erectile dysfunction or impotence, Lowered sperm count
• Increased breast size
• Hot flashes
• Depression, irritability and inability to concentrate
• Shrunken and softened testes
• Loss of muscle mass or hair
• Bones becoming prone to fracture
• It is important to note, however, that conditions other than low T can cause erectile
dysfunction, such as diseases in the nerves or blood.
Food & others to increase Testosterone

• Tuna fish,low fat milk,egg yolks,fortified cerals, oysters ,fish with shell , beef, beans ,
green leaves
• Ground nuts, fryfruits, nuts.
• Others :
• Body works , slow walk( running ,swimming not adviceable),good sleep,avoid
• Herbals to support ,phytoestrogen will improve testoteronce , zinc , sex drive
stimulation ( man wood ) massage the gentels
• The pineal body, or pineal gland, is Pineal Body
located in the middle of the brain.
It secretes a hormone
called melatonin, which may help
regulate the wake-sleep cycle of
the body.
Reproductive Glands
Agonad ,sex gland or the reproductive glands is a mixed gland that produces gamates ( sex
cells)ansd sex hormons of an organism .These are the main source of sex hormones.
• Female glands are toproduce Egg cells
• Male glands are ment to produce sperm
• The male gonad the testicles produces spermatozoa
• The female gonad ,the ovary produces egg cells
• In males, the testes, located in the scrotum, secrete hormones called androgens; the most
important of which is testosterone.
• These hormones affect many male characteristics (for example, sexual development, growth of
facial hair and pubic hair) as well as sperm production.
• In females, the ovaries, located on both sides of the uterus, produce estrogen and progesterone
as well as eggs. These hormones control the development of female characteristics (for
example, breast growth), and they are also involved in reproductive functions (for
example, menstruation, pregnancy).
Female reproductive organs
• In human in birth stage this will be in
immatured stage
• Get developed after puberty to be able to
produce gametes
• Internaal sex organs are uterus ,fllopian
tube,and ovaries
• External sex organs are known as genitals –
vulva, labia,clitoris and vaginal opening
.Vagina had connectivity up to uterus at cervix
• Uterus accomadate the embryo which
develops into the foetus
• The secreations from utrus and uterine helps
to keep wet the vegina to transform sperm in
to Fallopian tube
Hormone vs female reproductive system
• Progesterone and estrogen are the two most important hormones in the female body.
• These are steroid hormones that are responsible for various female characteristics in the body.
• The ovaries are a pair of ova-producing organs (that is, they produce egg cells) that maintain the
health of the female reproductive system.
• In addition to their role in producing ova, the ovaries also have the distinction of being an
endocrine gland because they secrete hormones—primarily estrogen and progesterone—that are
vital to normal reproductive development and fertility.
• Progesterone and estrogen are necessary to prpare the utreus for menstruation and their
release is triggered by the hypothalmus .
• Progesterone is used along with estrogen women who will still have uterus
• Increase of Estrogen with out proestrone leads to cancer
• Menopause period progesterone level reduces and weight gain occures along with water
rentention and bloating
• Progestrone and estrogen are instrument for mensuration
• Progestrone prepares for pregenancy by thickening utreus iner wall thickness
• Breast Health :
• Birth controll pills will increase the size breast
• During menstrual period these two will have change in level that gives change in breast tissue and
become tender or sore
• Progestrone benefits :
• Reduce hot flashes & vagial dryness ,fighting fatigue,improving mode and sleep,alivate skin
dryness wrinkling and thinning
• Prevent loss of bone density , increse libido ,fighting against weight gain .
• These two will change the size of the breast one week befor menstruation ,Porgesteron is help too
produce miks
• Estrogen level 10 pg : High level of estrogen leads to weight gain particularly around hipsand waist
• Excess estrogen causes menstrual problems
• Lowlevel will cause for vaginal dryness (pain during intercouse)hotflashes,depression
Food to control progesterone & estrogen
• Flexseeds and sesame seeds
• Apricot,oranges,strawberries,peache and all dry fruits.
• Yams, carrots, prouts, kale clery
• Tofu, soya products
• Bark bread, green tea , fatty fish
• Lentils,peas, olive and oil ,chickpeas , good amount of excercise , avoid sugar ,
stress free avoid over eating or less eating
• Food that increase Estrogen :
• Redwine,(phytoestrogen reduce heart and breast cancer problems),dry friut, nuts,
Testosterone vs TCM
• Acupuncture
• Herbals
• Moxibustion
• Tung points
• Vein relieve Massage ( acu pressure)
• Cubbing
Acupuncture cure
• Kidney ( parential qi ) deficiency – kidney over stimulated ie yin deficency ,truely
weak ie kidney yang deficency .
• In general kidney yang deficency leads to cold,strong sign to go for sleep
• Lower mood to have sex is yin deficency , feeling of heat particularly on the palm
and feet ,fatigue , more tired but wired, anxiety and restlesness
• Kidney yin deficiency -KI 6,CV 4,HT 7
• kIdney yand deficiency – Moxibustion on KI 3,CV 4,CV 6,ST 36,SP 6
• Master Tung points : Dao ma 77.12 ,11-13,11-15,88.01,
• Impotence, Premature ejaculation :Dao Ma-44-09,77-12,88-01,T 1010-19,T1010-20
• ingeneral: DaoMa 77-12,77-03,88-01,11-04
• Gynecology :Dao Ma 11-15,11-13,77-12,88-10

N- ENERGY - Yin drink

N- ENERGY - Yang drink
CLINICAL SUPPORT for male & female
Acupuncture, Acupressure,Electropathy ,food
• Direct • Consultancy
• On appoitment • On appoitment
• Tretment in my clinic vellore or • Treatment at your clinic

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