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Level 3 Supervisor Video Reflection 1

FEAP 1a/3d: 17:52

This lesson is based on a state standard for fifth graders on using context clues to figure out the meaning
of unknown words. At this timestamp, a student is struggling with a question, which can definitely be a
good thing, especially in the way that it is addressed. This shows that the questions are at the
appropriate level of rigor because students do not get them right all the time, but it is still a learning
experience in those situations. I make sure to let the students know that they are close but not exactly
there and thank them for answering. I then ask for another student to answer and then explain their
thinking to help address that student’s misconception.

FEAP 1d/4c: 36:05

I selected an exit ticket as the formative assessment for my lesson. I felt that an exit ticket was the most
effective because it is something that the students have seen before, and it was based on the activity
that we did. In order for students to be considered done with the activity and be able to move on to the
next portion of the day, which was independent writing, students needed to turn in the exit ticket to this
activity. It allowed students to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson. one thing that I wish I
could change would be setting up the format that I wished students would have done their answers in.
In general, I do not mind where students write their answer as long as I can clearly see what I need to
see, but some students were confused on what they needed to write and I would have gotten better
quality responses if I would have shown them a format that included both responses that I needed for
each question. Students responded to this activity well and did not seem to struggle with it too much.
While some struggle is good, which is definitely apparent both from the responses and the questions I
got during, students seem to understand what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed
to do it but were challenged while doing it which is I think what the goal should be.

FEAP 2h: 43:53

One area that I could have improved upon is breaking the task tell more and making the assessment a
simpler process with the same amount of rigor for all students so that all students would understand
better, but particularly students that have accommodations. I noticed that the majority of students who
did not respond properly to the exit ticket also had IEPs. One way that I could have noticed this and
addressed it would have been to focus more on these students when I was doing walkthroughs during
the assessment, or when I was walking around and asking questions during the turn and talks. As I was
grading the assessment, I noticed that this was happening and only then did I come up with some way to
make the lesson better. One way I could have improved on this would be to have a format for the
formative assessment buy showing students how I numbered the page, and then have a place labeled
for type of context clue and word meaning so that students 100% understand that there are two things
they need to write. This was not an intentional choice of mine, but something that I failed to consider,
and therefore I will make an effort to have a format for questions and make sure to check in with these
students at least once per lesson going forward. I chose this timestamp because it shows me clarifying
the instructions, which is something I could have avoided, and it did not reach the students it was
intended for.
FEAP 3c: 34:27

Before the lesson, my CT and I decided that I would do a lesson on context clues since this was an area
that students seemed to struggle with based on previous assessments. The gap that was identified is
that students did not have a grasp on context clues so it was determined that we should teach specific
types of context clues so students know how to use them. At the beginning of the lesson which was not
recorded unfortunately, and at the timestamp, I introduce and reintroduce the objective and connect it
back to why students are learning about context clues. Students will use this knowledge for future
assessments and in life, which is the goal. Since they have shown that they need to work on this more, I
talked a lesson on this. By the end of the lesson, most students were able to accurately provide a
meaning for every word, with a few answers that were almost there and a few that were not right.

FEAP 4c: 9:31

In addition to having a formative assessment in the form of an exit ticket at the end, I also walk around
the room during turn and talk times and I ask students what they are thinking for the word that we are
working on. This is more of an informal assessment that allows me to talk to students and really
understand their thinking behind things. It also allows me to see how the students are working together
and how they incorporate others’ ideas into their ideas. Students enjoy talking in general, and they
enjoy talking about the work that they are doing, especially if they are confident in it. They like to be
challenged, and during these conversations they are often challenged to rethink their answer. In
general, students respond well to this type of assessment, and I get to know more about them.

FEAP 4c: 22:43

In addition to the exit ticket and walking around, I also asked students to share their answers out to the
class. This allows me to assess students that I might not have gotten to when I was walking around, and
it also allows other students to hear about what others are thinking and learn from them. I intentionally
do not call students randomly since I do not want to put any student in a position that makes them
uncomfortable since some of them do not like to share out. I try to hear from every student, either by
listening to their conversations and asking what they are thinking during turn and talks, or by asking
them to share out when we come back together as a whole group. Many students enjoy sharing out the
whole class and so they responded well, and I was able to get students to think about the answer and
share their thing to the class which could help other students to see how they did it, therefore making
the student who shared out a model to others.

FEAP 5a. 4:04

One goal that I have made during previous observations in level 2 is using attention getters. During this
lesson I used the attention getter “class class/yes yes,” which works well for the students. I have usually
found attention getters awkward because it is essentially saying a few random words and expecting
students to say something back. However, they are very useful so I decided that I needed to start using
them. My CT recommended me to use this attention getter, and from more recent experiences subbing,
almost every student I have met automatically knows this attention getter. Since I made this a goal in
the past, I made sure to work on that and improve and then make new goals. My new goal in this area is
to find an attention getter that I like more than “class class/yes yes” since I do not like it very much, but
it works. Students responded as expected by giving their response of “yes yes,” and then quieting down.

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