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Banica, Roxas City



Instruction: Encode the existing quarterly assessment material in your learning area in this template.

Grade Level Specialization CG/ MELC Test Items Answer

with Code Key
Grade 12 CSS 12 1st quarter 1. It is a maintenance strategy that uses the actual condition of the asset to decide what A
maintenance should only be performed when certain indicators show decreasing performance
Or upcoming failure.
A. Condition-based maintenance
B. Corrective maintenance
C. Planned maintenance
D. Preventive maintenance
2 .It can be described as maintenance of equipment or systems before fault occurs D
A. Condition-based maintenance
B. Corrective maintenance
C. Planned maintenance
D. Preventive maintenance
3. It is any variety of scheduled maintenance in an object or item of equipment. C
A. Condition-based maintenance
B. Corrective maintenance
C. Planned maintenance
D. Preventive maintenance
4. Task is to identify, isolate and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment or systems can be B
Restored to an operational conditions within the tolerance or limits.
A. Condition-based maintenance
B. Corrective maintenance
C. Planned maintenance
D. Preventive maintenance
5. This will help lessen the attacks of viruses and increase the life span of your computer. D
A. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area
C. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life
D. Treat your computer properly
6. The guidelines reflect current knowledge and best practice for the use of computer so you can A
Achieve maximum efficiency and safety in your workplace.
A. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area
C. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life
D. Treat your computer properly
7. It refers to any kind of malicious code, objects or content that infiltrates your computer to act D
in an undesirable manner?
A. Data back up
B. Disk or File
C. Hardware issues
D. Malware

8. Know your computer’s specifications and its limits. C

A. Computer issues B. Malware issues C. RAM issues D. Usage issues

9. This will allow proper circulation inside the computer unit. B

A. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area
C. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life
D. Treat your computer properly
10. This means taking care of your computer. D
A. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area
C. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life
D. Treat your computer properly
11. It will enhance its speed and will create more disk space for files. B
A. Back up your files
B. Delete temporary files
C. Install or secure passwords
D. Update anti-virus and spyware

12. It means creating a redundant copy of data so that in case anything happens to the original A
data you have a spare copy
A. Data back up
B. Disk or File System maintenance
C. Hardware issues
D. Malware maintenance

13. Regularly update your anti-virus for your computer protection against viruses D
A. Back up your files
B. Delete temporary files
C. Install or secure passwords
D. Update anti-virus and spyware
14. Know that your computer is going to fail. You need to treat your computer as if it were a A
doomed Failure.
A. Computer issues B. Malware issues C. RAM issues D. Usage issues
15. Installing passwords makes your file more secure. C
A. Back up your files B. Delete temporary files
C. Install or secure passwords
D. Update anti-virus and spyware
16. When something is not working properly, either diagnose the problem yourself and fix it, to A
Prevent further damage or contact a professional and have them look at it for you.
A. Hardware issues B. RAM issues C. Warning issues D. Warranty issues

