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Mathematics Form 5

ACTIVITY SHEET Pupils Copy Lesson 99: Longitude of a point on a parallel of latitude Find the shortest distance between X and Y for the diagrams given below: Question 1
N X Y 50N

40E S


Question 2
N 70N Y

O X 0 S

10S 180W

Question 3
N 20E 160W



Question 4

Mathematics Form 5
i) Find the shortest distance from City A(45N, 120W) to City B(35N, 60E).

ii) Find the shortest distance from Airport P(27S, 30E) to Airport Q(70N, 150W).

iii) The shortest distance from T(80N, 80W) to U(xN, 100E) is 3600 n.m. Find the value of x.

Mathematics Form 5
ACTIVITY SHEET Teachers Copy Lesson 99: Longitude of a point on a parallel of latitude Find the shortest distance between X and Y for the diagrams given below: Question 1
N X Y 50N

The shortest distance of X and Y is along the great circle passing through the North Pole. Longitude difference = 40 + 140 = 180 XOY = 180 50 50 = 80 = 80 60 = 4800 Answer: 4800 nautical miles

40E S


Question 2
N 70N Y

The shortest distance of X and Y is along the great circle passing through the North Pole. Longitude difference = 0 + 180 = 180
10S 180W

O X 0 S

XOY = 10 + 90 + 20 = 120 = 120 60 = 7200 Answer: 7200 nautical miles

Question 3
N 20E 160W

The shortest distance of X and Y is along the great circle passing through the South Pole. Longitude difference = 20 + 160 = 180 XOY = 180 35 35 = 110 = 110 60 = 6600 Answer: 6600 nautical miles



Question 4

Mathematics Form 5
i) Find the shortest distance from City A(45N, 120W) to City B(35N, 60E).
N A B 45 O 35

The shortest distance of A and B is along the great circle passing through the North Pole. Longitude difference = 20 + 160 = 180 AOB = 180 45 35 = 100 = 100 60 = 6000 Answer: 6000 nautical miles

120W S


ii) Find the shortest distance from Airport P(27S, 30E) to Airport Q(70N, 150W).

The shortest distance of P and Q is along the great circle passing through the North Pole.
70 O 27 P 30E

Longitude difference = 30 + 150 = 180 POQ = 20 + 90 + 27 = 137 = 137 60 Answer: 8220 nautical miles = 8220

150W S

iii) The shortest distance from T(80N, 80W) to U(xN, 100E) is 3600 n.m. Find the value of x. The shortest distance of T and U is along the great circle passing through the North Pole.
U 80 O

Longitude difference = 80 + 100 = 180 TOU = = 60 so, NOU = 60 10 = 50 Thus x = 90 50 = 40 Answer: x = 40

80W S


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