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Lesson Plan

Grade: 10
Subject: Mathematics
Topic: Algebra
Subtopic: Introduction to Algebra
Addition of Algebraic terms
Subtraction of Algebraic terms
Multiplication of Algebraic terms
Division of algebraic terms

General objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson students should:
1 Understand fully the concepts of Algebra in mathematics
2 Appreciate the principles of Algebra in mathematics

Specific Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson students should be able to:

1.1 Translate correctly verbal phrases in algebra

2.1 Apply appropriately principles of algebra in adding algebraic terms
2.2 Apply appropriately principles of algebra in subtracting algebraic terms
2.3 Apply appropriately principles of algebra in multiplying algebraic terms
2.4 Apply appropriately principles of algebra in dividing algebraic terms
1.1.1. translation of verbal phrases into algebraic terms
2.1.1 Addition of algebraic terms
2.1.1 Subtraction of Algebraic terms
2.1.1 Multiplication of Algebraic terms
2.1.1 Division of algebraic terms

Previous Knowledge
Concept of algebra
Addition of algebraic terms
Commutative law of multiplication
Subtraction of algebraic terms
Multiplication of Algebraic terms
Division of algebraic terms

Demonstration of calculations
Drill and Practice of Calculations

Text book

Skills to be developed

Teacher will introduce the lesson with a recapitulation of lessons one and two. Teacher
will give a demonstration of sample questions from all three subtopics. Students would
come to the board to work examples.
Sample Questions
1 Identify the variable in the following phrase
Johnny bought z pencils for $10.00
2 Translate the following verbal expression to algebraic terms
Nine times a number x plus five times a number y
Seven times the product of two numbers x and y minus five times a third number
3 9x + 3y – 5z + 8y – 4x + 12z
3a2b + 4ab2 – a2b – 3ab2 + a2b2
4 5y x (-3y)
4p2 x 3p3q
5 6a ÷ 2b
18p3q4 ÷ (-3pq2)

Step 1 Teacher would instigate an oral discussion to discuss each item and to
explain key concepts. Teacher and students would also discuss any
misunderstanding or misconception.
Step 2 teacher would set items on the board ranging from concept of algebra to
division of algebra
Students would do exercises in their books.
Step 3 teachers would then collect the books to be mark, then as individuals to
come to the board to work out each item. Students would volunteer for the
Step 4 Teacher would give further explanation and clarification on concepts
requiring such.
Students would explain to teacher what he or she does not understand.
Recapitulation of the lesson

Class Activity

Answer all Questions

1. Translate the following verbal phrases to algebraic expressions
 Three- quarters the product of two numbers x and y
 Half the product of two numbers a and b added to thrice a third number c.
 The cube of double a number a and take away thrice a second number b
2. Translate the following algebraic expressions into verbal phrases
 7x
 5x – y
 9x+y

3. 3x + 5x + 7x =
-8x – 3x – 4x =
6a2b + 3ab2 – 2a2b – 4ab2 + 3a2b2
4. 4x2y x 9x3y2
(-8xy2) x 9x2y
5. 49xy3z2 ÷7x2y
36x ÷ (-9y)

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