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LTHS Professional Appraisal System

Documentation/Evidence for Summative Review (OPTIONAL)

If desired, certified staff may submit to the Division Administrator prior to the
Summative Review Conference

To support teacher growth, goal setting, and the assignment of a summative rating, teachers
may submit information that will assist the Division Administrator(s) in determining the
Summative rating. Information may include lesson plans, special classroom activities,
professional growth plan activities or other relevant materials. It may be helpful to document
activities supporting Domain 1 (Planning and Preparation) and Domain 4 (Professional
Responsibilities), as activities in these areas may not be readily apparent to the evaluator and
are not necessarily visible in a classroom observation.

Certified Staff Member Madeline Morris Department Language Arts

Current Employment Status ◻ Tenured ◻ Non-Tenured

Any and all of the following evidence or documentation to be considered in the summative
rating should be linked to one or more competency from the Danielson Rubric in the LTHS
Appraisal System, and the connection should be cited.

____________________________________________________________________ 02 - 20 - 2023
Signature of Certified Staff Member Date

____________________________________________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Division Administrator Date

____________________________________________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Building Administrator Date
cc: ∙ Certified Staff Member
● Division Administrator(s)
● Building Administrator(s)
● Human Resources File (original)

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