17. What is the diagnosis if the circuit breaker or fuse blown or there is a faulty wall outlet C
A. Check the configuration program
B. Hard drive is likely bad itself.
C. Plug device into socket and test.
D. Turn off computer. Remove the cover of the system unit.
18. Run regular backup of your important files to other disks, computers, or an online backup A
A. Backup issues B. RAM issues C. Warning issues D. Warranty issues
19. It can reduce performance and cause overheating? B
A. Computer issues B. Dust issues C. Ram issues D. Warning issues
20. Make sure that your anti-virus software is updated to be able to scan unnecessary files that B
enter your PC.
A. Computer issues B. Malware issues C. RAM issues D. Usage issues
21. Always take advantage of warranties. Get a warranty to protect your hardware? D
A. Backup issues B. Hardware issues C. Warning issues D. Warranty issues
22. What is the diagnosis if the cause of the problem is Sector Not Found Error? B
A. Corrupted system files.
B. Hard drive is likely bad itself
C. Loose installation of the RAM on the memory slot
D. Power connectors may be loose or not plugged in
23. What is the diagnosis if it is a memory problem, display card jumpers one not set correctly? D
A. Corrupted system files.
B. Hard drive is likely bad itself
C. Loose installation of the RAM on the memory slot
D. Power connectors may be loose or not plugged in
24. Error message reading “SECTOR NOT FOUND” or other error messages indicators that are D
certain data is
not allowed to be retrieved
A. Computer virus
B. Defective expansion card C. Monitor has no power D. Sector not found
25. Certain keys do not function? D
A. CMOS setup has been changed B. Faulty monitor C. Keyboard is disconnected D. Keys are
jammed or defective
26. System is inoperative. Keyboard lights are on, power indicator lights are lit and hard drive is A
A. Expansion card is partially dislodged from expansion slot on the motherboard
B. Keyboard is disconnected
C. Screensaver is enabled
D. Setup program does not have correct information.
27. Keyboard failure B
A. Expansion card is partially dislodged from expansion slot on the motherboard
B. Keyboard is disconnected
C. Screensaver is enabled
D. Setup program does not have correct information.
28. Memory module problem B
A. Computer virus
B. Defective expansion card
C Monitor has no power
D. Sector not found
29. Windows system drive failure D
A. Incorrect information has entered into the configuration
B. Keyboard is disconnected
C. Screensaver is enabled
D. Set up program does not have correct information
30. Screen is black C
A. Computer virus
B. Defective expansion card
C Monitor has no power
D. Sector not found
31. Screen message says “Invalid Configuration” or CMOS Failure. A
A. Incorrect information has entered into the configuration
B. Keyboard is disconnected
C. Screensaver is enabled
D. Set up program does not have correct information
32. Missing operating system on hard drive.
A. CMOS setup has been changed
B. Faulty monitor
C. Keyboard is disconnected
D. Keys are jammed or defective
33. After installing an expansion card/network card, the system no longer works properly. B
A. Computer virus
B. Defective expansion card
C Monitor has no power
D. Sector not found
34. Screen goes blank periodically C
A. Incorrect information has entered into the configuration
B. Keyboard is disconnected
C. Screensaver is enabled
D. Set up program does not have correct information
35. No color on screen. B
A. CMOS setup has been changed
B. Faulty monitor
C. Keys are jammed or defective
D. Power cable is unplugged
36. System has no power at all. Power light does not illuminate. Fan inside the power supply does D
not turn on and indicate light on keyboard does not turn on
A. CMOS setup has been changed
B. Faulty monitor
C. Keys are jammed or defective
D. Power cable is unplugged
37. What is the diagnosis if incorrect information has entered into the configuration (setup) A
A. Check the configuration program. Replace any incorrect information.
B. Corrupted system files
C. Hard drive is likely bad itself
D. Loose installation of the RAM on the memory slot
38. What is the diagnosis if the cause of the problem is keyboard disconnected? A
A. Loose keyboard cable disconnection
B. Power cable and wall socket are ok, but system is still dead.
C Power connectors may be loose or not plugged in.
D. Turn the computer off. Remove an expansion card
39. What is the solution if the hard drive cable is not connected properly B
A. Check cable running form disk to disk controller on the board
B. Check hard drive cable
C. Check the power connectors of the monitor and the system
D. Use anti-virus programs.
40. What is the solution if the cause of the problem is expansion card partially dislodged from D
Expansion slot on the motherboard.
A. Change the interrupt or RAM address on the new expansion card.
B. Contact technical support
C. Run scandisk and having scandisk mark the sectors as bad
D. Using even pressure on both ends of the expansion card, press down firmly on expansion card
Submitted by: Concurred by: Quality Assured by:

______________________________ ____________________________________
Teacher EPP/ TLE/TVL School Coordinator Division QA Team
Banica, Roxas City


Instruction: Encode the existing quarterly assessment material in your learning area in this template.

Grade Level Specialization CG/ MELC Test Items Answer

with Code Key
Grade 11 CSS 11 4th quarter 1.Booting is the process of _______
A. Wearing a knee high leather shoes B. Starting an operating system
C. Shutting down a computer D. Dividing the desk into parts

2. When your computer is switched on, motherboard looks for an operating system or an
installer on a drive, CD/DVD, HHD or Removable disk. Which of the following keyword is NOT a
way to change the boot order of the devices
A. Boot Priority B. Boot Sequence C. Boot Advance D. Boot Option

3. When you divide a computer hard disk into logical division so that it can be manage separately
is called.
A. Disk Cleanup B. Partitioning C. Slicing D. Defragmentation

4. The basic controller that allows all of the components that make up computer system to talk to
one another

5. What software allows the device and the operating system to communicate with each other
that allows users to use the device in its full potential
A.BIOS B. application software C. Device software D. Operating system
6. Choose the correct order of the steps above in creating bootable disk
I. Type disk part
II. Type xcopy d:/*.* /s/h/f e:
III. Type format fs=ntfs quick
IV. Type select disk 1

A. I, II, II, IV B. IV, III, II, I C. I, IV,III , II D. II, II, I, IV

7. Which of the following is not an operating system A

A. Unix B. Linux C. firefox D. windows

8. A user wants to create a dual-boot system running windows XP and windows 7. What of the B
following is the BEST to do.
A. install windows XP first B. install windows 7 first C. install operating on same partitions
D. Install windows XP first, and install both operating systems on different partitions.

