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Student’s behavior towards learning

Pierre Vincent D. Porras

Joshua Policarpio

Behavior has a great impact on how students learn and
study in school. Students as we know today have exhibit
unusual behaviors that they have develop while growing
up. This behaviors have affected their learning and
studying abilities that results into various issues and
unpleasant outcomes as such like being emotionally or
physically scarred by their traumatic experience while their
growing up. Students nowadays develop various ways to
avoid or counter this kind of situation. Researchers of this
study decided to put the students as the respondents into
three category, this are Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert.
This category are based on observation by the students
and teachers of Jamidan National High School.

The researchers hoped that this study will have an impact
to what teachers view on each student. The result of this
study will serve as a baseline data for improving and
implementing more teaching methods for this types of
students. This will also inform others the behavior of each
students that inhibits and shows towards such activities in
school. This will help teachers and other students
understand the personality and behavior of each individual
that they are interacting or approaching with a basic
knowledge of what type of individual they are. This study
in not only for the people mentioned above but also to us.
It could enhance our knowledge and understanding about
the human behavior towards certain activities.

Students have different behavior towards studying in the school, as we
know some students are chaotic, some are patient and some are special.
Students are categorized this days as Introvert, Extrovert, and Ambivert.
First is the Introvert type that qualifies of a personality type known as
introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their
own inner thoughts or ideas, rather than what’s happening externally. They
enjoy spending time with one or two person, rather than large group of
people, when you heard introvert, you might think of someone’s who’s shy
or quiet and prefers to be alone. While that may be true for some introverts,
there’s much more to this personality type.
Some of the general characteristics associated with introversion include:

 Being around with lots of people drains your energy

 Enjoys solitude (alone)
 Other people find hard to know you
 Very self-aware
 Love to learn by observe the surroundings
 Drawn to works that involve independence
The second one is the extrovert students who have extroverted
personalities that can be described as outgoing and enthusiastic. They feel
comfortable in the external world and find joy in being around others.
Extroverts tend to be gregarious (sociable), assertive, warm, active,
excitement-seeking, and positive.
Some of the general characteristics associated with extroversion Include:
 Enjoys being at the center of attention
 Enjoys group work
 Feels isolated by too much time spent alone
 Likes to communicated by talking
 Likes to talk about thoughts and feelings
 Look to others and outside sources for ideas and inspiration
 Numerous broad interests
 Tends to act first before thinking

Lastly the Ambivert, this type of behavior exhibits both introversion

and extroversion, and can flip into either depending on their on mood,
context and goals.t, this type of behavior exhibits both introversion
and extroversion, and can flip into either depending on their on mood,
context and goals.

Ambiverts are also been called:

Outgoing introverts: An introvert who can be outgoing in certain

situations, around certain people, or when they absolutely need to.
Antisocial extroverts: An extroverts who needs time to recharge
before socializing, or who likes to be alone more than a typical
Social introverts: An introvert who can dial up into extroversion
when needed.

Ambiverts are flexible in how they react to people.

 In the right context, in the right mood, around the right people,
ambivert can flip up into extroversion.
 In difficult contexts, when tired or cranky, or around toxic people,
ambiverts can flip down into introversion.
Contact information
Name: Haruki Shiga
Address: Jamindan, Capiz
Email address:
Phone Number: 09519244836
Site: https//:www.Change.Org

This study was not sponsored by any company and as such
the researcher’s acknowledge the following persons for their
guidance and enlightenment which enables them to
transcend many difficulties in the completion of this
research. Heartfelt thanks and gratitude are hereby extend
Mrs. Ami P. Peñonal, Elementary Teacher for her guidance
and motivation.
Mrs. Merma Grace Villaz, ICT teacher for her guidance and

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