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LTHS Professional Appraisal System

Formal Observation Reflection Form

Certified staff member is to complete this and bring it to the post-observation conference.
Certified Staff Madeline Morris Department LAD Division Karen Raino
Member Administrator

Date of Dec. 9, 2022 Class IPC Period 4th


1. As I reflect on the lesson, to what extent were students productively engaged?

During the lesson, I observed a high level of engagement - both when they were independently
watching the speech/reflecting and when they were working with their partner. They were able to
use terms we had been studying the previous day to articulate how the speaker was purposeful in
their delivery. Mentioning to them that we had focused on tone during our first unit helped them
understand how this lesson and unit are connected to what we studied at the beginning of the
course. My classroom management procedures were very clear, however, this particular class often
has difficulty beginning a task and understanding instructions (even if they are clear and in numbered
steps). I was happy to see there were few questions for me about procedures and the students
jumped right into their work.

2. Did the students learn what I intended? Were my instructional goals met? How do I know?

I believe my instructional goals were met by observing the partner discussions each student was
having and listening to their dissecting of the speaker’s vocal delivery. I also think their participation
in the group discussions helped me see that they were identifying why being purposeful with tone
and volume can help a speaker’s message stand out more. Something that I believe helped each
student participate was that I modeled what I was looking for before they were released to do the
assignment on their own. Additionally, by reviewing what we had learned yesterday and the
previous few days about “what makes a good speech” helped them understand where we were going
and why.

3. If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to this same group of students, what would
I do differently? Why?      

If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again I would have tried to pick up the pace. I adjusted
this lesson from how I had taught it in the past and I felt like it dragged. I might have had students
work directly on the transcript possibly instead of writing lines in their charts. I would have loved to
have made time for the opener I had intended because it gets the kids up and moving and
comfortable with each other, which I really value in my classes (especially during this unit). Lastly, my
intention at the end of this lesson was to give them more time to work on their own speech,
hopefully even giving them time to stand up and practice each line so they would be prepared to
share it on Monday in class, but I was short on time. Additionally, I think I would like to collect the
students First 30 seconds after they had annotated them for vocal delivery to see if they understand
how to assign such delivery to their own work. If I had the opportunity to reteach this lesson these
are some possible things I would change.

4. Which professional competencies do I feel the lesson addressed well?      

1b – Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: I recognized that this group of students works best
when they are collaborating with each other. It is a very social bunch, and I like to give them
structured opportunities to work together while also sharing as a class. While rotating around the
room, I also knew which students would need extra prompts and support.

2a – Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport: By providing clear guidelines for the type of
work I was looking for and providing praise to students who took a chance and shared their thoughts,
I believe this lesson encompasses this professional competency. The students were respectful
towards each other when dissecting this speaker’s intentions with their delivery, which gave them
more confidence to participate in class. I also think from the first day of our class together I focused
on developing an atmosphere where my students could feel supported and accepted.

3c – Engaging Students in Learning: Students were enthusiastic about the activity itself, and that
greatly contributed to their ability to remain engaged throughout the class period. The students
facilitated their partner work once they had the instructions, which in turn helped them take
accountability with the task at hand. During this lesson students were able to dig into their
understanding so far of purposeful vocal delivery, which connects to the overall goal of the lesson.

5. Which professional competencies do I feel need further focus in this lesson and in future

3d – Using Assessment in Instruction: While I feel I was able to gather if the students grasped an
understanding of how assigning specific tone and volume impacts the message of a speech, I always
feel like I could have a more clear way of assessing their individual knowledge. Part of how I could do
this was having made some kind of a formal exit slip or I could have given them more time to allow
them to try this with their own speeches.

____________________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Certified Staff Member Date

____________________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Division Administrator Date

● Certified Staff Member
● Division Administrator
● Building Administrator
● Human Resources File (original)

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