9. What is the difference between a clean installation and an upgrade? A

A. A clean install includes applications and settings from previous installation B. An
upgrades includes applications and settings from previous installations C. A clean
installation starts by formatting the hard drive D. There is no difference; they are the
10. which of the following is NOT a TRUE task of OS in running application program C
A. Determines the name of the applications B. finds the section of the hard drive where the
application program and its data are stored C. finds an unused section of main memory that is
large enough for the application D. Holds the space on the HDD

11.It is the control of friction and wear by the introduction of a friction-reducing film between B
moving surfaces in contact.
A. Maintenance B. Lubrication C. Grease D. Oil

12. It occurs when the surfaces are in a rolling motion. B

A. Full-film lubrication B. Elastohydrodynamic C. Mixed D. Polished

13. A cross between boundary and hydrodynamic lubrication A

A. Mixed lubrication B. Lubricant C. Mixed D. Grease
14. It is an essential aspect of gage maintenance in keeping instruments. A
A. Cleaning B. Measuring C. Instrument D. Caring

15. Maintenance beyond your typical scheduled gage cleaning. D

A. Cleaning B. Maintenance C. Legal cleaning D. Spot cleaning
16.Which program is designed to help the user perform singular or multiple related tasks? A
A. Applications software C. Programming language B. Graphics software D. System software

17.What application program creates, edits, saves, and prints documents? D

A. Database management software C. Spreadsheet software B. Graphics software D. Word
processing software
18. Which of the following application programs displays results of data manipulation for easier B
analysis and presentation?
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software
19.Which program, can the user quickly produce quality documents like memos and reports? B
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software
20. What application program allows users to create page makeups and do simple typesetting to B
produce various materials, such as books, pamphlets, reports, and booklets?
A. Computer games B. Desktop publishing software C. Educational softwareD. Word processing
21.Which software can convey the CPU what to do? D
A. Accounting system B. Programming system C. Computer System D. Operating System
22.What system software is designed to help analyze, configure, optimize, or maintain a D
computer and enhance its performance?
A. application software B. device driver C. System software D. Utility software
23.Which software application helps optimized and maintain a computer? C
A. Miscellaneous B. Device driver C. System utilities D. Utility software
24.Which utilities are used in managing and securing back up files? C
A. System utilities B. File utilities C. File management D. Storage device utilities
25.What computer program operates or controls a particular type of device attached to a B
A. Application software B. Device driver C. System software D. Utility software
26. It is a set of instructions that guides the hardware to operate effectively, it's also called D
A. Applications B. Hardware C. LanguageD. Software
27.It is a program that requires support to the production or execution of application programs, D
but it's not specific to any particular application.
A. Applications software B. Graphics software C. Programming language D. System software
28.It is a program designed to help the user perform asingularor multiple related task. A
A. Applications software B. Graphics software C. Programming language D. System software
29. It is an application program that creates, edits, saves, and prints documents. D
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software
30. It is an application program that is used to structure a database, a large collection of A
computer programs.
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software
31. It is an application program consisting of rows and columns used to present and analyze data. C
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software

32.It is an application program that displays results of data manipulation for easier analysis and B
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software
33.This serves as an electronic typewriter and even more. With this program, the user can easily D
produce quality documents like memos and reports.
A. Database management software B. Graphics software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word
processing software
34.This application program allows the user to create page makeups and do simple typesetting to B
produce various materials, such as books pamphlets, reports, and booklets.
A. Computer Games B. Desktop Publishing Software C. Educational Software D. Word processing
35.A Driver Pack Solution is under what classification of software? B
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System Software D. Utility Software
36.Anti-virus is under what classification of software? D
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System Software D. Utility Software
37.Software back up is under what classification of software? C
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System Software D. Utility Software
38.Microsoft office is under what classification of software? A
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System Software D. Utility Software
39.Operating System is under what classification of software? C
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System SoftwareD. Utility Software
40.This software tells the CPU what to do. D
A. Accounting system B. Programming system C. computer System D. Operating System
41. It is a system software that is designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a D
computer and enhance the computer's performance.
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System Software D. Utility Software
42.It is a Software application that helps optimized and maintain computer. D
A. Miscellaneous B. Device Driver C. System Utilities D. Utility Software
43.These utilities are used in managing and securing back up files. C
A. System Utilities B. File Utilities C. File Management Utilities D. Storage Device Utilities
44. It is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached B
to a computer.
A. Application Software B. Device Driver C. System Software D. Utility Software

45.All the disk related software utilities fall into this type of utility. They can be disk checkers, disk D
partition editors, disk formatters, disk space analyzers and so on.
A. System Utilities B. File Utilities C. File Management Utilities D. Storage Device Utilities
46.It is a set of instructions that guides the hardware to operate effectively; it's also called a B
A. Spreadsheet Software B. Applications C. Word Processing Software D. Database Management
47. It is a program that requires support for the production or execution of application programs, C
but it's not specific to any particular application?
A. Word Processing Software B. Spreadsheet Software C. Applications D. Database Management
48.It is an application program used to structure a database, a large collection of computer A
A. Database Management B. Word Processing Software C. Spreadsheet Software D. Applications
49.It is an application program consisting of rows and columns used to present and analyze data? A
A. Spreadsheet Software B. Applications C. Word Processing Software D. Database Management
50.This serves as an electronic typewriter and even more. With the program, the user can easily B
produce quality documents like memos and reports.
A. Applications B. Word Processing Software C. Spreadsheet Software D. Database Management
Submitted by: Concurred by: Quality Assured by:

______________________________ ____________________________________
Teacher EPP/ TLE/TVL School Coordinator Division QA Team

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